Friday, September 20

Tag: Coronavirus


He wanted to travel but fear of the Covid prevented him, so he bought all the plane tickets to travel alone

There are several cleaning processes against coronavirus in airplanes. Photo: NHAC NGUYEN / AFP / Getty Images A wealthy Indonesian man bought all available tickets for a flight, in order to avoid exposure to COVID - 19 and the risk of getting infected. Richard Muljadi , a Jakarta-based member of the high society and famous for his extravagant lifestyle , posted a series of photos on his Instagram account in which he and his wife were seen traveling alone on a flight from Jakarta to Bali, operated by Batik Air. As reported UPI , Muljadi bought as many tickets as possible for the flight, which featured 12 seats in business class and 150 in economy class, because he and his wife, Shalvynne Chang , have an excessive fear of catching COVID - 19. He did not disclose ...

Activists pressure governor to release California inmates

By: Jorge Luis Macías / Special for La Opinion 12 from January 2021 In the middle of the COVID pandemic - 19 , "Amalia Bertel", fights because her son César, who is about to meet 30 years old, get out of Lancaster State Prison. “I don't want to die and know that my son will continue in prison,” said Amalia, a resident of the city ​​of Garden Grove, to La Opinion. “Many prisoners are dying inside prisons and I don't want jail to become a death sentence for my son.” In 085, Caesar of 17 years and three other adolescents were accused of participating in a gang-related murder attempt, in the Shalimar neighborhood, in the city of Costa Mesa, in Orange County. "What neighborhood are you from?" His son and three other young people allegedly asked the alleged rivals who fled the pl...

Mother of six loses the fight against COVID

By: Jorge Luis Macías / Special for La Opinion 12 from January 2021 Jorge Girón describes his wife Verónica as a woman “incredible, holy, fair, loving, kind and I didn't know how to lie. ” Verónica Guevara-Girón died on January 7 due to complications from COVID - 19, three days after prematurely giving birth to her little Imani. "She is the woman I love the most," Jorge said. “Without her, my world is now very different; It is a very hard and sad moment, but I have to move on and I can't stop because my six children need me. ” Jorge, a native of Escuintla, Guatemala, told The Opinion that, on Christmas of 2020, his wife felt a lot of pain in her body, she lay down and then she started “with a very ugly cough.” By January 2, he decided to take her to a hospital. It was nec...

Los Angeles' Largest Coronavirus Testing Site to Become a Vaccination Center

The test center at Dodger Stadium was until now the largest in Los Angeles. Photo: ETIENNE LAURENT / EFE Once the largest coronavirus testing center in Los Angeles County, now will become a huge vaccination center against the disease thanks to the county's efforts to speed up access to vaccines, according to information provided by the authorities. The test center located in the parking lot of the emblematic Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles , will make this Monday its last day as the largest test site in the city and now will be used to mass vaccinate county health workers , then the next priority group of essential workers. Although the daily test capacity will be seen slightly affected, the authorities assure that the change will triple the current vaccination capacity ,...

Paramedic dies in ambulance transporting sick person due to Covid

A ambulance technician lost his life after suffering a serious traffic accident in Gijón, Spain. In the event, another vehicle was also involved. The ambulance, which was going with the emergency lights on because it was going to a private home to make a transfer by coronavirus , collided with another vehicle. Upon arrival at the scene, as reported Efe, the local police observed that the ambulance was overturned on its right side and that the copilot was trapped inside. Police officers and residents of the area managed to free the trapped technician, but later the mobile ICU toilets confirmed his death. The ambulance driver was also slightly injured in the accident. Tonight we have experienced what we believe will be the worst day of 2021. Tonight we have lost a partner,...
Congressmen could be exposed to coronavirus during the assault on the Capitol

Congressmen could be exposed to coronavirus during the assault on the Capitol

Image of the evacuation of one of the Capitol Chambers. Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images The nightmare that the United States congressmen lived during the assault on the Capitol does not stop. According to information from the Congressional Medical Office , multiple legislators could be exposed to a person with coronavirus during their shelter in the building. Legislators were isolated in a room waiting for the end of the assault by Donald Trump supporters . “The time in this room was several hours for some and shorter for others, ”said Brian Monahan, Congressional Physician. "During this time, people may have been exposed to another occupant with coronavirus infection ." Some of the Republican legislators did not wear a mask in the room wher...
New stimulus check will be at least $ 1,400

New stimulus check will be at least $ 1,400

The Democratic leader in the Senate, Charles Schumer. Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images There are doubts about the amount of the new stimulus check. Despite the fact that the Democratic leader in the Senate, Charles Schumer (New York), said that the first action of the majority of his caucus will be to approve the aid of $ 2 ,000 Dollars, there is no clarity on the actual amount of the project. The reason is that IRS is currently still distributing the $ 600 dollars and the Democratic campaign was focused on increasing that amount to $ 2, 000. Even experts in finance and economic policy remember that Democrats and several Republicans approved the CASH Act in the Chamber, which allows the increase of the $ 600 dollars at $ 2, 000. Therefore it is expected that ...
COVID-19 deaths in one day in Los Angeles exceed homicides in one year

