Friday, September 20

Tag: Donald Trump

Assault on Capitol Building: Why Some Trump Supporters Wore the Confederate Flag

Assault on Capitol Building: Why Some Trump Supporters Wore the Confederate Flag

Some attackers on the Capitol carried the Confederate flag. Photo: Reuters via BBC Mundo / Courtesy Wednesday was a dramatic day that revealed the deep political polarization that exists in the United States. On the one hand, hundreds of supporters of Donald Trump stormed the Capitol in Washington, a compound that represents the most sacred of American democracy, waving the controversial flag symbol of oppression, racism and white supremacy. On the same day, Georgia, a southern conservative state that was part of the Confederate States that fought in the American Civil War against the abolition of slavery, elected the first black senator in its history: Raphael Warnock. Warnock's victory -a pastor of a church Baptist church in Atlanta, where civil rights leader Martin...
Pelosi joins calls to immediately impeach Trump and threatens 'impeachment'

Pelosi joins calls to immediately impeach Trump and threatens 'impeachment'

Democratic leaders said they were prepared to present their second impeachment against Trump. Photo: Tasos Katopodis / Getty Images The Democratic leaders of Congress called this Thursday for the immediate removal of the president Donald Trump for having incited the violent attack on the Capitol that took place a day earlier in the middle of the session to certify the electoral victory of the president-elect Joe Biden . The President House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer asked Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25 , which would allow him and the cabinet to seize the presidency to Trump . Pelosi and Schumer warned that if Pence does not agree, the Democrats are prepared to present their second impeachment against Trump . “Although t...
AMLO condemns “censorship” of Social Networks against Donald Trump;  compares behavior with the “Holy Inquisition”

AMLO condemns “censorship” of Social Networks against Donald Trump; compares behavior with the “Holy Inquisition”

The opinion News "How is it that I censor you and you can no longer transmit?", AMLO questions without mentioning US President Donald Trump AMLO condemns "censorship" of Social Networks against Donald Trump during the riots in the United States Capitol. Photo: Presidency of Mexico / EFE The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, launched a criticism of Social Networks for the cancellation of the Facebook and Twitter accounts of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, after the riots in the Capitol. “Something that I didn't like yesterday about the Capitol affair, I just respect it, but I do not like censorship, I do not like that anyone is censored and takes away the right to transmit a message on Twitter or on 'Face' ", said López Obra...
Secretary of Transportation is the first of Trump's cabinet to resign after violent seizure of the Capitol

Secretary of Transportation is the first of Trump's cabinet to resign after violent seizure of the Capitol

Elaine Chao is the wife of the Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell. Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images The President's Allies Donald Trump begin to turn their backs on him. This Thursday the Secretary of Transportation resigned, Elaine Chao , the first cabinet member to do so after the violent events in the Capitol by followers of the president. “Yesterday, our country experienced a traumatic and totally avoidable event when supporters of the president attacked the Capitol building after the rally he attended… it has caused me conflict in a way that I simply cannot put aside, "he said in a statement. Before her, at least four Trump Administration collaborators have left their positions. It has been the honor of a lifetime to serve the US Depar...
Charles Schumer calls for the 25th Amendment to be applied to impeach Trump

Charles Schumer calls for the 25th Amendment to be applied to impeach Trump

The Democratic leader in the Senate, Charles Schumer. Photo: Cheriss May / Getty Images The Democratic leader in the Senate, Charles Schumer (New York), requested this Thursday to apply the Amendment 25 to the President Donald Trump , to be immediately dismissed, after his role in urging the violence against his sympathizers who invaded the Capitol. “What happened yesterday in the United States Capitol was an insurrection against the United States, incited for the president… This president should not hold office for another day ”, said Schumer in a statement. The Democratic leader asked the Vice President Mike Pence invoke the Amendment 25, which would allow take power away from President Trump . “L The quickest and most efficient way that is feasible to...
Violence in Washington: “Biden's project will be to reconcile America, while Trump was the chaos president”

Violence in Washington: “Biden's project will be to reconcile America, while Trump was the chaos president”

The violent invasion of the Capitol in Washington by militants pro-Trump, while Congress met there to certify Joe Biden's victory, does it mark a weakening of American democracy? - Jose Luis Magana / AP / SIPA Wednesday evening, as the US Congress met to certify Joe Biden's victory in the election Presidential election, pro-Trump activists broke into the Capitol. Violence broke out in this symbol of American democracy after Trump once again hammered home that victory was stolen from him, and caused the deaths of four people. For the political scientist Marie-Cécile Naves, throughout his mandate, "Donald Trump will have prospered on cleavages and divisions, and Joe Biden's whole project will be to reconcile the America ". Scenes of chaos. An...
Violence in Washington: No, this rioter is not an “antifa”, but a support for Donald Trump

Violence in Washington: No, this rioter is not an “antifa”, but a support for Donald Trump

