Friday, September 20

Tag: Donald Trump

People who still believe that Trump won the US election

People who still believe that Trump won the US election

Weeks after President-elect Joe Biden was declared the winner of the November elections, there remains a deep mistrust of the electoral process among many fervent Donald Trump supporters. This reflects a broader sentiment among conservatives, one that has profound implications for the nation and its institutions. On Main Street (Kansas), Dillard Ungeheuer, from 73 years, I was scraping the Cow manure from his shoes, which was left after a visit to a cattle pen, and seemed irritable. When it came to the ballots, he was emphatic: many were false. "I'm not going to argue with anyone about it," he said, raising his voice. “I think what I'm saying is based on facts.” His outrage at the presidential election and the government in general was palpable, and many in the city sh...
Mike Pence challenges Trump, refuses to oppose Biden's certification of triumph

Mike Pence challenges Trump, refuses to oppose Biden's certification of triumph

Vice President Mike Pence. Photo: J. Scott Applewhite / POOL / EFE Vice President Mike Pence refused to have authority to oppose the certification of the Electoral College vote, which confirmed the triumph of Joe Biden . “I have reflected that my oath to support and defend the Constitution limits me to claim unilateral authority to determine which electoral votes should be counted and which ones should not, ” said Pence in a letter sent to Congress. The vice president acknowledged the anger that the electoral process has generated. “Given the controversy surrounding this year's election, some approach the quadrennial tradition this year with great anticipation, others with disdain, ”Pence wrote in a letter sent to Congress. “Some believe that, as vice preside...
Trump sets an example for Mexico on electoral processes, but it sounds like an insult

Trump sets an example for Mexico on electoral processes, but it sounds like an insult

President Donald Trump. Photo: Oliver Contreras / EFE In his strategy to justify his attacks on the United States electoral process, President Donald Trump now gave Mexico an example, but his comment sounds like an insult. "Even Mexico uses identification for voters" , wrote the president. The use of "even" denotes the contempt for the country that the president has attacked since he was campaigning in 2015, but whose attacks it reduced with the Mexican government Andrés Manuel López Obrador , an unexpected ally. On the other hand, President Trump is right, in Mexico you can only vote with the credential issued by the National Electoral Institute (INE), which also works as official identification. In addition to this, in that country the winner is by popular vote, not...
Republicans uphill to stop Biden's certification of triumph in Congress

Republicans uphill to stop Biden's certification of triumph in Congress

There is a saying that goes: "Much ado about nothing." It perfectly applies to Republicans in Congress who will oppose the certification of the triumph of President-elect Joe Biden this 6 of January. The reason is that more than 100 representatives and 13 Senators have strong pressure from their peers against it, but above all few possibilities to annul the vote of the Electoral College, due to the lack of evidence about the alleged electoral fraud that the president Donald Trump alleges. In fact, Senator Josh Hawley (Missouri), the first to publicly reveal that he would challenge the process from the Senate, tries to qualify the movement of which he is part, which has in Ted Cruz (Texas) another visible leader. In an interview on Fox News, the youngest senator was c...
Bad news for Trump despite pressuring Vice President Pence to challenge Biden's win

Bad news for Trump despite pressuring Vice President Pence to challenge Biden's win

Vice President Pence acknowledges his limited role in certifying the election. Photo: EPA / Chris Kleponis / POOL / EFE Although Vice President Mike Pence has said that he would not directly challenge the certification of the presidential election, the president Donald Trump pushed for me to do so. The president released a message during his rally in Georgia, where he affirmed that Pence "has the power" to reject the decision of the Electoral College on the triumph of Joe Biden , although the vice president only is responsible for ensuring that Congress receives the corresponding votes. “The vice president has the power to reject Electors Elected Fraudulently ”, President Trump falsely declared without foundation. The Republican mistakenly launched that Vice Preside...
New York billionaires have gotten richer during the pandemic, including Trump and former Mayor Bloomberg

New York billionaires have gotten richer during the pandemic, including Trump and former Mayor Bloomberg

El Diario NY NY Local collective wealth soared to more than $ 600 billion dollars during the ravages of the coronavirus The AIDS Federal governments have not only been for wage earners Photo: Andrés Correa Guatarasma / Courtesy Poverty, unemployment and death have been the constants during the pandemic for most New Yorkers, the most affected region of the country and perhaps the world. But the NYC billionaires are booming, with a collective wealth that grew $ 95 $ 1 billion to exceed $ 600 billion during the ravages of the coronavirus, according to a Forbes analysis. Driven for trillions of dollars in federal generosity of COVID relief, the powerful of Wall Street made some of the biggest gains. Average increase in 16% since mid-March includes former Ma...
VIDEO: Trump resumes without shame his dance steps to the rhythm of the YMCA

