Friday, September 20

Tag: Donald Trump

USA News

3 keys to the second day of the impeachment of Trump and the next steps of this political process

Republican Senator Mitt Romney was one of the legislators who was close to the extremist crowd. Photo: Tasos Katopodis / Getty Images The second impeachment of former President Donald Trump is being deeply emotional as he relives the distressing moments that the country went through in the violent assault on the Capitol on January 6 and because the senators who have to judge him are also witnesses of the brutality of the events. The Democratic impeachment of the House of Representatives has ensured that this emotional bond play a central role in defending your arguments . Already on Tuesday, during the first session of the impeachment in the Senate, they presented a video of 13 minutes that interspersed images of the former president speaking to his followers on January 6 ...
USA News

FBI arrested New York DJ who bragged about smoking marijuana during assault on National Capitol

Greg Rubenacker smoking in Congress Photo: US Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of NY / Courtesy The FBI arrested Greg Rubenacker, a DJ from Long Island (NY), after identifying him as one of the assailants on the National Capitol because he published images of him smoking marijuana in the roundabout of the federal building. The announcement was made by prosecutors yesterday, the same day it began the trial in Congress of former President Donald Trump for his alleged incitement to insurrection on January 6, in opposing Joe Biden's voter certification. Rubenacker, resident of Farmindale , was accused of disorderly conduct, among other charges, pointed out Pix 11. He posted videos of himself storming the Capitol and smoking inside the rotunda, prosecutors said. Ha ...
USA News

The Senate will go ahead with the impeachment of Trump. What does that mean?

Several Republican senators criticized the intervention of Trump's defense. Photo: Win McNamee / Getty Images The second impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump began in the Senate this Tuesday . In the first session, the Upper House voted in favor of prosecuting the former president and defeated the argument of unconstitutionality alleged by his lawyers. The day was marked by the initial video presented by the "prosecutors" of the House of Representatives and by a defense of Trump who hesitated and gave arguments that raised criticism among Republicans. One of them, Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, changed the direction of his vote and joined the Democratic caucus. In total, 56 senators voted in favor and 44 against. The video about the assault on the Capi...
USA News

Biden says Trump should no longer receive classified intelligence reports

President Joe Biden does not believe that his predecessor Donald Trump should receive classified intelligence reports , as other former presidents have normally done. Biden says that his position is based on the "irresponsible behavior" of the Republican and assures that it is not related to "the insurrection" of January 6. " I prefer not speculate out loud , "Biden said in an interview on 'CBS Evening News.' “I just think there is no need for him to have the intelligence reports. What is the value of giving an intelligence report? What impact does it have at all, apart from the fact that he could slip and say something? ”He pointed out. But the president's statements did not seem to have an immediate effect on the House's policy White On Saturday, press secretary Jen Psaki sai...
USA News

Donald Trump's impeachment will begin next week

WASHINGTON - When a month has passed since the assault on the Capitol by a mob of followers of now former President Donald Trump, the country is preparing for the start next week of the second impeachment trial of the former president, accused of "inciting insurrection" and that he could end up disqualified for life from holding public office. They have only passed 30 days and the political scene in the United States is not the same as that of that fateful day, in which five people died in the assault on the headquarters of the federal Congress, including a policeman. Donald Trump is already out of the White House, secluded in his golf club in Mar-a -Lago (Florida) and isolated to communicate with the general public due to the veto imposed by the main social networks, after those...
USA News

5 controversial Trump policies that have survived Biden's onslaught

Many of your voters probably consider the president of the United States, Joe Biden, and his predecessor in the White House, Donald Trump, as polar opposites. If you judge by the large number of policies of the real estate magnate that the new president has tried to reverse through executive decisions in the first two weeks of his government, that seems to be the case. This Tuesday, Biden re-signed a series of orders aimed at reversing the heavy-handed immigration policy of his predecessor. And only during his first week in the White House, Biden signed 21 executive orders, more than the sum of the issued in the same period by the previous four US presidents, since Bill Clinton in 1200 to Trump in 2016. The objective of a part A substantial part of these decisions has been to...
USA News

