Friday, September 20

Tag: joe biden


Impeachment to Trump: what it means for him, for Biden and for the United States

Exactly one week after the security forces had to defend the US congressmen from an angry mob, the legislators met in the same chamber to impeach the president supported by that mob. It is the first time in the 231 years of United States history that a president has been subjected to two political trials in a same period, undoubtedly an ignominious end for a president who likes to boast about the historic successes of his presidency. Trump becomes the only US president to face a second impeachment The only article of the impeachment accuses President Donald Trump of having incites do to the riots that broke out in the US Capitol after it targeted thousands of his followers in a rally near the White House on Wednesday morning, January 6. The indictment will now be ref...

VIDEO: Biden puts $ 2,000 stimulus payments back into play in his relief plan

Economic stimulus checks for $ 1, 400 to complete the help of $ 600 already granted, and unemployment benefits are at the center of the plan revealed by Biden Biden, along with Harris, revealed his $ 1.9 billion plan for the economy. Photo: JIM WATSON / AFP / Getty Images President-elect Joe Biden announced from Delaware on Thursday details of a $ 1.9 trillion coronavirus economic rescue package s designed to support families and businesses, as well as local and state governments, during the coronavirus pandemic. “We need to address the economic crises and of public health that we face. That is why today I announce my American Rescue Plan. Together we will change the course of the pandemic, build a bridge to economic recovery and invest in racial justice ”, said Biden in his speech...

The National Guard floods Washington DC and closes the National Mall for the inauguration of Biden

20, 000 Members of the National Guard are stationed Washington DC to protect the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Members of the National Guard are already in Washington DC, to reinforce security.Photo: Jim Lo Scalzo / EFE The number of National Guard troops coming to Washington to help with security has so far grown to around 21, 000, said the army general Daniel Hokanson , Chief of the National Guard Bureau, to Vice President Mike Pence in a briefing on Thursday, according to The Associated Press. Authorities have said the number could increase as law enforcement agencies review ongoing threats. “We are clearly in uncharted waters,” said Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser. Last week's “violent insurrection” on Capitol Hill by supporters of outgoing President Don...

Biden confirms that a third economic stimulus check would be for $ 1,400

President-elect Joe Biden. Photo: Mark Makela / Getty Images President-elect Joe Biden made the main points of its ambitious plan to stimulate the economy of the United States, in crisis due to the current coronavirus pandemic. The economic plan that Biden and his team have been developing for months, must be approved by Congress. In the $ 1.9 trillion plan that Biden will unveil in detail Thursday night from Delaware, is contemplates a third economic stimulus check for Americans, for $ 1, 400 dollars. Biden waits for b render immediate relief to working families that are bearing the brunt of this crisis sending checks of $ 1, 400 dollars per person to homes nationwide, thus providing direct help for you housing and food The President-elect also aims with hi...
USA News

Joe Biden Proposes $ 1.9 Billion Stimulus Plan For Economic Bailout

Joe and Jill Biden rent from 2017 a house in Fairfax, Virginia . Photo: Mark Makela / Getty Images President-elect Joe Biden will announce in the next few hours his ambitious economic aid plan for the country, which includes proposing to Congress that it approve a package valued at $ 1.9 billion of dollars ( trillions in English, that is, 11 zeros after nine). Biden is expected to unveil Thursday night a truly radical relief plan that Democrats have been demanding for months and that is the big change to the federal government's response to the coronavirus pandemic and to the economic crisis , as the president-elect prepares to take office. The ambitious plan ensures: More than $ 400 $ 1 billion to fight the pandemic directly, including accelerating vaccine ...

“It's a Shame”: A Houston Police Officer Participated in the Capitol Riots; there could be more officers involved

La Opinion Texas Tam Pham, from 48 years, worked with the department for 18 years and was assigned to the patrol division at Westside Station Tam Pham, from 48 years. Photo: HPD Westside / Courtesy TEXAS - An officer of the Houston Police Department who was part of the violent riots that took place in the United States Capitol United last week , resigned this Thursday from his post, according to the Chief of Police, Art Acevedo. Tam Pham, from 48 years, he worked with the department for 18 years and was assigned to the patrol division at Westside Station. Pham was identified by sources as the officer who traveled to Washington on January 6 and entered the Capitol during the session being held in Congress to confirm President-elect Joe Biden as the winner of the pre...
USA News

Joe Biden Grand Opening Events To Feature Jennifer Lopez, Lady Gaga And Tom Hanks

Inauguration events for President-elect Joe Biden and Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris feature movie stars and the music: Jennifer Lopez , Lady Gaga and Tom Hanks. This was announced by the Presidential Inauguration Committee (PIC), which specified that Jennifer Lopez will be the musical star of the inauguration ceremony, where Lady Gaga will interpret the National Anthem. "We are delighted to announce an inspired group of participants… They represent a clear picture of the great diversity of our great nation ," stated Tony Allen, Executive Director of PIC. Other participants include Father Leo J. O'Donovan , Andrea Halla for the Pledge of Allegiance, Amanda Gorman for poetry reading and the blessing of Reverend Dr. Silvester Beaman. In addition to the inaugur...