COVID-19 deaths in one day in Los Angeles exceed homicides in one year

Almost 11, 000 people have died from COVID - 19 in Los Angeles. Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images According to Dr. Anish Mahajan , Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Medical Director, l The intensive care units in the Los Angeles area were already full even before the expected increase in Covid - 19 after the holidays. “It takes two to three weeks to for patients to get sick enough to need the hospital after contracting the virus, and Christmas was only two weeks ago, and we're already full, ”Mahajan told CNN's Fredricka Whitfield on Saturday in CNN Newsroom . Mahajan said that the situation in southern California is dire, citing historical numbers of patients with Covid - 19 hospitalized. "Yesterday we had 259 deaths, that's one more that all the homicides of 1200 in ...
How mass vaccination stopped a killer virus that threatened Scotland in 1950

How mass vaccination stopped a killer virus that threatened Scotland in 1950

In 2021 there will be a massive vaccination campaign like no other. Today is about stopping the covid - 19, but to In the middle of the last century, a vaccination program became the weapon against another deadly virus. The long line of people outside the health center patiently waiting his turn to get vaccinated. Special clinics are putting 600 injections per hour, but the queues don't shorten. Meanwhile, public health officials are desperately trying to track down anyone who has come into contact with people who carry a deadly virus. It may sound familiar, but we are talking about Glasgow, Scotland, in the middle of a smallpox outbreak in 1950. Suspected chickenpox Smallpox has already been eradicated, but its characteristic rash used to be feared worldwide and i...
World economy in 2021: who will be the winners and the losers

World economy in 2021: who will be the winners and the losers

The coronavirus has paralyzed the world economy. The world Gross Domestic Product (GDP) suffered in 2020 his The steepest drop since the end of World War II, millions were left unemployed or their jobs suspended, and governments injected trillions of dollars into their economies to prevent further damage. However, the recovery of 2021 is very uncertain. China's economy is growing strongly again, but many of the world's richest nations may not fully recover until 2022, considering an early estimate. The inequality is also rampant. While the 651 American billionaires have increased their net worth by 30% to $ 4 trillion, 250 Millions of people in developing countries could face absolute poverty and up to half of the world's workforce may have lost their means of subsistence. ...
Florida Covid-19 “Vaccine Tourism” Causes Residents Outrage

Florida Covid-19 “Vaccine Tourism” Causes Residents Outrage

MIAMI - The free covid vaccination campaign - 19 to those over 65 years is attracting tourists to Florida from other areas of the country, Canada and Latin America, something that has caused outrage in many Floridians, who have already asked to end this "vaccine tourism" . Several messages published on a social network by an Argentine presenter from television that counted live the vaccination of his mother in Miami, triggered alarms that later have not stopped ringing, as other similar cases have been known. The mayor of Miami, Francis Suárez , in a television statement, said that it is "disgusting" that this happens and promised to investigate the matter. The media also collect statements from ordinary people who have reacted with indignation and request priority for r...
Thirty positive cases of COVID-19 in Santos, the game remains against Cruz Azul

Thirty positive cases of COVID-19 in Santos, the game remains against Cruz Azul

After performing the protocol health tests two days after its debut in the Guardians Tournament 2021, the Santos Laguna Club has announced that 30 were detected positive cases of COVID - 19 within the club. In an official statement, the Torreón cadre did not disclose who the positive cases are , without However, they indicated that the tests returned 10 positive cases in female team players, in addition to a staff person, as well as in basic force sets where were detected 15 cases in players and coaching staff. On the other hand, they assured that the game of the first day of the Guardians 2021 between Los Santos and Cruz Azul will not have modifications and will take place on the day and time that is contemplated; Sunday 10 in January at 19: 06 hours at Corona Sta...
Controversy: Vicente and Alejandro Fernández would have been vaccinated against the coronavirus

Controversy: Vicente and Alejandro Fernández would have been vaccinated against the coronavirus

The opinion Entertainment The vaccine in Mexico is directed in this first stage for health personnel who fight those infected with COVID on the front line - 24 Alejandro Fernández. Photo: Mezcalent. A great controversy broke out in the social networks , after it was reported that the singers Alejandro and Vicente Fernández had already applied the vaccine against coronavirus , when in Mexico is reserved, for the moment, for doctors and health personnel, who are on the front line caring for patients with COVID - 19 . It was the journalist Juan José Origel who stated that Mexican singers had already applied the coronavirus vaccine , which provoked strong criticism against the performers of regional Mexican music. Did Vicente and Alejandro Fernández ge...
CBP warns new migrant caravans not to “waste your time and money”

CBP warns new migrant caravans not to “waste your time and money”