Trump refuses to be impeached because he is no longer president

By: EFE 02 February 2021 WASHINGTON - The former president of the United States, Donald Trump , rejected this Tuesday as "unconstitutional" the political trial to which he will be subjected in the Senate and where he is accused of committing a “treason of historical proportions ”, arguing that he is already out of his position. In his formal response to the impeachment article presented by the House of Representatives, Trump also denied through his lawyers that he was "In a mistake of fact" when on January 6 he assured the followers who later stormed the Capitol that he had won the elections by a landslide victory. Shortly before, the Democrats presented their case to the Senate in a brief to condemn former President Donald Trump for inciting his followers to carry out...
USA News

Lawyers for Donald Trump's team resign within weeks of impeachment

Five of the attorneys on former President Donald Trump's impeachment defense team have left, with their Senate impeachment trial just days away, according to people familiar with the case, amid a disagreement on his legal strategy, CNN reported. Trump has struggled to find lawyers willing to take the case to his second impeachment. And now, with legal reports pending for next week and a trial that will begin just days later, Trump is still holding on to his claims of fraud in the elections and is without legal representation. >> Who are the managers of the impeachment of Trump, who will defend the 'impeachment' before the Senate >> 3 questions about the impeachment of Trump for “inciting insurrection” in the Senate >> Trump impeachment will begin in the second week of Februa...
USA News

Who are the managers of Trump's impeachment, who will defend the impeachment before the Senate

Nine members of Congress, appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, will soon walk through the Capitol and will deliver the impeachment article against former President Trump to the Senate. These members, known as impeachment managers, are the ones who will prosecute the case against former President Donald Trump before the Senate. Pelosi said that the House will officially send the article of impeachment against Trump to the Senate on Monday. The article of impeachment for incitement of insurrection by Donald Trump will be delivered to the Senate on Monday, January 25. - Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) January 22, 2021 “We are respectful of the Senate's constitutional power over the trial and we are always attentiv...
USA News

Live: Donald Trump left the White House

Trump's last flight over the White House Photo: EPA / ERIK S. LESSER / EFE Donald Trump left the White House this morning, ending four years of his controversial presidency, and without waiting to complete the protocol for handing over command to his successor, Joe Biden. Thus, a Republican government marked by the Power conflicts and racial and verbal tensions that evolved into deadly violence when his followers stormed the Capitol on January 6, in an attempt to stop the electoral confirmation of the Democratic candidate , leaving five people dead. The coronavirus pandemic, which yesterday added more than 400 1,000 deaths in the US, marked Trump's last year in power and the election campaign, leading him to fiercely question the legitimacy of the Results for the massive e...
USA News

Live: Donald Trump leaves the US presidency

Trump's last sunrise in the White House Photo: / EPA / GAMAL DIAB / EFE Donald Trump leaves the White House this morning, ending four years of his controversial presidency, and without waiting to complete the protocol for handing over command to his successor, Joe Biden. A government marked by the Power conflicts and racial and verbal tensions that evolved into deadly violence when his followers took over the Capitol on January 6, in an attempt to stop Biden's electoral confirmation, leaving five people dead. The pandemic of the coronavirus, which yesterday added more than 400 thousand deaths in the US, marked the last year of Trump in power and the electoral campaign, which led him to question the legitimacy of the results due to the massive early vote to avoid contagion. ...
USA News

FBI: A Houston Police Officer Tried To Delete Your Photos And Videos On Capitol Hill During The Riots

TEXAS - A Houston police officer who recently resigned after it was found that participated in the riots in the capital of the United States two weeks ago , tried to erase photos showing him inside the Capitol. According to court documents, Tam Pham, a veteran of 18 years with the Houston Police, he admitted to having been in Washington DC for "business reasons", but denied that he attended the event where President Donald Trump gave a speech on January 6 prior to the riots. FBI agents received consent from Pham to review the photos on his cell phone and discovered that there were no images of his trip to Washington, according to court documents. The agents continued investigating and found a deleted folder containing photos and videos of Pham inside the Capitol during the riots...
USA News

Trump decides to pardon Steve Bannon, his former chief adviser at the last minute

