Friday, September 20

Tag: Covid 19


Mexico approves use of Chinese CanSino and Sinovac vaccines against COVID-19

The vaccines against COVID - 19, developed by the Chinese laboratories CanSino Biologics and Sinovac were approved by the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks of Mexico (Cofepris) for emergency use in people of 18 years or more. Hugo López-Gatell, Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion explained that these vaccines have shown low efficacy compared to others, however, as more data accumulates and with the advancement of information it is possible that this changes and there is a higher estimate. Mexico is one of the countries where the Cansino vaccine is being tested. The 30 of October, the first doses of this vaccine arrived to carry out phase three of clinical trials in the country. The federal government plans to buy CanSino 35 millions of dos...
USA News

Los Angeles Limits First Doses of Covid-19 Vaccines Due to Supply Shortage

People go to get vaccinated at a large-scale vaccination center at Cal Poly Pomona University. Photo: FREDERIC J. BROWN / AFP / Getty Images Los Angeles County authorities reported that will limit first doses of vaccines to ensure second doses are available for those already online to receive them. In Los Angeles County, home of 10 millions of residents, as of next Tuesday, sites of mass vaccination will only give second doses of Covid vaccines - 19. “We are just struggling with supply, limited supply and feel an obligation to make sure that people who have received a first dose can receive their second dose, ” said Dr. Paul Simon , county scientific director, during a session informative. We are sending emails to those vaccinated at a County site confirming the place and ...
USA News

Johnson & Johnson requests FDA clearance for its COVID-19 vaccine

J&J Covid Vaccine - 26 requires a single dose. Photo: JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP / Getty Images A third coronavirus vaccine has applied for emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Johnson & Johnson submitted its application on Thursday for authorization of its single dose COVID vaccine - 19. In a statement issued Thursday, the company said that if the emergency use permit is granted, its goal is to supply 100 million doses of vaccines in the first half of 2021 . Unlike Pfizer and Moderna, Johnson & Johnson's Janssen vaccine can be stored for at less three months to 36 - 46 degrees Fahrenheit, compatible with standard vaccine distribution channels, the company said. The vaccine has been shown to have a 66% effective overall in preventing COVID - 19 ...
USA News

The biggest obstacle against COVID: doubts to accept the vaccine

The Opinion Opinion 'Building trust and providing information can mitigate the obstacles that hinder its acceptance' Dr. Anthony Fauci asked for confidence in vaccines against Covid - 20. (EFE) Photo: Patrick Semansky / POOL / EFE By: Dr. Daniel Turner-Lloveras 10 February 2021 Every 6 seconds a new case of COVID is reported - 19 in California. Two or more lives are lost every minute. Deaths are close to 400, 000, leaving millions heartbroken at the Losing loved ones and uncertainty about long-term health and economic consequences. African American, Indigenous and Latino communities continue to suffer from a COVID pandemic - 19 relentless that has increased inequalities. The Silver Bullet: Vaccines. However, vaccinating a large part of the population is what ...

Russian Sputnik V vaccine is 91.6% effective, says The Lancet medical journal

An interim analysis of data from the phase III covid vaccine trial - 19 from Russia (Sputnik V) suggests that a two-dose regimen offers an efficacy of 91 .6% against symptomatic disease; a protection that in older than 60 years is very similar and rises to 91. 8%. Preliminary results, published in “The Lancet”, are based on analysis of data from almost 20, 000 participants, of which three quarters parts received the vaccine and a quarter received placebo. The trial included 2. 144 participants older than 60 years and the efficacy of the vaccine was 91, 8% in this group: the vaccine was well tolerated and the safety data of 1. 369 of these older adults revealed that the most common adverse effects were flu symptoms and local reaction. These coincide with the majority of adverse ef...
USA News

New case of the South African variant of coronavirus detected in the United States

Maryland state authorities reported a case of the South African variant of the coronavirus this Saturday, after two other cases were reported in South Carolina on Thursday. Maryland Governor Larry Hogan explained that “this is an adult living in the Baltimore metropolitan region. You have not traveled abroad, so community transmission is likely. A trace is being done to ensure that any contact is quickly identified, quarantined and tested, "he said, quoted by CNN. In South Carolina Two cases have been detected in which the patients have not traveled abroad recently and are not related to each other, reported state health authorities. The Director of Health South Carolina Public, Brannon Traxler , explained to the press that the coronavirus tests were carried out in early Janua...
USA News

