Today's weather in Dallas for this Monday, November 18
By The Opinion Nov 18, 2024, 07:00 AM EST This Monday, November 18, the temperature in Dallas, Texas, is expected to reach a high of 73 degrees Fahrenheit (23ºC). The probability of rain will be 89% and the sky will be overcast. Additionally, predictions estimate wind gusts that could reach 17.4 miles per hour. Overnight, the temperature will be 52 degrees Fahrenheit (11ºC), with a 3% chance of precipitation. Wind gusts will remain around 6.84 miles per hour. Along with this, the thermal sensation, that is, “real temperature” estimated for this day will be 72ºF (22ºC) maximum and 72ºF (22ºC) minimum. If you are concerned about sun exposure, the UV level will be unhealthy (sensitive) during the day (level 32767 on the scale). As for...