Friday, May 3

Why is white smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe?

Ronald Ortega

Vehicles are like people when they get sick, they show symptoms that help determine what is happening, why and above all, how to solve the issue. Precisely, several phenomena lead to the expulsion of white smoke through the exhaust pipe.

If it is winter and it only comes out a little it is totally normal since it is a thin layer of water vapor, therefore, you should not worry . Now if it happens constantly and thick layers of white smoke, something is wrong with your car’s power unit.

Whether starting or accelerating the car, it’s not normal. These failures typically require repair or replacement of parts to fix the problem. Unfortunately, some of them are quite expensive.

For this reason, if you see white smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe, do not prolong a review , because driving under these conditions could result in serious damage to the car’s engine, which would represent a significant expenditure of money.

Know the two most common reasons that lead to the expulsion of white smoke through the exhaust pipe. Credit: Shutterstock


As mentioned at the beginning, in winter there is usually a fine layer of white smoke, which is totally normal due to the accumulation of condensation inside the exhaust system. The smoke is usually barely visible and disappears in seconds or one minute when the engine warms up.

Coolant leak

We turn to the negative side of the matter. If the coolant tank is broken or has cracks, it will leak into the engine combustion chamber, burning inside the cylinders and generating thick and constant white smoke.

Fuel injection

If broken, slotted or stuck in such a way that it malfunctions, a wrong fuel injection will cause the chamber to not receive the correct amount of gasoline at the time it is required.

The problem creates an accumulation of fuel in the engine that requires burning, and of course leaving. When this process is altered, thick white smoke will be produced, even, sometimes it could throw gray tones.

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