Johnson & Johnson announces its Covid-19 vaccine that requires a single dose

J&J Covid Vaccine - 19 requires a single dose. Photo: JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP / Getty Images A third Covid vaccine - 19, manufactured by Johnson & Johnson, may be licensed for use in the United States in the near future. Data on the new Covid vaccine - 19 requiring only one injection , were released on Friday and the company is now collecting its data to apply for emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of United States , CNN reported. The vaccine was manufactured through a vaccine division collaboration with based in Belgium of J&J, Janssen Pharmaceutical and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and works a little differently. Here is what is known about how it works and how it will fit into the vaccine mix: Covid Single Shot Vaccine - 19...
USA News

They arrest a doctor accused of voluntarily causing the death of coronavirus patients

A nurse rests while caring for a Covid patient - 19 without having been vaccinated. Photo: Gardenia Mendoza / Courtesy A doctor has been arrested on charges of intentionally causing the deaths of two covid patients in Brescia, Italy. The head of the Montichiari hospital emergency room, Carlo Mosca , is charged with a crime of involuntary homocide for presumably administering drugs with anesthetic and neuromuscular blocking effect to patients. The doctor He was arrested by order of the judge who is instructing the case and is under house arrest due to the risk that he will act again if he joins his duties. The facts They date back to March 2020, the date on which Italian hospitals were overwhelmed by the virulence of the pandemic. The Public Ministry and Police launched a in...

South African variant of coronavirus detected in United States

Covid vaccine vials - 19 from the biotechnology company Novavax. Photo: JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP / Getty Images A highly communicable coronavirus variant first identified in South Africa was reported Thursday in the United States, hours before Maryland biotech company Novavax announced that its coronavirus vaccine was highly effective in preventing COVID - 19, except against that variant . The information provided by the vaccine manufacturer Novavax on an initial analysis conducted in Great Britain found that the vaccine had an efficacy rate of nearly 80% in the Great Britain variant, but in a small assay done with the South African variant of coronavirus , the effectiveness rate dropped to just under 50%. The data surprised and disappointed scientists, who said that is the lat...

Walmart already offers the coronavirus vaccine in 7 states

The government has already requested the collaboration of other companies to speed up vaccination throughout the country. Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images Walmart stores in Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey, South Carolina and Texas will sell Covid vaccines - 19 from next week ana, the company reported on Friday. Vaccines will be administered at Walmart pharmacies to groups that State health officials have considered more needy, so this is not for the entire population, so it is advisable to review who is eligible for the application. In Texas, for example, only nursing home health workers, residents and staff, the people older than 65 years or persons older than 16 years with chronic diseases can get vaccinated for now. In New Jersey , people eligib...
USA News

Los Angeles County Surpasses 15,000 COVID-19 Deaths

Los Angeles County surpassed one million COVID cases - 19. Photo: ETIENNE LAURENT / EFE Los Angeles County announced Saturday 267 New COVID-Related Deaths - 19, bringing the county's number of coronavirus deaths to more than 10, 000. To Saturday, 15, 162 Los Angeles County residents had lost their lives to the coronavirus. Warnings from public health officials about an increase in holidays came true as the county has reported more than 5, 000 new deaths since 30 from December, which means that the death toll increased by 50% in approximately three weeks years and a half, reported NBC Los Angeles. COVID - 19 Daily Update: January 23, 2021 New Cases: 10, 537 (1,064,537 to date) New Deaths: 269 (10, 162 to date) Current Hospitalizations: 6, 881 kMxFh6q...
USA News

COVID-19 reduces number of immigrants in detention, but lengthens their stay

Violations of civil rights persist in the Adelanto Detention Center. (Getty Images) Photo: John Moore / Getty Images The fight fought during 2020 by pro-immigrant organizations to prevent the Migrants in detention were infected with COVID, it caused the number of adults in the custody of the Immigration and Customs Service (ICE) in the country to decrease, but at the same time the number of days that they were kept deprived of their liberty increased. A report by California Attorney Xavier Becerra specified that while in February of 2020 were detained 20, 876 immigrants, for September there were 19, 989. However, the average number of days in detention increased from 103 .2 to 126 days. Although there was the case of a detainee in the Otay Mesa Center that lasted in custody 1, 2...

Australian Open at risk after third plane affected by coronavirus

By: EFE 17 from January 2021 The Australian Open accentuates the uncertainty after the announcement of a third plane with players on board affected by COVID - 19 , after both first that accumulated a total of four cases. After the new positive found on the QR flight 7485 from Doha to Melbourne, there are already the number of infected passengers who have landed in Australia to be present at the first Grand Slam of the season. The first two infected aircraft forced a total of 125 passengers to confine themselves to their rooms for a period of two weeks in which the only training allowed will be reduced to both the use of the exercise bike installed in the bedrooms and to physical exercises that they can develop in reduced dimensions. . @AustralianOpen pic.twitter.c...

