Friday, May 17

Daniel Bisogno reveals that he had a supernatural experience while he was hospitalized

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By Castle Pillar

02 May 2024, 16:41 PM EDT

After a tough battle between life and death, the driver Daniel Bisogno has returned to the ‘Ventaneando’ forum and during its first week He made strong confessions about what he experienced during his hospitalization, leaving more than one with their mouths open.

According to the famous man, who was unconscious for 20 days, he had a supernatural experience that involved a deceased famous woman: “I don’t know if they are dreams or hallucinations, maybe it did happen”he explained during the show program.

“When I was intubated, and I lasted 20 days there, in intensive care. For me I was never in the hospital in person. I was somewhere else. I was in the hospital, which was the same, but there were cacti. A nurse bathed me“, he said.

However, his experience did not end there. And Daniel Bisogno assured that she did not spend her stay alone, but in the company of a renowned Mexican actress who has already passed away: Isela Vega.

“Suddenly, they tell me that there is a party at night, do I want to go. And I go, I walk down a street that looks like a beach, but I don’t know if it is. And I meet Isela Vega, may she rest in peace. She was my spiritual guide throughout my journey. He told me: ‘calm down here, relax, everything is going to be fine.’ He started to give me a spin. The party was that they showed a movie on Isela Vega’s wall. If the movie exists, I haven’t seen it.”, revealed.

It did not take long before Bisogno’s statements became vital on social networks and reached the ears of Isela Vega’s son, Arturo Vazquez. The artist’s descendant spoke out on the matter and stated that the way the driver described his mother is exactly how his mother used to act.

“Those were my mother’s words, they were the ones he used”, he said and then added that his mother was a big fan of Daniel Bisogno. “I loved Daniel, I watched the program, “Ventaneando”, and said ‘this boy is so cute, I like him’. These are things that happen“, he concluded.

Keep reading:

• After months of hospitalization, Daniel Bisogno returns to Ventaneando: “Weeds never die”
• Daniel Bisogno reappears on television from his home after being hospitalized for a month
• They assure that Daniel Bisogno could lose his house after serious health problems he faces