This supporter of Donald Trump is one of the rioters who have invaded the Capitol on Wednesday. - Manuel Balce Ceneta / AP / SIPA Jake Angeli, sometimes nicknamed the "Q Shaman", was photographed among the rioters who invaded the Capitol Wednesday, Washington. A lawyer supporting Donald Trump suggested that the protester would be a "Antifa". However, several sources show that Jake Angeli is a follower of the QAnon movement. The photos of the man, shirtless, face painted in the colors of the American flag , shoulders and head covered in fur, toured the world after the Capitol, which houses the Senate and the House of Representatives, was invaded by rioters on Wednesday. Supporters of Donald Trump , like lawyer Lin Wood, assured t...
Facebook will block Trump's account until his presidency ends

Facebook will block Trump's account until his presidency ends

Twitter also blocked President Trump's account. Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP / Getty Images Facebook will not allow President Donald Trump post messages, at least until his presidency ends. This was announced by the founder of that platform, Mark Zuckerberg , since he considers it "too great a risk" to let the US president use the social network, after his incitement to followers that ended with the violent irruption to the United States Capitol. "We believe that the risks of allowing the president to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great" , indicated Zuckerberg. He added that the president did not condemn the actions of his followers in Washington, DC “Your decision to use your platform to condemn rather than condemn the actions o...
LAPD disperses small Trumpist protest in Los Angeles

LAPD disperses small Trumpist protest in Los Angeles

The opinion The Angels After brief clashes, the Police dispersed the people who demonstrated alongside the mob of Congress Dozens of protesters gathered in Downtown Los Angeles on Wednesday. Photo: Jorge Macías / Impremedia By: EFE 19 from January 2021 The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) dispersed a small protest by far-right supporters of President Donald Trump on Wednesday , who had gathered in the center of the Californian city. Local media such as the Los Angeles Times pointed out that this demonstration of extremists began early in the morning and developed practically at the same time as the assault on the Capitol f ederal in Washington DC that shocked the country and the whole world. In Los Angeles, about two hundred followers...
VIDEO: Exact moment when they shoot a woman who died after riots in Capitol

VIDEO: Exact moment when they shoot a woman who died after riots in Capitol

Riots in the Capitol. Photo: EFE / MICHAEL REYNOLDS / EFE In social networks circulates the video of the exact moment in which the woman who died after the riots that armed followers of the president Donald Trump inside the Capitol from the United States. In the scenes the woman is seen wrapped in a flag seems to climb on a small ledge next to a door inside the building and then you see the man who aims and shoots him. Next, a man in a helmet and a military-style rifle stands next to her and shouts of “police” are heard as he approaches . STRONG VIDEO: The moment precise in which the woman is shot in the Capitol. It falls to the ground. And die - FRONTERA AL RED VIVO (@nuevolaredovivo) January 7, 2021 The National Guard h...
Congress bolsters Biden's arrival as movement grows to impeach Trump

Congress bolsters Biden's arrival as movement grows to impeach Trump

El Diario NY News Democratic leader Charles Schumer calls for the application of the Amendment 25 to the Republican president The Democratic leader in the Senate, Charles Schumer. Photo: Cheriss May / Getty Images The United States Congress managed to certify the presidential election, which ensures the inauguration of the presidency of Joe Biden he 20 January. Although 127 Republican congressmen opposed recognizing the Electoral College vote - which endorsed 550 for the Democrat and 232 for the president Donald Trump -, his movement was insufficient and was relegated after the violent invasion of the Capitol by followers of the president . Along with the sessions of the House of Representatives and the Senate, a movement began to develop to apply t...
Facebook blocks Trump's account until his term ends

Facebook blocks Trump's account until his term ends

Twitter temporarily blocked the president's account. Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images Facebook will block the account of the president Donald Trump until his term ends. He was the founder of the social network, Mark Zuckerberg , who announced the decision, considering that it was too great a risk to let the president use the platform. "We believe that the risks of allowing the president to continue using our service during this period are simply too great," stated. This after his incitement to followers that ended up unleashing the violent invasion of the United States Capitol. “His The decision to use its platform to condemn rather than condemn the actions of its followers in the Capitol building has rightly disturbed citizens in the United States and around the w...
Trump accepts that he lost although he warns that MAGA movement will continue

Trump accepts that he lost although he warns that MAGA movement will continue

President Trump will allow a peaceful transition. Photo: US PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP TWITTER / EFE The President Donald Trump reluctantly accepted the transition of government, but warned that his movement has only just begun. After Twitter , the president's favorite network will block his account for 12 hours, the President sent his position on the certification in Congress of the triumph of the president-elect Joe Biden via Dan Scavino , an adviser to the White House. The text is divided into two parts, one on allowing the peaceful transition and others on the Make America Great Again movement , better known as MAGA . “Even though I totally disagree with the result of the elections - and the facts confirm me - there will be an orderly transition on 20 Jan...
Governor Cuomo to send 1,000 New York National Guard troops to Washington

