Friday, September 20

Tag: National

USA News

Democrats officially take control of the Senate after new oaths before Vice President Harris

Vice President Harris was in charge of swearing in the new senators. Photo: Jessica McGowan / Getty Images Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff of Georgia were sworn into the Senate on Wednesday, prompting the Democrats to officially retake control of the Upper House . This will make it easier for President Joe Biden to push his legislative agenda. The new senators were sworn in before Vice President Kamala Harris, one of the first acts Californian officials since herself and President Biden celebrated his inauguration . Harris, who had already resigned as a senator, also swore in his replacement: Democrat Alex Padilla. Padilla thus became the first Latino senator from California, a state in which 40% of the population is of Latino origin. The change of power in the Senate makes B...
USA News

The personal tragedies in Joe Biden's life that are his letter to unite the country

This article was published in August or 2020 and updated with the arrival of Joe Biden to the presidency of the United States . “Promise me you'll be okay, dad.” That's what Beau Biden asked his father, Joe, shortly before he died. The eldest son of the now president of the United States was diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer in 2013. He died two years later, in June of 2015, a few days before Donald Trump launched his campaign to get the Republican Party nomination for the elections of 2017 that catapulted him to the White House. Joe Biden, who was then vice president of the United States under Barack Obama, also had then considered fighting for the presidency of his country , but Beau's death made him discard that option, even against the will that his s...
USA News

Who is Jill Biden, the new first lady of the United States, and what is expected of her

Standing in an empty classroom where he taught English in the decade of 1990, Jill Biden gave an emotional speech at the Democratic Party convention in August last year, after her husband was officially named the presidential candidate for the US elections. At the end of his message, the now president, Joe Biden , appeared on the scene, hugged her and praised her qualities as the future first lady of the United States. .UU. “To all of you across the country, think of your favorite teacher, the one who gave you the confidence to believe in yourself. That is the type of first lady that Jill Biden will be, "said the then candidate. Months later, Jill Biden is the new first lady, a position that does not It will seem so unfamiliar to you. Biden was vice president during the Barack ...
USA News

Biden signs executive order preventing US exit from WHO

President Joe Biden in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC. Photo: JIM WATSON / AFP / Getty Images In his first act in the Oval Office, Biden signed 17 decrees and proclamations aimed at undoing many of the measures taken by his predecessor, Donald Trump, several related to immigration. Among them, Joe Biden signed this Wednesday an executive order to prevent the exit from his country from the World Health Organization (WHO), a process initiated by his predecessor, Donald Trump, and which was scheduled to take effect in July 2021. One of Biden's first acts as president was stop the process that Trump officially started in July last year to remove the United States from the WHO, an organization that he also stopped helping economically, which was a great I...
USA News

Biden returns the United States to the Paris Agreement on climate change

President Joe Biden signed documents at the White House. Photo: JIM LO SCALZO / POOL / EFE President Joe Biden signed an executive order to rejoin the United States into the Paris Agreement to protect the climate on Wednesday, its first major action to tackle global warming, as it brought in the largest team of experts in climate change to the White House. Biden seeks to return Washington to leadership in the fight against climate change and this action is part of one of his main electoral promises. The executive order signed by Biden makes the US again a signatory to the Paris Agreement, from which he officially withdrew on November 4 of last year, just one day after the elections, and after former President Donald Trump announced the exit of this agreement in which mo...
USA News

Jill Biden, the brand new first lady of the United States

Jill Biden, the now first lady of the United States, of 69 years, he obtained a doctorate in education in the year 2007. Photo: EPA / SAUL LOEB / EFE By: EFE 20 from January 2021 Jill Biden, the brand new first lady of the United States, will make history by keeping her teaching job despite the demands of her new role , in which she will surely mark a strong contrast with her predecessor, Melania Trump. Jill Biden, from 69 years, she has dedicated her life to education. She started as a secondary school teacher for children with special needs and during her husband's vice-presidency in 2009 combined a busy institutional schedule with her work as an English teacher at a university college in Virginia, where as first lady she will continue to carry out her work. That de...
USA News

