Friday, September 20

Tag: joe biden

USA News

Biden Supports Proposal for Third Stimulus Check to Those Earning Up to $ 75,000 a Year

Biden thus distances himself from the conservative Democrats who had asked to modify the eligibility. Photo: Pete Marovich / Getty Images President Joe Biden said Tuesday that he supports the Democratic bill that would send $ 1 stimulus checks, 400 dollars to all people who earn less than $ 75, 000 dollars per year . The president thus distances himself from calls from conservative Democrats to lower the eligibility threshold to $ 50, 000 dollars annually. The differences in this regard between progressive and conservative Democrats became palpable after that Senator Joe Manchin (Democrat of West Virginia) and others bet on lowering the rent threshold , an issue that the White House was open to negotiation. Biden's initial proposal also contemplated a rent threshold of $ 75, 0...
USA News

Biden says Trump should no longer receive classified intelligence reports

President Joe Biden does not believe that his predecessor Donald Trump should receive classified intelligence reports , as other former presidents have normally done. Biden says that his position is based on the "irresponsible behavior" of the Republican and assures that it is not related to "the insurrection" of January 6. " I prefer not speculate out loud , "Biden said in an interview on 'CBS Evening News.' “I just think there is no need for him to have the intelligence reports. What is the value of giving an intelligence report? What impact does it have at all, apart from the fact that he could slip and say something? ”He pointed out. But the president's statements did not seem to have an immediate effect on the House's policy White On Saturday, press secretary Jen Psaki sai...
USA News

Biden suspended the “safe third country” agreement that allowed immigrants to be deported from the Northern Triangle

Biden suspended an agreement that allowed immigrants to be deported to other countries. Photo: John Moore / Getty Images By: EFE 06 February 2021 MIAMI - The United States government suspended the Asylum Cooperation Agreement (ACA) with El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras signed by the Administration of former President Donald Trump, which allowed the deportation of migrants from these countries, reported this Saturday the Secretary of State, Antony Blinken . In this way, Blinken said in a statement, The US government takes the "first concrete steps" to achieve greater "partnership and collaboration" in the region, outlined by President Joe Biden , who since he arrived at the White House is dismantling the immigration policy of his predecessor. "According to In the P...
USA News

5 controversial Trump policies that have survived Biden's onslaught

Many of your voters probably consider the president of the United States, Joe Biden, and his predecessor in the White House, Donald Trump, as polar opposites. If you judge by the large number of policies of the real estate magnate that the new president has tried to reverse through executive decisions in the first two weeks of his government, that seems to be the case. This Tuesday, Biden re-signed a series of orders aimed at reversing the heavy-handed immigration policy of his predecessor. And only during his first week in the White House, Biden signed 21 executive orders, more than the sum of the issued in the same period by the previous four US presidents, since Bill Clinton in 1200 to Trump in 2016. The objective of a part A substantial part of these decisions has been to...
USA News

Biden frees from financial punishment immigrants who ask for a “green card” for their families

President Biden withdraws financial punishment for immigrants who sponsor their relatives. Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images President Joe Biden will sign three executive orders on Tuesday, one of which withdraws financial punishment imposed by the government of Donald Trump to immigrants who sponsor their relatives for Permanent Residence. “(President Trump's memorandum requiring family sponsors to reimburse the government is rescinded if family members receive public benefits” , says the order. The Democrat also asks immigration agencies to review the processes to “accelerate naturalization.” The financial punishment of immigrants was imposed by the Trump Administration in May of 2019 through the "Memorandum on compliance with the legal responsibilities of sponsors of fo...
USA News

Republicans propose to Biden $ 600 million aid plan with $ 1,000 check per person

Senator Susan Collins leads the group of Republicans who made a financial aid counter. Photo: Michael M. Santiago / Getty Images Republicans oppose the $ 1.9 trillion aid plan and direct checks of $ 1, 400 dollars per person . Therefore, a group of 10 senators proposed to the president Joe Biden a reduced project, very similar to the one approved last December. The plan is $ 600 million dollars with help per person of $ 1, 000 dollars. A report by The Washington Post indicates that the senators, led by Susan Collins (Maine), requested a meeting with the President, in addition to releasing details of the project on Monday, but the Republicans sent a letter to the Democrat. “We want to work in good faith with you and your administration to face the health, economic and so...
USA News