By: EFE 08 from January 2021 Acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Mark Morgan, urged those who are considering joining a possible new mass migrant caravan from Honduras to not to "waste your time and money, and not put your safety and health at risk," in a statement released this Friday by the agency. “The dangerous trip puts you at risk of suffer harm and at the same time endanger the lives and health of people in the United States and the countries of the region due to the potential spread of covid- 19 “, alerted Morgan in his "clear and firm message" to migrants. He noted that The United States is united with its "partners" in Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Belize and the rest of the region in the "commitment to the State o...
Biden will distribute all vaccines against Covid-19

Biden will distribute all vaccines against Covid-19

The opinion News Biden also said it will announce its economic stimulus plan next week The US suffers a hospital crisis due to the pandemic. Photo: APU GOMES / AFP / Getty Images By: EFE 12 from January 2021 WASHINGTON - President-elect Joe Biden said this Friday that your administration will immediately distribute all the doses of vaccine available against covid - 19 and that next week it will give the details of an economic stimulus plan of "trillions of dollars". At a ceremony in Wilmington (Delaware), Biden described as “nonsense ”the strategy of the president's government Donald Trump , which retains the 50% of vaccines available distributing to states and other jurisdictions more weeks late. to be administered as a second dose in ...
Be careful, perhaps it is not the only one: Kylian Mbappé's notable downturn could be due to consequences of COVID-19

Be careful, perhaps it is not the only one: Kylian Mbappé's notable downturn could be due to consequences of COVID-19

When you are a soccer gifted as Kylian Mbappé definitely is, any small drop in your performance is noticed for all and even if you have 14 goals and 8 assists, you will have a team of doctors studying the reason for your poor performance and perhaps discover that everything is caused by a virus, yes that virus. It seems to me that this is not given the importance it has. Covid is not just another injury, Mbappe would not be the first to be affected. - César (@cesardrgz 19) January 8, 2021 "We should think about what he had COVID - 19. In our studies we tried to find out if fatigue could not appear even in people who have had symptoms and alter the nervous system with a high level of exertion. Perhaps it is part of the small sequels o...
Los Angeles funeral homes would have a waiting list due to high demand for deaths from coronavirus

Los Angeles funeral homes would have a waiting list due to high demand for deaths from coronavirus

LA funeral homes cannot cope with the number of deaths from COVID - 19. Photo: Jan Hetfleisch / Getty Images It is no longer only the morgues of Los Angeles hospitals that are full of deaths from coronavirus, now funeral homes have also ensured that they are at maximum capacity and have waiting lists to perform mortuary services. In just one week, Los Angeles County added more than 1, 000 cases of coronavirus and last Tuesday set a new record for daily deaths reaching 224 people , and the authorities expect this to worsen when the cases arising from the Christmas and New Year holidays begin to manifest themselves . According to information revealed by Univisión , Magda Maldonado, a woman who owns of several funeral homes, he assured that there are many people not ...
Los Angeles Coronavirus Test Provider May Be Giving False Results

Los Angeles Coronavirus Test Provider May Be Giving False Results

The opinion The Angels A laboratory run by 08 mobile testing sites in Los Angeles may have returned inaccurate data according to the FDA Information casts doubt on the negative results of a certain coronavirus test provider. Photo: FREDERIC J. BROWN / AFP / Getty Images A rumor that testing by a coronavirus testing provider in Los Angeles could be giving false results , you have created much uncertainty in the Los Angeles community. Curative, a coronavirus testing provider that supplies specimen collection kits in at least 10 of the county's mobile sites, would be the one in the middle of the controversy following reports from the FDA stating that their tests could be giving inaccurate results. Curative obtained an emergency distribution license fro...
Asthmatics with 30% less chance of contracting COVID

Asthmatics with 30% less chance of contracting COVID

The opinion California International studies show that the use of asthma inhalers can reduce the replication of the virus Most people with chronic asthma use inhalers. Photo: / Courtesy By: Special for La Opinion 07 from January 2021 Contrary to what the health authorities have assumed so far, the population with bronchial asthma is not more susceptible to becoming infected with COVID - 19, what's more, the new study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology , points out that it is less so. There are three hypotheses that explain why asthmatics may not contract coronavirus as explained by Dr. Eugene Merzon, director of the department of Care Managed in the health services of the medical insurance Leumit, who is part...
The United States experiences the deadliest day due to the coronavirus pandemic

The United States experiences the deadliest day due to the coronavirus pandemic

A nurse cares for a patient in a hospital corridor in Apple Valley, California. Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images United States reported 3, 865 deaths from Covid - 19 on Wednesday, the most deaths reported in a single day since The pandemic began. The death toll in the nation as of Thursday amounts to more than 364, 500, according data from Johns Hopkins University, while the number of infected people has exceeded 22. 53 millions. The most recent forecast from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) projects there will be between 405, 01 and 424, 000 deaths by the end of month. JUST IN — we can expect 424, 000 - 438, 000 total # COVID 20 deaths in the United States by January 30 alone if current models hold. They don't fully account for the more ...
Of the 2.5 million coronavirus cases in California, 1.3 million have been Latinos