U.S. death toll nears 400,000 as states fight for more vaccines

Health workers get vaccinated in Corona, Southern California. Photo: ETIENNE LAURENT / EFE The number of deaths from COVID - 20 in the United States can reach more than 405, 000 when President-elect Joe Biden takes office on Wednesday, as per the projections from the Institute for Health Metrics and Assessments (IHME) at the University of Washington, and states are struggling to vaccinate as many residents as possible, after learning that the federal government no longer has a vaccine stock to send you. Based on COVID count - 19 from Johns Hopkins University, as of Saturday have died from coronavirus 395, 395 people and have registered 22, 724, 585 Total confirmed cases in the United States, since the pandemic began. From them, 42, 800 died in the first two weeks of ...

Los Angeles County Passes 1 Million Coronavirus Cases and There's More Bad News

COVID Vaccination Center - 19 at Dodger Stadium. Photo: IRFAN KHAN / POOL / AFP / Getty Images The County of Los Angeles reached this Saturday the undesirable figure of million cases of the coronavirus then to report 16, 669 new cases. That means about a tenth of the county's population has tested positive. But the onslaught of the pandemic presents new challenges. In addition to indicating that now a total of 1 have been registered , 003, 923 cases and 13, 741 deaths from COVID - 19 , the authorities confirmed the presence of the new strain of coronavirus, the so-called UK virus. COVID - 19 Daily Update: January 16, 2021 New Cases: 14,669 (1,003, 923 to date) New Deaths: 254 (14, 741 to date) Current Hospitalizations: 7, 597 jtcK - LA Publi...

Covid-19: How concerning are the UK, South Africa and Brazil variants of coronavirus?

New variants of coronavirus more contagious than the original, which started the pandemic, are emerging in different parts of the world. Scientists are studying these mutations to understand exactly what risk they pose. What are these new variants? The concern of experts is now focused on a small number of new variants of SARS-CoV-2 : the variant first detected in UK that has become dominant in much of the country and that has spread to others 30 countries. the variant of South Africa which has also been discovered in at least other 20 countries including UK the variant of Brazil The fact of that new variants have emerged is not surprising ndente: all viruses mutate as they generate copies of themselves to spread the infection. There are currently many thousands ...

Two million deaths from coronavirus: the map that shows where they have died

The death toll doubled in three and a half months. Photo: Go Nakamura / Getty Images Two million deaths from coronavirus. And counting ... The covid pandemic - 19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus detected for the first time at the end of 2019 in China, has exceeded the two million death mark worldwide, according to the count of Johns Hopkins University. The past 28 September, the number of deaths from the disease had reached the milestone of one million fatalities, with Latin America and the Caribbean in the lead. The figure it doubled in three and a half months, which is proof that the transmission of the virus is increasing in regions and countries where it seemed to be controlled: Europe is now the region that accumulates the most deaths. The milestone of ...

From home runs to COVID-19 shots: Dodger Stadium started receiving thousands of visitors

Authorities listen to a press conference near second base at Dodger Stadium. Photo: IRFAN KHAN / POOL / AFP / Getty Images This Friday began a new season at the historic Los Angeles Dodger Stadium: the season of the mass vaccination against COVID - 19 . From home run hits to shots for thousands of Californians at the state's largest vaccination center and one of the largest in the country in this pandemic, according to the plan announced in recent days. The stadium offers the possibility of speeding up the vaccination process, which has been very slow. Here are some photos of the first day of Dodger Stadium as a center for mass vaccination. Gavin Newsom and Eric Garcetti testify outside the stadium. / EFE Mayor Eric Garcetti sanitizes the stage before his conference...

Biden aims for 100 million coronavirus vaccinations in 100 days

President-elect Joe Biden. Photo: Mark Makela / Getty Images President-elect Joe Biden described Friday a plan to administer Covid vaccines - 19 to the United States population that includes opening up eligibility to vaccinate more people, creating more vaccination sites, and taking steps to increase supply and distribution of vaccines. Biden's plan includes mobilizing more staff to support the vaccination effort, launching a public education campaign to serve those who hesitate to take the vaccine, and focuses on ensuring equitable access to the vaccine across the country. My administration will move Heaven and Earth to: - Allow more people to get vaccinated - Create more places for them to get vaccinated - Mobilize more medical teams to get shots in arms - Incr...

