Saturday, May 4

Mexico confirms nearly 2,000 cases of monkeypox

En México el 98% de los contagios se han presentado en los hombres.
In Mexico on 98% of infections have occurred in men.

Photo: ERNESTO BENAVIDES / AFP / Getty Images

Evaristo Lara

According to the most recent weekly epidemiological surveillance report of the Ministry of Health, Mexico registers 1,968 cases of monkeypox distributed in 31 states of the country.

In this way, in the last seven days 341 confirmed new infections and this figure represents an increase of 21% with respect to the previous week.

Meanwhile, 1,184 people were discarded by laboratory test and others 446 were under study.

Nevertheless, 3,564 individuals meet the operational definition of a probable case and we will have to wait a few days to be able to make a accurate test to confirm or rule them out.

Likewise, the health authorities gave to know that experts in the field of infectology are analyzing the cases of two deceased people who had previously tested positive in laboratory tests and later lost their lives.

However, to date, it is being analyzed in detail whether their deaths can be attributed to the monkeypox virus.

For their part , the Institute of Epidemiological Diagnosis and Reference (InDRE) located Mexico City as the epicenter of the disease in the country, with 1,98 infections.

Subsequently, Jalisco appears, with 240; State of Mexico, with 189; Yucatan, with 60; Quintana Roo, with 30; Chiapas, with 11; Tabasco, with 14; Nuevo Leon, with 11 ; Baja California, with 10; Morelos, with 10; Veracruz, with 10 ; Chihuahua, with , and Guanajuato, with, 10; Puebla, with ; Coahuila, with ; Nayarit, with 9; Hidalgo, with 8; Queretaro, with 8; Sinaloa, with 8; Oaxaca, with 7; Aguascalientes, with 7; Campeche, with 5; Michoacan, with 4; Colima, with 4; Sound, with 3; Tamaulipas, with 3; Zacatecas, with 3; Warrior, with 2; Tlaxcala, with 2; Baja California Sur, with 1, and San Luis Potosí, with 1.

It should be noted that So far the only state without cases of monkeypox is Durango.

The report highlights that, of all the cases confirmed so far in Mexican territory, the 98% corresponds to men and only 2% to women.

Regarding the average age of the infections, the 47.6% are people whose ages are between 30 Y 39 years.

Whenever the disease is transmitted by direct contact with infected animals such as monkeys and rodents, as well such as from exposure to secretions of an infected person through mucous membranes or skin lesions, respiratory droplets, and contaminated objects with body fluids, the health authorities recommend avoiding direct physical contact with someone suspected of carrying the disease, which can be spread over the 14 days it remains in the body.

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