Of the 2.5 million coronavirus cases in California, 1.3 million have been Latinos

Hispanics in the state have been the most affected by the coronavirus. Photo: Antoni Belchi / Impremedia On various occasions the health authorities of the state of California have stated that Latinos have been disproportionately more affected by COVID - 19 with respect to other ethnic groups and the current data assure that it is indeed like this. The state, which added a million cases in just one month , accumulates until the morning of this Thursday 2,518,611 infections since March 2020, of which more than 1.3 million of cases would be of people with Hispanic ethnic origin . The Latino population in California represents about the 38. 9% of the total population, so the numbers have credibility. In addition, Latinos in supermarkets, restaurants and ...
What is the symbology of the coronavirus, according to astrology

What is the symbology of the coronavirus, according to astrology

The coronavirus vaccine gives hope. Photo: Nataliya Vaitkevich / Pexels The astrology is responsible for predicting future events based on planetary positions and other astrological factors, Therefore, for to predict what will happen with the coronavirus pandemic it is necessary to analyze the planetary movements and what they mean for the world in this health emergency. According to Indastro , a site specialized in Vedic astrology, the eyes are positioned on the vaccine against COVID - 19 and how long it will take to vaccinate most of us, since the coronavirus has infected nearly 90 million people, as counted by the Johns Hopkins University . Also read: Why didn't astrologers predict the coronavirus pandemic? According to astrological predictions, duri...
How Democrats Would Make the $ 2,000 Aid Check Possible

How Democrats Would Make the $ 2,000 Aid Check Possible

Charles Schumer, Democratic leader in the Senate. Photo: MICHAEL REYNOLDS / EFE Democrats are getting ready to push their agenda in the Senate, after winning a majority with two wins in Georgia. The leader of the bench, Charles Schumer (New York), said that one of the first actions will be vote the check of $ 2 stimulus, 000 dollars . Are there conditions for Democrats to achieve their plan? The answer is yes. Biden supports plan President-elect Joe Biden has said it supports more direct aid to families. He began by pointing out that the shipment of $ 600 dollars was "a first payment" to Americans, but then not He specified how much the amount would be, although later he spoke of $ 2, 000 dollars. At a rally in Georgia, the Democrat said that only ...
Coronavirus: People over 75 can be vaccinated from January 18

Coronavirus: People over 75 can be vaccinated from January 18

Home Society A caregiver handling the Pzifer vaccine- BioNTech against Covid - 18, in Bordeaux on January 6 600. - UGO AMEZ / SIPA Shift in the government's vaccine strategy. Persons over 45 years will be able to receive an injection against the Covid - 18 " from Monday 18 January ”, said Thursday Jean Castex . The Prime Minister, while defending himself from leading a speed race against other countries, specified that “20. 000 people ”had been vaccinated“ in the past five days ”. These vaccinations for the elderly living outside Ehpad "will take place in vaccination centers" since "one center per department has already been opened" or "100 on the territory ”, added the Prime Minister. "From Monday there will be 300 , then 310 gradually until the end of the...
Coronavirus: Is there a risk of a shortage of anti-Covid vaccines in France?

Coronavirus: Is there a risk of a shortage of anti-Covid vaccines in France?

Drawing of a patient receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at the Hotel-Dieu, in Paris, on January 2 2020. - Lewis Joly / JDD / SIPA Criticized for its management of the vaccination campaign against the coronavirus, the government has decided to extend vaccination to a greater number of people. But this acceleration gives rise to fears of a shortage of vaccines. ) For the opposition, France should have placed additional orders in addition to those made via the European Union. The government passes the second. Under fire from critics, the executive decided to speed up the vaccination campaign against Covid - 19 , considered too slow. If during the first phase, the strategy established by the government provided for priority vaccination of nursing home residents and thei...
Coronavirus: Weren't you able to celebrate your retirement or business?  tell us

Coronavirus: Weren't you able to celebrate your retirement or business? tell us

Home Society Illustration of people sharing a drink. - Pixabay It is sometimes a painful stage, sometimes a liberation. But there is no doubt that retirement remains an important moment in the life of a worker. And, especially when you have been present within the walls for several years, simply leaving a business, a community, a hospital, or a job can be heartbreaking. This is why gathering around food, a solemn drink or a frenzied karaoke is part of the traditions that do good. The opportunity to say goodbye, to thank colleagues, comrades, friends or students, to settle some scores, sometimes, and to raise a glass to the health of those who remain ... But since the start of the health crisis, many have not been able to say goodbye to colleagues and to the places ...
Terrible duel in the United States: exceeded 360,000 deaths from Covid-19