Why January 20 is Key to Third Stimulus Check

The Democratic leader in the Senate, Charles Schumer. Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images Although the Democrats will push a new stimulus check there are still questions about when they would do it, but the 20 January is a key date . The reason is that in addition If it is the inauguration of the administration of President-elect Joe Biden , that day too the Democrats will officially be the majority in the Senate, a Once Vice President-elect Kamala Harris assumes her position, who is also the President of the Chamber. There is a slim chance that senators will try to meet before 19 January, but despite from the pressure of the Democratic leader Charles Schumer (New York), the current majority leader, Mitch McConnell (Kentucky) refuses to convene earlier, despite the approval o...

Biden Asks Senate To Follow Trump's Impeachment Along With The Nation's “Other Urgent Issues”

Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States. Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images President-elect Joe Biden on Wednesday urged the Senate to impeach President Donald Trump while simultaneously working on other critical issues, indicating a desire to resolve the legal proceedings against Trump, which will likely remain unresolved when Biden takes office on 20 January, reported CNN. While Biden said in a statement Wednesday that the House vote “to impeach and hold the president accountable” was “a bipartisan vote cast by members who followed the Constitution and their conscience ”, the president-elect wants to start immediately with a broad spectrum of public health initiatives when I take office next week. Biden said that e l Senate should be able to d m...

Trump publishes a video calling for an end to political violence

Donald Trump released a new video condemning political violence, but in the short speech he filmed in the Oval Office he did not mention the House vote to impeach him in impeachment a second time. “I want to make it very clear: I condemn unequivocally the violence we saw last week, ” Trump said in the video, which was posted on the White House YouTube channel. He added that “no true supporter of mine could ever endorse political violence.” “We cannot tolerate it,” he said. The video appears after that 10 Republican House members joined with Democrats in passing a new impeachment. Trump is accused of inciting the insurrection on Capitol Hill last week . Change of tone The week Last time, as the siege unfolded, Trump asked the rioters on Capitol Hill in a video to go home,...

Military leaders condemn violence on Capitol Hill

The Pentagon is the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense. Photo: Archive / STAFF / AFP / Getty Images The United States Joint Chiefs of Staff reminded the Army Tuesday of its oath to uphold the Constitution following the attacks on the Capitol building last week. The letter was addressed to the Joint Force, which is comprised of approximately 1.3 million active duty service members and more of 811,000 National Guardsmen and Reservists, all of whom swore to "Support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." The oath has been kept since the founding of the United States almost 250 years ago. “The violent riot in Washington, DC on January 6, 2021 was a direct assault on the United States Congress, the Capito...

Assault on the Capitol: “One of the big problems is the idea that the United States is an exceptional country”

A Capitol building heavily fenced and guarded by the National Guard in the final days of Donald Trump's presidency. It's the image that reaches the world from the political heart of the United States, whose democracy is considered the oldest in the world. After the assault on the headquarters of Congress, on January 6 in Washington DC, by a mob of supporters of the president, Donald Trump, the capital has resorted to strong surveillance that can stop any violent outbreak. With Trump refusing to attend Joe Biden's inauguration, the FBI is looking for those responsible for invading the Capitol and the House of Representatives pressuring the vice president to provoke Trump's resignation, the United States seems mired in crisis. Is it possible, then, that the United States contin...
USA News

Are Joe Biden and Kamala Harris compatible? Astrologers reveal if there will be chemistry in the White House

The Opinion Astrology The fate of the president-elect and vice-president-elect seems to be written in the stars President-elect Joe Biden and the vice president-elect Kamala Harris. Photo: OLIVIER DOULIERY / AFP / Getty Images The planets have a lot to say about the triumphs and challenges that lie ahead for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris from the beginning of his mandate on 20 from January. The stars can reveal how much chemistry there will be in the White House with As the days go by. When analyzing their natal charts, astrologers believe that there is a strong compatibility between both as there are some powerful alignments, however there are also points of tension that could pit them against each other. Joe Biden is Scorpio , a sign characterized by its stren...

