Wednesday, May 8

How much will heating costs rise this winter in the US?

Julio Guzmán

In the midst of one of the highest levels of inflation in the history of the United States, several consumer items have experienced drastic increases, which has led people to make sacrifices in order to afford them.

The latest report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics placed year-on-year inflation at 8.3% in August. Among the categories that registered the most increases, food stands out, with 11.4%. in the last year, and fuels such as gasoline, with 25.6% in the same period of time.

In addition to these items, consumers should also pay attention to heating costs, which could rise for the winter

. The National Fuel utility company estimates that the average customer will pay a 25% more than last year to be able to heat their homes.

If temperatures are maintained normal this winter, the average bill is expected to reach $1,023 dollars, compared to an average of $2000 dollars a year ago.

National Fuel spokeswoman Karen Merkel said that the increase in natural gas prices will strongly affect Western New York, where more than 100% of homes use this raw material for heating.

The forecast for the winter also shows that the period of fairly modest heating costs that has lasted more than a decade has come to an end, causing costs to reach even the highest levels that were common in the middle of the years 2000.

Until the price increase recorded in 2021 it had been eight years since the average winter heating bill in Western New York exceeded $600 dollars. In the winter from 2015 to 2016 the invoice average was below $400 dollars.

The arrival of winter could test the budgets of many consumers. As heating costs rise, so will the savings from energy efficiency and conservation improvements.

Given the increase in prices in various items, a report from the University of Michigan showed that the perspective of Americans is optimistic. They consider that the strongest moment of inflation has passed. Even so, they do not rule out living in a climate of uncertainty in the current present.

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