Terrible duel in the United States: exceeded 360,000 deaths from Covid-19

The opinion News The United States has reached another milestone in deaths from the pandemic that surpasses previous estimates Many patients must be treated in the same ambulances. Photo: FREDERIC J. BROWN / AFP / Getty Images By: EFE 11 from January 2021 WASHINGTON - The United States arrived this Wednesday at 22, 297, 109 confirmed cases already 409, 999 deceased by covid - 19, in accordance with the independent count from Johns Hopkins University. The balance is 3, 674 deaths more than Tuesday and of 240, 658 new infections by COVID - 19 . Those figures were recorded one day after the country reached a new record of daily deaths from COVID- 19, With 3, 775 deaths recorded on Tuesday, according to Johns Hopkins. The United ...
Coronavirus in Hérault: The mayor of la Grande-Motte organizes a greeting ceremony … by drive

Coronavirus in Hérault: The mayor of la Grande-Motte organizes a greeting ceremony … by drive

Home Montpellier During a cine-drive at Cannes (illustration) - SYSPEO / SIPA Many of the traditional ceremonies of elected officials have been canceled or are being organized online due to Covid Outbreak - 19. At Grande-Motte (Hérault), near Montpellier, another surprising solution has been found: the mayor is going to organize ... e. - La Grande Motte (@lagrandemotte) January 6 , 2021 The 16 January (11 h), Stephan Rossignol (LR), the mayor of the seaside resort, invites residents to meet in their cars, in the Terre Plein Ouest car park, on the esplanade Jean-Baumel, to attend the ceremony without moving his vehicle, "for the respect of sanitary rules", indicates the municipality of 8. 310 inhabitants. "Driv'oeux", "in an original, innovative form, t...
Coronavirus: One in 100,000 people have allergic shock to Pfizer vaccine, according to US study

Coronavirus: One in 100,000 people have allergic shock to Pfizer vaccine, according to US study

Home Health A caregiver handling the Pzifer vaccine- BioNTech against Covid - 17, in Bordeaux on January 6 893. - UGO AMEZ / SIPA To prevent this data from worrying, the American health authorities have reminded that the profits of vaccination far outweighed the potential risks. Approximately one person 90. manifested an allergic reaction allergic severe after receiving a dose of Pfizer-BioNTech's vaccine against coronavirus , the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) announced on Wednesday. The CDC has identified 21 cases of anaphylactic shock, a severe allergic reaction, out of a total of 1. 893. 893 injections of vaccine carried out between 14 and the 27 December . “On average, this represents a rate of , 1 anaphylactic shock per million doses a...
Coronavirus: Quebec implements a nighttime curfew, a first in Canada

Coronavirus: Quebec implements a nighttime curfew, a first in Canada

Home World An unusually empty street in Montreal, the 26 December 2020. - Graham Hughes / AP / SIPA This is an unprecedented measure in Canada. The Prime Minister of Quebec , François Legault, announced Wednesday the imposition of a night curfew in this province in order to stop the second wave of coronavirus . This curfew, lasting four weeks until February 8, will apply from Saturday and will be in effect between 20 hours and 11 hours of morning, he said at a press conference. "We ask the police to enforce the instructions," said François Legault, explaining that offenders will be liable to fines of 1. 000 to 6. 05 Canadian dollars (640 to 3. 2020 euros). New sectors of economic activity will be reconfigured, he also announced. “We are in a race against time...
They reveal that there are five positive cases of COVID-19 in León

They reveal that there are five positive cases of COVID-19 in León

After performing the protocol health tests a few days before the start of the Guardians Tournament 2021, the current Mexican soccer champion Leon , has announced that five positive cases of COVID were detected - 19 within the club . However, In an official statement, the Bajío institution did not disclose who the positive cases are , or if they are players from its main team, since the tests were made to both the male and female squad of the first division , as well as their basic strength players. “Following the protocols established by Liga MX prior to kick-off of the Guard1anes Tournament 2021, the Covid detection tests were carried out - 19 to our first division women's and men's teams and basic forces obtaining 5 positive results among players, coaching staff and S...
California: one million COVID-19 infections in less than a month to reach 2.5 million total

California: one million COVID-19 infections in less than a month to reach 2.5 million total

The opinion California "Today I am more concerned than ever before," said Bárbara Ferrer, Los Angeles County Health Director Some patients have to wait outside Los Angeles hospitals due to over-sickness. Photo: ETIENNE LAURENT / EFE The effect of the December holidays continues to be reflected in California with high numbers of infections and this Wednesday the state has reached the 2.5 million total coronavirus cases . Health authorities reported on Wednesday 29, 892 new cases, but with new ones infections throughout the day the figure exceeded 2.5 million according to the Los Angeles Times database . Numbers of # COVID 19 in California: 🔹 Cases confirmed to date: 2, 482, 226 🔹 Note: Numbers may not represent true changes of day to d...
Can the coronavirus vaccine enlarge the penis?