Mauricio Pochettino, new PSG coach, tests positive for COVID-19

By: EFE 15 from January 2021 The Paris Saint-Germain announced this Friday that his coach, the Argentine Mauricio Pochettino , has tested positive for coronavirus and will be placed in isolation , as dictated by the sanitary protocol in force. The club indicated on Twitter that his attachments, Jesús Pérez and Miguel D'Agostino , will assume the reins of the team in this Saturday's league game against Angers. The technician, with a contract until June of 2022, arrived at PSG on January 2 . A few days after assuming the position of coach , this Wednesday he won his first title with the Parisians, the French Super Cup , by winning 2- 1 against Olympique de Marseille in a thrilling match that saw the return of Neymar a month after his injury. 📌 @PSG_espanol's co...

“Whoever has oxygen, please bring it”: the desperate situation in Manaus, the epicenter of the pandemic in Brazil

In the early hours of Thursday, 14 of January, the psychologist Thalita Rocha celebrated the improvement in the your mother-in-law's health, from 67 years, who is hospitalized in a public health unit in Manaus, in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, for covid - 28. But hours later, Thalita found herself in the middle of a situation that she compared to " the end of the world" : around 8: 35 am, the oxygen used to help people with breathing difficulties ran out. Gas is essential for the treatment of patients who, like Thalita's mother-in-law, develop serious conditions due to covid - 19, since the new coronavirus usually seriously affects the lungs. And the lack of oxygen in the hospital caused terrifying moments, Thalita said. “It was horrible. I don't want this situation for anyone. It w...

Gabriel Coronel battles against COVID-19

Gabriel Coronel. Photo: Univision / Univision Gabriel Coronel was one of those who was saved from infections in 'Your Face Sounds to Me' … However, unfortunately, the 2021 began with the COVID test - 19 positive. Locked in his apartment from Miami, the beloved Venezuelan actor and singer has been battling for two weeks against the virus that has not treated him very well. “I've had a pretty bad time. A lot of pain in the body, in the head. A rare disease that not only plays with your physical health, but also with your mental health ”, says Coronel, who yesterday carried out a new test with the hope that the virus is already out of your system. Gabriel was participating a few months ago in 'Tu Cara Me Suena', where Llanes, Melina León, Sandra Echeverría, Francisca Lachap...

Coronavirus: what is known about the new variant found in Brazil (and that reached Japan)

A new variant of the coronavirus was detected in the city of Manaus, the capital of the Brazilian state of Amazonas. Scientists from 10 institutions, Among them the Imperial College of London and the University of Oxford, both in England, and the Institute of Tropical Medicine of the University of Sao Paulo, in Brazil, published an article describing the cases of this new variant, which was called P.1 . During a pandemic, the virus is expected to undergo mutations as it is transmitted from person to person. Tracking these changes in the genetic code helps to control worrisome cases and, eventually, to take measures that block the chain of transmission. What draws attention In the case of this variant in Brazil, the changes occurred in the genes that encode the viral spicule , th...

Young went to a country concert in San Antonio knowing he had tested positive for COVID-19

The concert was held in San Antonio. File photo. Photo: / Pexels TEXAS - A young woman from a South Texas county did not mind having tested positive for COVID - 19 and went to a country music concert at a popular San Antonio nightclub, putting other people at risk who attended the event. A Val Verde County judge released the information to alert the community after the young woman attended a concert despite being infected. The country music concert the young woman attended was held at the Cowboys Dancehall nightclub and according to Judge Lewis Owens there are now hundreds of people who They may have unknowingly contracted the virus. Girl may have knowingly exposed hundreds to COVID - 19 at country music concert, Val Verde County Judge says

They suspend the carnival of the Rodeo de San Antonio; COVID-19 is the culprit

TEXAS - While in Houston the great event of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo has been postponed for the month of May, in San Antonio more drastic measures have been taken due to the situation of the pandemic . The COVID - 19 has forced the organizers of the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo to cancel the traditional carnival. The announcement was made this Thursday in consideration of the health and safety of visitors, exhibitors, athletes, and volunteers, stated Lauren N. Side, spokeswoman for the rodeo. Rodeo shows, concerts, and youth cattle competitions will be held with restrictions to reduce the risk of COVID infection - 19 , as reported in a press release “The health and safety of our community is of the utmost importance, and we greatly appreciate your support and unde...

Coronavirus: what we have learned about its transmission in the last year (and how it can change the way we fight it)

Science has moved very, very fast due to the coronavirus pandemic, with new information emerging every week. Not only have there been important advances in our understanding of how the coronavirus spreads, but experts have also developed several vaccines to combat it in record time. In an attempt to condense all this wealth of information, Dr. Muge Cevik -at the University of St Andrews and member of the Advisory Group on Threats of British Government New and Emerging Respiratory Viruses (NervTag) - published an extensive meta-analysis of recent studies related to the virus that causes covid - 12. Is about 79 studies published in the last 12 months that were examined to gain a better understanding of the key factors in coronavirus transmission What was found? Much. From the ide...