Trump declares emergency in Washington DC over Biden's inaugural ceremony

The FBI warned of armed protests in 50 states and the country's capital . Photo: JIM LO SCALZO / EFE President Donald Trump declared a state of emergency in Washington DC, at the request of the mayor Muriel Bowser . "Specifically, FEMA is authorized to identify, mobilize and provide, at its discretion, the equipment and resources necessary to alleviate the impacts of the emergency," says the statement . The decision ties with the FBI alert of armed protests in 50 states , including the capital of the country at least the 16 and 17 of January, a few days after the inauguration of the president elected Joe Biden . “The FBI received information about an identified armed group that intended to travel to Washington, DC on 16 January ", warned the agency. It adds that the m...

Biden will present immigration reform as soon as his government begins

Biden will prioritize his immigration agenda. Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images President-elect Joe Biden has immigration reform as a priority and announced that he will send his bill to Congress as soon as his administration begins. Although The Democrat has other priorities that he will work in parallel, such as attention to economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. "I will present an immigration bill immediately and send it to the appropriate (Congressional) committees to start the process" , he said in Wilmington, Delaware. He added that his plan is to reverse the president's immigration policies Donald Trump . Experts, such as Dr. Nestor Castillo , considers that modifying the immigration guidelines imposed by the Republican is possible through execut...
What does Joe Biden plan to make the next stimulus package a reality?
USA News

What does Joe Biden plan to make the next stimulus package a reality?

The opinion Money The president-elect not only seeks to increase stimulus checks, he is also already working on other benefits that will be part of the third package of stimulus The incoming president continues to refer to aid approved by Congress at the end of last year as a "preview" of what his administration will propose to launch once he takes office. Photo: Mark Makela / Getty Images The next president of the United States is clear that a third economic stimulus package to address the Covid emergency - 19, will represent “trillions of dollars,” Joe Biden said last Friday about the cost of upcoming stimulus bill. “The price will be high.” Biden assured that the main economists have ensured that to prevent the economy from collapsing this 2020 and get wors...
Will there be chaos in the inauguration of the presidency of Joe Biden?  Astrology warns that it will be difficult
USA News

Will there be chaos in the inauguration of the presidency of Joe Biden? Astrology warns that it will be difficult

The opinion Astrology Astrologers believe Inauguration Day will set an intense stage for Biden's presidency Joe Biden will take over on 20 from January. Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images He got an intense political start after the bewildering assault on the Capitol last January 6, so astrologers wondered if there will be chaos on Opening Day , that is, when Joe Biden is inaugurated as President of the United States and Kamala Harris becomes the first female vice president. To visualize what is written on the stars, the astrologer Maressa Brown takes the day 20 as the 'Natal Chart' of the Biden presidency , as it will mark the birth of his mandate. A natal chart is like a photograph of the sky (position of the stars) of the day a person is born ...
New stimulus check will be at least $ 1,400

New stimulus check will be at least $ 1,400

The Democratic leader in the Senate, Charles Schumer. Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images There are doubts about the amount of the new stimulus check. Despite the fact that the Democratic leader in the Senate, Charles Schumer (New York), said that the first action of the majority of his caucus will be to approve the aid of $ 2 ,000 Dollars, there is no clarity on the actual amount of the project. The reason is that IRS is currently still distributing the $ 600 dollars and the Democratic campaign was focused on increasing that amount to $ 2, 000. Even experts in finance and economic policy remember that Democrats and several Republicans approved the CASH Act in the Chamber, which allows the increase of the $ 600 dollars at $ 2, 000. Therefore it is expected that ...
Vice President Mike Pence to attend Joe Biden Inauguration
USA News

Vice President Mike Pence to attend Joe Biden Inauguration

Mike Pence will attend the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden. Photo: Megan Varner / Getty Images Vice President Pence plans to attend the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, told NPR a source familiar with the decision. The decision comes one day after President Trump announced on Twitter that he would not attend the opening. Trump has spent weeks falsely claiming that the elections were tampered with, culminating in a violent mob of his supporters seizing the Capitol on Wednesday and caused the death of five people. The president-elect Joe Biden said Friday that welcomes President Trump deciding not to attend and that Vice President Pence “is welcome. It would be an honor to have him there. ” The decision is Pence's second high-pr...
Extremists vow to return to Washington DC for Joe Biden's inauguration
USA News