Live: Donald Trump leaves the US presidency

Trump's last sunrise in the White House Photo: / EPA / GAMAL DIAB / EFE Donald Trump leaves the White House this morning, ending four years of his controversial presidency, and without waiting to complete the protocol for handing over command to his successor, Joe Biden. A government marked by the Power conflicts and racial and verbal tensions that evolved into deadly violence when his followers took over the Capitol on January 6, in an attempt to stop Biden's electoral confirmation, leaving five people dead. The pandemic of the coronavirus, which yesterday added more than 400 thousand deaths in the US, marked the last year of Trump in power and the electoral campaign, which led him to question the legitimacy of the results due to the massive early vote to avoid contagion. ...
USA News

Live: Donald Trump left the White House

Trump's last flight over the White House Photo: EPA / ERIK S. LESSER / EFE Donald Trump left the White House this morning, ending four years of his controversial presidency, and without waiting to complete the protocol for handing over command to his successor, Joe Biden. Thus, a Republican government marked by the Power conflicts and racial and verbal tensions that evolved into deadly violence when his followers stormed the Capitol on January 6, in an attempt to stop the electoral confirmation of the Democratic candidate , leaving five people dead. The coronavirus pandemic, which yesterday added more than 400 1,000 deaths in the US, marked Trump's last year in power and the election campaign, leading him to fiercely question the legitimacy of the Results for the massive e...
USA News

Trump decides to pardon Steve Bannon, his former chief adviser at the last minute

Steve Bannon is accused of fraud with funds for the wall. Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images President Donald Trump has decided to pardon his former chief adviser Steve Bannon, in a decision of last minute it took just hours before his scheduled departure from the White House. The President Trump granted clemency to Stephen K. Bannon , accused of defrauding political donors supporting the construction of a border wall that Trump promoted, White House officials told The New York Times. The president made the decision after a day of frantic efforts to influence him, including from Bannon himself, who spoke to him by phone on Tuesday. The clemency was described as a preventive measure that would effectively eliminate the charges against Bannon, should that he was sentenced. ...
USA News

5 outstanding phrases of Trump in his farewell speech to the presidency

On the eve of Joe Biden's inauguration as president of the United States, the process of handover of power continues to leave unusual scenes. After more than two months without accepting the results of elections on November 3, President Donald Trump chose to say goodbye to office with a video of almost 20 minutes. In his speech, in which he wished the new government luck, Trump did not once pronounce the name of his successor . An attitude that is in line with the In all this time of transition, Trump has not congratulated Biden on his triumph or invited him to the Oval Office of the White House, as is tradition. Nor has the usual meeting between first ladies. Michelle and Barack Obama attended the inauguration of Donald Trump on 94 from in ero of 2017. Trump's words ha...
USA News

Donald Trump: the four years of his presidency summarized in 10 images

With the end of the presidency of Donald Trump and the coming to power of Joe Biden, reuni mos a selection of images illustrating some of the most remembered moments of the four years of the Republican in office. 1. Inauguration Trump looked angry that the images showed less attendance than at Barack Obama's inauguration in 2017. / Photo: REUTERS Trump's inauguration was the 20 of January of 2017. A few days later, the new president accused the media of lying about the number of people who attended the event. Trump seemed angry that the pictures showed that attendance had been less than of the first inauguration of Barack Obama in 2009 . Then-White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told the media that it had been "the largest audience that h...
USA News

3 last-minute Trump decisions that will complicate the start of Biden's presidency

In the United States, an outgoing president is called a "lame duck" or "lame duck" in the period from the election of his successor to his effective inauguration. possession. The adjective "lame" refers to the supposed little capacity of the outgoing president to "move" politically in that period. But, as on so many other occasions, the government of Donald Trump has broken with the established. In recent weeks and days, the Executive has made important decisions on foreign policy that may complicate the plans of Joe Biden, who takes office as the 46 th US president on Wednesday 22 January. These are some examples. 1. Cuba The past 11 of January, just over a week after the transfer of power , the Trump administration made an announcement with important repercussions for Latin...
USA News

Executive Orders Biden is preparing to reverse Trump policies

The president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, plans to issue a series of executive orders as soon as he assumes power this Wednesday, the details of which are beginning to be known. Biden will issue decrees to reverse immigration bans and return to the Paris Agreement on climate change on his first day in the White House, report media in the United States. The president-elect is also expected to aim for the reunification of separated families on the US-Mexico border. and will order measures on the use of masks against covid - 19. The president will be sworn into office this Wednesday under strict security measures . All the 50 states of the Union are in a state of maximum alert to face the possible violence that may occur around the ceremony of Investiture. Thousands of Na...