Governor Cuomo to send 1,000 New York National Guard troops to Washington

By: EFE 07 from January 2021 New York State will ship 1, 000 National Guard troops to Washington to support the peaceful transition of the US Presidency , reported on Wednesday New York Governor Andrew Cuomo . “At the request of the US National Guard , I will display 1, 000 members of the National Guard from New York to Washington for up to two weeks to assist and facilitate the peaceful transition of presidential power ”, Cuomo said in a statement, which stressed that this decision will not affect the efforts to fight the coronavirus in the region. "During years , the cornerstone of our democracy has been the peaceful transition of power, and New York is ready to help ensure that the will of the American people is carried out, ”added the Governor. At the reques...
Trump accepts defeat although he warns that it is the beginning of his MAGA fight

Trump accepts defeat although he warns that it is the beginning of his MAGA fight

President Trump has tried to send a message of peace, but ends with threats to continue his fight. Photo: Donald J. Trump Twitter / Getty Images The President Donald Trump does not give his arm to twist. Twitter, the favorite network of the agent blocked your account for 12 hours, so he sent his position on the certification of the triumph of the president-elect Joe Biden via Dan Scavino , the head of the digital area of ​​the White House and one of the most loyal to the Republican. The message is clear: a peaceful transition will be allowed, but the Make America Great Again movement, better known as MAGA , is just beginning. “Even when I totally disagree with the result of the elections –and the facts confirm me– there will be a transition ordered on 20 ...
Donald Trump accepts that his term ends and promises “orderly transition”, after confirmation of the triumph of Joe Biden

Donald Trump accepts that his term ends and promises “orderly transition”, after confirmation of the triumph of Joe Biden

The opinion News Donald Trump assured that despite disagreeing with the outcome of the elections, he promised that "there will be an orderly transition on 20 from January" Donald Trump promises "orderly transition" after ratification of victory by Joe Biden. Photo: Yuri Gripas / EFE By: EFE 10 from January 2021 The outgoing US president, Donald Trump, accepted that his Presidency will be a single mandate and promised an “orderly transition”, after Congress ratified the electoral victory of President-elect Joe Biden. "In spite of that I totally disagree with the outcome of the elections, and the facts are on my side, however, there will be an orderly transition on 20 from January ", said Trump in a statement distributed on Twitter by one of his main adv...
Congress Declared Biden President After Violent Unrest;  Trump accepted the transition still under protest

Congress Declared Biden President After Violent Unrest; Trump accepted the transition still under protest

The opinion News Vice President Mike Pence finally made the postponed proclamation The historic announcement read by Senator Amy Klobuchar Photo: JIM LO SCALZO / EFE Vice President Mike Pence was finally able to announce shortly after 3: 40 am today , Washington DC time, that Joe Biden had won the presidency, after Congress completed the counting of the Electoral College votes. Soon after, President Donald Trump issued a statement saying that while “you totally disagree with the outcome of the elections and the facts prove me right, there will be an orderly transition on 20 from January", cited CBS News. What was seen largely as a merely formal last step before Biden's inauguration on 20 there were converted yesterday into an afternoon of chaos tha...
Congress Declared Biden President After Violent Unrest;  Trump accepted the transition still under protest

Congress Declared Biden President After Violent Unrest; Trump accepted the transition still under protest

El Diario NY News Vice President Mike Pence finally made the postponed proclamation Historic announcement read by Senator Amy Klobuchar Photo: JIM LO SCALZO / EFE Vice President Mike Pence was finally able to announce shortly after 3: 40 am today , Washington DC time, that Joe Biden had won the presidency, after Congress completed the counting of the Electoral College votes. Soon after, President Donald Trump issued a statement saying that while “you totally disagree with the outcome of the elections and the facts prove me right, there will be an orderly transition on 20 from January", cited CBS News. What was seen largely as a merely formal last step before Biden's inauguration on 20 there were converted yesterday into an afternoon of chaos that left at le...
Violence in Washington: Protesters enter Nancy Pelosi's office and leave her a note

Violence in Washington: Protesters enter Nancy Pelosi's office and leave her a note

Home World United States Congress. - Bryan Dozier / Shutterstock / SIP Scenes of chaos to the very solemn United States Congress . Supporters of Donald Trump entered on Wednesday in the building in Washington, interrupting the parliamentary session that was to confirm the election of Joe Biden. Some demonstrators entered the office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi. According to photos published on social networks, a note was left on the office of the elected Democrat: “We will not back down. " To protest in @ SpeakerPelosi office, leaving a note "We Will Not Back Down." @ WTRF7News # DC # WashingtonDC # washingtonrally # Capitol #Washington (Getty Images) pic.twitter .com / qcIBQuOjr9 - John Lynch (@JohnLynchWTRF) Ja...
Violence in Washington: What is the 25th Amendment everyone is talking about?