Extremists vow to return to Washington DC for Joe Biden's inauguration

Trumpo's followers entered the Capitol with violence. Photo: JIM LO SCALZO / EFE In the wake of Wednesday's violent riots on Capitol Hill, extremist Trump supporters are emboldened and vow to return to Washington DC for the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, the 20 of January, organizing and joining in online platforms. “Many of Us will return on 19 of January of 2021, bearing Our weapons, in support of the determination of Our nation, that the world will never forget! We will go in numbers that no army or police agency can match, ”wrote a popular user of Parler, the new right-wing social network, which frequently posts messages about theories. conspiracy report of QAnon and is being tracked by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Parler, some channels of the T...
Biden will ask for immediate forgiveness of $ 10,000 of student debt

Biden will ask for immediate forgiveness of $ 10,000 of student debt

The opinion Money President Joe Biden will ask Congress to immediately cancel $ 10, 000 dollars of student debt to support the crisis caused by the pandemic Attention to the issue of student loans was one of Joe Biden's campaign promises. Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images One time to assume the presidency Joe Biden will ask Congress to immediately cancel $ 10, 000 debt student for all borrowers, in support of the economy that has been affected by the Covid- 19 , revealed this Friday David Kamin , of the transition team. He commented that in addition Biden will order the Department of Education to extend the payment pause that is scheduled to expire this month , as well as the inter It affects million Americans with federal student loans . Ka...
Video captured agony of young policeman in savage assault on Capitol during Biden's electoral certification

Video captured agony of young policeman in savage assault on Capitol during Biden's electoral certification

A new video published about the violent takeover of the National Capitol that left five people dead, shows a young police officer bloody, distraught and screaming for help as he is crushed by protesters. The unidentified young officer, who appears to be a member of the Capitol Police Department, was trapped between a riot police shield and a metal door. He is seen bleeding from his mouth as he screams in pain and asks for "Help!" The disturbing images are recorded shortly after dozens of frantic supporters of President Donald Trump stormed an entrance on the side west of the Congress Building, snatching a police riot shield and using metal to hit the line of officers fighting to push back the crowd, using pepper spray, described New York Post. A political storm has...
Assault on the Capitol |  “It was heartbreaking to see what was happening”: the opinion of citizens in the US.

Assault on the Capitol | “It was heartbreaking to see what was happening”: the opinion of citizens in the US.

The images of the assault on the United States Capitol building on Wednesday surprised the world, even those who speculated that the departure of President Donald Trump would not be without obstacles. Although a handful of Republicans even said they were proud of what happened and for having been part of the protest, their vision represents only that of a minority. The BBC spoke with both Democrats and Republicans to obtain the opinion on the facts of ordinary citizens. These are some of their testimonies. Simon grew up or in Uganda during the civil war and became a US citizen last year. AND Master's student and parent , Simon cautions that while things can calm down, “democracy is not guaranteed.” I am outraged but not surprised. I anticipated that this w...
Joe Biden celebrates Donald Trump not attending his inauguration
USA News

Joe Biden celebrates Donald Trump not attending his inauguration

The opinion News Biden said he would like Vice President Mike Pence to attend, out of respect for tradition and for the show of unity Biden is focused on what he will do when he is president. Photo: Mark Makela / Getty Images By: EFE 12 from January 2021 WASHINGTON - The president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, celebrated this Friday that the outgoing president, Donald Trump, will not attend his inauguration on 20 from January, but did not go so far as to openly request his immediate dismissal, assuring that this decision "depends on Congress." During a press conference in Wilmington (Delaware), Biden welcomed the announcement of Trump , who this Friday confirmed in a tweet that he will not go to the shoot President-elect's inauguratio...
Trump's words accusing him of inciting the invasion of Congress

Trump's words accusing him of inciting the invasion of Congress

Was Donald Trump the instigator of the assault on the Capitol? Democratic leaders and some Republicans have demanded that the president answer for the assault on the Washington Capitol on Wednesday afternoon. They demand that the president be removed from office that will leave the 20 January when Joe Biden is sworn in as the new president. “What happened on the United States Capitol was an insurrection against the United States incited by the president . This president should not be in office one more day, ”Senator Chuck Schumer , the leader of the Senate Democrats, said Thursday. Members of the House Judiciary Committee also wrote a letter to Vice President Mike Pence urging him to act to impeach Trump. They accuse him of fueling an act of insurrection and "tryin...
Biden will distribute all vaccines against Covid-19

Biden will distribute all vaccines against Covid-19

The opinion News Biden also said it will announce its economic stimulus plan next week The US suffers a hospital crisis due to the pandemic. Photo: APU GOMES / AFP / Getty Images By: EFE 12 from January 2021 WASHINGTON - President-elect Joe Biden said this Friday that your administration will immediately distribute all the doses of vaccine available against covid - 19 and that next week it will give the details of an economic stimulus plan of "trillions of dollars". At a ceremony in Wilmington (Delaware), Biden described as “nonsense ”the strategy of the president's government Donald Trump , which retains the 50% of vaccines available distributing to states and other jurisdictions more weeks late. to be administered as a second dose in ...
Assault on the Capitol: They arrest the man who entered Pelosi's office in Congress

