Friday, September 20

Tag: Kamala Harris

USA News

Who is Doug Emhoff, Kamala Harris's husband and America's first “second gentleman”

Kamala Harris became the first black woman and person to reach the vice presidency of the United States on Wednesday, but she is not the only one who breaks centuries of tradition. Her husband, Douglas Emhoff , better known as “Doug”, also broke cultural barriers by becoming the first man to occupy a place that until now had only been occupied by women. The role of "second lady", as the couples of vice presidents have been told until now, is so tied to the female sex that until Emhoff's arrival there was not even a male version of the term. After a period of speculation it was decided to adopt the title of “second gentleman”. Kamala Harris, the former prosecutor and senator who makes history by being the first vice president of the United States. Emhoff already has his own T...
USA News

Democrats officially take control of the Senate after new oaths before Vice President Harris

Vice President Harris was in charge of swearing in the new senators. Photo: Jessica McGowan / Getty Images Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff of Georgia were sworn into the Senate on Wednesday, prompting the Democrats to officially retake control of the Upper House . This will make it easier for President Joe Biden to push his legislative agenda. The new senators were sworn in before Vice President Kamala Harris, one of the first acts Californian officials since herself and President Biden celebrated his inauguration . Harris, who had already resigned as a senator, also swore in his replacement: Democrat Alex Padilla. Padilla thus became the first Latino senator from California, a state in which 40% of the population is of Latino origin. The change of power in the Senate makes B...
USA News

Biden's inauguration: “We must end this uncivil war” and other phrases from the first speech of the new president of the United States

Unity, heal wounds and look to the future with hope. Joe Biden's first speech as president of the United States followed the line of what was his central campaign message and what has repeated on different occasions since his electoral victory on November 3. Without forgetting the challenges that are presented, among which he highlighted the serious health and economic crisis due to the coronavirus and the polarizing environment politics that the country is experiencing, Biden offered words of optimism and underlined the strength of the democratic system. At BBC Mundo we present some of the fundamental ideas. 1. "It's the day of democracy" Speaking in front of the same Capitol that was assaulted by a mob of violent followers of former President Donald Trump, Biden began his spee...
USA News

Biden's inauguration: 5 things you might not know about the new president of the United States

Joe Biden is the 46 th President of the United States. The Democrat, from 78 years, he assumed power this Wednesday in an unusual ceremony due to the high security measures that were adopted to prevent possible attacks and riots. Biden, who was US vice president during the presidency of Barack Obama , returns to the White House with the Urgent task of addressing the health and economic crisis caused by the coronavirus. His arrival to the presidency also occurs at a time of great polarization and confrontation that culminated on January 6 in the seizure of the Capitol by violent supporters of the outgoing president, Donald Trump . The You we have some outstanding details of his personal and professional life sional. 1. A career politician As Trump insisted on reminding ...
USA News

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, sends congratulations to Joe Biden

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau congratulates Joe Biden on assuming office as President of the United States. Photo: DAVE CHAN / AFP / Getty Images The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, sent his congratulations to the new US President, Joe Biden, and said he was willing to work on a common agenda. Biden took over earlier this Wednesday as the number President 46 of the United States, after 4 years of Donald Trump as President. “ On behalf of the Government of Canada, I congratulate Joe Biden on his inauguration as the 46 th President of the United States of America , "Trudeau said in a statement. " Canada and the United States enjoy one of the most unique relationships in the world, built on a shared commitment to democratic values, common interests and strong...
USA News

Jill Biden, the brand new first lady of the United States

Jill Biden, the now first lady of the United States, of 69 years, he obtained a doctorate in education in the year 2007. Photo: EPA / SAUL LOEB / EFE By: EFE 20 from January 2021 Jill Biden, the brand new first lady of the United States, will make history by keeping her teaching job despite the demands of her new role , in which she will surely mark a strong contrast with her predecessor, Melania Trump. Jill Biden, from 69 years, she has dedicated her life to education. She started as a secondary school teacher for children with special needs and during her husband's vice-presidency in 2009 combined a busy institutional schedule with her work as an English teacher at a university college in Virginia, where as first lady she will continue to carry out her work. That de...
USA News

Kamala Harris, the first African-descendant woman to take over as Vice President of the United States

Kamala Harris made history by assuming the position of Vice President of the United States as the first woman and first African descent. The former Senator from California, aged 56, also the first person of South Asian descent elected to the Vice Presidency. Harris was a rising star in the Democratic Party for two decades. She was a San Francisco prosecutor and California attorney general before becoming a federal senator. When he ended his presidential campaign in the 2020 Democratic primary, Joe Biden asked her to be his running mate. They will be sworn in as President and Vice President on 20 January. Harris frequently ran as part of a legacy of black pioneers, including teacher Mary McLeod Bethune, civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer and legislator Shirley Chisholm, ...
USA News