Violence in Washington: What is the 25th Amendment everyone is talking about?

Home World Donald Trump during the demonstration on 6 January, in front of the White House. - Jacquelyn Martin / AP / SIPA Is Donald Trump unfit to lead United States ? This is not the first time that the question has arisen since his election. It is however still in place, even if it is only for a few days but the events of the Capitol on Wednesday may have reshuffled the cards. Several anonymous US media sources have indeed explained that the option to use the 20 th amendment of the American constitution, which allows to impeach the president, had been mentioned by some members of the government . We are not talking about the famous "impeachment". This procedure, long, since it is neither more nor less than a lawsuit investigated by the Congress, has no chan...
US Presidential: Donald Trump admits his term is over and promises an “orderly transition”

US Presidential: Donald Trump admits his term is over and promises an “orderly transition”

Home Politics Donald Trump on December 3 2020 in the Oval Office of the White House. - Evan Vucci / AP / SIPA A way out of the crisis after the chaos ? Donald Trump admitted early Thursday, after certification by the Election Congress of Joe Biden at the White House , that his presidency was coming to an end and promised an “orderly transition.” "Even though I completely disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts support me, there will be an orderly transition on 20 January ”, he wrote in a statement. "This represents the end of one of the best first presidential terms and it is only the beginning of our fight to make America great again," added the Republican. The outgoing president spoke in a press release, since the Twitter and Facebook pla...
New York and Jersey leaders call for Trump to be removed “immediately” after congressional riots

New York and Jersey leaders call for Trump to be removed “immediately” after congressional riots

Violence never seen in the US Capitol Photo: JIM LO SCALZO / EFE Various Democratic and Republican leaders from New York and New Jersey condemned the violence that took place yesterday in the National Capitol by supporters of President Donald Trump, and some called for him to be removed before his official term on 20 from January, amid the rejection expressed by politicians across the country. Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-NY), who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, joined all the Democratic panel members in to send a letter to Vice President Mike Pence imploring him to invoke the Amendment 25, which would facilitate the removal of Trump from his ca rgo through an agreement between the vice president and the majority of the cabinet. Ritchie Torres , representative (D-NY...
It's BIM time: “Insurrection” in the United States, curfew in Quebec and a draw for the premiere of Pochettino

It's BIM time: “Insurrection” in the United States, curfew in Quebec and a draw for the premiere of Pochettino

Home Society Capitol Police in Washington securing the building against intrusions by supporters of Donald Trump, January 6 2021. - Chris Kleponis / Sipa USA / SIPA Did you miss the info for this early morning? We have concocted a summary to help you see more clearly. Four dead at the Washington Capitol, including a woman killed by the police The day of January 6 will remain in the history of United States , but not for the right reasons. However, it was not originally to be marked by what is usually only a formality: the confirmation by Congress of the victory of the future American president, elected in November. But in the end, blood spilled on the Capitol. A woman injured by a police bullet inside the building taken from assault by thousands of supporters ...
Cabinet members and lawmakers discuss disbaring Trump for disability

Cabinet members and lawmakers discuss disbaring Trump for disability

The opinion News Cabinet members consider invoking the Amendment 25 of the Constitution and place Pence in the Presidency until 20 from January The video in which Trump addresses his followers was one of those that he deleted Twitter. Photo: SHAWN THEW / EFE By: EFE 16 from January 2021 WASHINGTON - Some members of President Donald Trump's Cabinet and some legislators are studying the possibility of invoking the amendment 25 of the Constitution alleging his inability to serve in office and trespassing Vice President Mike Pence is serving as President, even though he only has two weeks left in office. Several members of the government cabinet are discussing the possibility of invoking the Amendment 25 to force the immediate exit of Trump , accordin...
Democratic and Republican leaders say Trump incited Capitol riots

Democratic and Republican leaders say Trump incited Capitol riots

Many political figures (Democrats and Republicans) have openly condemned that a group of Trump supporters violently stormed the Capitol in middle of the session to confirm the victory of Joe Biden in the presidential election of 2020. Some have even accused the outgoing president of inciting riots and have blamed him for the episode that took place in Washington and that cost at least one woman her life . Republicans who accuse Trump as instigator The Republican senator Mitt Romney , very critical of Trump and the the only one who voted in favor of the impeachment , condemned the president on Wednesday night and pointed it out as directly responsible for the violence that interrupted the electoral vote count in Congress. “What happened here today was an i nsurrection incit...
Obama and other US political leaders condemn Trump for taking over Congress