Assault on the Capitol: They arrest the man who entered Pelosi's office in Congress

Richard Barnett faces multiple charges for the assault on the Capitol. Photo: JIM LO SCALZO / EFE By: EFE 08 from January 2021 WASHINGTON - The man who in the assault on the United States Congress entered and took pictures on Wednesday in the office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, was arrested this Friday in Arkansas, reported the authorities. The individual, identified as Richard Barnett , has been charged with illegal entry to a restricted building, violent entry and disorderly conduct on the Capitol and stealing public property, by the legislator's mail that he allegedly took, after posing for photographers. Newly elected Republican state legislator Derrick Evans, from West Virginia, also thickens the group of 13 alleged par...
San Antonio Congressman Seeks No Federal Property to Bear the Name of Donald Trump;  asks for resignation of Ted Cruz

San Antonio Congressman Seeks No Federal Property to Bear the Name of Donald Trump; asks for resignation of Ted Cruz

The Democratic Congressman from Texas, Joaquín Castro. Photo: Office of Joaquín Castro / Courtesy TEXAS - Texas Democratic Congressman, Joaquín Castro announced in a Tweet this Thursday that he would be introducing legislation to prevent federal buildings or government property from ever being named after the president Donald Trump . “President Trump incited an insurrection that damaged a of our most significant and sacred properties, "wrote the San Antonio native. " Donald Trump must not become a Confederate symbol for generations to come. ”, he added. The Texan also said in one of his tweets that supported efforts to remove Trump from office, with a few days remaining in his term as president. Castro's announcement was published days after Trump supporters i...
Historic move: Trump confirms he will not attend Biden's inauguration

Historic move: Trump confirms he will not attend Biden's inauguration

President-elect Joe Biden and outgoing Donald Trump Photo: ANGELA WEISS, MANDEL NGAN / AFP / Getty Images Donald Trump confirmed that he will not attend the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, next 20 of January, whose electoral triumph he does not recognize. The announcement was made by the current president on his Twitter account a few minutes ago, without giving details. If he kept his word, it would be a unprecedented rudeness, since only the assassinated presidents have not attended the ceremony of delivery of command in the Modern US History News in Development To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20 th. - Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 8, 2021
How Trump Was “Alone” and Why the Attack on the Capitol May Generate a Schism in the Republican Party

How Trump Was “Alone” and Why the Attack on the Capitol May Generate a Schism in the Republican Party

The straw that broke the camel's back, the breaking point, the red line. These are expressions that are repeated these days in United States to explain why some of the historical allies of President Donald Trump have distanced themselves or directly broken with him. From legislators of the Republican Party to members of his government, there are several figures who have said “enough already” after the events of Wednesday in Washington DC, where a mob of violent followers of the president stormed the Capitol. The unusual images of dozens of people breaking security, invading the headquarters of the United States Congress and occupying several of its rooms caused stupor and outrage in a country not used to this type of scene. Eyes quickly turned to Trump, who before the ma...
Fear of new attacks forces to strengthen security in the capital of the United States

Fear of new attacks forces to strengthen security in the capital of the United States

The opinion News With barricades around the Capitol and increased surveillance, the capital prepares for the inauguration of Joe Biden Barricades are erected behind a new fence around the Capitol after Wednesday's assault. Photo: MICHAEL REYNOLDS / EFE Law enforcement agencies in Washington DC are on high alert after the attack on the United States Capitol, perpetrated by Trump supporters in protest of the election result. CBS News learned that some of the rioters involved in Wednesday's attack have remained in the area and authorities are concerned that p They may be planning more attacks in the city and on federal buildings. Police and FBI are searching the city's airports and hotels for the rioters who looted the Capitol. More of 50 people hav...
Los Angeles Lakers Announce Visiting White House When Joe Biden Assumes Presidency
USA News

Los Angeles Lakers Announce Visiting White House When Joe Biden Assumes Presidency

By: EFE 07 from January 2021 The current NBA champions, Los Angeles Lakers, announced this Thursday that they will make the traditional visit to the White House after the president elected, Democrat Joe Biden, takes office on 20 January . The visit to the US capital will take place during the current season, said the Los Angeles entity. Since the Republican Donald Trump assumed the presidency no NBA champion team visited the White House, all in the framework of various protests against racism and police brutality in the United States that has created a gap between the current president and many of the NBA players and managers. The electoral victory of Biden over President Trump was confirmed early this Thursday , a few hours after thousands of followers of th...
Why was it so easy for Trump supporters to break into Congress?