Follow LIVE the opening ceremony of Joe Biden

President-elect Joe Biden will be accompanied by his wife Jill. Photo: Mark Wilson / Getty Images The swearing-in ceremony of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris will start at 11: 00 am President-elect Biden and Vice President Elected Harris will be sworn in by the Chief Justice, John Roberts , and the Chief Justice Sonia Sotomayor . The reverend Leo J. O'Donovan , a Jesuit priest who is a former president of Georgetown University and a close friend of the Biden family, will make an invocation; followed by Andrea Hall, the first African American female firefighter to become a captain of the South Fulton, Georgia Fire Department, who will recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes later Lady Gaga will sing the national anthem. Amanda Gorm...
USA News

How different will Biden's inauguration and his massive security device be?

Joe Biden's inauguration as 50 th President of the United States seems to have been destined to be atypical. It has long been known that the plans for this act, planned to he 20 January, they would have to be different for incorporate the health protocols required for the fight against covid - 20. But three additional circumstances have been added to that forecast: The pandemic is at its most severe in the United States , with record numbers of new confirmed infections and deaths. The political crisis unleashed after the assault on the Capitol on January 6 by supporters of President Donald T rump, who now must face impeachment for those events and still refuses to acknowledge the results of the November 3 presidential elections. The alert of the security forces before the ...

Kamala Harris insists on third $ 2,000 stimulus check

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris promotes new aid check. Photo: Etienne Laurent / EFE When she was a senator, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris had been among the first to point out that it was necessary an aid of $ 2, 000 dollars direct to families to face the crisis due to the coronavirus pandemic . Now, the Democrat insists that a third stimulus check for that amount should be approved as soon as possible. In a message on Twitter, the Democrat regretted that food banks are in greater demand, because families have no other options to get food. He also referred to essential workers, who “continue to risk their own health and that of their families.” "Small business owners, from restaurants to barbershops, are being affected" , he says. “We need a $ 2 stimulus check, ...
USA News

Joe Biden Grand Opening Events To Feature Jennifer Lopez, Lady Gaga And Tom Hanks

Inauguration events for President-elect Joe Biden and Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris feature movie stars and the music: Jennifer Lopez , Lady Gaga and Tom Hanks. This was announced by the Presidential Inauguration Committee (PIC), which specified that Jennifer Lopez will be the musical star of the inauguration ceremony, where Lady Gaga will interpret the National Anthem. "We are delighted to announce an inspired group of participants… They represent a clear picture of the great diversity of our great nation ," stated Tony Allen, Executive Director of PIC. Other participants include Father Leo J. O'Donovan , Andrea Halla for the Pledge of Allegiance, Amanda Gorman for poetry reading and the blessing of Reverend Dr. Silvester Beaman. In addition to the inaugur...

Why January 20 is Key to Third Stimulus Check

The Democratic leader in the Senate, Charles Schumer. Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images Although the Democrats will push a new stimulus check there are still questions about when they would do it, but the 20 January is a key date . The reason is that in addition If it is the inauguration of the administration of President-elect Joe Biden , that day too the Democrats will officially be the majority in the Senate, a Once Vice President-elect Kamala Harris assumes her position, who is also the President of the Chamber. There is a slim chance that senators will try to meet before 19 January, but despite from the pressure of the Democratic leader Charles Schumer (New York), the current majority leader, Mitch McConnell (Kentucky) refuses to convene earlier, despite the approval o...
USA News

Are Joe Biden and Kamala Harris compatible? Astrologers reveal if there will be chemistry in the White House

The Opinion Astrology The fate of the president-elect and vice-president-elect seems to be written in the stars President-elect Joe Biden and the vice president-elect Kamala Harris. Photo: OLIVIER DOULIERY / AFP / Getty Images The planets have a lot to say about the triumphs and challenges that lie ahead for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris from the beginning of his mandate on 20 from January. The stars can reveal how much chemistry there will be in the White House with As the days go by. When analyzing their natal charts, astrologers believe that there is a strong compatibility between both as there are some powerful alignments, however there are also points of tension that could pit them against each other. Joe Biden is Scorpio , a sign characterized by its stren...
Biden faces the challenge of overshadowing the shadow of Trumpism

Biden faces the challenge of overshadowing the shadow of Trumpism

With Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the front, the Democrats managed to remove the president Donald Trump of the White House, but said electoral daring of 81. 2 million votes will face their biggest challenge this 2021: defeat the shadow of Trumpism in government. President-elect Biden's main campaign slogan refers to the spirit of America, how to "heal your soul," but The Democrat must find the “perfect cure” and show that he will also govern for the supporters of President Trump, who achieved 74. 2 million votes, a record for Republicans. On Thanksgiving, Biden made a analogy between the coronavirus pandemic and the political and social situation in the country: “We must remember that we are at war against u No virus, not between us ”. He has not put that speech aside,...