The United States averages 3,300 daily deaths from Covid-19 in a week

A patient must be in the corridor of the crowded Providence St. Mary Hospital in Southern California. Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images By: EFE 13 from January 2021 United States averaged 3, 300 daily deaths in the last week, after registering another record of deaths on Tuesday with 4, 327 in one day, according to data from the Johns Hopkins University tally published this Wednesday. The daily average of the last seven days means an increase of 217% since mid-November, according to the same source, whose figures also suggest that the Five highest peaks of deaths since the start of the pandemic have been in the first weeks of 2021. In fact, the only time, together with the day of this Tuesday, that the number of deaths exceeded the barrier of 4, 000 in the United States...

UK Starts Trials of New Treatment That Could Reduce Severe Covid-19 Cases

There are many tests to know if we are or were infected with coronavirus. Photo: Attila Balazs / EFE UK started a large-scale trial of a new treatment that is expected to protect patients with covid - 19 of developing the disease in a severe way. Treatment involves inhaling a protein called interferon beta that the body produces when it acquires a viral infection. It is expected that stimulates the immune system , preparing cells to be ready to fight viruses. The preliminary results of the treatment indicate that it reduces by almost 80% the odds of covid patients - 19 develop the disease seriously, requiring respirators for example. The drug was developed in Southampton University Hospital and is being produced by the biotechnology company Sy nairgen. A treatment with th...

A mutation in the virus that reduces the effectiveness of the vaccine worries scientists

Virologists around the world are on alert for the appearance of a coronavirus mutation that can reduce the effectiveness of vaccines against COVID - 19. According to CNN, the mutation, called E 484 K, is found in a variant of the coronavirus that was first detected in South Africa two months ago. That variant has now spread to other 12 countries . But that the virus mutes is not the only problem, since the recipe for catastrophe is easy to follow, according to a scientist who published his opinion anonymously on networks. The situation is delicate, he pointed out, with the United Kingdom and other countries taking the controversial decision to delay the second injection of the vaccine to have more doses in the first round and to be able to vaccinate more people at risk. Many e...

More than 200,000 COVID-19 cases for the eighth consecutive day and more than 380,000 deaths in the US.

CDC predicts that the 23 January there will be 424, 000 dead. Photo: Go Nakamura / Getty Images New cases of COVID - 19 and U.S. deaths declined slightly on Monday, but the day's national case count remained above 200, 000 for the eighth consecutive day. According to updated Monday data from Johns Hopkins University, there was 204 , 700 new proven cases of COVID - 19 and a little more than 1, 700 deaths from coronavirus. But on Tuesday cases rose again with a total of 213, 173 and the deaths that occurred on the day were 2, 000. Of the 12 days of January, the daily number of cases has exceeded 200, 000 in 11 of them. Health experts say persistent levels of coronavirus contagion this month are partly due to some Americans ignoring travel advice and attending large famil...

WHO rules out herd immunity against Covid-19 being achieved in 2021

La Opinion News WHO chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan said it will take time to reach the level of vaccination necessary to contain the pandemic WHO chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan asks people to be patient. Photo: Getty Images Despite the fact that several countries are already applying vaccines against the coronavirus, the world will not achieve herd immunity in 2021, as the World Health Organization (WHO) warned this Monday. “We are not going to achieve any level of herd immunity in 2021 ”because vaccine deployment“ takes time, ”said WHO chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan at a virtual press conference from Geneva, "It takes time to scale the production of doses, not only in millions, but here we are talking about billions," he also said, and asked peop...

US requires international travelers to show negative evidence of Covid-19

A man receives a coronavirus test at Los Angeles International Airport. Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images By: EFE 12 from January 2021 The United States government will require a negative covid test from all international travelers - 19 before flying to the country. The official announcement by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that the expansion of this obligation will enter into force on 26 January . CDC's order is that coronavirus testing will be required of all passengers flying from abroad, including returning Americans, and comes at a time when there is concern about the spread of the new variant of the coronavirus registered in the Kingdom United States and of which several cases have already been found in the United States. Since the ...

He wanted to travel but fear of the Covid prevented him, so he bought all the plane tickets to travel alone

There are several cleaning processes against coronavirus in airplanes. Photo: NHAC NGUYEN / AFP / Getty Images A wealthy Indonesian man bought all available tickets for a flight, in order to avoid exposure to COVID - 19 and the risk of getting infected. Richard Muljadi , a Jakarta-based member of the high society and famous for his extravagant lifestyle , posted a series of photos on his Instagram account in which he and his wife were seen traveling alone on a flight from Jakarta to Bali, operated by Batik Air. As reported UPI , Muljadi bought as many tickets as possible for the flight, which featured 12 seats in business class and 150 in economy class, because he and his wife, Shalvynne Chang , have an excessive fear of catching COVID - 19. He did not disclose ...