Biden's unprecedented spate of decrees in 10 days as president

When signing a series of orders against climate change this week, the president of the United States, Joe Biden, said something in passing: “This is not the time for small measures; we have to be bold. ” The phrase reflects more than an attitude towards the specific challenge of the environment and could well summarize the spirit with which Biden has faced his first 10 days in the House White, with striking vertigo. Since she took office on 20 of January, the president issued an unusual number of decrees in various areas that he considers priorities, since the coronavirus to the economy, from immigration to racial equality . His objective, according to experts, transcends an eagerness to bury symbols and policies of his predecessor, Donald Trump. Biden also seems determined to take...
USA News

Biden reaffirms his commitment to reform immigration policy

WASHINGTON - The government of President Joe Biden will seek to implement a "comprehensive and long-term" immigration plan to address the challenges of the Western Hemisphere, including those of their own system, said this Friday Roberta Jacobson, special assistant to the president, who admitted that the changes will not happen "overnight." "The Biden Administration is committed to (implementing) a fair, orderly and humane border procedure, but it will take time to happen," said Jacobson, who is also coordinator of the southwest border in the National Security Council. That immigration plan of the Biden government will have as pillars, according to the official: reduce the causes that force people to migrate expand access to international protection (refuge and asylum) exp...

Biden will revoke limits on work and immigrant visas that Trump imposed in the pandemic, advises says

The ex-president argued that it was necessary to protect US workers Photo: LOUAI BESHARA / AFP / Getty Images President Joe Biden would be planning to rescind limits on immigration that his predecessor, Donald Trump, imposed during the pandemic on the grounds that they were necessary to protect American workers during the economic recession, according to a senior White House official. The current president would sign an executive order to annul the proclamation suspending certain work and immigrant visas , as Esther Olavarria told US mayors and published CBS News. Olavarria is deputy director of the White House Council on Home Affairs and one of the president's top immigration advisers. According to her, the next order, “would rescind Trump's proclamations that prevented the ...
USA News

Biden signed executive orders to reopen Obamacare enrollment and strengthen Medicaid

President Biden signed executive orders on Obamacare and Medicaid. Photo: Doug Mills / POOL / EFE President Joe Biden is reopening enrollment in federal exchanges for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), known as Obamacare , as part of two executive actions of health care that he signed on Thursday, taking a step to help uninsured Americans, which former President Donald Trump refused to take despite the coronavirus pandemic. It is Biden's first step in fulfilling his campaign promise to enforce the historic healthcare reform law that he championed as vice president. And it occurs when more Americans could be facing the loss of coverage, due to the economic recession driven by the coronavirus pandemic. “Today, I am about to sign two executive orders that basically, the best way t...
USA News

Border wall construction works stop, but activists call for a definitive cessation

By: EFE 28 from January 2021 After long years of struggle by environmental groups, the construction of the wall on the United States border with Mexico has stopped , At least for the moment. Now the activists hope that the works of a barrier that for many is a symbol of racism and division will cease definitively. At the end of the term established by the executive order signed by President Joe Biden , environmental defenders toured sectors of the border in Arizona and Texas on Thursday and were able to verify that the construction of the barrier has stopped . The noise generated by heavy machinery moving from one side to the other is no longer heard, the trucks transporting materials up and down are no longer visible, nor are the pipes of water that constantly reaches these...
USA News

Biden withdraws Trump's veto of transgender men to serve in the Army

The Biden Administration withdraws transgender veto from serving in the Navy. Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images President Joe Biden reversed the order of the former president Donald Trump to ban transgender people from serving in the Army. The democrat signed an Executive Order that asks the Department of Defense to accept applications from "any qualified American" to serve in the Armed Forces. "The President Biden believes that gender identity should not be an obstacle to military service and that the strength of the United States is found in its diversity ”, indicates justice. The Biden Administration indicates that the new measure is a way to recognize the “core values” of the US Among the justifications is a study requested by the Department of Defense in 2016, wher...
USA News

Senators of both parties advance with the White House in plan of third stimulus check