VIDEO: Trump resumes without shame his dance steps to the rhythm of the YMCA

President Trump during his rally in Georgia. Photo: ERIK S. LESSER / EFE The President's Videos Donald Trump dancing to the rhythm of the YMCA went viral during the presidential campaigns, but the president resumed his little steps for a special occasion. The president went to Georgia for a rally in favor of Republicans Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue , who are competing for the Senate, seeking to shore up their campaign. Trump caps off what's likely to be his last rally as president with some awkward dancing to "YMCA" - Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 5, 2021 The president made a speech as if he were continuing in the electoral campaign, but also referring to his fight for what he calls “electoral fraud.” "We will never give up," he sa...
Trump wanted to “hide” in Scotland to avoid inauguration of Biden, but government will avoid it

Trump wanted to “hide” in Scotland to avoid inauguration of Biden, but government will avoid it

According to reports, Trump intended to go golfing in Scotland on 20 from January. Photo: JIM LO SCALZO / EFE According to various reports, the president Donald Trump had planned a trip to Scotland to avoid attending the inauguration ceremony of the president Joe Biden . Prestwick airport sources indicated that the arrival of the president was expected in a Boeing military plane 757, which is occasionally used by Trump, on 19 January, one day before the ceremony at the Capitol. Aircraft used by the president, the first lady Melania Trump and Vice President Mike Pence they get a special U.S. call sign instead of waiting for special treatment from air traffic controllers. However, President Trump no p He will visit Scotland to play golf, warned Nicola Sturgeon, ...
Latino leader of group who will demonstrate in favor of Trump in Washington arrested

Latino leader of group who will demonstrate in favor of Trump in Washington arrested

Enrique Tarrio, leader of the Proud Boys. Photo: JOHN RUDOFF / / AFP / Getty Images Authorities in Washington arrested on Monday one of the leaders of the Proud Boys organization, one of the groups that will demonstrate in favor of Donald Trump on January 6, when Congress makes the formal account and final Electoral College votes, which give Democrat Joe Biden victory in the November elections. Enrique Tarrio, a Latino from Miami , was arrested by the Metropolitan Police on suspicion of burning last month a banner of Black Lives Matter that was in an African-American church in the capital of the United States. According to the New York Times, Tarrio, of 36 years, was charged with destruction of property for the incident. The officers who arrested him on Monday found...
Trump supporters will hold “wild protest” in Washington on January 6

Trump supporters will hold “wild protest” in Washington on January 6

President Trump has urged his followers to demonstrate this Wednesday. Photo: EFE / EPA / MICHAEL REYNOLDS / Getty Images By: EFE 04 from January 2021 Half a dozen groups faithful to Donald Trump are calling for a demonstration in Washington, DC on Wednesday that the outgoing president has described as "wild" and that will coincide with the meeting of Congress for the formal and final count of the Electoral College votes, which give the Democrat Joe Biden victory in the November elections. Trump, who has fought and lost in court his claims for alleged fraud in the November 3 elections, added to his disdain for the ballot by pressures for Georgia's electoral authority to “find” the votes that deny Biden's triumph in that state. In a message on his Twitter account ...
Some 200 business leaders demand that Congress certify Biden's victory and slap Republicans against it

Some 200 business leaders demand that Congress certify Biden's victory and slap Republicans against it

This Wednesday, Congress seeks to certify the triumph of Joe Biden. Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images Almost 200 New York-based business leaders asked Congress to certify the electoral process with the triumph of Joe Biden , in addition to highlighting that the courts have rejected the challenges of the process, in reference to the Republican movement that seeks to challenge the decision of the Electoral College. "This presidential election is decided and it is time for the country to move forward," begins the joint message organized by Kathryn Wylde, President and CEO of Partnership for New York City. “President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris have won the vote of the Electoral College and the courts have rejected challenges to the electoral process...
Audio of Trump asking to “find votes” in Georgia reveals violation of law, experts say

Audio of Trump asking to “find votes” in Georgia reveals violation of law, experts say

