Sunday, May 19

Weather forecast in Dallas for this Monday, May 6

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By The opinion

May 6, 2024, 07:00 AM EDT

This Monday, May 6, the temperature in Dallas, Texas, is expected to reach a high of 82 degrees Fahrenheit (28ºC). The probability of rain will be 40% and overcast skies are expected. Additionally, predictions estimate wind gusts of up to 11.18 miles per hour.

Overnight, the temperature will be 72 degrees Fahrenheit (22ºC), with a 20% chance of precipitation. Wind gusts will remain around 12.43 miles per hour.

The thermal sensation, that is, “real temperature” that is forecast for this day will be around 88ºF (31ºC) maximum and 88ºF (31ºC) minimum.

As for sunrise and sunset, the sun will rise in Dallas at 6:35 a.m. and leave at 8:13 p.m., which means a total of 14 hours of light.

As for the weather in Dallas tomorrow, the forecast indicates that we will have clouds and clearings with a chance of storms and rain. Temperatures will range between 72 and 91 degrees Fahrenheit (22 and 33ºC). According to the latest data from the United States National Weather Service and AccuWeather, the probability of precipitation in the Big D will be 40% in the morning, 17% in the afternoon and 40% at night.

Weather in Dallas for the next 7 days

If you don’t want to be left behind and know what is expected for the weather in Dallas for the next 7 days, here we give you an estimate of the weather as of today. Don’t forget that weather conditions in Texas change day by day, so we advise you to check our site daily.

Average Temperature in Dallas

The hot season lasts 3.4 months, from June 4 to September 18, and the average daily high temperature is 87°F. August is the most feared month for heat in Dallas, with an average high of 95°F and low of 77°F.

On the other hand, the cool season lasts again for three months, from November to February and the average daily maximum temperature is minus 64°F. The month with the lowest temperatures in Dallas is January, with an average minimum temperature of 39°F and maximum of 57°F.

To conclude, regarding the amount of rain in Dallas, Texas, data from the United States National Weather Service indicates that the rainiest season is from April to October, with a probability of more than 26% that the day will have some weather of rain.

The wettest month is May, with an average of 11 days with at least 1 millimeter of precipitation. The driest season lasts 5.5 months, from October 23 to April 9. The month with the least rainfall in Dallas is January.

Don’t miss the weather news in Dallas at https://Real America