President Biden pushes his financial aid plan. Photo: Ken Cedeno / POOL / EFE Advisers to the president's government Joe Biden met by telephone with a bipartisan group of senators, to discuss the progress of the economic aid project against COVID - 19. The meeting managed to establish some coincidences, especially in the urgency of sending more funds to the fight against the pandemic, but the Republicans and some Democrats resist the third stimulus check of $ 1, 400 dollars , since they consider that it should focus on “those who need it most.” The majority leader in the Senate, Dick Durbin (Illilonis), considered the call “productive”, as did Senator Angus King (Maine), who on Twitter took up the report from Axios and highlighted some points that were addressed. “Let...
USA News

Biden will reimpose coronavirus travel restrictions. These are the affected countries

The Biden Administration added South Africa to the list. Photo: David McNew / Getty Images President Joe Biden will formally reinstate COVID travel restrictions on Monday - 19 to non-US travelers who are in Brazil, Ireland, United Kingdom and others 26 European countries that allow the free movement of passengers across their borders, as reported by Associated Press . Anonymous officials cited by the agency confirmed Sunday that South Africa would also be added to the list due to concerns of a variant virus that has spread beyond this country. No cases have yet been discovered in the United States of the South African strain. However, several states have detected the British variant, more contagious and potentially more deadly. Reuters was the first outlet to report that ...
USA News

Who is Doug Emhoff, Kamala Harris's husband and America's first “second gentleman”

Kamala Harris became the first black woman and person to reach the vice presidency of the United States on Wednesday, but she is not the only one who breaks centuries of tradition. Her husband, Douglas Emhoff , better known as “Doug”, also broke cultural barriers by becoming the first man to occupy a place that until now had only been occupied by women. The role of "second lady", as the couples of vice presidents have been told until now, is so tied to the female sex that until Emhoff's arrival there was not even a male version of the term. After a period of speculation it was decided to adopt the title of “second gentleman”. Kamala Harris, the former prosecutor and senator who makes history by being the first vice president of the United States. Emhoff already has his own T...
USA News

Biden reverses Trump's executive order that criminalized the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Biden signed 17 executive orders on his first day in the White House. Photo: Doug Mills / POOL / EFE One of the 17 Executive Orders that President Joe Biden signed on his first day in the White House reverses a decree of former President Donald Trump that criminalized the presence of undocumented persons, prohibited sanctuary jurisdictions and established new deportation priorities . “The Executive Order 13768 of 25 January 2017 (Improving Public Safety in the Interior of the United States ) ”, Ordered the new US president this Wednesday .. Through this decree, Biden orders the“ Secretary of State, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS), the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the Director of the Office of Personnel Management and the heads o...
USA News

The personal tragedies in Joe Biden's life that are his letter to unite the country

This article was published in August or 2020 and updated with the arrival of Joe Biden to the presidency of the United States . “Promise me you'll be okay, dad.” That's what Beau Biden asked his father, Joe, shortly before he died. The eldest son of the now president of the United States was diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer in 2013. He died two years later, in June of 2015, a few days before Donald Trump launched his campaign to get the Republican Party nomination for the elections of 2017 that catapulted him to the White House. Joe Biden, who was then vice president of the United States under Barack Obama, also had then considered fighting for the presidency of his country , but Beau's death made him discard that option, even against the will that his s...
USA News

Who is Jill Biden, the new first lady of the United States, and what is expected of her

Standing in an empty classroom where he taught English in the decade of 1990, Jill Biden gave an emotional speech at the Democratic Party convention in August last year, after her husband was officially named the presidential candidate for the US elections. At the end of his message, the now president, Joe Biden , appeared on the scene, hugged her and praised her qualities as the future first lady of the United States. .UU. “To all of you across the country, think of your favorite teacher, the one who gave you the confidence to believe in yourself. That is the type of first lady that Jill Biden will be, "said the then candidate. Months later, Jill Biden is the new first lady, a position that does not It will seem so unfamiliar to you. Biden was vice president during the Barack ...
USA News

Biden signs executive order preventing US exit from WHO

President Joe Biden in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC. Photo: JIM WATSON / AFP / Getty Images In his first act in the Oval Office, Biden signed 17 decrees and proclamations aimed at undoing many of the measures taken by his predecessor, Donald Trump, several related to immigration. Among them, Joe Biden signed this Wednesday an executive order to prevent the exit from his country from the World Health Organization (WHO), a process initiated by his predecessor, Donald Trump, and which was scheduled to take effect in July 2021. One of Biden's first acts as president was stop the process that Trump officially started in July last year to remove the United States from the WHO, an organization that he also stopped helping economically, which was a great I...
USA News