Steve Bannon is accused of fraud with funds for the wall. Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images President Donald Trump has decided to pardon his former chief adviser Steve Bannon, in a decision of last minute it took just hours before his scheduled departure from the White House. The President Trump granted clemency to Stephen K. Bannon , accused of defrauding political donors supporting the construction of a border wall that Trump promoted, White House officials told The New York Times. The president made the decision after a day of frantic efforts to influence him, including from Bannon himself, who spoke to him by phone on Tuesday. The clemency was described as a preventive measure that would effectively eliminate the charges against Bannon, should that he was sentenced. ...
USA News

5 outstanding phrases of Trump in his farewell speech to the presidency

On the eve of Joe Biden's inauguration as president of the United States, the process of handover of power continues to leave unusual scenes. After more than two months without accepting the results of elections on November 3, President Donald Trump chose to say goodbye to office with a video of almost 20 minutes. In his speech, in which he wished the new government luck, Trump did not once pronounce the name of his successor . An attitude that is in line with the In all this time of transition, Trump has not congratulated Biden on his triumph or invited him to the Oval Office of the White House, as is tradition. Nor has the usual meeting between first ladies. Michelle and Barack Obama attended the inauguration of Donald Trump on 94 from in ero of 2017. Trump's words ha...
USA News

Donald Trump: the four years of his presidency summarized in 10 images

With the end of the presidency of Donald Trump and the coming to power of Joe Biden, reuni mos a selection of images illustrating some of the most remembered moments of the four years of the Republican in office. 1. Inauguration Trump looked angry that the images showed less attendance than at Barack Obama's inauguration in 2017. / Photo: REUTERS Trump's inauguration was the 20 of January of 2017. A few days later, the new president accused the media of lying about the number of people who attended the event. Trump seemed angry that the pictures showed that attendance had been less than of the first inauguration of Barack Obama in 2009 . Then-White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told the media that it had been "the largest audience that h...
USA News

Trump: What Can Happen to 6 of the Major Legal Battles Facing the US President

From 19 of January, when the United States Senate resumes its sessions , Donald Trump may be subjected to impeachment for the second time before that instance. The president will have to face the impeachment approved last week by the House of Representatives, which accuses him of having incited the assault on Congress carried out on January 6 by a crowd of his supporters. Trump rejects these allegations and claims that he is the victim of a witch hunt . If he is convicted, the procedure will not put an end to his mandate as it expires on 23 January, when Joe Biden will take office as the new president. The consequences for Trump could be reflected rather in a eventual ban from holding public office and / or at a loss of benefits tions that correspond to him as a former presiden...
USA News

3 last-minute Trump decisions that will complicate the start of Biden's presidency

In the United States, an outgoing president is called a "lame duck" or "lame duck" in the period from the election of his successor to his effective inauguration. possession. The adjective "lame" refers to the supposed little capacity of the outgoing president to "move" politically in that period. But, as on so many other occasions, the government of Donald Trump has broken with the established. In recent weeks and days, the Executive has made important decisions on foreign policy that may complicate the plans of Joe Biden, who takes office as the 46 th US president on Wednesday 22 January. These are some examples. 1. Cuba The past 11 of January, just over a week after the transfer of power , the Trump administration made an announcement with important repercussions for Latin...
USA News

Executive Orders Biden is preparing to reverse Trump policies

The president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, plans to issue a series of executive orders as soon as he assumes power this Wednesday, the details of which are beginning to be known. Biden will issue decrees to reverse immigration bans and return to the Paris Agreement on climate change on his first day in the White House, report media in the United States. The president-elect is also expected to aim for the reunification of separated families on the US-Mexico border. and will order measures on the use of masks against covid - 19. The president will be sworn into office this Wednesday under strict security measures . All the 50 states of the Union are in a state of maximum alert to face the possible violence that may occur around the ceremony of Investiture. Thousands of Na...
USA News

Donald Trump is going to Mar-a-Lago, but maybe not for long

Rear entrance to Mar-a-Lago, Trump's residence in Palm Beach, Florida. Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP / Getty Images The still president of the United States, Donald Trump, is scheduled to leave the White House early in the morning on Wednesday, hours before the fulfill his mandate. The president has already confirmed that he would not attend the inauguration of Joe Biden, thus breaking a tradition of more than 150 years. The president is going to live in Mar-a-Lago, his private club in Palm Beach (Florida ), and that has become known as the "Summer White House" since Trump spent several seasons there and organized various events officers while he was in charge of the administration. You may be interested in: A Miami pediatrician is arrested in a child pornography operation ...
USA News