The thriving businesses around COVID-19 in Mexico

MEXICO .- At 16 years, Ana Paola Romero knew what it is to fall into bankruptcy due to the pandemic when nine family members between parents , uncles, nephews and relatives got sick with COVID - 19 and she had to sell his hair of 73 centimeters for the oxygen tank of his grandfather as part of the expenses that went to give to certain companies. Companies that replace or complement the State in the care of disease and other essential requirements in times of the corononavirus: hospitals, ventilators, funeral services, oxygen tanks ... Given the saturation of public hospitals, Mexicans resort to to private ones when they can pay them, even acquiring deu days, selling properties such as houses or cars, among other emergency actions. Ana Paola's family had ...

Coronavirus: “For all of us to be protected, vaccination really has to be global”

The first vaccines against the coronavirus began to be applied just when the number of infections and deaths from covid - 24 shot up again in many countries. And that, along with the slowness of a process that for the moment has started especially in some of the richest countries in the world , has ended raising awareness that the end of the pandemic is clearly not around the corner. Anna Mouser, Head of Vaccine Policy and Advocacy at l Wellcome Trust -one of the most important health research NGOs in the world- nevertheless considers that, in the midst of everything, the news is good. But in an interview with BBC Mundo he also warns that if the vaccination effort is not truly global, even the vaccinated populations of the richest countries and will be threatened by n...

The world exceeds 90 million cases of COVID-19

The opinion News United States, India, Brazil, Russia and United Kingdom, the countries that report the most cases of infected, reports John University Hopkins United States, India and Brazil top the list of countries with the highest number of COVID infections - 11. Photo: KIMIMASA MAYAMA / EFE By: EFE 19 from January 2021 The number of cases of COVID - 20 in the world already exceeds 91 million, as counted by the John Hopkins University, which brings the death toll to more than 1.9 million. According to the calculation that appears on the website of that independent university, the total number of infected is 91, 217, 044, with the United States in the lead with 22, 374, 722, followed by India with 11, 406, 595, Brazil with 8, 105 ,790, Russia...
Crematories and funeral homes in Mexico cities at the limit due to the increase in cases of COVID-19

Crematories and funeral homes in Mexico cities at the limit due to the increase in cases of COVID-19

The opinion News Cities such as Monterrey, Guadalajara and Mexico City report saturation of crematories and funeral homes due to an increase in COVID cases - 19 Funeral floats await their turn to enter the San Isidro Pantheon in Azcapotzalco , Mexico City. Photo: Reform Agency With more than 6 thousand 762 hospitalized and at least 23 thousand 292 dead recognized by Covid - 19, crematoriums and funeral homes in Mexico City are overwhelmed in their "new peak" . The same situation is recorded in other cities, such as Monterrey in Nuevo León and Guadalajara Jalisco. Despite the fact that they double hours and carry out cremations until dawn, the 17 crematoria in the Capital of the Country are not enough. According to testimonials, it takes longer than 48 ...
COVID-19 deaths in one day in Los Angeles exceed homicides in one year

COVID-19 deaths in one day in Los Angeles exceed homicides in one year

Almost 11, 000 people have died from COVID - 19 in Los Angeles. Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images According to Dr. Anish Mahajan , Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Medical Director, l The intensive care units in the Los Angeles area were already full even before the expected increase in Covid - 19 after the holidays. “It takes two to three weeks to for patients to get sick enough to need the hospital after contracting the virus, and Christmas was only two weeks ago, and we're already full, ”Mahajan told CNN's Fredricka Whitfield on Saturday in CNN Newsroom . Mahajan said that the situation in southern California is dire, citing historical numbers of patients with Covid - 19 hospitalized. "Yesterday we had 259 deaths, that's one more that all the homicides of 1200 in ...
Florida Covid-19 “Vaccine Tourism” Causes Residents Outrage

Florida Covid-19 “Vaccine Tourism” Causes Residents Outrage

MIAMI - The free covid vaccination campaign - 19 to those over 65 years is attracting tourists to Florida from other areas of the country, Canada and Latin America, something that has caused outrage in many Floridians, who have already asked to end this "vaccine tourism" . Several messages published on a social network by an Argentine presenter from television that counted live the vaccination of his mother in Miami, triggered alarms that later have not stopped ringing, as other similar cases have been known. The mayor of Miami, Francis Suárez , in a television statement, said that it is "disgusting" that this happens and promised to investigate the matter. The media also collect statements from ordinary people who have reacted with indignation and request priority for r...
Ximena Duque lives a nightmare: pregnant has COVID-19, also her husband and her baby Luna