Biden returns the United States to the Paris Agreement on climate change

President Joe Biden signed documents at the White House. Photo: JIM LO SCALZO / POOL / EFE President Joe Biden signed an executive order to rejoin the United States into the Paris Agreement to protect the climate on Wednesday, its first major action to tackle global warming, as it brought in the largest team of experts in climate change to the White House. Biden seeks to return Washington to leadership in the fight against climate change and this action is part of one of his main electoral promises. The executive order signed by Biden makes the US again a signatory to the Paris Agreement, from which he officially withdrew on November 4 of last year, just one day after the elections, and after former President Donald Trump announced the exit of this agreement in which mo...
USA News

Biden's inauguration: “We must end this uncivil war” and other phrases from the first speech of the new president of the United States

Unity, heal wounds and look to the future with hope. Joe Biden's first speech as president of the United States followed the line of what was his central campaign message and what has repeated on different occasions since his electoral victory on November 3. Without forgetting the challenges that are presented, among which he highlighted the serious health and economic crisis due to the coronavirus and the polarizing environment politics that the country is experiencing, Biden offered words of optimism and underlined the strength of the democratic system. At BBC Mundo we present some of the fundamental ideas. 1. "It's the day of democracy" Speaking in front of the same Capitol that was assaulted by a mob of violent followers of former President Donald Trump, Biden began his spee...
USA News

Biden's inauguration: 5 things you might not know about the new president of the United States

Joe Biden is the 46 th President of the United States. The Democrat, from 78 years, he assumed power this Wednesday in an unusual ceremony due to the high security measures that were adopted to prevent possible attacks and riots. Biden, who was US vice president during the presidency of Barack Obama , returns to the White House with the Urgent task of addressing the health and economic crisis caused by the coronavirus. His arrival to the presidency also occurs at a time of great polarization and confrontation that culminated on January 6 in the seizure of the Capitol by violent supporters of the outgoing president, Donald Trump . The You we have some outstanding details of his personal and professional life sional. 1. A career politician As Trump insisted on reminding ...
USA News

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, sends congratulations to Joe Biden

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau congratulates Joe Biden on assuming office as President of the United States. Photo: DAVE CHAN / AFP / Getty Images The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, sent his congratulations to the new US President, Joe Biden, and said he was willing to work on a common agenda. Biden took over earlier this Wednesday as the number President 46 of the United States, after 4 years of Donald Trump as President. “ On behalf of the Government of Canada, I congratulate Joe Biden on his inauguration as the 46 th President of the United States of America , "Trudeau said in a statement. " Canada and the United States enjoy one of the most unique relationships in the world, built on a shared commitment to democratic values, common interests and strong...
USA News

Jill Biden, the brand new first lady of the United States

Jill Biden, the now first lady of the United States, of 69 years, he obtained a doctorate in education in the year 2007. Photo: EPA / SAUL LOEB / EFE By: EFE 20 from January 2021 Jill Biden, the brand new first lady of the United States, will make history by keeping her teaching job despite the demands of her new role , in which she will surely mark a strong contrast with her predecessor, Melania Trump. Jill Biden, from 69 years, she has dedicated her life to education. She started as a secondary school teacher for children with special needs and during her husband's vice-presidency in 2009 combined a busy institutional schedule with her work as an English teacher at a university college in Virginia, where as first lady she will continue to carry out her work. That de...

Jennifer Lopez's Spanish message during Joe Biden's inauguration

Jennifer Lopez appeared at the inauguration of Joe Biden held in Washington this Wednesday 20 of January and was the protagonist of a historic moment for the United States and the Latino community by sending a message in Spanish . “An indivisible nation, with freedom and justice for all” was what the New York native said in the middle of Woody's “Your land it's my land” Guthrie. With this phrase he moved millions of Hispanics who see the new administration with hope. View this post on Instagram A post shared by @jlover_arod_ The The white look that the businesswoman also wore was in charge of the French fashion house Chanel , which was totally opposite to the one that Melania Trump used in her farewell message . The truth is that JLo looked spectacular and wasted...
USA News

Kamala Harris, the first African-descendant woman to take over as Vice President of the United States