What happened to the other US presidents who have faced impeachment

President Donald Trump has become the first president in the history of the United States to be subjected to impeachment twice, and he is one of three who have faced an impeachment process. This is what happened to the others: Andrew Johnson Andrew Johnson was the first president of the United States to face impeachment. What did he do? With the memory of the Civil War still fresh, President Andrew Johnson, Democrat, he often clashed with Congress , then in Republican hands, on how to rebuild America's defeated southern. The “radical republicans” of this period pushed to pass legislation that would punish former Confederate leaders and protect the rights of freed slaves. Meanwhile, the president had granted pardons to these generals. Johnson used his presidential ve...
USA News

Assault on the Capitol: the clues on how the attack was not so spontaneous (and the suspicions that there was help)

The security and intelligence services of the United States are immersed in a demanding and complicated task. On the one hand they have to plan and adopt all possible protective measures to guarantee a smooth investiture ceremony for Joe Biden next 20 from January. At the same time, they are investigating the events of January 6, when hundreds of followers of Donald Trump stormed the Capitol with violence after attending a march in which the president himself encouraged them to fight in protest of the election result. The riots caused five deaths and multiple injuries, and as of this weekend there had been more than 149 arrests. Some of those arrested after the assault on the Capitol are former members of the security forces. Beyond identifying and arresting participants in ...

BBC Mundo: why the Mara Salvatrucha is not the same in El Salvador and Los Angeles

The body was found on a cliff in the Angeles National Forest, in Los Angeles, United States, after a fire consumed surrounding vegetation. Without clothes or scars or tattoos, it was hard to identify. Due to the level of deterioration, the body had been out in the open for some time. A month and a half later, it could be specified. After the autopsy, that body was renamed Doe # 19, until a forensic dentist could assign him a name and surname: Brayan Alejandro Andino. I had 16 years old, he was from Honduras and studied at Panorama High School, a public high school in the San Fernando Valley, in the north area of ​​the city of Los Angeles. He 30 October 2017, three or four young men put it in a Toyota Corolla from the 2011, they took him to the forest, and there they beat and sta...

Alicia Machado publishes a photo with Donald Trump and says: “We all get our trial and sentence”

Donald Trump and Alicia Machado. Photo: SAUL LOEB / AFP / Justin Sullivan / Getty Images Alicia Machado captured the attention of many by publishing a photograph, already widely seen by all, in where he appears smiling next to Donald Trump, who is the current president of the United States. In his post, he also wrote a controversial statement because he affirms that he has never been allowed to tell his truth, in relation to the time when he was the beauty queen of the Miss Universe pageant, of which Trump is the owner. But he also stressed that there is divided justice, and that it is implacable with everyone. Here the complete statement of Alicia Machado: "It is inevitable and apparently of this history I have not yet been allowed to tell my truth! Divine justice is implacab...

The man in bison clothes who stormed the Capitol asks Trump's forgiveness

La Opinion News Jacob Albert Chansley's attorney said it would be appropriate for President Trump to forgive him, along with other peaceful people who were in the assault on the Capitol Jacob Anthony Chansley is allegedly the man wearing horns in the Senate. Photo: Getty Images By: EFE 15 from January 2021 WASHINGTON - A man who stormed the Capitol in Washington on January 6 disguised as a bison, wearing a horned hat and without a shirt and temporarily presided over the Senate, has asked that the outgoing president, Donald Trump, grant your pardon . This was announced by Albert Watkins, the attorney for Jacob Albert Chansley , also known as Jake Angeli, a member of the QAnon conspiracy theory movement who calls himself “Yellowstone Wolf” on his YouTube channe...

Impeachment to Trump: what it means for him, for Biden and for the United States

Exactly one week after the security forces had to defend the US congressmen from an angry mob, the legislators met in the same chamber to impeach the president supported by that mob. It is the first time in the 231 years of United States history that a president has been subjected to two political trials in a same period, undoubtedly an ignominious end for a president who likes to boast about the historic successes of his presidency. Trump becomes the only US president to face a second impeachment The only article of the impeachment accuses President Donald Trump of having incites do to the riots that broke out in the US Capitol after it targeted thousands of his followers in a rally near the White House on Wednesday morning, January 6. The indictment will now be ref...

