Tuesday, May 7

“Tres Tías”: A program for more Latinos to get vaccinated against Covid-19 in San Francisco

La campaña ayudará a convencer a quienes tienen dudas   para vacunarse contra Covid-19.
The campaign will help convince those who have doubts to get vaccinated against Covid – 19.

Photo: Katelyn Mulcahy / Getty Images

The Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) of San Francisco , in California, received grants to help mitigate concerns about Covid vaccination – 19 Come in The latinos. And has launched a Covid vaccination campaign – 19 which includes all Latinos in the district of The mission.

Latinos in San Francisco, as in other areas of the United States, have been disproportionately affected by the COVID pandemic – 22, as they are often essential workers living in overcrowded conditions.

Combat doubts to receive the COVID vaccine – 19 It is imperative to protect this community, because since the pandemic began, Latinos have represented among the 35% and the 50% of positive COVID cases – 19 in San Francisco, although they represent only the 15% of the city’s population.

Additionally, Latinos in the Bay Area represent the 31% of essential workers, according to data from the American Community Survey’s Center for Economic and Policy Research Analysis.

AND MEDA, an organization in the Mission neighborhood of SF that seeks to bring prosperity and equity to Latino families, announced that it will build on the trust it has built among San Francisco Hispanics, along with scientific data from local medical experts, to share with the community a campaign to promote vaccination against Covid – 19 that is culturally relevant.

The campaign features illustrated characters called “Tres Tías” that will communicate with the public through different communication channels, while inviting them to receive their first dose of COVID vaccine – 19.

These aunts will offer advice so that Latino families can make the best medical decision for their families. Aunts Esperanza (Hope), Milagros (Miracles) and Luz (Light) were created by Oakland illustrator Jo Rivers. The hashtag of the campaign is #TodosVacunados (“All vaccinated”).

Aunts Esperanza (Hope), Milagros (Miracles) and Luz (Light) want everyone to be vaccinated against Covid – 19. / Illustration: Jo Rivers for MEDAS.org/Courtesy

In addition, a group of community workers, trained by experts in public health, will be disseminating information door-to-door, in educational sessions and for community members by calling (415) 226 – 9345.

The promoters will also provide guidance on where to get vaccinated.

The “Tres Tías” campaign also aims to collect important data to understand the health needs of Latinos in La Misión, where it has the goal of becoming a health-related community outreach model within the Latino community.

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