Obama and other US political leaders condemn Trump for taking over Congress

Two Republicans who have always been advocates of President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and Senate Leader MItch McConnell joined former presidents, congressmen and other political leaders, both Democrats as Republicans, who condemned this Wednesday the seizure of the Capitol by a mob of supporters of President Donald Trump , who some held responsible for what happened and asked to be subjected to a political trial. “To those who unleashed chaos in our Capitol today: you have not won. Violence never wins. Freedom always wins. And this is still the people's house, ” said Mike Pence , who has ruled for four years as“ number two ”of Trump and has been one of his most loyal figures. “ Let's get back to work ” , Pence asked after the session resumed, shortly after 8 p.m. ...
Three veterans of Trump's team resign after violent riot on Capitol Hill

Three veterans of Trump's team resign after violent riot on Capitol Hill

The opinion News Melania Trump's chief of staff, who has worked with the outgoing president since 2015, was one of those who resigned More people are expected to resign this Wednesday. Photo: MICHAEL REYNOLDS / EFE Three veterans of President Donald Trump's team in the White House presented their immediate resignation on Wednesday after the assault on the Capitol by supporters of the president, in which One of the protesters died . The White House Deputy Speaker Sarah Matthews submitted her resignation due to the assault on the Capitol starring protesters who supported Trump in his attempt to stop Democrat Joe Biden , which fulfilled all electoral guarantees, but which the president accuses of being a fraudulent victory. “As someone who has worked in ...
Trump, Republicans and their supporters hit rock bottom by betraying democracy

Trump, Republicans and their supporters hit rock bottom by betraying democracy

By: Maribel Hastings and David Torres 06 from January 2021 As if it were the most recent installment of his cheap reality show, the followers of the cult of Donald Trump stormed the Capitol to try to prevent the confirmation of the triumph of president-elect Joe Biden in the Electoral College in a clean election, legitimate and democratic. The master's hand - and voice - could be seen in the faces and movements of the worshipers of group violence, describing a kind of collective hypnosis , while its leader, with a smile from ear to ear, surely watched through a monitor and well protected the performance of his good and obedient boys and girls. The founding fathers homeland, or at least some of them, must be rolling in their graves watching Trump trample on the Constitutio...
“This was a self-coup attempt incited by Trump”

“This was a self-coup attempt incited by Trump”

An event that had not occurred in the United States since the 19th century. A group of supporters of the president, Donald Trump, took the headquarters of the United States Congress in Washington after overcoming the barriers of the authorities. They did so shortly after the president addressed them in front of the White House and continued reiterating his unfounded fraud complaints . Trump supporters storm the Washington Capitol and cause unusual scenes of chaos and violence in the political heart of the US The Capitol experienced scenes of chaos, with representatives of Congress falling to the ground , evacuating the place and putting on gas masks. In photos : the assault by Trump supporters on the Washington Capitol A woman died after receiving a dis ...
The Capitol is already safe.  Mayor of Washington warns that the curfew will be strictly enforced

The Capitol is already safe. Mayor of Washington warns that the curfew will be strictly enforced

El Diario NY News The Capitol is now safe, authorities reported. The mayor of DC assures that those who do not respect the curfew will be arrested The authorities retaken the United States Capitol. Photo: MICHAEL REYNOLDS / EFE The United States Capitol is safe again, after all the president's supporters Donald Trump who violated one of the most emblematic buildings in the country, and brought chaos to the nation's capital, after Trump urged his supporters to fight the ceremonial recount of electoral votes in Congress , which will confirm the victory of president-elect Joe Biden. Sergeant at Arms says the Capitol building is secure. The room breaks out into applause. - Matt Fuller (@MEPFuller) January 6, 1200 The Mayor of Washington DC Muriel Brows...
Twitter blocks Trump's account for 12 hours after his followers occupied the Capitol

Twitter blocks Trump's account for 12 hours after his followers occupied the Capitol

Twitter ordered this Wednesday to remove three posts from the president Donald Trump that violated the civic integrity policy of the social network and block their account during 12 hours. The company anticipates that the account could be permanently blocked if its policies continue to be violated . " As a result of the unprecedented and ongoing violent situation in Washington, DC, we have required to delete three tweets @realDonaldTrump posted today for serious and repeated violations of our civic integrity policy ", the company wrote when opening a thread of tweets. This means that the account of @ realDonaldTrump will be locked for 12 hours following the removal of these Tweets. If the Tweets are not removed, the account will remain locked. - Twitter Safet...
A woman dies after shooting in the Capitol.  There are 13 Trump supporters arrested and 5 weapons seized

A woman dies after shooting in the Capitol. There are 13 Trump supporters arrested and 5 weapons seized

