Friday, September 20

Tag: Paulina Rubio


They say that due to financial problems Paulina Rubio charges $ 125 for a personalized greeting

Paulina Rubio. Photo: Ethan Miller / Getty Images The latest rumors that circulate about the financial situation of Paulina Rubio assure that she accumulates a considerable debt -supposedly of more than one hundred thousand dollars- in back taxes and that the current coronavirus pandemic has forced her to look for alternative sources of income after the vast majority of her projects have been postponed indefinitely. Consequently, the girl dorada would have been encouraged to follow the example of other colleagues by giving a chance to the Cameo app, in which fans pay in exchange for receiving a video of their idol . In her case, the singer charges 125 dollars for personalized greeting that she sends through the platform, in which she is presented as the “Madonna of America”...

Will you lose it? Paulina Rubio owes thousands of dollars in taxes from her Miami mansion

La Opinion Entertainment The famous 'Golden Girl' did not start the 2021 in the best way, by making known the heavy debt that he has with the authorities for his house in Florida Paulina Rubio's house in Miami faces heavy debts. Photo: Rodrigo Varela / Getty Images The Mexican interpreter Paulina Rubio , from 49 years, is going through moments very complicated in the economic sphere, when it was announced that, as a result of the crisis caused by COVID - 19 , he has faced severe problems paying taxes for the mansion he has in the city of Miami. According to the 'Ventaneando' program, the famous 'Golden Girl' owes more than $ 500, 000 dollars for taxes. “Paulina Rubio faces a real January problem and it has not covered the millionaire it pays for annual taxes of ...
What are 'Paulina Rubio', 'Thalía' and 'Ale Guzmán' doing in Angélica Vale's kitchen?

What are 'Paulina Rubio', 'Thalía' and 'Ale Guzmán' doing in Angélica Vale's kitchen?

Angelica Vale. Photo: Mezcalent / Mezcalent Can you imagine Paulina Rubio , Thalía and Alejandra Guzmán in the kitchen of Angelica Vale , but with Angelica María ?… Well that happened. If it is about humor and originality, the title is undoubtedly earned by Vale, to show the video which he did on his YouTube channel, in the show he has with his mother, Angélica María, called 'Angelicales' . Every week they share recipes, anecdotes, stories and, to start the 2021, they were supposed to give the secret of an ideal soup for the 'scratch' of excess alcohol at December parties. The show from Youtube, every week mother and daughter share recipes, anecdotes, rec Agreements, tips, stories, but to start the year they chose laughter. While Angélica María presented th...
“She's drunk.  How did you let the children be around … “, a follower tells Paulina Rubio for allegedly committing” An imprudence “with her children

“She's drunk. How did you let the children be around … “, a follower tells Paulina Rubio for allegedly committing” An imprudence “with her children

“La Chica Dorada” from México fly to be in the eye of the hurricane. This time, Paulina Rubio published a video in which she leaves placing "a bomb" of chocolate into a cup and then add hot milk. Obviously, heat is necessary for the chocolate ball to melt and some marshmallows come out at the end. The singer's children are seen close to her and the three presume to have had an incredible time while doing the activity. Like everything he does “Pau” , the video immediately became a trend on social networks. The program Un Nuevo Día posted it on the account of Instagram of the show and the retracts ores did not wait and even arrived to mark as "be drunk or drugged." "Do not bring the child near the hot cup please", "LITTLE INTELLIGENT WITH HOT MILK NEXT TO YOU...