Tuesday, May 21

Attract money fast with this cinnamon ritual

Entre las propiedades espirituales de la canela se encuentran atraer el éxito y el amor.
Among the spiritual properties of cinnamon are attracting success and love.

Photo: June Andrei George / Unsplash

Lighting a cinnamon incense is the fastest and easiest way to attract money into your life . In addition to having a relaxing aroma, it has powerful spiritual properties related to prosperity and abundance.

For many years, cinnamon incense has been used for magical and therapeutic purposes. For example, there are records that in ancient Egypt it was used as a flavoring and aid in health treatments.

What are incenses?

Incenses are prepared with a base of aromatic vegetable resins and are regularly added with essential oils. When ignited, they burn slowly and slowly, giving off an aromatic smoke that is used for religious, spiritual, therapeutic or simply aesthetic purposes.

Properties of cinnamon incense

Cinnamon-scented incense is one of the most popular for its esoteric properties. It is lit when prosperity is desired, attracting the good vibes of money, abundance and balance . As WeMystic explains, when you light a Chania incense the home is filled with the energy of success.

But that’s not all. This flavoring is an aphrodisiac , so also can be used to provide self-confidence, awaken sensuality, seduction and increase libido .

In addition, cinnamon attracts physical and emotional well-being, harmonizes the environment, attracts good luck, motivates joy, fights depressive and sad moods, avoids pessimism and increase your energy.

Ritual with cinnamon incense for money

This ritual is one of the simplest and most powerful to attract money and prosperity. You just have to light a cinnamon incense when you want it.

However, there are some indications that can make its effects more powerful. If you want to attract prosperity, light the incense on the first day of each month and let the smoke run through all the rooms in your home, mainly the front door.

You may be interested in : 4 uses of cinnamon to attract good luck