The authorities said they had re-secured the building. Photo: JIM LO SCALZO / EFE A woman died after being shot in the riots that armed Trump supporters inside the Capitol of U.S. The circumstances are not yet clear, as reported by The Washington Post . “ Yes, the adult woman who was shot inside the Capitol was declared dead, ”said Dustin Sternbeck, spokesman for the Metropolitan Police Department. The death was declared at Dustin Sternbeck Hospital. A video that began circulating on Twitter this Wednesday seems to show the shooting in the Capitol . In it, a woman wrapped in a flag appears to climb a small ledge next to a door inside the building immediately before a single loud bang is heard. Next, a man in a helmet and a military-style rifle stands next to her ...
The Capitol is already safe.  Mayor of Washington warns that the curfew will be imposed with rigor

The Capitol is already safe. Mayor of Washington warns that the curfew will be imposed with rigor

The opinion News The Capitol is now safe, authorities reported. The mayor of DC assures that those who do not respect the curfew will be arrested The authorities retaken the United States Capitol. Photo: MICHAEL REYNOLDS / EFE The United States Capitol is safe again, after all the president's supporters Donald Trump that violated one of the most emblematic buildings in the country, and brought chaos to the nation's capital, after Trump urged his supporters to fight the ceremonial recount of electoral votes in Congress , which will confirm the victory of the president-elect Joe Biden. Sergeant at Arms says the Capitol building is secure. The room breaks out into applause. - Matt Fuller (@MEPFuller) January 6, 2021 The Mayor of Washington...
The National Guard to the Capitol after violent irruption of Trump supporters

The National Guard to the Capitol after violent irruption of Trump supporters

They also sent more special forces elements. Photo: MICHAEL REYNOLDS / EFE Following various requests, the National Guard will be moved to the United States Capitol, after the arrival of supporters of the president Donald Trump . Both the Mayor of Washington DC, Muriel Bowser, and the Office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi , asked the National Guard for their deployment. First reports indicated that there was a negative about the deployment, but the C-SPAN news service confirmed that there was a deployment response, to secure the property. It is not clear where and when the sessions of the House of Representatives and the Senate will be resumed, which carried out the certification of the Electoral College vote , which awarded the De...
President-elect Joe Biden condemns violent acts on Capitol Hill and challenges Trump to do the same

President-elect Joe Biden condemns violent acts on Capitol Hill and challenges Trump to do the same

The president-elect did not say how much the hypothetical third payment would be. Photo: Joshua Roberts / Getty Images Minutes ago the president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden made a call to the outgoing president Donald Trump to speak out on the unrest in Congress and defend the constitution he was sworn to uphold when he became president. “ This is not decent acts, it is disorder. It is chaos, it is close to sedition and it must stop now , "said President-elect Joe Biden during his speech, condemning the violent acts that stopped the certification of the election results. President-elect Biden addresses the nation: 25 R - Biden-Harris Presidential Transition (@Transition 46) January 6, 2021 In his message, the Democrat inv...
Ivanka Trump calls those who cause chaos in Washington “patriots” and then deletes the tweet

Ivanka Trump calls those who cause chaos in Washington “patriots” and then deletes the tweet

Ivanka Trump said in another message that "violence is unacceptable." Photo: ERIK S. LESSER / EFE Ivanka Trump , he retweeted a post from his father, President Donald Trump , with a message calling "American patriots" to those who wreak havoc in Washington . The also advisor to the outgoing president deleted the tweet shortly after publishing it. “American patriots, any any violation security or lack of respect for law enforcement authorities is unacceptable ”, wrote Ivanka Trump. “The violence must stop immediately. Please be peaceful ”, he added in the deleted message. Ivanka Trump calls fans who take over the Capitol “American Patriots” # MAGAIsCancelled # ByeByeTrump 🇺🇸 - Rodrigo Saavedra 🧜🏻‍♂️🏳️ ‍🌈 (@Ro_SaavedraM) Janua...
Donald Trump blames Mike Pence for chaos in Washington as supporters storm Capitol Hill

Donald Trump blames Mike Pence for chaos in Washington as supporters storm Capitol Hill

The opinion News "Mike Pence did not have the courage to do what he should have done to protect our country and our Constitution," he said. Donald Trump through his Twitter account. "Mike Pence had no the courage to do what he should have done to protect our country "says Donald Trump on his Twitter account. Photo: EFE By: EFE 23 from January 2021 The outgoing US president, Donald Trump, blamed this Wednesday on his vice president, Mike Pence, from the chaos in Washington for not having assumed powers that the Constitution does not grant him to revoke his electoral defeat, while his followers stormed the Capitol. Trump, who was in the Oval Office as his supporters stormed the Capitol and entered the the House of Representatives, did not ask his suppo...
Several injured in violent irruption of Trump supporters on Capitol Hill

Several injured in violent irruption of Trump supporters on Capitol Hill

The protesters managed to enter both chambers. Photo: JIM LO SCALZO / EFE Several people have been injured with blows and at least one woman with gunshots during the violent entry of supporters of the president Donald Trump to the Capitol. The House of Representatives and the Senate were evacuated by the Capitol Police , but administrative staff and several reporters are still in the building. Some of the protesters entered the main rooms of both chambers and even occupied the chairs of the respective presidencies, according to reports. The sessions of both chambers progressed calmly as part of the certification process of the Electoral College vote on the victory of the Democrat Joe Biden . In the corridors, meanwhile, shouts were heard and a video captur...
Washington, DC curfew ordered for violence by Trump supporters