Why was it so easy for Trump supporters to break into Congress?

The ease with which Donald Trump's followers managed to enter the Capitol to interrupt the certification of the election of Joe Biden as the new president of the United States was one of the things that caused the greatest surprise inside and outside the United States. . How was it possible that a relatively small number of people raided the headquarters of the Congress of the most powerful country in the world? The answer, however, is relatively simple. The authorities simply did not use the immense force at their disposal to try to prevent it. The why , however, is already a more complicated matter. For now, what is undoubted is that although a march of The protest to the Capitol had been widely announced, and the takeover of Congress had been openly discussed by s...
Amendment 25 or 'impeachment': can Trump be removed after the violent assault on the Capitol?

Amendment 25 or 'impeachment': can Trump be removed after the violent assault on the Capitol?

Just missing 19 days for Donald Trump to officially leave the White House and start the term of Democrat Joe Biden, whose electoral victory was ratified by Congress of the United States this Thursday. But after the violent assault on the Capitol by Trump supporters, prolonged for hours and that left four dead, the Democrats of the Judicial Committee of the House of Representatives are calling that the powers of the president be removed. They wrote a letter to Vice President Mike Pence urging him to act and remove Trump from the presidency, alleging that he had committed an act of insurrection and "sought undermine ”democracy. To remove the president of the United States there are two mechanisms: the so-called impeachment - impeachment - or amendment number 25 of the Cons...
The Capitol Police deny that an agent died in the assault

The Capitol Police deny that an agent died in the assault

The opinion News The Capitol Police denied what was reported by a media about the death of an agent during the assault on Congress An injured member of the Capitol Police lies on the floor. Photo: JIM LO SCALZO / EFE By: EFE 13 from January 2021 WASHIGTON - The Capitol Police denied this Thursday that one of its agents died as a result of the injuries suffered the day before during the assault by followers of the outgoing president of the United States, Donald Trump , to the headquarters of Congress, as the CNN channel had stated. “The media reports on the death of an agent of the United States Capitol Police (USCP) are not accurate. Although some agents were injured and hospitalized yesterday, no USCP agent has died ”, said this body in a statem...
Trump recognizes the new administration and ensures focus on the transition of power

Trump recognizes the new administration and ensures focus on the transition of power

The outgoing president released the video a day after the riots in Washington. Photo: Nathan Howard / Getty Images President Donald Trump acknowledged this Thursday to the new administration and said it is focused on the transition of power . In a video broadcast on Twitter, the president referred to the riots that his followers staged a day earlier in the Capitol and said that it is a moment of "reconciliation" ZVWGe - Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 8, 2021 Trump first admitted in his own words that the president-elect Joe Biden will take over next 20 of January , although in the almost three minutes of the clip the president did not mention the name of the Democrat : “A new administration will be inaugurated on 20 Januar...
Assault on the Capitol: the worldwide reaction to the “shameful scenes” in Washington

Assault on the Capitol: the worldwide reaction to the “shameful scenes” in Washington

World leaders have condemned the violent scenes in Washington after supporters of US President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol building on Wednesday. The assault forced a suspension a joint session of Congress to certify Joe Biden's electoral victory, which was subsequently certified. Many leaders called for peace and an orderly transition of power, describing what happened as "Horrifying" and an "attack on democracy." In Argentina, President Alberto Fernández expressed on Twitter his “strong support” for President-elect Joe Biden and condemned what he called “the serious acts of violence” that occurred on January 6 in Washington. We express our condemnation of the serious acts of violence and the outrage of Congress that occurred today in Washington DC. We are confid...
Why the assault on the Capitol is not a coup but brings the US closer to fragile democracies

Why the assault on the Capitol is not a coup but brings the US closer to fragile democracies

Was there an attempted coup in the United States? Supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol building on January 6, encouraged by himself and interrupting the certification of Joe Biden's electoral victory. "One of the darkest days in US history": condemnation of congressmen for the assault on the Capitol by Trump supporters Waving Trump flags, hundreds of people broke barriers and windows to enter the building where Congress meets. Several rioters were killed and some policemen had to be hospitalized in the confrontation. The Congress was closed. V iolent and shocking, but what happened was not a coup d'état. This Trump insurrection was an electoral violence, very similar to that which affects many fragile democracies. What is a cou...
Assault on the Capitol |  “There was a feeling that the police had lost control of the building”: the testimony of a woman who was inside the Capitol when the assault took place

Assault on the Capitol | “There was a feeling that the police had lost control of the building”: the testimony of a woman who was inside the Capitol when the assault took place

