Friday, September 20

Tag: Immigration

USA News

The White House is in favor of giving stimulus checks to American children of undocumented immigrants

Activists defend that the undocumented should also receive help. Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images A controversial vote in which eight Democratic senators opposed including undocumented immigrants in the third round of stimulus checks forced the White House to clarify its position in favor of financial aid reaching the American children of undocumented immigrants . Senators Democrats Maggie Hassan, Mark Kelly, Kyrsten Sinema, Joe Manchin, Gary Peters, Debbie Stabenow, Debbie Stabenow, Jon Tester and John Hickenlooper voted for the amendment by Indiana Republican Todd Young for prevent (again) undocumented immigrants from receiving the stimulus check . Although the purpose The proposed amendment was to block stimulus benefits such as checks or tax breaks for undocumented im...
USA News

Biden suspended the “safe third country” agreement that allowed immigrants to be deported from the Northern Triangle

Biden suspended an agreement that allowed immigrants to be deported to other countries. Photo: John Moore / Getty Images By: EFE 06 February 2021 MIAMI - The United States government suspended the Asylum Cooperation Agreement (ACA) with El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras signed by the Administration of former President Donald Trump, which allowed the deportation of migrants from these countries, reported this Saturday the Secretary of State, Antony Blinken . In this way, Blinken said in a statement, The US government takes the "first concrete steps" to achieve greater "partnership and collaboration" in the region, outlined by President Joe Biden , who since he arrived at the White House is dismantling the immigration policy of his predecessor. "According to In the P...
USA News

Biden frees from financial punishment immigrants who ask for a “green card” for their families

President Biden withdraws financial punishment for immigrants who sponsor their relatives. Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images President Joe Biden will sign three executive orders on Tuesday, one of which withdraws financial punishment imposed by the government of Donald Trump to immigrants who sponsor their relatives for Permanent Residence. “(President Trump's memorandum requiring family sponsors to reimburse the government is rescinded if family members receive public benefits” , says the order. The Democrat also asks immigration agencies to review the processes to “accelerate naturalization.” The financial punishment of immigrants was imposed by the Trump Administration in May of 2019 through the "Memorandum on compliance with the legal responsibilities of sponsors of fo...
USA News

Biden reaffirms his commitment to reform immigration policy

WASHINGTON - The government of President Joe Biden will seek to implement a "comprehensive and long-term" immigration plan to address the challenges of the Western Hemisphere, including those of their own system, said this Friday Roberta Jacobson, special assistant to the president, who admitted that the changes will not happen "overnight." "The Biden Administration is committed to (implementing) a fair, orderly and humane border procedure, but it will take time to happen," said Jacobson, who is also coordinator of the southwest border in the National Security Council. That immigration plan of the Biden government will have as pillars, according to the official: reduce the causes that force people to migrate expand access to international protection (refuge and asylum) exp...

Biden will revoke limits on work and immigrant visas that Trump imposed in the pandemic, advises says

The ex-president argued that it was necessary to protect US workers Photo: LOUAI BESHARA / AFP / Getty Images President Joe Biden would be planning to rescind limits on immigration that his predecessor, Donald Trump, imposed during the pandemic on the grounds that they were necessary to protect American workers during the economic recession, according to a senior White House official. The current president would sign an executive order to annul the proclamation suspending certain work and immigrant visas , as Esther Olavarria told US mayors and published CBS News. Olavarria is deputy director of the White House Council on Home Affairs and one of the president's top immigration advisers. According to her, the next order, “would rescind Trump's proclamations that prevented the ...
USA News

Biden reverses Trump's executive order that criminalized the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Biden signed 17 executive orders on his first day in the White House. Photo: Doug Mills / POOL / EFE One of the 17 Executive Orders that President Joe Biden signed on his first day in the White House reverses a decree of former President Donald Trump that criminalized the presence of undocumented persons, prohibited sanctuary jurisdictions and established new deportation priorities . “The Executive Order 13768 of 25 January 2017 (Improving Public Safety in the Interior of the United States ) ”, Ordered the new US president this Wednesday .. Through this decree, Biden orders the“ Secretary of State, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS), the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the Director of the Office of Personnel Management and the heads o...
USA News

Biden's reform would grant citizenship to undocumented immigrants with 10 years in the country, 'dreamers' and people with TPS

Millions of undocumented immigrants who have been in the United States for at least 10 years, in addition to 'dreamers' and people with TPS could see their “American Dream” fulfilled with the immigration reform of President-elect Joe Biden , titled “America's Citizenship Act of 2021” (“United States Citizenship Act of 2021 ”). This Wednesday, the first day of the Democrat's government, the initiative will be sent to Congress and Democrats are ready to push it, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and as a way to recognize the work of the undocumented as essential workers. “The bill provides workers who enrich our communities with all days and who have lived here for years, in some cases for decades, an opportunity to obtain citizenship ", indicates the plan that aims to mo...
USA News

Biden will send reform to allow citizenship to undocumented people on the first day of his government

President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images It seems that President-elect Joe Biden will fulfill one of his main campaign promises and, the first day of his government, he will present a reform project for the naturalization of about 11 million undocumented. The project was announced in a meeting with Hispanic leaders and immigrant advocates, who were even surprised by the immediate action that the Democrat would seek carried out The Associated Press. Mistrust about the plan is because in 2008 President Barack Obama promised reform, which he tried to do until the second term, when DACA emerged. On this occasion, the need to protect the undocumented has a special reason, since in the midst of the pandemic of coronavir...