Kamala Harris made history by assuming the position of Vice President of the United States as the first woman and first African descent. The former Senator from California, aged 56, also the first person of South Asian descent elected to the Vice Presidency. Harris was a rising star in the Democratic Party for two decades. She was a San Francisco prosecutor and California attorney general before becoming a federal senator. When he ended his presidential campaign in the 2020 Democratic primary, Joe Biden asked her to be his running mate. They will be sworn in as President and Vice President on 20 January. Harris frequently ran as part of a legacy of black pioneers, including teacher Mary McLeod Bethune, civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer and legislator Shirley Chisholm, ...
USA News

Live: Donald Trump left the White House

Trump's last flight over the White House Photo: EPA / ERIK S. LESSER / EFE Donald Trump left the White House this morning, ending four years of his controversial presidency, and without waiting to complete the protocol for handing over command to his successor, Joe Biden. Thus, a Republican government marked by the Power conflicts and racial and verbal tensions that evolved into deadly violence when his followers stormed the Capitol on January 6, in an attempt to stop the electoral confirmation of the Democratic candidate , leaving five people dead. The coronavirus pandemic, which yesterday added more than 400 1,000 deaths in the US, marked Trump's last year in power and the election campaign, leading him to fiercely question the legitimacy of the Results for the massive e...
USA News

Biden's inauguration: the challenge for Trump to hand over the “nuclear suitcase” to the new president without meeting him

It is one of the least publicized moments, but one of the most symbolic and important of any presidential transition in the US. For almost six decades, during the inauguration of the new Mandatory on 41 Eclipsed by fanfare and ornaments, two military men in dress uniforms await the swearing-in behind some pillars. One of them, who has generally accompanied the outgoing president in most of his He carries a heavy black briefcase with him which, when the clock strikes noon, he will hand over to the other officer, who will be in charge of carrying it for the new commander-in-chief. This is the call " black box " or " nuclear briefcase ", a metal-reinforced suitcase that accompanies the president of EE everywhere .UU. In case you need to launch an atomic attack while away from the White ...
USA News

Biden Inauguration: Can the New President Regain America's Unity and Credibility After the Extreme Polarization of the Trump Era?

The incoming president of the United States, Joe Biden, has repeated a phrase since he won the elections in November: “The United States is back.” This is a message directed both to the rest of the planet as well as to the interior of their country. At a global level, their declared intention is for Washington to “lead the world” again after the outgoing president, Donald Trump, withdrew the US from international agreements, strained old alliances and weakened multilateral organizations. Domestically, Biden intends to bury times of polarization and conflict that characterized the Trump administration, with the also declared purpose of "healing" and "unifying" the country. Any of those goals by itself looks ambitious. But raising them simultaneously is a daunting task. The e...
USA News

Biden's reform would grant citizenship to undocumented immigrants with 10 years in the country, 'dreamers' and people with TPS

Millions of undocumented immigrants who have been in the United States for at least 10 years, in addition to 'dreamers' and people with TPS could see their “American Dream” fulfilled with the immigration reform of President-elect Joe Biden , titled “America's Citizenship Act of 2021” (“United States Citizenship Act of 2021 ”). This Wednesday, the first day of the Democrat's government, the initiative will be sent to Congress and Democrats are ready to push it, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and as a way to recognize the work of the undocumented as essential workers. “The bill provides workers who enrich our communities with all days and who have lived here for years, in some cases for decades, an opportunity to obtain citizenship ", indicates the plan that aims to mo...
USA News

The keys to the immigration plan that Biden will send to Congress

WASHINGTON - As soon as he takes office as the new president, Joe Biden will send Congress an ambitious immigration reform that includes a way for 11 millions of undocumented access to citizenship, an expansion of the asylum policy and a plan to reinforce border security. A source of the transition team detailed what are the key points included in the legislative project that Biden will send to the Legislature tomorrow and that, if approved, would mean the largest immigration reform since the government of Republican Ronald Reagan (1981 - 1989 ), which legalized three million undocumented immigrants in 1986. Also, in his first days in the White House , Biden will sign a round of executive orders aimed at dismantling some of the policies of his predecessor, Donald Trump. These...
USA News