“Today something bad is going to happen. I don't know what, but something bad is going to happen. ” Jamie Stiehm confessed to his sister that bad feeling before a mass of Donald Trump supporters stormed the Capitol on January 6. The intuition of this American political columnist did not fail her. This is what he saw from the press box of the US House of Representatives: Outside the Capitol Hill, I found a group of boisterous supporters of President Donald Trump, all waving flags and swearing allegiance to him. There was a feeling that a problem was brewing. I entered the House of Representatives and went up to the press box, where we were assigned our seats, observing from there the gloomy session. Amendment 25 or 'impeachment ': Can Trump be removed from...
Assault on Capitol Building: Why Some Trump Supporters Wore the Confederate Flag

Assault on Capitol Building: Why Some Trump Supporters Wore the Confederate Flag

Some attackers on the Capitol carried the Confederate flag. Photo: Reuters via BBC Mundo / Courtesy Wednesday was a dramatic day that revealed the deep political polarization that exists in the United States. On the one hand, hundreds of supporters of Donald Trump stormed the Capitol in Washington, a compound that represents the most sacred of American democracy, waving the controversial flag symbol of oppression, racism and white supremacy. On the same day, Georgia, a southern conservative state that was part of the Confederate States that fought in the American Civil War against the abolition of slavery, elected the first black senator in its history: Raphael Warnock. Warnock's victory -a pastor of a church Baptist church in Atlanta, where civil rights leader Martin...
Violence in Washington: “Biden's project will be to reconcile America, while Trump was the chaos president”

Violence in Washington: “Biden's project will be to reconcile America, while Trump was the chaos president”

The violent invasion of the Capitol in Washington by militants pro-Trump, while Congress met there to certify Joe Biden's victory, does it mark a weakening of American democracy? - Jose Luis Magana / AP / SIPA Wednesday evening, as the US Congress met to certify Joe Biden's victory in the election Presidential election, pro-Trump activists broke into the Capitol. Violence broke out in this symbol of American democracy after Trump once again hammered home that victory was stolen from him, and caused the deaths of four people. For the political scientist Marie-Cécile Naves, throughout his mandate, "Donald Trump will have prospered on cleavages and divisions, and Joe Biden's whole project will be to reconcile the America ". Scenes of chaos. An...
Violence in Washington: No, this rioter is not an “antifa”, but a support for Donald Trump

Violence in Washington: No, this rioter is not an “antifa”, but a support for Donald Trump

This supporter of Donald Trump is one of the rioters who have invaded the Capitol on Wednesday. - Manuel Balce Ceneta / AP / SIPA Jake Angeli, sometimes nicknamed the "Q Shaman", was photographed among the rioters who invaded the Capitol Wednesday, Washington. A lawyer supporting Donald Trump suggested that the protester would be a "Antifa". However, several sources show that Jake Angeli is a follower of the QAnon movement. The photos of the man, shirtless, face painted in the colors of the American flag , shoulders and head covered in fur, toured the world after the Capitol, which houses the Senate and the House of Representatives, was invaded by rioters on Wednesday. Supporters of Donald Trump , like lawyer Lin Wood, assured t...
“There will be no lawsuits with President Biden”: AMLO

“There will be no lawsuits with President Biden”: AMLO

The opinion News The Mexican president considered that there will be no differences with the next president of the United States Joe Biden and wished peace to the American people after riots on Capitol Hill AMLO believes that there will be no "lawsuits" with Joe Biden. Photo: Presidency of Mexico / EFE The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, considered that there will be no difference and there will be no "lawsuits ”With the president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden. “We have a very good relationship with all governments, we maintain a very good relationship with President Trump, and we consider that we will not have any difference, We will not have problems, there will be no lawsuits with President Biden ”, he said. During his morni...
VIDEO: Exact moment when they shoot a woman who died after riots in Capitol

VIDEO: Exact moment when they shoot a woman who died after riots in Capitol

Riots in the Capitol. Photo: EFE / MICHAEL REYNOLDS / EFE In social networks circulates the video of the exact moment in which the woman who died after the riots that armed followers of the president Donald Trump inside the Capitol from the United States. In the scenes the woman is seen wrapped in a flag seems to climb on a small ledge next to a door inside the building and then you see the man who aims and shoots him. Next, a man in a helmet and a military-style rifle stands next to her and shouts of “police” are heard as he approaches . STRONG VIDEO: The moment precise in which the woman is shot in the Capitol. It falls to the ground. And die - FRONTERA AL RED VIVO (@nuevolaredovivo) January 7, 2021 The National Guard h...
Congress bolsters Biden's arrival as movement grows to impeach Trump