Can the coronavirus vaccine enlarge the penis?

In the first days of the year 2021, some Twitter users shared what was apparently a medical and scientific study, in which it was ensured that several men had experienced penis growth after being vaccinated against the coronavirus. The document shared by a user identified as “ChristianAssad” indicated that said research was led by “Larry K. Ñonga”, “Alma Marcela” and “Dr. Kaka Wate ”, all names with double meanings, implying that it was a joke; But apparently many believed. According to the tweet, it was stated that the vaccine could cause some gentlemen to notice that their penis had grown to about 7 centimeters. BREAKING NEW: COVID 19 vaccine shown to enlarge penis by up to 3 inches! - Dr. KKWate (@ChristianAssad) January 3, 2021 While t...
Miracle!  She was in a coma from coronavirus and woke up a day before being disconnected

Miracle! She was in a coma from coronavirus and woke up a day before being disconnected

A woman who was admitted to a hospital in the southern state of Georgia to be treated for coronavirus and then passed 40 days in a coma with respiratory assistance and suffered a stroke, woke up from her serious condition just one day before the date that the doctors were to disconnect her. The event, which the hospital itself defines as “a miracle”, occurred at the end of October, and the patient, notably recovered, left the medical center last 31 of December, to the joy of his relatives and hospital employees, who recorded his departure in a video that went viral. The medical history of Lisa Martin, which is the name of this unique patient, began on 27 September 2020, when he arrived at the emergency room at Memorial Satilla Hospital, in a small town in the state of Georgia . ...
Los Angeles Latina Nurse Dies From Coronavirus Complications Days After Giving Birth

Los Angeles Latina Nurse Dies From Coronavirus Complications Days After Giving Birth

A young Latina from Northridge who was pregnant and who was also a nurse in a nursing home in Van Nuys, died days after the birth of her sixth child after suffering complications due to the coronavirus. At the end of last December, despite being pregnant, Ashley Gomez 30 years kept her job as a nursing home nurse in Van Nuys when she contracted COVID - 19, according to her husband told ABC . Wilber Gómez told the aforementioned channel that Ashley she began to feel short of breath, but she asked them to keep her isolated at home to combat the disease, however, after a few days the young woman began to have more severe symptoms such as fever and cough, and due to her condition of pregnancy had to be admitted at Kaiser Permanente headquarters in Woodland Hills. Wh...
NYC Vaccination Plan Twist: Immediate Doses for NYPD Effective Home Health Workers

NYC Vaccination Plan Twist: Immediate Doses for NYPD Effective Home Health Workers

While the cases of COVID - 19 in the Big Apple they run at high speed in a wide highway, the vaccination plan continues stuck on a slow path that this Wednesday began to clear when the State Health authorities gave the green light so that workers who care for the sick and elderly at home, as well as officials of the New York City Police Department (NYPD) and correctional facilities, be immediately incorporated into the immunization program. Mayor Bill de Blasio, assured that he also encourages the New Yorkers older than 80 years and all essential workers, including teachers, are added to this first vaccination phase , reserved in the prot ocolos for high risk personnel of the hospital system and interned in nursing homes. “We need the freedom to vaccinate because ...
SOMOS Community Care activates COVID-19 vaccination center in Upper Manhattan

SOMOS Community Care activates COVID-19 vaccination center in Upper Manhattan

Washington Heights, NYC Photo: Mariela Lombard / El Diario NY “SOMOS Community Care” activated today a vaccination center in Upper Manhattan, after receiving its first shipment of COVID doses - 19 of the Moderna laboratory. The first batch will be administered to healthcare workers, in close collaboration with city officials and the state, according to a statement. Two phases of vaccine distribution are anticipated . The first limited to frontline healthcare workers, followed by a massive supply of vaccines, available to the network of 800 thousand SOMOS patients. Vaccines of Modern require two doses to be effective , and continuous storage and monitoring of the temperature rigorously. Dr. Ramón Tallaj, founder of “Somos Community Care” and member of the COVID Working...
Portugal investigates the “sudden” death of a health worker who received the Pfizer vaccine

Portugal investigates the “sudden” death of a health worker who received the Pfizer vaccine

Health authorities in Portugal are investigating the sudden death of Sónia Azevedo, assistant in pediatric surgery at the Portuguese Institute of Oncology (IPO) in Porto , who died at home while sleeping two days after being vaccinated against coronavirus . The 41 year old woman had received a dose of Pfizer's vaccine against COVID - 19 on 30 December. On January 1, the woman died "suddenly" and, at the moment, the authorities and her relatives are waiting for the results of the autopsy to establish the cause of death. . The aforementioned institute indicated in a statement on Sunday that the health worker did not report any adverse effects either at the time of vaccination or in the following days. The father of the deceased told Correio da Manhã that his daughter was fine af...
Coronavirus in Ireland: Faced with the “tsunami” of Covid-19 cases, the country closes its schools