5 outstanding phrases of Trump in his farewell speech to the presidency

On the eve of Joe Biden's inauguration as president of the United States, the process of handover of power continues to leave unusual scenes. After more than two months without accepting the results of elections on November 3, President Donald Trump chose to say goodbye to office with a video of almost 20 minutes. In his speech, in which he wished the new government luck, Trump did not once pronounce the name of his successor . An attitude that is in line with the In all this time of transition, Trump has not congratulated Biden on his triumph or invited him to the Oval Office of the White House, as is tradition. Nor has the usual meeting between first ladies. Michelle and Barack Obama attended the inauguration of Donald Trump on 94 from in ero of 2017. Trump's words ha...
USA News

Donald Trump: the four years of his presidency summarized in 10 images

With the end of the presidency of Donald Trump and the coming to power of Joe Biden, reuni mos a selection of images illustrating some of the most remembered moments of the four years of the Republican in office. 1. Inauguration Trump looked angry that the images showed less attendance than at Barack Obama's inauguration in 2017. / Photo: REUTERS Trump's inauguration was the 20 of January of 2017. A few days later, the new president accused the media of lying about the number of people who attended the event. Trump seemed angry that the pictures showed that attendance had been less than of the first inauguration of Barack Obama in 2009 . Then-White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told the media that it had been "the largest audience that h...
USA News

3 last-minute Trump decisions that will complicate the start of Biden's presidency

In the United States, an outgoing president is called a "lame duck" or "lame duck" in the period from the election of his successor to his effective inauguration. possession. The adjective "lame" refers to the supposed little capacity of the outgoing president to "move" politically in that period. But, as on so many other occasions, the government of Donald Trump has broken with the established. In recent weeks and days, the Executive has made important decisions on foreign policy that may complicate the plans of Joe Biden, who takes office as the 46 th US president on Wednesday 22 January. These are some examples. 1. Cuba The past 11 of January, just over a week after the transfer of power , the Trump administration made an announcement with important repercussions for Latin...
USA News

Executive Orders Biden is preparing to reverse Trump policies

The president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, plans to issue a series of executive orders as soon as he assumes power this Wednesday, the details of which are beginning to be known. Biden will issue decrees to reverse immigration bans and return to the Paris Agreement on climate change on his first day in the White House, report media in the United States. The president-elect is also expected to aim for the reunification of separated families on the US-Mexico border. and will order measures on the use of masks against covid - 19. The president will be sworn into office this Wednesday under strict security measures . All the 50 states of the Union are in a state of maximum alert to face the possible violence that may occur around the ceremony of Investiture. Thousands of Na...
USA News

Follow LIVE the opening ceremony of Joe Biden

President-elect Joe Biden will be accompanied by his wife Jill. Photo: Mark Wilson / Getty Images The swearing-in ceremony of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris will start at 11: 00 am President-elect Biden and Vice President Elected Harris will be sworn in by the Chief Justice, John Roberts , and the Chief Justice Sonia Sotomayor . The reverend Leo J. O'Donovan , a Jesuit priest who is a former president of Georgetown University and a close friend of the Biden family, will make an invocation; followed by Andrea Hall, the first African American female firefighter to become a captain of the South Fulton, Georgia Fire Department, who will recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes later Lady Gaga will sing the national anthem. Amanda Gorm...
USA News

Biden's inauguration: the exceptional security device that militarized Washington (and why an “internal attack” is feared)

Road and subway line closures, vehicle controls, military trucks, fences and concrete blocks to surround the White House and Capitol, and more than 35. 000 troops. The center Washington has since this week become a fortified area to avoid any incident before or during the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden. The violent assault on the Capitol on January 6, in which 5 people died, led to increased security in the US capital and especially the National Mall, the site that houses the most emblematic monuments of the city and where crowds are usually concentrated. Normally, authorities spend months preparing a comprehensive security plan for the presidential inauguration, which is usually a public holiday ivities. But this year the measures will be unprecedented, given the th...
USA News

Economic growth forecast for 2021 rises thanks to Biden's plan

An economic expansion of 6.6% is estimated in 2021 compared to a previous forecast of 6.4 percent. Photo: Al Bello / Getty Images Goldman Sachs analysts raised their forecast for US economic growth amid expectations that the president-elect stimulus package Joe Biden will accelerate the recovery from the impact of the Covid pandemic - 19. An economic expansion of 6.6% is estimated at 2021 compared to a previous forecast of 6.4%, according to a report published on Saturday. It also increased the projection of how much stimulus could boost the administration in the short term , to 1.1 trillion dollars from 750,000 millions of dollars. Joe Biden outlined a $ 1.9 trillion stimulus proposal on Thursday, arguing that a bold investment plan was needed to jump-start the economy and ...
USA News

