Friday, September 20

Tag: Georgia


Meet the mansion Dwayne 'the Rock' Johnson is selling out in Georgia

La Opinion Entertainment The highest paid actor in the world is not succeeding in the real estate world and this is demonstrated by the current price of his exclusive equestrian estate Dwayne Johnson is looking for a new owner for his Georgia equestrian estate. Photo: Stuart C. Wilson / Getty Images Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson , considerate As the highest paid actor in the world, he is not having the same success in the world of real estate, when it is known that will undersell the impressive mansion that purchased in Georgia in October 2019 . According to information from various media, the protagonist of 'Jumanji' is offering it in $ 7, 500, 000 of dollars, even though he paid $ 9, 500, 000 of dollars only 14 months. This is how it looks the front facade of the...
Democrats win majority in Senate

Democrats win majority in Senate

Democratic leader Charles Schumer. Photo: JIM LO SCALZO / EFE With the victory in the race for the Senate of Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff in Georgia , the Democrats secured the majority in that chamber and, therefore, control of Congress. Ossoff prevailed over the Republican David Perdue for a minimal difference, by getting the 50. 3% of the votes against 49. 7 %. A similar result was the contest between Warnock, who won the 49. 7% against 49. 3% Republican Kelly Loeffler. The results leave the Republican Party with 50 positions, the same as for the Democratic Party, but the vice president-elect Kamala Harris will be the vote that inclines the scale. At a press conference, the Democratic leader Charles Schumer (New York), advanced the good news for his par...
Miracle!  She was in a coma from coronavirus and woke up a day before being disconnected

Miracle! She was in a coma from coronavirus and woke up a day before being disconnected

A woman who was admitted to a hospital in the southern state of Georgia to be treated for coronavirus and then passed 40 days in a coma with respiratory assistance and suffered a stroke, woke up from her serious condition just one day before the date that the doctors were to disconnect her. The event, which the hospital itself defines as “a miracle”, occurred at the end of October, and the patient, notably recovered, left the medical center last 31 of December, to the joy of his relatives and hospital employees, who recorded his departure in a video that went viral. The medical history of Lisa Martin, which is the name of this unique patient, began on 27 September 2020, when he arrived at the emergency room at Memorial Satilla Hospital, in a small town in the state of Georgia . ...
Who is Raphael Warnock, the son of a cotton picker who will be Georgia's first African-American senator?

Who is Raphael Warnock, the son of a cotton picker who will be Georgia's first African-American senator?

An “unlikely trip”. This is how Reverend Raphael Warnock defined the long path that took him to the United States Senate this Wednesday. For Warnock, being elected senator from Georgia, a state with a slave-owning past is a sign of the progress of his community. Warnock made history by winning the second round of the elections for a Senate seat , beating his Republican rival, Kelly Loeffler, and helping Democrats win a majority in the Upper House. As an expert on the word, Warnock gave a speech on Wednesday morning in which he spoke of the struggle of the African-American community to have its own voice. “The other day, the hands of 93 years that used to pick someone else's cotton went to the polls and elected their youngest son to be a United States senator, ”he said ...
Democrats take control of both houses after Ossoff's victory in Georgia

Democrats take control of both houses after Ossoff's victory in Georgia

The mainstream media have already given the victory to the democrat Jon Ossoff in the second round of the Senate elections for Georgia . His seat and that of Raphael Warnock - whose victory was known this Wednesday morning - return control of the Senate to the president's party elected Joe Biden . It is a historic turnaround in the state that will make it easier for the incoming president to apply his policies. Democrats now have a majority in both houses . Although in the Upper House there will be 33 Republican senators and 50 Democrats, the vice president-elect, Kamala Harris, will be in charge of choosing which party will be in command . In the House of Representatives most of Nancy Pelosi's will not be much looser. Both Ossoff and Warnock s moved from their seats...
Democrats take control of both houses after Ossoff's victory in Georgia

Democrats take control of both houses after Ossoff's victory in Georgia

The mainstream media have already given the victory to the democrat Jon Ossoff in the second round of the Senate elections for Georgia . His seat and that of Raphael Warnock - whose victory was known this Wednesday morning - return control of the Senate to the president's party elected Joe Biden . It is a historic turnaround in the state that will make it easier for the incoming president to apply his policies. Democrats now have a majority in both houses . Although in the Upper House there will be 33 Republican senators and 50 Democrats, the vice president-elect, Kamala Harris, will be in charge of choosing which party will be in command . In the House of Representatives most of Nancy Pelosi's will not be much looser. Both Ossoff and Warnock s moved from their seats to ...
Charles Schumer confirms $ 2,000 stimulus check for self-proclaimed Senate leader

Charles Schumer confirms $ 2,000 stimulus check for self-proclaimed Senate leader

Charles Schumer says the Democrats won a majority in the Senate. Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images The Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (New York) proclaimed himself leader of the Senate and promised that his first action will be voting for a stimulus check of $ 2, 000 dollars to US “The Senate Democratic majority is committed to making bold change and helping the Americans who need them… help is on the way ", he indicated. The senator surprised this morning with a statement and a press conference, although only the triumph of has been confirmed Raphael Warnock in Georgia, but Jon Ossoff leads the count. Asked about his advance to celebrate the Democratic majority, Schumer said he had pending votes in the tiebreaker process, but that the majority would go to...

