Friday, September 20

Tag: Polítics

USA News

Biden signs executive order preventing US exit from WHO

President Joe Biden in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC. Photo: JIM WATSON / AFP / Getty Images In his first act in the Oval Office, Biden signed 17 decrees and proclamations aimed at undoing many of the measures taken by his predecessor, Donald Trump, several related to immigration. Among them, Joe Biden signed this Wednesday an executive order to prevent the exit from his country from the World Health Organization (WHO), a process initiated by his predecessor, Donald Trump, and which was scheduled to take effect in July 2021. One of Biden's first acts as president was stop the process that Trump officially started in July last year to remove the United States from the WHO, an organization that he also stopped helping economically, which was a great I...
USA News

Live: Donald Trump leaves the US presidency

Trump's last sunrise in the White House Photo: / EPA / GAMAL DIAB / EFE Donald Trump leaves the White House this morning, ending four years of his controversial presidency, and without waiting to complete the protocol for handing over command to his successor, Joe Biden. A government marked by the Power conflicts and racial and verbal tensions that evolved into deadly violence when his followers took over the Capitol on January 6, in an attempt to stop Biden's electoral confirmation, leaving five people dead. The pandemic of the coronavirus, which yesterday added more than 400 thousand deaths in the US, marked the last year of Trump in power and the electoral campaign, which led him to question the legitimacy of the results due to the massive early vote to avoid contagion. ...
USA News

Live: Donald Trump left the White House

Trump's last flight over the White House Photo: EPA / ERIK S. LESSER / EFE Donald Trump left the White House this morning, ending four years of his controversial presidency, and without waiting to complete the protocol for handing over command to his successor, Joe Biden. Thus, a Republican government marked by the Power conflicts and racial and verbal tensions that evolved into deadly violence when his followers stormed the Capitol on January 6, in an attempt to stop the electoral confirmation of the Democratic candidate , leaving five people dead. The coronavirus pandemic, which yesterday added more than 400 1,000 deaths in the US, marked Trump's last year in power and the election campaign, leading him to fiercely question the legitimacy of the Results for the massive e...
USA News

Biden's reform would grant citizenship to undocumented immigrants with 10 years in the country, 'dreamers' and people with TPS

Millions of undocumented immigrants who have been in the United States for at least 10 years, in addition to 'dreamers' and people with TPS could see their “American Dream” fulfilled with the immigration reform of President-elect Joe Biden , titled “America's Citizenship Act of 2021” (“United States Citizenship Act of 2021 ”). This Wednesday, the first day of the Democrat's government, the initiative will be sent to Congress and Democrats are ready to push it, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and as a way to recognize the work of the undocumented as essential workers. “The bill provides workers who enrich our communities with all days and who have lived here for years, in some cases for decades, an opportunity to obtain citizenship ", indicates the plan that aims to mo...
USA News

Follow LIVE the opening ceremony of Joe Biden

President-elect Joe Biden will be accompanied by his wife Jill. Photo: Mark Wilson / Getty Images The swearing-in ceremony of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris will start at 11: 00 am President-elect Biden and Vice President Elected Harris will be sworn in by the Chief Justice, John Roberts , and the Chief Justice Sonia Sotomayor . The reverend Leo J. O'Donovan , a Jesuit priest who is a former president of Georgetown University and a close friend of the Biden family, will make an invocation; followed by Andrea Hall, the first African American female firefighter to become a captain of the South Fulton, Georgia Fire Department, who will recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes later Lady Gaga will sing the national anthem. Amanda Gorm...
USA News

A man with guns and ammunition arrested near the Capitol in Washington DC

Members of the National Guard are already in Washington DC, to reinforce security. Photo: Jim Lo Scalzo / EFE United States Capitol Police arrested a man at a security checkpoint in Washington DC on Friday, after he showed an “unauthorized” possession credential, and in a search made in his truck s he also found an unregistered pistol and more than 500 ammunition rounds, authorities said. The arrested man was a contractor and the credential was not false, according to a federal official from the law who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the arrest, The New York Times reported. The arrest comes as law enforcement officials attempt to strengthen Washington ahead of Inauguration Day on Wednesday, fearing that extremists, emboldened by the...
USA News

Biden pushes to raise stimulus checks: 'we can't let people go hungry' “

Joe Biden presented his agenda for the first 100 days of government. Photo: Mark Makela / Getty Images Joe Biden President-elect of States United assured that Americans must act in the face of the crisis that you live in the country due to the pandemic by coronavirus , COVID - 19 . “We not only have an economic imperative to act now, we have an obligation moral ”, he pointed out through his Twitter account. We not only have an economic imperative to act now, we have a moral obligation. In this pandemic, in America, we cannot let people go hungry. We cannot let people get evicted. We cannot watch nurses and educators lose their jobs. We must act. - Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) January 16, 2020 “In this pandemic, in United States United , no we can let pe...
VIDEO: Exact moment when they shoot a woman who died after riots in Capitol

VIDEO: Exact moment when they shoot a woman who died after riots in Capitol

Riots in the Capitol. Photo: EFE / MICHAEL REYNOLDS / EFE In social networks circulates the video of the exact moment in which the woman who died after the riots that armed followers of the president Donald Trump inside the Capitol from the United States. In the scenes the woman is seen wrapped in a flag seems to climb on a small ledge next to a door inside the building and then you see the man who aims and shoots him. Next, a man in a helmet and a military-style rifle stands next to her and shouts of “police” are heard as he approaches . STRONG VIDEO: The moment precise in which the woman is shot in the Capitol. It falls to the ground. And die - FRONTERA AL RED VIVO (@nuevolaredovivo) January 7, 2021 The National Guard h...