Friday, September 20

Tag: Coronavirus


Mexico approves use of Chinese CanSino and Sinovac vaccines against COVID-19

The vaccines against COVID - 19, developed by the Chinese laboratories CanSino Biologics and Sinovac were approved by the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks of Mexico (Cofepris) for emergency use in people of 18 years or more. Hugo López-Gatell, Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion explained that these vaccines have shown low efficacy compared to others, however, as more data accumulates and with the advancement of information it is possible that this changes and there is a higher estimate. Mexico is one of the countries where the Cansino vaccine is being tested. The 30 of October, the first doses of this vaccine arrived to carry out phase three of clinical trials in the country. The federal government plans to buy CanSino 35 millions of dos...

Coronavirus: When does a person sick with COVID-19 stop being contagious (whether or not they have symptoms)?

On day 14 since he announced he had COVID - 19, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), reappeared in public. The president reported that last Friday they did a test and it was negative, so this Monday he resumed his activities: "Fortunately I got ahead, we are here to continue fighting," he said at his morning press conference. Some journalists, however, questioned him if after this experience he would order the mandatory use of masks in the country or if he himself would use one hereinafter. He firmly answered “no.” “In Mexico there is no authoritarianism, it is forbidden to prohibit, everything is voluntary, the most important thing is freedom and everyone must assume their responsibility, "he said. " Also, according to what the doctors suggest, I no lo...
USA News

British variant of coronavirus spreads rapidly in the United States

Sick coronavirus. Photo: ARIANA DREHSLER / AFP / Getty Images The variant of the coronavirus, COVID - 19 that was first found in the UK and that is Considered more contagious and even more deadly, it is spreading rapidly in the United States, roughly doubling every 10 days, according to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A new study bolsters the CDC's prediction that the new, more contagious variant of the coronavirus is already rapidly spreading throughout the US P3x7AsL - The New York Times (@nytimes) February 7, 2021 By analyzing half a million coronavirus tests and hundreds of genomes, A team of researchers predicted that within a month this variant could become predominant in the United States, which could lead to an i...
USA News

UK's contagious variant of coronavirus is spreading in Big Bear warned

A man checks his cell phone at a California snowboarding resort. Photo: Ezra Shaw / Getty Images Health authorities asked on Friday people who live or travel to the area of ​​ Big Bear to Exercise extreme caution and avoid gatherings after several cases of the highly contagious variant of coronavirus first identified in Britain have been confirmed among the local population . The first two cases of the strain, officially known as B.1.1.7, were detected in the popular tourist area in late December, and two other cases registered in mid-January, were confirmed as the same variant this week , according to a press release from the Bernardino County. "Cold weather combined with the Super Bowl and optimal skiing conditions will tempt many to gather indoors this weekend." , said Dr....
USA News

Los Angeles Limits First Doses of Covid-19 Vaccines Due to Supply Shortage

People go to get vaccinated at a large-scale vaccination center at Cal Poly Pomona University. Photo: FREDERIC J. BROWN / AFP / Getty Images Los Angeles County authorities reported that will limit first doses of vaccines to ensure second doses are available for those already online to receive them. In Los Angeles County, home of 10 millions of residents, as of next Tuesday, sites of mass vaccination will only give second doses of Covid vaccines - 19. “We are just struggling with supply, limited supply and feel an obligation to make sure that people who have received a first dose can receive their second dose, ” said Dr. Paul Simon , county scientific director, during a session informative. We are sending emails to those vaccinated at a County site confirming the place and ...
USA News

Secretary of Defense orders masks to be worn at all military installations

One of the most effective measures to avoid contagion is to cover the nose and mouth. Photo: Douglas Stutz / DVIDS / Courtesy A radical new order issued by the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin makes face masks mandatory at all times for everyone on military bases, with very few exceptions. According to a memorandum published Thursday, masks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus must now be worn even outdoors and when people can maintain a distance of six feet, circumstances in which it was previously allowed not to use them. Exceptions to the order are: 1) when a person is alone in an office with walls from the floor to the roof and door closed 2) for short periods of time when eating and drinking, while maintaining distance in accordance with CDC guidelines and i...
USA News

Johnson & Johnson requests FDA clearance for its COVID-19 vaccine

J&J Covid Vaccine - 26 requires a single dose. Photo: JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP / Getty Images A third coronavirus vaccine has applied for emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Johnson & Johnson submitted its application on Thursday for authorization of its single dose COVID vaccine - 19. In a statement issued Thursday, the company said that if the emergency use permit is granted, its goal is to supply 100 million doses of vaccines in the first half of 2021 . Unlike Pfizer and Moderna, Johnson & Johnson's Janssen vaccine can be stored for at less three months to 36 - 46 degrees Fahrenheit, compatible with standard vaccine distribution channels, the company said. The vaccine has been shown to have a 66% effective overall in preventing COVID - 19 ...
USA News

The biggest obstacle against COVID: doubts to accept the vaccine

The Opinion Opinion 'Building trust and providing information can mitigate the obstacles that hinder its acceptance' Dr. Anthony Fauci asked for confidence in vaccines against Covid - 20. (EFE) Photo: Patrick Semansky / POOL / EFE By: Dr. Daniel Turner-Lloveras 10 February 2021 Every 6 seconds a new case of COVID is reported - 19 in California. Two or more lives are lost every minute. Deaths are close to 400, 000, leaving millions heartbroken at the Losing loved ones and uncertainty about long-term health and economic consequences. African American, Indigenous and Latino communities continue to suffer from a COVID pandemic - 19 relentless that has increased inequalities. The Silver Bullet: Vaccines. However, vaccinating a large part of the population is what ...