Charles Schumer confirms $ 2,000 stimulus check for self-proclaimed Senate leader

Charles Schumer says Democrats won a majority in the Senate. Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images The Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (New York) proclaimed himself leader of the Senate and promised that his first action will be the vote for a stimulus check of $ 2, 000 dollars to US “The Senate Democratic majority is committed to making bold change and helping the Americans who need them… help is on the way ", he indicated. The senator surprised this morning with a statement and a press conference, although only the triumph of Raphael Warnock in Georgia, but Jon Ossoff leads the count. Asked about his advance to celebrate the Democratic majority, Schumer said he had pending votes in the tiebreaker process, but that the majority would go to Ossoff. “For the...
Warnock wins in Georgia and brings Senate control closer to Democrats

Warnock wins in Georgia and brings Senate control closer to Democrats

El Diario NY News Raphael Warnock, Reverend of the Martin Luther King Church, makes history by becoming the first African-American Democrat to be elected senator for a southern United States state Raphael Warnock (left) , Stacey Abrams and Jon Ossoff listen to Joe Biden the 06 December in Atlanta, Georgia. Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images Georgia makes history again . If in November you elected the Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden , for the first time in decades voting Republican, this time elected an African American senator, Raphael Warnock . The seat brings the Democratic Party closer to control of the Senate , which will be decided in the other Georgia race between Republican David Perdue and Democrat Jon Ossoff. Warnock defeated Republican ...
Actor Tyler Perry had to fly to Georgia as his absentee ballot did not arrive

Actor Tyler Perry had to fly to Georgia as his absentee ballot did not arrive

Tyler Perry. Photo: Jamie McCarthy / Getty Images Minority voter suppression reaches the stars of the show. On actor Tyler Perry , known for his character Madea, had to travel urgently to Georgia to vote as her absentee ballot did not arrive . “My absentee ballot it never came, so I just had to vote in person, so get out there and vote, get out and vote, get out and vote, ”Perry said in a video from his car that he posted on Twitter. - Tyler Perry (@tylerperry) January 5, 2021 Perry owns properties in California and Wyoming , but maintains residence in Georgia. On Monday he reported that he never received his absentee ballot. Perry said he ordered it on Dec. 2. Georgia is singled out as a state where minority vote suppression...
Miss Virginia 1958 was declared dead by COVID-19, but was “resurrected” in the hospital

Miss Virginia 1958 was declared dead by COVID-19, but was “resurrected” in the hospital

A coronavirus patient in the Intensive Care Unit of a hospital. Photo: MOHAMMED SABER / EFE An elderly woman of 82 was "resurrected" in a hospital for Georgia after being declared dead by coronavirus . Barbara Guthrie Lay, whoever Miss Virginia 1958 , was transferred by her husband Tony He went to a medical center on 20 because he had trouble breathing due to COVID - 19. Two days later, the woman supposedly Her husband was not allowed access to her room in the Intensive Care Unit at Roswell Hospital and was not at the facility at the time of the alleged death, reported the Martinsville Bulletin. Initially, the administration of the place contacted the woman's son, Thom Kelley, and he contacted Tony. The "widower" proceeded to communicate that of He ceased other relat...
VIDEO: Trump resumes without shame his dance steps to the rhythm of the YMCA

VIDEO: Trump resumes without shame his dance steps to the rhythm of the YMCA

President Trump during his rally in Georgia. Photo: ERIK S. LESSER / EFE The President's Videos Donald Trump dancing to the rhythm of the YMCA went viral during the presidential campaigns, but the president resumed his little steps for a special occasion. The president went to Georgia for a rally in favor of Republicans Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue , who are competing for the Senate, seeking to shore up their campaign. Trump caps off what's likely to be his last rally as president with some awkward dancing to "YMCA" - Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 5, 2021 The president made a speech as if he were continuing in the electoral campaign, but also referring to his fight for what he calls “electoral fraud.” "We will never give up," he sa...
Audio of Trump asking to “find votes” in Georgia reveals violation of law, experts say

Audio of Trump asking to “find votes” in Georgia reveals violation of law, experts say

President Trump is in the midst of a new electoral controversy. Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images The President Donald Trump faces several lawsuits, mainly for how it has managed its companies and the conflict of interest with its government, but the disclosure of the audio where it is heard asking to "find" more than 11, 000 votes in Georgia to change the electoral result could open the door to another lawsuit. According to legal experts, the president violated the law in that entity by pressuring the Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, on the votes that will help to annul the electoral victory of Joe Biden. In the audio published by The Washington Post the Republican is heard reprimanding Raffensperger and Governor Brian Kemp to do everything possible to change ...
Georgia's runoff is challenging for Latino voters

Georgia's runoff is challenging for Latino voters

January 5 is the election in Georgia that will allow the runoff between Senate candidates and although Latinos only represent three percent of eligible voters, the growing community faces a challenge of citizen participation. Until this Sunday, just over three million voters had already cast their vote in advance, of which only 19, 282 were Latino, reported Elect Project , although there are 072, 955 registered voters of that community . Lulu Garcia Navarro, of Latinos for Democracy, recognized NPR that although they are few voters in comparison With other groups, Latinos will be key in the process. A report by Bloomberg highlighted that Republicans have increased their efforts in Latino communities, seeking to gain part of the appeal that these voters had for the president...