Washington, DC curfew ordered for violence by Trump supporters

Dozens of Trump supporters continue on the streets of Washington, DC Photo: Capture C-SPAN / Courtesy The Mayor of the District of Columbia, Muriel Bowser , ordered a curfew from this Wednesdays at 6: 00 pm until January 7 at 6: 00 am, due to the violent takeover of Congress by supporters of the president Donald Trump . “During the hours of this curfew, no person, other than those designated by the Mayor's Office, may walk, cycle, run, meet or circulate by car or other mode of transportation in the street or park or any other place in the District ”, indicates your order. Today, I'm ordering a citywide curfew for the District of Columbia from 6: 00 pm on Wednesday, January 6, until 6: 00 am on Thursday, January 7. - Major Muriel Bowser (@...
Trump Followers Forcibly Enter Congress;  session in Senate and Chamber suspended

Trump Followers Forcibly Enter Congress; session in Senate and Chamber suspended

Dozens of supporters of the President Donald Trump forcibly entered the Capitol, causing the suspension of the sessions of the House of Representatives and the Senate on the certification of the Electoral College vote. In the morning, the protesters heard the harangues of the Republican president on the rejection of the electoral results , where he also warned that he would not recognize the triumph of the Democrat Joe Biden . The rally proceeded calmly, but after the participation of President Trump, the protesters went to the Capitol and had clashes with the Police, who tried to withdraw them even with tear gas, but the Republican's followers outnumbered by dozens to the authorities, some climbed walls and others ran towards the stairs to enter the building. Videos cir...
Trump supporters also got violent in downtown Los Angeles

Trump supporters also got violent in downtown Los Angeles

The protesters reached City Hall, in downtown Los Angeles. Photo: ETIENNE LAURENT / EFE Protests by ardent supporters of Donald Trump which included a raid on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC , spread to other parts of the country such as Los Angeles. Photos and videos on social networks gave an account of the protests and some fights that occurred in downtown Los Angeles . The protesters gathered in front of the Police Building, across the street from City Hall. Virtually none of them wore a face mask . THIS IS DOWNTOWN LA RIGHT NOW !! EVERYONE STAY AWAY FROM DTLA, CITY HALL, RODEO DRIVE AND 550 !! STAY HOME! - michi ✰︎︎ (@atzxu) January 6, 1200 Bloodshed and arrests and severe fights break out between Trump supporters and counterprotes...
A woman dies after shooting in the Capitol.  There are 13 Trump supporters arrested and 5 weapons seized

A woman dies after shooting in the Capitol. There are 13 Trump supporters arrested and 5 weapons seized

The authorities said they had re-secured the building. Photo: JIM LO SCALZO / EFE A woman died after being shot in the riots that armed Trump supporters inside the Capitol of U.S. The circumstances are not yet clear, as reported by The Washington Post . “ Yes, the adult woman who was shot inside the Capitol was declared dead, ”said Dustin Sternbeck, spokesman for the Metropolitan Police Department. The death was declared at Dustin Sternbeck Hospital. A video that began circulating on Twitter this Wednesday seems to show the shooting in the Capitol . In it, a woman wrapped in a flag appears to climb a small ledge next to a door inside the building immediately before a single loud bang is heard. Next, a man in a helmet and a military-style rifle stands next to her and s...
Trump asks his violent supporters to leave the Capitol

Trump asks his violent supporters to leave the Capitol

Donald Trump sent a message to his followers. Photo: White House video capture / Courtesy In a brief message, the president Donald Trump asked his followers, that They took the Capitol with violence , retired to their homes "in peace." The president insisted that "the election was stolen", but asked his supporters to act peacefully. "We have to have peace , we have to have public order, we have to respect our great law and order staff. We do not want anyone to be injured, "said the president. "Go home" . Said to recognize the pain that his followers feel, but that the situation was complicated at the moment. Without referring to the events in the Capitol, never seen before, he continued in reference to the elections. "Nothing like this had ever happened...
Trump asks his violent supporters to leave the Capitol

Trump asks his violent supporters to leave the Capitol

Donald Trump sent a message to his followers. Photo: White House video capture / Courtesy In a brief message, the president Donald Trump asked his followers, that They took the Capitol with violence , retired to their homes "in peace." The president insisted that "the election was stolen", but asked his supporters to act peacefully. "We have to have peace , we have to have public order, we have to respect our great law and order staff. We do not want anyone to be injured, "said the president. "Go home" . Said to recognize the pain that his followers feel, but that the situation was complicated at the moment. Without referring to the events in the Capitol, never seen before, he continued in reference to the elections. "Nothing like this had ever happened," he said a...
Ivanka Trump calls those who cause chaos in Washington “patriots” and then deletes the tweet