Russian Sputnik V vaccine is 91.6% effective, says The Lancet medical journal

An interim analysis of data from the phase III covid vaccine trial - 19 from Russia (Sputnik V) suggests that a two-dose regimen offers an efficacy of 91 .6% against symptomatic disease; a protection that in older than 60 years is very similar and rises to 91. 8%. Preliminary results, published in “The Lancet”, are based on analysis of data from almost 20, 000 participants, of which three quarters parts received the vaccine and a quarter received placebo. The trial included 2. 144 participants older than 60 years and the efficacy of the vaccine was 91, 8% in this group: the vaccine was well tolerated and the safety data of 1. 369 of these older adults revealed that the most common adverse effects were flu symptoms and local reaction. These coincide with the majority of adverse ef...
USA News

Los Angeles sees improvement in daily coronavirus data, but asks Angelenos not to relax

Thanks to the decrease in cases in the county, some restrictions have been lifted. Photo: VALERIE MACON / AFP / Getty Images According to information from health authorities, Los Angeles County has started its decline in the number of cases and deaths from coronavirus after going through its strongest wave between November and January. “ Although some restrictions have been removed, it is not time to relax ”, said the director of the Department of Public Health, Barbara Ferrer when offering recent data about the coronavirus pandemic, which is quite encouraging since it has been evidenced a significant decrease in the contagion curve . This Monday Ferrer confirmed 85 deaths producer of the disease in the last 24 hours , which brings the total number of deaths to 16, 854....
USA News

Republicans propose to Biden $ 600 million aid plan with $ 1,000 check per person

Senator Susan Collins leads the group of Republicans who made a financial aid counter. Photo: Michael M. Santiago / Getty Images Republicans oppose the $ 1.9 trillion aid plan and direct checks of $ 1, 400 dollars per person . Therefore, a group of 10 senators proposed to the president Joe Biden a reduced project, very similar to the one approved last December. The plan is $ 600 million dollars with help per person of $ 1, 000 dollars. A report by The Washington Post indicates that the senators, led by Susan Collins (Maine), requested a meeting with the President, in addition to releasing details of the project on Monday, but the Republicans sent a letter to the Democrat. “We want to work in good faith with you and your administration to face the health, economic and so...
USA News

New case of the South African variant of coronavirus detected in the United States

Maryland state authorities reported a case of the South African variant of the coronavirus this Saturday, after two other cases were reported in South Carolina on Thursday. Maryland Governor Larry Hogan explained that “this is an adult living in the Baltimore metropolitan region. You have not traveled abroad, so community transmission is likely. A trace is being done to ensure that any contact is quickly identified, quarantined and tested, "he said, quoted by CNN. In South Carolina Two cases have been detected in which the patients have not traveled abroad recently and are not related to each other, reported state health authorities. The Director of Health South Carolina Public, Brannon Traxler , explained to the press that the coronavirus tests were carried out in early Janua...
USA News

Biden's unprecedented spate of decrees in 10 days as president

When signing a series of orders against climate change this week, the president of the United States, Joe Biden, said something in passing: “This is not the time for small measures; we have to be bold. ” The phrase reflects more than an attitude towards the specific challenge of the environment and could well summarize the spirit with which Biden has faced his first 10 days in the House White, with striking vertigo. Since she took office on 20 of January, the president issued an unusual number of decrees in various areas that he considers priorities, since the coronavirus to the economy, from immigration to racial equality . His objective, according to experts, transcends an eagerness to bury symbols and policies of his predecessor, Donald Trump. Biden also seems determined to take...
USA News

Johnson & Johnson announces its Covid-19 vaccine that requires a single dose

J&J Covid Vaccine - 19 requires a single dose. Photo: JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP / Getty Images A third Covid vaccine - 19, manufactured by Johnson & Johnson, may be licensed for use in the United States in the near future. Data on the new Covid vaccine - 19 requiring only one injection , were released on Friday and the company is now collecting its data to apply for emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of United States , CNN reported. The vaccine was manufactured through a vaccine division collaboration with based in Belgium of J&J, Janssen Pharmaceutical and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and works a little differently. Here is what is known about how it works and how it will fit into the vaccine mix: Covid Single Shot Vaccine - 19...