With Biden in power, stimulus and taxes will grow, experts say

The new stimulus plan for $ 1.9 trillion includes increasing aid to citizens and unemployment benefits. Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images Markets expect President-elect Joe Biden to increase stimulus to the economy and aid to families , and redirect trade relations with China, but fear that he will be forced to raise taxes to fund his plans. On Thursday, Biden gave to know the new stimulus plan for $ 1.9 trillion dollars that contemplates increasing aid to citizens and unemployment benefits , raise the minimum wage and allocate additional resources to fight the pandemic. The stimulus plan announced on Thursday and the possible arrival of New investment programs have generated concern in the markets about the possibility that their financing may lead to tax increases. Sergio ...
USA News

Biden will send reform to allow citizenship to undocumented people on the first day of his government

President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images It seems that President-elect Joe Biden will fulfill one of his main campaign promises and, the first day of his government, he will present a reform project for the naturalization of about 11 million undocumented. The project was announced in a meeting with Hispanic leaders and immigrant advocates, who were even surprised by the immediate action that the Democrat would seek carried out The Associated Press. Mistrust about the plan is because in 2008 President Barack Obama promised reform, which he tried to do until the second term, when DACA emerged. On this occasion, the need to protect the undocumented has a special reason, since in the midst of the pandemic of coronavir...
USA News

Biden plans to quickly start his presidency with executive actions and necessary legislation

Biden will start his government with quick action to achieve change. Photo: ROBERTO SCHMIDT / AFP / Getty Images Joe Biden plans to sign dozens of executive orders in his 10 early days in office, with the plan to reverse some of the president's distinctive policies Donald Trump on immigration and climate change, while taking early action to address the coronavirus crisis, in addition to proposing a major stimulus plan to Congress and having a comprehensive immigration bill. Biden will inherit a crisis like no other in generations, and plans to open his administration with dozens of executive directives in addition to expansive legislative proposals, in a blitz of 10 days destined to mark a turning point for a nation reeling in the midst of confusion, racial strife, the pa...
USA News

Biden pushes to raise stimulus checks: 'we can't let people go hungry' “

Joe Biden presented his agenda for the first 100 days of government. Photo: Mark Makela / Getty Images Joe Biden President-elect of States United assured that Americans must act in the face of the crisis that you live in the country due to the pandemic by coronavirus , COVID - 19 . “We not only have an economic imperative to act now, we have an obligation moral ”, he pointed out through his Twitter account. We not only have an economic imperative to act now, we have a moral obligation. In this pandemic, in America, we cannot let people go hungry. We cannot let people get evicted. We cannot watch nurses and educators lose their jobs. We must act. - Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) January 16, 2020 “In this pandemic, in United States United , no we can let pe...
USA News

How different will Biden's inauguration and his massive security device be?

Joe Biden's inauguration as 50 th President of the United States seems to have been destined to be atypical. It has long been known that the plans for this act, planned to he 20 January, they would have to be different for incorporate the health protocols required for the fight against covid - 20. But three additional circumstances have been added to that forecast: The pandemic is at its most severe in the United States , with record numbers of new confirmed infections and deaths. The political crisis unleashed after the assault on the Capitol on January 6 by supporters of President Donald T rump, who now must face impeachment for those events and still refuses to acknowledge the results of the November 3 presidential elections. The alert of the security forces before the ...

How the exoneration of former General Cienfuegos cracks the relationship between Mexico and the United States

MEXICO - The exoneration of former Defense Minister General Salvador Cienfuegos has opened new fissures between Mexico and the United States in the middle of the political transition process in Washington and with the president himself Andrés Manuel López Obrador accusing the DEA of inventing crimes. “The Prosecutor's Office resolves that it is not applicable the accusation that was fabricated against General Cienfuegos by the US agency in charge of combating drugs, by the DEA ”, López Obrador said this Friday, fully endorsing the decision of the Prosecutor's Office General of the Republic (FGR). The FGR announced on Thursday night that it refused to prosecute the powerful and influential General Cienfuegos, former Defense Minister during Enrique Peña Nieto's stage (1200 - 2018...
USA News