Trump: the unusual letter from the US military high command (and what does it say about the “exceptional moment” the country is experiencing)

One of the sacred principles of American democracy is that the Army is apolitical and loyal only to the Constitution. But in the face of the political tension generated by Departa by the invasion of the Capitol by the supporters of Donald Trump, military leaders have deemed it necessary to make a reminder. “The violent protest in Washington DC on January 6 was a direct assault on Congress, the Capitol building and our constitutional process "Says a circular addressed to members of the Army and signed by the seven generals and the admiral that make up the Joint Chiefs of Staff . " Any act against the constitutional process not only violates our traditions, values ​​and oath; It is also against the law ”, adds the note, published this Tuesday. Analysts assure that it is an unusual ...

Los Angeles man who participated in the Capitol seizure arrested

The FBI arrested one of the Capitol protesters at his home in Glendora. Photo: ROBERTO SCHMIDT / AFP / Getty Images A youth of 20 from the area of Los Angeles accused of participating in the Capitol riots was arrested by the FBI Wednesday night at his residence, as reported local media. Hunter Allen Ehmke, a resident of the Glendora neighborhood was taken into the custody of federal authorities shortly after 8 p.m. The Los Angeles man faces accusations of having caused damage to public property, obstruction of an official procedure and violent and disorderly entrance to the Capitol . During the January 6 riots that took place in the Capitol by Trump supporters, the young man allegedly tried to break a window that led into an office inside the building, but according...

A flower seller and a Brazilian from Texas were terrorists in the Capitol; they boasted on Facebook

La Opinion Texas They posted videos of their participation on social media now facing charges after being arrested by the FBI The images taken during the assault are an aid to the FBI. Photo: Getty Images TEXAS - A Brazilian and a Midland florist owner were caught on Capitol Hill security cameras participating in the violent riots la last week and are now facing charges. The owner of the florist, who was identified as Jenny Cudd, posted a video on Facebook bragging that the office of Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi was raided during the Capitol riots. Cudd and Rosa were arrested Wednesday at the request of the FBI, according to authorities. The Midland Reporter-Telegram reported that Cudd and Rosa appeared Wednesday afternoon before Federal ...

Biden Asks Senate To Follow Trump's Impeachment Along With The Nation's “Other Urgent Issues”

Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States. Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images President-elect Joe Biden on Wednesday urged the Senate to impeach President Donald Trump while simultaneously working on other critical issues, indicating a desire to resolve the legal proceedings against Trump, which will likely remain unresolved when Biden takes office on 20 January, reported CNN. While Biden said in a statement Wednesday that the House vote “to impeach and hold the president accountable” was “a bipartisan vote cast by members who followed the Constitution and their conscience ”, the president-elect wants to start immediately with a broad spectrum of public health initiatives when I take office next week. Biden said that e l Senate should be able to d m...

McConnell: impeachment will not advance in Senate before Trump leaves office

La Opinion News Mitch McConnell warned that the verdict of the second impeachment against Trump will not be known until after Biden's inauguration The Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell. Photo: Stefani Reynolds / Getty Images By: EFE 13 from January 2021 WASHINGTON - Senate Republican Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, anticipated this Wednesday that there is no possibility of holding a “ fair or serious trial ”before President Donald Trump leaves office next week, so called for a focus on an “orderly transition of power.” “Given the Senate's rules, procedures and precedents governing impeachment trials, there is simply no possibility that a fair or serious trial can conclude before President-elect (Joe) Biden is sworn in next week, ”noted McCo...

Assault on the Capitol: The words that cost Trump the second “impeachment”

Was Donald Trump the instigator of the assault on the Capitol? For most members of the House of Representatives, there are suspicions enough to impute "incitement to insurrection". The Democrats, with the support of 13 Republicans, they voted this Wednesday 232 - 197 in favor of l impeachment against the president . They argued that endangered US security by calling for the protest that turned violent on Capitol Hill last January 6, which left at least five dead. The vote has placed Trump as the first US president in see how the Lower House approved a second impeachment. The Senate must now judge the matter. Trump becomes the only US president to face a second impeachment The president denies the accusations and has described this process as a “continuation of th...