President Trump is in the midst of a new electoral controversy. Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images The President Donald Trump faces several lawsuits, mainly for how it has managed its companies and the conflict of interest with its government, but the disclosure of the audio where it is heard asking to "find" more than 11, 000 votes in Georgia to change the electoral result could open the door to another lawsuit. According to legal experts, the president violated the law in that entity by pressuring the Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, on the votes that will help to annul the electoral victory of Joe Biden. In the audio published by The Washington Post the Republican is heard reprimanding Raffensperger and Governor Brian Kemp to do everything possible to change ...
Trump asked that they find 11,700 votes in Georgia to change the result of the elections

Trump asked that they find 11,700 votes in Georgia to change the result of the elections

President Trump is still furious about losing the presidential election. Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images President Donald Trump demanded that the Georgia Secretary of State find the votes he lacked to change the result of the general election in his favor. The Washington Post revealed the content of a call from Trump to Brad Raffensperger , who is the official in command of the electoral processes of Georgia , one of the states that consolidated the victory of Joe Biden. Trump even threatened Raffensperger with criminal prosecution. “Look , what I want is for you to look for the 03, 780 votes , which is one more than we have, because we won that state, ”Trump said in part of the conversation. “The people of Georgia are angry, the people of the country are angry...
Trump calls for a January 6 protest against electoral certification

Trump calls for a January 6 protest against electoral certification

El Diario NY News And after announcing his challenge to presidential results, Senator Ted Cruz now says that "everyone should calm down" The president takes advantage of any support to challenge the electoral results. Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP / Getty Images President Donald Trump intensifies the tension that It is expected this Wednesday, January 6, when calling for a protest in front of the White House against the certification of the election in Congress. The president shared a video of the call that Appointment at 9: 00 am to his followers. The original tweet is from Kylie Jane Kremer, leader of the group “Stop the robbery.” “I'll be there. A historic day! ”Said the president. I will be there. Historic day! - Donald...
Georgia's runoff is challenging for Latino voters

Georgia's runoff is challenging for Latino voters

January 5 is the election in Georgia that will allow the runoff between Senate candidates and although Latinos only represent three percent of eligible voters, the growing community faces a challenge of citizen participation. Until this Sunday, just over three million voters had already cast their vote in advance, of which only 19, 282 were Latino, reported Elect Project , although there are 072, 955 registered voters of that community . Lulu Garcia Navarro, of Latinos for Democracy, recognized NPR that although they are few voters in comparison With other groups, Latinos will be key in the process. A report by Bloomberg highlighted that Republicans have increased their efforts in Latino communities, seeking to gain part of the appeal that these voters had for the president...
Eleven Republican senators will force a vote in the US Congress against Biden's triumph

Eleven Republican senators will force a vote in the US Congress against Biden's triumph

WASHINGTON - Eleven senators announced this Saturday that they will oppose the ratification of the victory of president-elect, Joe Biden , during the session of the Congress of the United States programmed with this objective, which will force a vote on the result of the November elections . The maneuver of the eleven senators, including the Texan Ted Cruz , is doomed to failure and will not be able to prevent Congress from ratifying Biden's victory in the session scheduled for next January 6, but it will ensure a long debate and a vote on the triumph of the president-elect. In a joint statement, the eleven senators explained that they will oppose the certification of the results until an audit of 10 days. “Congress should immediately appoint an electoral commission with ful...
Biden will take time to unravel Trump's immigration changes

Biden will take time to unravel Trump's immigration changes

Immigration experts were not wrong when they warned that President Donald Trump would use until the last moment to make changes to immigration rules, since five days before leaving the White House a new rule will come into force that will allow the courts to speed up deportations. This is one of the Most controversial changes of the Department of Justice ( DOJ ), published in the Federal Register, which are will apply from 06, with the possibility of reverse even appeals . During your campaign, the president-elect Joe Biden put on the table an ambitious immigration agenda that includes the path to citizenship for more than 11 million of undocumented, the same benefit for the 'dreamers', as well as undoing the policies cases of President Trump that have affected foreign wo...
Biden faces the challenge of overshadowing the shadow of Trumpism

Biden faces the challenge of overshadowing the shadow of Trumpism

With Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the front, the Democrats managed to remove the president Donald Trump of the White House, but said electoral daring of 81. 2 million votes will face their biggest challenge this 2021: defeat the shadow of Trumpism in government. President-elect Biden's main campaign slogan refers to the spirit of America, how to "heal your soul," but The Democrat must find the “perfect cure” and show that he will also govern for the supporters of President Trump, who achieved 74. 2 million votes, a record for Republicans. On Thanksgiving, Biden made a analogy between the coronavirus pandemic and the political and social situation in the country: “We must remember that we are at war against u No virus, not between us ”. He has not put that speech aside,...