Ivanka Trump calls those who cause chaos in Washington “patriots” and then deletes the tweet

Ivanka Trump said in another message that "violence is unacceptable." Photo: ERIK S. LESSER / EFE Ivanka Trump , he retweeted a post from his father, President Donald Trump , with a message calling "American patriots" to those who wreak havoc in Washington . The also advisor to the outgoing president deleted the tweet shortly after publishing it. “American patriots, any any violation security or lack of respect for law enforcement authorities is unacceptable ”, wrote Ivanka Trump. “The violence must stop immediately. Please be peaceful ”, he added in the deleted message. Ivanka Trump calls fans who take over the Capitol “American Patriots” # MAGAIsCancelled # ByeByeTrump 🇺🇸 - Rodrigo Saavedra 🧜🏻‍♂️🏳️ ‍🌈 (@Ro_SaavedraM) January 6, 20...
Several injured in violent irruption of Trump supporters on Capitol Hill

Several injured in violent irruption of Trump supporters on Capitol Hill

The protesters managed to enter both chambers. Photo: JIM LO SCALZO / EFE Several people have been injured with blows and at least one woman with gunshots during the violent entry of supporters of the president Donald Trump to the Capitol. The House of Representatives and the Senate were evacuated by the Capitol Police , but administrative staff and several reporters are still in the building. Some of the protesters entered the main rooms of both chambers and even occupied the chairs of the respective presidencies, according to reports. The sessions of both chambers progressed calmly as part of the certification process of the Electoral College vote on the victory of the Democrat Joe Biden . In the corridors, meanwhile, shouts were heard and a video captured the mom...
Washington, DC curfew ordered for violence by Trump supporters

Washington, DC curfew ordered for violence by Trump supporters

Dozens of Trump supporters continue on the streets of Washington, DC Photo: Capture C-SPAN / Courtesy The Mayor of the District of Columbia, Muriel Bowser , ordered a curfew from this Wednesdays at 6: 00 pm until January 7 at 6: 00 am, due to the violent takeover of Congress by supporters of the president Donald Trump . “During the hours of this curfew, no person, other than those designated by the Mayor's Office, may walk, cycle, run, meet or circulate by car or other mode of transportation in the street or park or any other place in the District ”, indicates your order. Today, I'm ordering a citywide curfew for the District of Columbia from 6: 00 pm on Wednesday, January 6, until 6: 00 am on Thursday, January 7. - Major Muriel Bowser (@MayorBow...
Trump Followers Forcibly Enter Congress;  session in Senate and Chamber suspended

Trump Followers Forcibly Enter Congress; session in Senate and Chamber suspended

Dozens of supporters of the President Donald Trump forcibly entered the Capitol, causing the suspension of the sessions of the House of Representatives and the Senate on the certification of the Electoral College vote. In the morning, the protesters heard the harangues of the Republican president on the rejection of the electoral results , where he also warned that he would not recognize the triumph of the Democrat Joe Biden . The rally proceeded calmly, but after the participation of President Trump, the protesters went to the Capitol and had clashes with the Police, who tried to withdraw them even with tear gas, but the Republican's followers outnumbered by dozens to the authorities, some climbed walls and others ran towards the stairs to enter the building. Videos circulati...
The National Guard to the Capitol after violent irruption of Trump supporters

The National Guard to the Capitol after violent irruption of Trump supporters

They also sent more special forces elements. Photo: MICHAEL REYNOLDS / EFE Following various requests, the National Guard will be moved to the United States Capitol, after the arrival of supporters of the president Donald Trump . Both the Mayor of Washington DC, Muriel Bowser, and the Office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi , asked the National Guard for their deployment. First reports indicated that there was a negative about the deployment, but the C-SPAN news service confirmed that there was a deployment response, to secure the property. It is not clear where and when the sessions of the House of Representatives and the Senate will be resumed, which carried out the certification of the Electoral College vote , which awarded the Democrat a...
Pence rejects pressure from Trump, rules out opposing Biden's win

Pence rejects pressure from Trump, rules out opposing Biden's win

Vice President Mike Pence. Photo: J. Scott Applewhite / POOL / EFE Vice President Mike Pence challenged the president Donald Trump and denied having authority to oppose the certification of the Electoral College's vote, which confirmed the triumph of Joe Biden . “I have considered that my oath to support and defend the Constitution limits me to claiming unilateral authority to determine what Electoral votes should be counted and which ones should not, ” expressed Pence. The vice president was under pressure from President Trump , who would have asked him to oppose Congress certifying the election, the previous step - practically a routine process - to the inauguration of the new government. This this morning , at a rally in Washington, DC, said he hoped Penc...