Congress bolsters Biden's arrival as movement grows to impeach Trump

El Diario NY News Democratic leader Charles Schumer calls for the application of the Amendment 25 to the Republican president The Democratic leader in the Senate, Charles Schumer. Photo: Cheriss May / Getty Images The United States Congress managed to certify the presidential election, which ensures the inauguration of the presidency of Joe Biden he 20 January. Although 127 Republican congressmen opposed recognizing the Electoral College vote - which endorsed 550 for the Democrat and 232 for the president Donald Trump -, his movement was insufficient and was relegated after the violent invasion of the Capitol by followers of the president . Along with the sessions of the House of Representatives and the Senate, a movement began to develop to apply t...
Trump accepts that he lost although he warns that MAGA movement will continue

Trump accepts that he lost although he warns that MAGA movement will continue

President Trump will allow a peaceful transition. Photo: US PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP TWITTER / EFE The President Donald Trump reluctantly accepted the transition of government, but warned that his movement has only just begun. After Twitter , the president's favorite network will block his account for 12 hours, the President sent his position on the certification in Congress of the triumph of the president-elect Joe Biden via Dan Scavino , an adviser to the White House. The text is divided into two parts, one on allowing the peaceful transition and others on the Make America Great Again movement , better known as MAGA . “Even though I totally disagree with the result of the elections - and the facts confirm me - there will be an orderly transition on 20 Jan...
Governor Cuomo to send 1,000 New York National Guard troops to Washington

Governor Cuomo to send 1,000 New York National Guard troops to Washington

By: EFE 07 from January 2021 New York State will ship 1, 000 National Guard troops to Washington to support the peaceful transition of the US Presidency , reported on Wednesday New York Governor Andrew Cuomo . “At the request of the US National Guard , I will display 1, 000 members of the National Guard from New York to Washington for up to two weeks to assist and facilitate the peaceful transition of presidential power ”, Cuomo said in a statement, which stressed that this decision will not affect the efforts to fight the coronavirus in the region. "During years , the cornerstone of our democracy has been the peaceful transition of power, and New York is ready to help ensure that the will of the American people is carried out, ”added the Governor. At the reques...
Trump accepts defeat although he warns that it is the beginning of his MAGA fight

Trump accepts defeat although he warns that it is the beginning of his MAGA fight

President Trump has tried to send a message of peace, but ends with threats to continue his fight. Photo: Donald J. Trump Twitter / Getty Images The President Donald Trump does not give his arm to twist. Twitter, the favorite network of the agent blocked your account for 12 hours, so he sent his position on the certification of the triumph of the president-elect Joe Biden via Dan Scavino , the head of the digital area of ​​the White House and one of the most loyal to the Republican. The message is clear: a peaceful transition will be allowed, but the Make America Great Again movement, better known as MAGA , is just beginning. “Even when I totally disagree with the result of the elections –and the facts confirm me– there will be a transition ordered on 20 ...
Donald Trump accepts that his term ends and promises “orderly transition”, after confirmation of the triumph of Joe Biden

Donald Trump accepts that his term ends and promises “orderly transition”, after confirmation of the triumph of Joe Biden

The opinion News Donald Trump assured that despite disagreeing with the outcome of the elections, he promised that "there will be an orderly transition on 20 from January" Donald Trump promises "orderly transition" after ratification of victory by Joe Biden. Photo: Yuri Gripas / EFE By: EFE 10 from January 2021 The outgoing US president, Donald Trump, accepted that his Presidency will be a single mandate and promised an “orderly transition”, after Congress ratified the electoral victory of President-elect Joe Biden. "In spite of that I totally disagree with the outcome of the elections, and the facts are on my side, however, there will be an orderly transition on 20 from January ", said Trump in a statement distributed on Twitter by one of his main adv...
Congress Declared Biden President After Violent Unrest;  Trump accepted the transition still under protest

Congress Declared Biden President After Violent Unrest; Trump accepted the transition still under protest

The opinion News Vice President Mike Pence finally made the postponed proclamation The historic announcement read by Senator Amy Klobuchar Photo: JIM LO SCALZO / EFE Vice President Mike Pence was finally able to announce shortly after 3: 40 am today , Washington DC time, that Joe Biden had won the presidency, after Congress completed the counting of the Electoral College votes. Soon after, President Donald Trump issued a statement saying that while “you totally disagree with the outcome of the elections and the facts prove me right, there will be an orderly transition on 20 from January", cited CBS News. What was seen largely as a merely formal last step before Biden's inauguration on 20 there were converted yesterday into an afternoon of chaos tha...