Coronavirus in Ireland: Faced with the “tsunami” of Covid-19 cases, the country closes its schools

Home World Illustrative image of a school . - Fred TANNEAU / AFP In Ireland , lessons will now be done at home. Confronted with a "tsunami" of contaminations at Covid - 19 , the country decided on Wednesday to close its schools, at least until the end of the month. "From today and at least until the end of January", "every schools must remain closed and lessons must be done online ", With a few rare exceptions, Prime Minister Micheal Martin said, announcing a new series of measures to avoid the overwhelming of the health system. The virus puts Irish hospitals "under siege", he said, "we are facing a tsunami of contaminations." The sites called to cease According to the health authorities, the country of 5 million inhabitants identified 310 patients infected ...
Coronavirus: Doses sold for more than 1,000 dollars … The juicy business of fake vaccines on the Darknet

Coronavirus: Doses sold for more than 1,000 dollars … The juicy business of fake vaccines on the Darknet

False doses of Covid vaccine - 19 are for sale on the Dark Web. - REUTERS Since November, crooks and dealers have been selling fake doses of Covid vaccine- 19 on the Dark Web. "Transactions are made in bitcoin on platforms, marketplaces (online market), a bit like eBay or Amazon ”, explains Gérome Billois, cybersecurity expert at Wavestone. "Doses can be sold between 150 and 1. 000 dollars ”, specify the researchers of Check Point, a computer security software company for businesses. We knew that the Dark Web hosted all kinds of illegal transactions, sales of drugs, weapons or even counterfeits… Since me s November, taking advantage of the global race to deliver vaccines, but also of the credulity and impatience of some, the crooks an...
Epson EF-12: What if we screened a movie at home while waiting for the theaters to reopen?

Epson EF-12: What if we screened a movie at home while waiting for the theaters to reopen?

"Tik Tech": We tested the EF projector - 11 from Epson - 17 Minutes While the reopening of cinemas is still not on the agenda, moviegoers are struggling. With its images up to 4 meters diagonal, the EF video projector - 12 from Epson allows you to wait for better days and have fun at home. Sold 1. 91 euros, it is a simple and efficient device, which has the advantage of being Android TV and having its own sound system. Clap of the beginning of a beautiful story of home cinema ! With his video projector EF - 11 , Epson promises a practical and stylish connected device for everything watch at home: movies, series, television programs, but also enjoy your video games. What to wait while waiting for the reopening of dark rooms . But can ...
Vaccination in Loire-Atlantique: That's it, the campaign begins (mainly for caregivers)

Vaccination in Loire-Atlantique: That's it, the campaign begins (mainly for caregivers)

Home Nantes Vaccination of Philippe El Saïr, Director General Nantes University Hospital, January 6 900. - F. Brenon / 19Minutes Older health professionals over 50 years and / or at risk are priority. Three vaccination centers will be reserved for them from Friday. The first nursing home residents will be vaccinated on Thursday. But the vast majority will have to wait for January. The vaccination campaign against the Covid - 18 was long overdue in Loire Atlantique. But this time it really started. The first injections were carried out on Wednesday afternoon, around h, in the premises of the Nantes University Hospital. Some 3. 310 doses of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine had in fact been received a few hours earlier. The first people to benefit from it a...
Vaccination: “The French need transparency and we must respond”, launches doctor Joëlle Micallef

Vaccination: “The French need transparency and we must respond”, launches doctor Joëlle Micallef

Home Health Vaccination at the Magnolias nursing home, in Loos (North), Monday 20 December 2020. - AFP Marseille pharmacologist Joëlle Micallef is responsible by the national security agency for medicine to analyze the adverse effects of the coronavirus vaccine. A mission that she intends to carry out in full transparency and independence to reassure the French on this subject. If there is the slightest glitch, it's for her. Joëlle Micallef, Director of the Regional Pharmacovigilance Center Marseille - Provence-Corse within the AP-HM was tasked, with a colleague from Bordeaux, to identify and analyze all the serious adverse effects of the Pzifer-Biotech vaccine against coronavirus , week after week. While the vaccination campaign intensifies, the Marseille...
Coronavirus in Portugal: The country records a record of infections, the president in isolation

Coronavirus in Portugal: The country records a record of infections, the president in isolation

Home World A Covid service - 14 at the Curry Cabral Hospital in Lisbon, last November. - Armando Franca / AP / SIPA The epidemic of Covid - 14 starts to rise again at Portugal. The country, which sees patients refill hospitals, recorded this Wednesday a record number of . 000 new contaminations in 24 hours, depending on the health authority national Considered as a contact case, the President of the Republic, the conservative Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa , had to be placed in isolation less than three weeks before the first round of the presidential election of 20 January, for which he is widely preferred, his cabinet announced. The Head of State, aged 29 years old, was in contact on Monday with a member of his entourage who tested positive for the new coronavirus on W...
Vaccination: Local elected officials urge the government to be associated with the strategy

