Thursday, May 2

Why you should avoid cell phone use while driving: what the numbers say

Klon Perez

By: Klon Perez Updated May 2022, 15: 50 pm EDT

Over time, the use of the telephone has become an increasingly dangerous addiction for human beings. Their constant manipulation and dependence represent a health hazard not only from a cognitive point of view, but also distract us in such a way that we lose track of what we are doing.

Clearly this has had a direct influence on drivers. Being in recent years one of the causes that is gaining more and more percentage when determining the mistakes that are made when being in front of a car.

That is why in this note we are going to tell you exactly how much it can influence manipulating the mobile while driving. Although it is clear that some of the tools it offers can be used when behind the wheel, you have to know how to do it and never trust yourself.

Manipulate the phone disconnects us from everything that happens around us. (Photo: Shutterstock/Courtesy)

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a division attached to the US Transportation Division, determined a few weeks ago that during the 1200 deaths from traffic accidents increased in the country.

Studies indicate that more and more people are losing their lives on the roads due to accidents caused by cell phone use, despite the fact that legislation is increasingly strict with this evil . Although sometimes it seems to be insufficient because they continue to rise, even the previous year that increase was 8%, thus arriving at %.

In fact to combat it in the United States , a device similar to a breathalyzer has been tested in New York, which consists of exposing the person’s cell phone to a “Textalyzer”. This instrument is able to determine if the driver has recently been sending messages or using some type of application. Refusal to hand over the mobile is immediate cause for withdrawal of the driving license.

It is a very common mistake to use the mobile while driving. (Photo: Shutterstock/Courtesy)

Recent research confirms that using a smartphone while driving significantly increases the chances of accidents up to four times higher than normal. A higher risk than those who drive under the consumption of alcoholic beverages or drugs.

In addition, the University of Utah Applied Cognitive Sciences Laboratory has conducted several experiments with virtual driving simulators in which It is clearly stated how much influence using a mobile can have while behind the wheel. Carelessness due to inattention is recorded and these drastically reduce the driver’s ability to deal with an unforeseen situation such as braking or swerving to avoid an obstacle.

Digital screens cause a sensory numbing to occur that is almost imperceptible to the driver, this causes the range of vision to decrease . This does not happen, for example, when we choose to listen to music or the radio.

Write a text message to 15 miles per hour can take you to travel 278 meters with total distraction. Something that represents a very high danger.

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