Impeachment to Trump: the presidents who have been tried in Congress in the United States

Donald Trump became the first president of the United States to be approved by the House of Representatives for a second impeachment . Before the one approved this Tuesday, the first impeachment (the imputation or formal accusation in the process of impeachment that the Senate decides) took place a year ago. Then, the president was accused of conspiring with the government of Ukraine to obtain an electoral benefit and obstruction of the justice, charges that were dismissed in the Republican majority Senate. He is now accused of "incitement to insurrection" for encourage their supporters to protest on Capitol Hill on January 6, the day thousands of people stormed the headquarters of Congress to stop Democrat Joe Biden's certification of victory. “We know that the president of ...

Trump becomes the only US president to face a second impeachment trial

Donald Trump entered history this Wednesday as the only president of the United States to be subjected to two political trials. The House of Representatives approved by 232 votes versus 197 accuse the president of "inciting insurrection" by the violent events of last week in the Capitol. The president denies the accusations and has described this process as a “continuation of the witch hunt” against him. Ten Republican congressmen aligned themselves with the Democrats and favored the impeachment . This is a big difference from the first political trial, in which no Republican in the House of Representatives approved it. The vote was carried out after several hours of debate in which the congressmen gave arguments for and against prosecuting Trump. Democrats insisted on labeli...

Republicans and the cult of barbarism in Trump's second impeachment trial

The dark chapter that the presidency of Donald Trump represents in the history of the United States unfortunately does not culminate neither with his impeachment in the Lower House, for the second time, nor with his departure from the White House next week. The damage it has done to this country and its recent history, the one that was emerging to make it a vanguard nation in the 21st century, with a policy of full inclusion, according to its new demographics Multiracial, it has been so profound that their society will have to wait until all its wounds heal, and then resume the path that is most conducive to it. Meanwhile, of course, other nations of the world will overtake him in that regard, losing the baton in all areas. Indeed, Trump and his legacy of extremism, racism and falseho...

Trump publishes a video calling for an end to political violence

Donald Trump released a new video condemning political violence, but in the short speech he filmed in the Oval Office he did not mention the House vote to impeach him in impeachment a second time. “I want to make it very clear: I condemn unequivocally the violence we saw last week, ” Trump said in the video, which was posted on the White House YouTube channel. He added that “no true supporter of mine could ever endorse political violence.” “We cannot tolerate it,” he said. The video appears after that 10 Republican House members joined with Democrats in passing a new impeachment. Trump is accused of inciting the insurrection on Capitol Hill last week . Change of tone The week Last time, as the siege unfolded, Trump asked the rioters on Capitol Hill in a video to go home,...

Census Bureau suspends report on undocumented immigrants requested by Trump

The Constitution stipulates that the Census must include all people living in the country. Photo: Mark Wilson / Getty Images The United States Census Bureau has stopped all work to comply with President Trump's directive to produce a count of unauthorized immigrants, state by state , that would have been used to alter a key set of census numbers , as reported by NPR. Authorities of the Office of the Census instructed the internal team assigned to comply with the presidential memorandum of Trump that will retire and immediately cease work Tuesday night , according to an office employee who spoke to NPR on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation in your workplace. The civil servants' measure effectively ends the office's involvement in Trump's attempt to effect...

House of Representatives approves impeachment against Trump for “inciting insurrection”

La Opinion News It is the second accusation faced by the president Trump is the only president to be indicted twice by Congress. Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images The House of Representatives approved the impeachment of the president Donald Trump under the accusation of "incitement to insurrection." The decision was made with 232 votes in favor and 100 against, after a two-hour debate, where several Republicans considered the proposal as a way to divide the country, rather than unite it, as the Democrats presume. At the end 10 Republicans joined the impeachment. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (California), accused the president of leading an “armed rebellion.” Although he supported that President Trump has responsibility on the violence in the Capitol and had...

“The Statue of Liberty in New York is turning green with courage,” says AMLO about “censorship” of Social Networks to Donald Trump

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, once again spoke out against what he called “censorship” of Social Networks, alluding to the canceled accounts of the president of the United States, Donald Trump. “That cannot be accepted, it cannot be allowed, because that goes against freedom. I don't know if you have observed that since you made those decisions, the Statue of Liberty in New York is turning green with anger because it does not want to become an empty symbol ... So freedom, even in the case of the United States, is the main amendment, its Constitution ”, he points out in his morning conference. This Tuesday, YouTube joined the list of Social Networks that they canceled the accounts of still President of the United States, Donald Trump; Facebook and Twitter ha...