“The challenge of the hour” –– A call to serve

"Everyone can be great because everyone can serve ... You only need a heart full of grace, a soul created by love." When Reverend Martin Luther King Jr He said those words from the pulpit of Ebenezer Baptist Church on February 4, 1968, he had seen a lot in his life. The racist bile of Jim Crow. Bus boycotts, protests and freedom trips. The inside of a Birmingham jail cell. Selma's beatings followed by a glorious bridge crossing. The terror of segregation equaled by the beauty of a march in Washington. And in just two months, the life of this great American healer would be cut off by the bullet of a murderer, by a violent demonstration of millennial hatred. The inability and unwillingness of too many in our country to live up to the meaning of our creed could have weakened anyone...

Biden wants to raise stimulus checks to $ 2,000. How could he do this?

La Opinion Money The American Rescue Plan proposes to increase $ 1, 400 to current supports of $ 600 for grow stimulus checks up to $ 2, 000 Dollars Third stimulus check would be for $ 1, 400 dollars, we will have to wait to see how it ends. Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images President-elect Joe Biden unveiled this Thursday the American Rescue Plan for $ 1.9 billion dollars for deal with the emergency situation caused by Covid - 19. In your Plan proposes shipments of additional direct payments of $ 1, 400 to the current from $ 600 that were approved in December and that together they would add up to $ 2, 09 dollars . The argument of Biden is that the help of $ 600 is not sufficient and that $ 2, 000 will help to “relieve pain” d e people who have been...

Biden's New Stimulus Package Proposes a $ 400 Weekly Unemployment Bonus: How It Would Be Applied

President-elect Joe Biden announced on Thursday the $ 1.9 billion US Rescue Plan , in which to propose increase federal unemployment payments to $ 400 dollars per week and extend them to the month of September for the more than 18 million who receive these benefits . The announcement was released the same day that the Department of Labor revealed that 965, Americans applied for state unemployment benefits for the first time last week, the highest number of taxpayers filing for the first time since August . It is convenient to remember that federal unemployment checks of $ 300 dollars approved in December as part of the aid plan law of $ 900, 000 million, expire in March . Biden's plan would send federal unemployment payments of $ 400 until September with tri...

Point to point, what benefits does the American Rescue Plan announced by Biden yesterday propose

President-elect Joe Biden presented the $ 1.9 billion American Rescue Plan , with which he seeks apply a series of measures that support the economy of families and businesses affected by the pandemic . The package seeks to increase the support presented in the economic relief law for the coronavirus of $ 3 billion in March and that of $ 900, 000 million of December. With the support from both chambers Biden will seek that the American Rescue Plan is approved to overcome the crisis caused by Covid - 19 , injecting resources for control the pandemic with the massive application of vaccines and by sending more resources to families and companies to reactivate the economy as soon as possible . The site CNN made a count of the outstanding points proposed ...

The man in bison clothes who stormed the Capitol asks Trump's forgiveness

La Opinion News Jacob Albert Chansley's attorney said it would be appropriate for President Trump to forgive him, along with other peaceful people who were in the assault on the Capitol Jacob Anthony Chansley is allegedly the man wearing horns in the Senate. Photo: Getty Images By: EFE 15 from January 2021 WASHINGTON - A man who stormed the Capitol in Washington on January 6 disguised as a bison, wearing a horned hat and without a shirt and temporarily presided over the Senate, has asked that the outgoing president, Donald Trump, grant your pardon . This was announced by Albert Watkins, the attorney for Jacob Albert Chansley , also known as Jake Angeli, a member of the QAnon conspiracy theory movement who calls himself “Yellowstone Wolf” on his YouTube channe...

FBI Director reported that there are more than 200 suspects identified in the assault on the Capitol

La Opinion News The director of the FBI said that while the suspects in the assault on the Capitol are being investigated, a high alert is also maintained on other possible acts of political violence The National Guard guards the Capitol against possible threats. Photo: JUSTIN LANE / EFE Researchers identified more than 200 suspects in their investigation of the January 6 attack on the United States Capitol and arrested more than 100 people, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said Thursday Chris Wray , in his first public appearance since the riot, reported on CNN. "We know who you are if you're out there, and FBI agents are coming looking for you," Wray said during a security briefing for the inauguration of Joe Biden , which was held at the he...