U.S. death toll nears 400,000 as states fight for more vaccines

Health workers get vaccinated in Corona, Southern California. Photo: ETIENNE LAURENT / EFE The number of deaths from COVID - 20 in the United States can reach more than 405, 000 when President-elect Joe Biden takes office on Wednesday, as per the projections from the Institute for Health Metrics and Assessments (IHME) at the University of Washington, and states are struggling to vaccinate as many residents as possible, after learning that the federal government no longer has a vaccine stock to send you. Based on COVID count - 19 from Johns Hopkins University, as of Saturday have died from coronavirus 395, 395 people and have registered 22, 724, 585 Total confirmed cases in the United States, since the pandemic began. From them, 42, 800 died in the first two weeks of ...
USA News

What happened to the other US presidents who have faced impeachment

President Donald Trump has become the first president in the history of the United States to be subjected to impeachment twice, and he is one of three who have faced an impeachment process. This is what happened to the others: Andrew Johnson Andrew Johnson was the first president of the United States to face impeachment. What did he do? With the memory of the Civil War still fresh, President Andrew Johnson, Democrat, he often clashed with Congress , then in Republican hands, on how to rebuild America's defeated southern. The “radical republicans” of this period pushed to pass legislation that would punish former Confederate leaders and protect the rights of freed slaves. Meanwhile, the president had granted pardons to these generals. Johnson used his presidential ve...
USA News

A man with guns and ammunition arrested near the Capitol in Washington DC

Members of the National Guard are already in Washington DC, to reinforce security. Photo: Jim Lo Scalzo / EFE United States Capitol Police arrested a man at a security checkpoint in Washington DC on Friday, after he showed an “unauthorized” possession credential, and in a search made in his truck s he also found an unregistered pistol and more than 500 ammunition rounds, authorities said. The arrested man was a contractor and the credential was not false, according to a federal official from the law who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the arrest, The New York Times reported. The arrest comes as law enforcement officials attempt to strengthen Washington ahead of Inauguration Day on Wednesday, fearing that extremists, emboldened by the...
USA News

Biden pushes to raise stimulus checks: 'we can't let people go hungry' “

Joe Biden presented his agenda for the first 100 days of government. Photo: Mark Makela / Getty Images Joe Biden President-elect of States United assured that Americans must act in the face of the crisis that you live in the country due to the pandemic by coronavirus , COVID - 19 . “We not only have an economic imperative to act now, we have an obligation moral ”, he pointed out through his Twitter account. We not only have an economic imperative to act now, we have a moral obligation. In this pandemic, in America, we cannot let people go hungry. We cannot let people get evicted. We cannot watch nurses and educators lose their jobs. We must act. - Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) January 16, 2020 “In this pandemic, in United States United , no we can let pe...
USA News

Joe Biden Proposes $ 1.9 Billion Stimulus Plan For Economic Bailout

Joe and Jill Biden rent from 2017 a house in Fairfax, Virginia . Photo: Mark Makela / Getty Images President-elect Joe Biden will announce in the next few hours his ambitious economic aid plan for the country, which includes proposing to Congress that it approve a package valued at $ 1.9 billion of dollars ( trillions in English, that is, 11 zeros after nine). Biden is expected to unveil Thursday night a truly radical relief plan that Democrats have been demanding for months and that is the big change to the federal government's response to the coronavirus pandemic and to the economic crisis , as the president-elect prepares to take office. The ambitious plan ensures: More than $ 400 $ 1 billion to fight the pandemic directly, including accelerating vaccine ...