Monday, May 6

The benefits and uses of lemon peel

Generally, the lemon peel is discarded and only the pulp and lemon juice are used. However, lemon peel has been found to contain bioactive compounds that have health benefits.

Properties of lemon peel

– Noted for its vitamin C content

One tablespoon (6 g) contains 7.74 mg of vitamin C and 0.64 g of fiber, it is also low in calories . And it has small amounts of calcium, potassium and magnesium.

-Promotes dental health

The lemon peel contains antibacterial substances that they can inhibit the growth of microorganisms such as Streptococcus mutans present in caries, dental plaque and gum infections.

-Can potentiate the immune system

Due to its content of flavonoids and vitamin C, lemon peel can stimulate the immune system and protect health.

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-Promotes coronary health

Due to its content of vitamin C, flavonoids and pectin (the main fiber in lemon peel), it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by lowering blood cholesterol levels.

A review that included 14 studies found that 10 mg of flavonoids per day can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 5% according to a publication published by the magazine Br J Nutr. in 2014.

-It is high in antioxidants

Antioxidants help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. Among the antioxidants are D-limonene and vitamin C, which protect the immune system and reduce the risk of disease.

-D-limonene, the main component of the essential oils of the lemon peel

D-limonene, found mainly in the peel, is the main component of lemon essential oils and is responsible for its unmistakable aroma.

The intake of antioxidants such as D-Limonene is related to a lower risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, according to a review of studies published by the journal Am J Epidemiol. in 2017 and Clin Nutr. in 2014.

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Uses of lemon peel

It stands out for its multiple uses in cosmetology and at home, among them:

-Cleaner all-purpose

Fill a lidded container with lemon peel and white vinegar and let sit for several weeks. Remove the shells and mix the remaining solution with equal parts of water.

– Refrigerator and trash can deodorizer

Place some lemon peels inside the fridge or in the bottom of the garbage can to absorb odors.

– Cleaner stainless steel

Sprinkle a little salt on the object to be cleaned and rub the stains with lemon peel and rinse.

– Body Scrub

Mix sugar, olive oil and finely chopped lemon peel and massage into damp skin and rinse.

Facial mask

Mix 2 tablespoons (C) of rice flour, 1 tablespoon of lemon peel and 2 tablespoons of cold milk to obtain an exfoliating mask for the skin.

Safety of lemon peel consumptionn

No side effects have been reported from its consumption, and the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA for its acronym in English) considers it safe for human consumption.

Just make sure to remove the pesticide residues, brush the lemons well and wash them with a sodium bicarbonate solution.

How to integrate lemon peel into the diet?

It can be eaten fresh, dehydrated, powdered, covered with sugar, which makes it versatile to add to your dishes. You can also buy it commercially.

Include 1 tablespoon of lemon peel in your diet daily, here are some tips:

-Add lemon zest to baked goods, salads or yogurt.

-Grate frozen lemon zest and sprinkle on soups, drinks, dressings and sauces.

-To dehydrate the lemon peel, proceed to cut it into strips and bake it at 200°F (200°C) and add them to the tea.

-Add fresh peel to hot or cold tea.

– Finely chop or grate dried lemon peel and mix with salt and pepper for a homemade seasoning.

Use the lemon peel in your recipes on a daily basis. Various research shows that it has many benefits for your health, in addition to practical uses.

Lemon peel contains fiber, vitamin C and powerful antioxidants. It can promote oral and cardiovascular health, as well as help strengthen your immune system.

Source: National Institutes of Health (NIH), US Department of Agriculture.