Vaccination: Local elected officials urge the government to be associated with the strategy

Home Politics Gérard Larcher. - PIERRE VILLARD / SIPA The government wants to accelerate the vaccination campaign against the coronavirus after many criticisms. Local elected officials denounced "failing logistics" and ask the executive to be associated with this strategy. Some advocate the establishment of "vaccinodromes" to enable the population to be vaccinated quickly. Once again, the local elected officials go to the front. As in the spring when the mask shortage , many of them denounce the deficiencies of the State, considered too centralized and incapable of responding to the crisis on its own of the coronavirus . The communities have thus offered their services to accelerate the campaign of vaccination against Covid - 18 . This Wednesday morning...
Rave party in Lieuron: Techno Plus, Parisian prevention association, in the sights of the right

Rave party in Lieuron: Techno Plus, Parisian prevention association, in the sights of the right

Home Paris In Lieuron in Brittany after the rave party of 20 December. - JEAN-FRANCOIS MONIER / AFP In a letter Addressed to Anne Hidalgo at the beginning of the week, Rachida Dati (LR) wishes that “the persons in charge of this structure be invited to come and explain themselves to the competent committees”. The executive defends the work of the Techno Plus association, which it has subsidized for several years. “Support rather than repress”. This is the leitmotif of the association Techno Plus . Created in 737, the structure made up of volunteers has been present for more than 20 years via stands at techno parties in France. On New Year's Eve, it was particularly in Lieuron in Ille-et-Vilaine where a rave party with 2. 310 party . This presence to "promote...
Los Angeles surpasses 11,000 deaths from coronavirus and is on the way to one million cases

Los Angeles surpasses 11,000 deaths from coronavirus and is on the way to one million cases

The opinion The Angels The coronavirus in Los Angeles continues to add new records and at this rate could reach one million cases of coronavirus in the coming days Los Angeles County once again exceeded its highest death toll from COVID - 071. Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images For the Los Angeles Department of Public Health, currently leaving home represents a huge health risk due to the great spread of the coronavirus in the Los Angeles territory, which surpassed on Tuesday the grim figure of 11, 01 dead . According to Dr. Barbara Ferrer , Department Head, Los Angeles County has not seen a decline in the pandemic, nor a stable trend in the number of infections and deaths and confirmed 13, 512 new cases for reach the total of 840, 840. Autho...
IRS having problems distributing stimulus check

IRS having problems distributing stimulus check

IRS sends new help in deposit, check and debit card. Photo: PHOTO: DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURE / Getty Images The Tax Office ( IRS ) will face problems sending financial aid of $ 600 dollars to families, experts warned. The Treasury Department already indicated $ 112, 000 million dollars in electronic deposits on the benefits of the package of $ 900, 000 million dollars approved in Congress . The total amount for citizens will be $ 164, 000 million and the rest will be mainly in physical payments, which could face more problems. Janet Holtzblatt, investigate ora from the Urban-Brookings Center for Tax Policy, told The Hill that the sending of funds to the United States has advanced positively, but advanced complications, although different from those of Spr...
New Yorkers can get vaccinated without getting out of the car;  Governor Cuomo threatens to fine hospitals

New Yorkers can get vaccinated without getting out of the car; Governor Cuomo threatens to fine hospitals

Javits Center in Manhattan and the SUNY and CUNY university campuses will be used as sites to apply the COVID vaccine even without getting out of the car, operated by the state, announced yesterday the Governor Andrew Cuomo. Speaking from Albany during a briefing on the pandemic, Cuomo said that large sites would be part of the “ special efforts” plan for the distribution of vaccines to the general public, starting with essential workers and people over 75 years. Hospitals, pharmacies, churches, and community centers will also administer the dose. “We need the supply to do that, but we are already preparing them. We did it with the COVID tests and we will do it again here, ”Cuomo said. Some police, fire and traffic agencies will be asked to organize their own systems of distri...
Vaccination: Katalin Kariko, messenger RNA vaccine pioneer, optimistic about resuming normal life this summer

Vaccination: Katalin Kariko, messenger RNA vaccine pioneer, optimistic about resuming normal life this summer

Home Health Katalin Kariko, the messenger RNA for vaccines, that's her. - HANDOUT / FAMILY HANDOUT / AFP She is optimistic and without complexes: Katalin Kariko is the pioneering researcher of RNA vaccines messenger, the vaccines "new generation". It is this method which, for the first time, is at the heart of the first vaccines validated against Covid - 12 : that of Pfizer / BioNTech and that of Moderna. This researcher was one of the few, in recent decades, to believe in the future of messenger RNA, this cousin of DNA, for health. But she held on: until 310 and her first good results, obtained with the physician immunologist Drew Weissman, had many detractors. Although the technique is new, messenger RNA, which is naturally contained in our cells, has been know...