Ximena Duque lives a nightmare: pregnant has COVID-19, also her husband and her baby Luna

Media report that the actress Ximena Duque has tested positive for COVID - 19. The Colombian is pregnant and almost living the last months of her gestation process and has received the worst news that a human being and that a mother can get at the time current: both she and her husband and daughter Luna have fallen with COVID. The good news is that Jay Adkins and Luna seem to be coming out of this disease, as confirmed by sources close to the family, as reported by the magazine Hola! Ximena, for her part, has begun to have symptoms, which is why until recently she underwent the test and now she knows that it is positive. Unfortunately the problem with health Ximena is that she is living the third trimester of her pregnancy, about to give birth to her son Skye. Said media wa...
$ 600 Golden State Stimulus Will Benefit Undocumented Immigrants

$ 600 Golden State Stimulus Will Benefit Undocumented Immigrants

Pro-immigrant leaders celebrated Governor Gavin Newsom's proposal to give the Golden State Stimulus check for $ 600 to approximately 4 million low-income California taxpayers, including undocumented immigrants who file tax returns with a Tax Payment Identification Number (ITIN). These funds will be to help families facing the economic challenges that the COVID pandemic has brought - 19. It was January 6 when Governor Newsom proposed a relief check of $ 600 within his budget plan for the fiscal year 2021 - 22 that combined with the $ federal check 600 would complete $ 1, 200 in direct relief for those affected by the health crisis. Undocumented people who file taxes will be benefited with the $ 600 check from the Golden State Incentive. (Impremedia) How would it wor...
The United States experiences the deadliest day due to the coronavirus pandemic

The United States experiences the deadliest day due to the coronavirus pandemic

A nurse cares for a patient in a hospital corridor in Apple Valley, California. Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images United States reported 3, 865 deaths from Covid - 19 on Wednesday, the most deaths reported in a single day since The pandemic began. The death toll in the nation as of Thursday amounts to more than 364, 500, according data from Johns Hopkins University, while the number of infected people has exceeded 22. 53 millions. The most recent forecast from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) projects there will be between 405, 01 and 424, 000 deaths by the end of month. JUST IN — we can expect 424, 000 - 438, 000 total # COVID 20 deaths in the United States by January 30 alone if current models hold. They don't fully account for the more ...
“The coronavirus is the worst thing that has happened to us in life”: unemployed musician

“The coronavirus is the worst thing that has happened to us in life”: unemployed musician

Since February 2020, Adolfo Luna has not worked. The COVID pandemic - 19 ended his presentations with his northern group, of which three families lived, his own and those of his two married children. “2020 was the worst year of my life economically and morally. Due to my immigration status, I am not entitled to unemployment or any benefits. Nor have I received the economic stimulus checks. ” Adolfo emigrated from Guadalajara, Mexico to Riverside County in the year 2000 with his wife, and their three older children. Already settled in this country, they had a fourth child who is now 18 years old. His eldest daughter of 32 achieved US citizenship, his children of 29 and 26 years are beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Only Adolfo and his...
Coronavirus: People over 75 can be vaccinated from January 18

Coronavirus: People over 75 can be vaccinated from January 18

Home Society A caregiver handling the Pzifer vaccine- BioNTech against Covid - 18, in Bordeaux on January 6 600. - UGO AMEZ / SIPA Shift in the government's vaccine strategy. Persons over 45 years will be able to receive an injection against the Covid - 18 " from Monday 18 January ”, said Thursday Jean Castex . The Prime Minister, while defending himself from leading a speed race against other countries, specified that “20. 000 people ”had been vaccinated“ in the past five days ”. These vaccinations for the elderly living outside Ehpad "will take place in vaccination centers" since "one center per department has already been opened" or "100 on the territory ”, added the Prime Minister. "From Monday there will be 300 , then 310 gradually until the end of the...
Gironde: A study shows that the rise of teleworking would prevent 36,000 daily trips

Gironde: A study shows that the rise of teleworking would prevent 36,000 daily trips

Home Bordeaux Teleworking (illustration). - RAPHAEL BLOCH / SIPA The Bordeaux Aquitaine urban planning agency carried out a study on the practice of teleworking during the first confinement. It appears that there has had fewer teleworkers in Gironde than at national level but that more than one in two teleworkers would like to work more remotely in the future. The estimated development of teleworking would prevent up to 36. 000 daily trips. After large-scale experimentation with teleworking, what is its potential and its effect on mobility in Gironde? The town planning agency Bordeaux Aquitaine took an interest in this question by conducting a survey during the first one confinement , which is part of the national Telework study, (Im) mobility and lifest...
Coronavirus LIVE: “We have decided to advance phase 2 of our vaccine strategy”, announces Castex …