AMLO sick, Trump divorces and more: What the Greater Warlock predicted for 2021

The Brujo Mayor released his general predictions for the 2021 and predicted a difficult year for the leaders of Mexico and the United States United. On the one hand, he sees a deterioration in the health of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and on the other a Donald Trump lonely on the political and sentimental level . Using the tarot deck as an oracle, the famous Mexican fortune teller predicted that, although AMLO will intend to be reelected to the term of his mandate in 2024, his state of health will not allow it , according to statements cited by EFE. Also reads: Will Lili Estefan get married? These are the predictions of the Greater Warlock for the famous in the 2021 One of the topics that called the The attention of the Brujo Mayor was the decriminal...

Donald Trump thanks AMLO working relationship and points out that the Mexican president “is a great gentleman, a friend of mine”

La Opinion News "I want to thank the great President of Mexico. He is a great gentleman, a friend of mine," says the President of the United States on his last visit to the border wall with Mexico Donald Trump points out that AMLO is his friend, "a great gentleman", "who loves his country and also the United States." Photo: Getty Images The President of the United States, Donald Trump, visited the construction of the border wall in Texas for the last time in his mandate and thanked his Mexican counterpart, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, for his cooperation in migration. The President highlighted the program of "Wait in Mexico" and the presence of the Mexican National Guard to avoid crossing into the United States. " I want to thank the great President of Mexico. He is...

How Social Media Silenced Trump (And The Free Speech Debate It Spawned)

The closure of Donald Trump's Twitter account after supporters of the president stormed the Capitol on January 6 was celebrated by some and denounced by others. And, as can be expected , among the critics of the decision abound the followers of the American president. But these are not the only ones who have sounded alarm bells. Chancellor Angela Merkel -who no one would describe as close to Trump- referred to the measure as "problematic" for limiting "the fundamental right to free expression" of his North American colleague. While the Russian activist Alexei Navalny used the same Twitter to denounce her as "an unacceptable act of censorship" , in an example of the concern that the measure has generated among some defenders of freedom of expression, especially in countrie...

YouTube suspends Trump's account, banning uploads and comments

YouTube, the Google-owned company said Tuesday night that Trump uploaded content that violated its policies , leading to a minimum seven-day suspension for uploading new content. YouTube reported that it is also disabling the comment section of Donald Trump's YouTube account which has 2. 77 million subscribers and generally posts several videos a day of himself and right-wing media. 2 / Given the ongoing concerns about violence, we will also be indefinitely disabling comments on President Trump's channel, as we've done to other channels where there are safety concerns found in the comments section. - YouTubeInsider (@YouTubeInsider) January 13, 550 YouTube has a rule of three suspensions before doing a permanent ban. The temporary suspension means tha...

House passes resolution to remove Trump despite Pence refusal

La Opinion News The House formally asked Vice President Mike Pence to disempower President Trump using the Amendment 25, although Pence discarded it The National Guard patrol the Capitol, surrounded by fences and barriers. Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images The House of Representatives voted tonight to pass a resolution calling for President Trump to be removed from office by Amendment 25 in the wake of the violent attack on the United States Capitol last week. The resolution, presented by Democratic Representative Jamie Raskin of Maryland , asked Vice President Mike Pence “to immediately use his Powers under section 4 of the Amendment 25 to convene and mobilize the main officials of the executive departments of the cabinet to declare what it is obvious to a horri...

Mike Pence rejects House effort to remove Trump from Presidency

Vice President Mike Pence. Photo: Saul Loeb - Pool / Getty Images Vice President Mike Pence rejected the possibility of stripping President Trump of his powers through the Amendment 25, rebuking a bipartisan resolution in the House calling on the Vice President to do so, The New York Times reported. “I do not believe that this course of action is in the best interest of our nation or is consistent with our Constitution ”, Pence wrote in a letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi . "I urge you and all members of Congress to avoid actions that further divide and inflame the passions of the moment," Pence wrote. He did not mention the name of Trump . Pence privately indicated the week p asada that he did not support the invocation of the...

