Sunday, April 28

Strengthen your muscles with 8 key foods and without protein shakes

Es ideal ayudar a que tus músculos se recuperen y se reconstruyan, sobre todo después de un entrenamiento.
It is ideal to help your muscles recover and rebuild, especially after a workout.

Photo: wing-wing / Shutterstock

Protein plays a very important role in supporting muscle growth, because it constitutes a large part of the muscular and organic tissues of our body.

One of the mechanisms most implemented by people is to drink milkshakes daily protein to strengthen this part of the body, but we can also find them in many whole food sources.

According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM , for its acronym in English), a good diet to build muscles should also include plenty of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

A balanced diet that includes all of these nutrients will provide the necessary ingredients to help your muscles recover and rebuild, especially after a workout.

The NASM advises that most people try to consume at less than 0.7 to 0.8 grams of protein and 1.8 to 3.2 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight per day.

In fact, total calorie intake is also vital for building muscles, as these cannot be developed if we burn more calories than we consume.

On the other hand, the resistance training that we do when we do exercises, like lifting weights, for example, is necessary to start the process

When we break down the fibers of our muscles, we stimulate cell growth and repair and that is when our body can use the food it has consumed to rebuild and strengthen muscle tissue.

Other factors, which should not be ignored if the goal is to increase muscles, are the times and frequency with which we eat, as well as how much rest we give these organs. And of course, the hormonal and genetic composition of each person cannot be ignored.

8 Foods That Will Help Optimize Your Workouts

1. Eggs

It is no secret to anyone that eggs have long been considered an energy food since they are very nutrient-dense from fat and protein and include a potent blend of vitamins like B12, B6, and Thiamin.

two. Fish

Fish such as salmon and tuna are one of the best lean sources of protein, packed with other vitamins and minerals. Plus, it’s packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which can improve muscle performance and help prevent muscle loss.

3. Walnuts

Walnuts are a great choice for building muscle, but when eaten in moderation. They are rich in protein, fat and fiber, which makes them one of the most balanced ways to complement our workouts.

4. Soy

If you are trying to build muscle on a meatless diet,

Soybeans are a great ally for those who follow a meatless diet, as they are one of the most nutrient-rich legumes and contain a large amount of plant-based protein to help build muscle.

5. Greek yogurt

The combination of fast-digesting whey protein and slow-digesting casein protein that make up this dairy, they can improve and prolong the process of protein synthesis that your muscles go through when they rebuild, helping you to build your lean mass.

6. Cottage cheese

It is an excellent second option for those who prefer dairy-based proteins. In fact, cottage cheese contains more protein than Greek yogurt and boasts the same combination of slow and fast digestion.

7. Olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is a source of healthy monounsaturated fats, helps reduce inflammation and slow down muscle breakdown.

8. Quinoa

This seed classified as a whole grain) contains a little bit of everything, including lots of protein, fiber and carbohydrates, in addition to a large dose of vitamins and minerals.

You can add these foods for muscle development to your diet, but it is essential to go to a specialist of nutrition that recommends the proper diet, according to your personal goals or objectives.

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