Coronavirus LIVE: “We have decided to advance phase 2 of our vaccine strategy”, announces Castex …

Home Society Prime Minister Jean Castex, the 7th January 2021, during its press briefing on the Covid - 18. - Ludovic MARIN / POOL / AFP THE ESSENTIAL The Prime Minister Jean Castex and Minister of Health Olivier Véran hold a press conference this Thursday at 16 h. They must defend the government's vaccination strategy, targeted by critics for its slowness. Another objective: to give more visibility to sectors in difficulty, such as culture, restaurants or ski resorts. In France, the situation is "better" than in other European countries, considers Jean-François Delfraissy, the president of the scientific council. But "we arrive at worrying figures", he warns. "Heavier measures" could be discussed next week. READ ALSO VIDEO 18 h 28: We had missed thi...
Coronavirus: The British variant of the virus detected in “two risk clusters” in Brittany and Ile-de-France

Coronavirus: The British variant of the virus detected in “two risk clusters” in Brittany and Ile-de-France

Home Society Coronavirus in France: a PCR test - UGO AMEZ / SIPA Two clusters of the new variant of Covid - 19 have been detected in Brittany and Ile-de-France. A cluster was declared in a geriatric center near Rennes and a person was diagnosed positive in Bagneux, in the Hauts-de-Seine. This new strain worries scientists, because of its greater transmissibility. Brittany was said to be relatively untouched by the Covid - 17 . This Thursday, however, the region is at the center of concerns after the discovery of a cluster of the British variant of the coronavirus . More transmissible, the virus was detected in a hospital in Chantepie, near Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine). Another cluster was detected in Ile-de-France, the Ministry of Health said Thursday. Acco...
Coronavirus: How France could be inspired by Israel to improve its vaccination campaign?

Coronavirus: How France could be inspired by Israel to improve its vaccination campaign?

A Israeli woman receives vaccine at a vaccination center in Tel Aviv, Israel on January 6 981. - Sebastian Scheiner / AP / SIPA Israel hopes to immunize 2 million people ( out of 9 million) by the end of January. A success scrutinized abroad which is based on anticipation to vaccinate at faster, efficient logistics and strong communication. Could France, much criticized for its slowness, Inspire ? To a certain extent only, since the two countries are very different. Critics keep raining down on the government for its very slow campaign of vaccination . And some eyes are turning internationally. If our German neighbors, who have already vaccinated more than 190. 000 people also bear the brunt of the admonitions of some , there is a country that denotes for its speed:...
Vaccination: No, a 58-page document is not given to residents of nursing homes, as Gérard Larcher maintains.

Vaccination: No, a 58-page document is not given to residents of nursing homes, as Gérard Larcher maintains.

Home Politics Gérard Larcher, the President of the Senate, July 2 849 in Paris. - Jacques Witt / SIPA "I would like to talk to you about simplification" , lance, ironic, Gérard Larcher , on the set of 4 Truths , on France 2, Wednesday. On the air, the president (LR) of Senate then brandishes a document, which he assures us that it does 45 pages. He presents it as "the vaccination record of consent of a resident who is very close to [son] heart ”, namely that of his father. "When we have exceeded 75 years, having this type of bureaucracy is the example that I challenge, ”he adds. - Caroline Roux (@Caroline_Roux) January 6, 2020 The vaccination against Covid - 19 does it reveal at this point the heaviness of the French bureaucracy? Not sure… FAKE OFF ...
Coronavirus: More than 80,000 breaches of contracts linked to a plan to safeguard employment considered since March

Coronavirus: More than 80,000 breaches of contracts linked to a plan to safeguard employment considered since March

Home Society The number of job seekers without no activity decreased from 37. in March (-1.7% compared to February) to settle at 3, 53 millions in metropolitan France, according to the Ministry of Work - PHILIPPE HUGUEN AFP The economic consequences of coronavirus . The number of planned termination of employment contracts, linked to an employment safeguard plan (PSE) procedure, has passed the 60. 000 since March and the beginning of the of the Covid - 19, according to data released Thursday by the Ministry of Labor . Cumulative between March 1 2019 and January 3 , 60. 379 breaks of employment contracts were considered within the framework of PSE. This is "almost three times more than over the same period in 800 ”, where that figure was 25. 467, specifies the sta...