What impact does returning to the US government's list of countries sponsor terrorism have for Cuba?

Cuba is once again on the list of countries that sponsor terrorism in the United States. The decision, made public by the secretary of State, Mike Pompeo , arrives a few days after the change of government in the United States and will pose a new challenge for the administration of Joe Biden . "With this measure we again hold the government of Cuba responsible and send a clear message: the Castro regime must end its support for international terrorism and the subversion of US justice" Pompeo said in a statement. In 1982, former President Barack Obama had removed Cuba from the list he had been on since 1982 in what was an important step in the "thaw" that a year later it would result in both countries resuming their diplomatic relations. But this rapprochement, like many other p...

Assault on the Capitol: “One of the big problems is the idea that the United States is an exceptional country”

A Capitol building heavily fenced and guarded by the National Guard in the final days of Donald Trump's presidency. It's the image that reaches the world from the political heart of the United States, whose democracy is considered the oldest in the world. After the assault on the headquarters of Congress, on January 6 in Washington DC, by a mob of supporters of the president, Donald Trump, the capital has resorted to strong surveillance that can stop any violent outbreak. With Trump refusing to attend Joe Biden's inauguration, the FBI is looking for those responsible for invading the Capitol and the House of Representatives pressuring the vice president to provoke Trump's resignation, the United States seems mired in crisis. Is it possible, then, that the United States contin...

Big Business Stopping Donations to Republicans Who Supported Trump

Sign of Wall Street in New York. Photo: Spencer Platt / Getty Images The pockets of some Republican politicians have already begun to feel the impact of their actions on January 6 in the United States Congress. More of 20 large US corporations have announced the suspension of their campaign contributions, mostly those destined for the Republican legislators who objected to the electoral victory of Democrat Joe Biden. This occurred during the joint session of the two houses of Congress to certify the votes of the Electoral College that were was interrupted by the assault on the Capitol by violent supporters of President Donald Trump. After the resumption of the session, more than 100 members of the House of Representatives and almost a dozen Senators, all of them from the Republ...

Trump boasts that the wall has helped stop immigration, crime and even the coronavirus!

President Trump went to the border with Mexico. Photo: Samuel Corum / POOL / EFE Although he said it was not built for that purpose, President Donald Trump claimed that the border wall has helped stop the coronavirus. During his visit to the city of Alamo, Texas, the president referred to the fact that Mexico is being “severely hit” by COVID - 19 , though The United States continues to be - by far - the country with the most cases in the world with 23 million infections, against 1.5 million of the South neighbor. He highlighted that his main immigration project has helped to stop the immigration of undocumented immigrants, as well as organized crime, for which he defended his permanence. "We can't let the next administration not even think about tearing down (the wall), if ...

Trump declares emergency in Washington DC over Biden's inaugural ceremony

The FBI warned of armed protests in 50 states and the country's capital . Photo: JIM LO SCALZO / EFE President Donald Trump declared a state of emergency in Washington DC, at the request of the mayor Muriel Bowser . "Specifically, FEMA is authorized to identify, mobilize and provide, at its discretion, the equipment and resources necessary to alleviate the impacts of the emergency," says the statement . The decision ties with the FBI alert of armed protests in 50 states , including the capital of the country at least the 16 and 17 of January, a few days after the inauguration of the president elected Joe Biden . “The FBI received information about an identified armed group that intended to travel to Washington, DC on 16 January ", warned the agency. It adds that the m...

Olympic medalist and partner of Michael Phelps, identified among the assailants on the Capitol

The shameful events that occurred in the Capitol the week before h have filled the American people with shame, who experienced one of their most embarrassing moments when a group of protesters, supporters of Donald Trump took the building violently. Some of them were not “anonymous” sympathizers but real sports stars. According to the testimony of at least 12 witnesses , a man of great stature who l wore the uniform of the American Olympic team would be Klete Keller, a five-time Olympic medalist. Keller , winner of bronze in the 400 free and silver in the 4 × 200 Sidney free 2000, bronze back in 400 free and gold in the 4 × 200 in Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008 , forming an almost invincible team, yes, next to the invincible Michael Phelps. Klete Keller wearing his U...