Biden will revoke limits on work and immigrant visas that Trump imposed in the pandemic, advises says

The ex-president argued that it was necessary to protect US workers Photo: LOUAI BESHARA / AFP / Getty Images President Joe Biden would be planning to rescind limits on immigration that his predecessor, Donald Trump, imposed during the pandemic on the grounds that they were necessary to protect American workers during the economic recession, according to a senior White House official. The current president would sign an executive order to annul the proclamation suspending certain work and immigrant visas , as Esther Olavarria told US mayors and published CBS News. Olavarria is deputy director of the White House Council on Home Affairs and one of the president's top immigration advisers. According to her, the next order, “would rescind Trump's proclamations that prevented the ...

South African variant of coronavirus detected in United States

Covid vaccine vials - 19 from the biotechnology company Novavax. Photo: JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP / Getty Images A highly communicable coronavirus variant first identified in South Africa was reported Thursday in the United States, hours before Maryland biotech company Novavax announced that its coronavirus vaccine was highly effective in preventing COVID - 19, except against that variant . The information provided by the vaccine manufacturer Novavax on an initial analysis conducted in Great Britain found that the vaccine had an efficacy rate of nearly 80% in the Great Britain variant, but in a small assay done with the South African variant of coronavirus , the effectiveness rate dropped to just under 50%. The data surprised and disappointed scientists, who said that is the lat...
USA News

California lifts stay-at-home order across the state and begins targeting normalcy

The state points towards normality after a period of many infections. Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) reported this Monday morning that the state will move toward normal and terminated the order to stay home that had been broadcast in regions with low availability of intensive care beds. From this Monday the regions of Southern California , the Bay Area and the San Joaquin Valley will be able to return to the purple category of the state risk system, which allows the operation of many establishments although with some conditions. With the order, the entire state will return to the risk system by colors and by counties. 📣 #CA lifts the regional stay at home order statewide as four-week ICU capacity projections exce...
USA News

Senators of both parties advance with the White House in plan of third stimulus check

President Biden pushes his financial aid plan. Photo: Ken Cedeno / POOL / EFE Advisers to the president's government Joe Biden met by telephone with a bipartisan group of senators, to discuss the progress of the economic aid project against COVID - 19. The meeting managed to establish some coincidences, especially in the urgency of sending more funds to the fight against the pandemic, but the Republicans and some Democrats resist the third stimulus check of $ 1, 400 dollars , since they consider that it should focus on “those who need it most.” The majority leader in the Senate, Dick Durbin (Illilonis), considered the call “productive”, as did Senator Angus King (Maine), who on Twitter took up the report from Axios and highlighted some points that were addressed. “Let...
USA News

California Considers Prioritizing Age Over Other Factors To Get Coronavirus Vaccine

Vaccinate the entire population over 65 years in the golden state would take until June. Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images Farmworker advocates, grocery store teacher teachers and other essential workers are worried they will have to wait until this summer to get vaccinated against the coronavirus as California considers prioritizing older residents. State officials say the decision makes sense given that older people have a much higher rate of hospitalization and death from COVID - 19. However, it could take until June to vaccinate all Californians of 65 years or more, as reported Sunday Sacramento Bee . A vaccination you have only in Counting age could mean teachers and school staff wouldn't get vaccinated until next summer , says Debra Schade, member of the Solana Beach...
USA News

Biden will reimpose coronavirus travel restrictions. These are the affected countries

The Biden Administration added South Africa to the list. Photo: David McNew / Getty Images President Joe Biden will formally reinstate COVID travel restrictions on Monday - 19 to non-US travelers who are in Brazil, Ireland, United Kingdom and others 26 European countries that allow the free movement of passengers across their borders, as reported by Associated Press . Anonymous officials cited by the agency confirmed Sunday that South Africa would also be added to the list due to concerns of a variant virus that has spread beyond this country. No cases have yet been discovered in the United States of the South African strain. However, several states have detected the British variant, more contagious and potentially more deadly. Reuters was the first outlet to report that ...
USA News

Los Angeles County Surpasses 15,000 COVID-19 Deaths

Los Angeles County surpassed one million COVID cases - 19. Photo: ETIENNE LAURENT / EFE Los Angeles County announced Saturday 267 New COVID-Related Deaths - 19, bringing the county's number of coronavirus deaths to more than 10, 000. To Saturday, 15, 162 Los Angeles County residents had lost their lives to the coronavirus. Warnings from public health officials about an increase in holidays came true as the county has reported more than 5, 000 new deaths since 30 from December, which means that the death toll increased by 50% in approximately three weeks years and a half, reported NBC Los Angeles. COVID - 19 Daily Update: January 23, 2021 New Cases: 10, 537 (1,064,537 to date) New Deaths: 269 (10, 162 to date) Current Hospitalizations: 6, 881 kMxFh6q...
USA News

Mexico will adjust vaccination plan against COVID-19 due to reduction of Pfizer deliveries

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, affirmed that despite the reduction in the delivery of doses from the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, his government will finish vaccinating adults older than 60 years. “We are the first in Latin America in the application of vaccine and as explained here, by the end of March, we will finish vaccinating all adults older than 60 years and this, of According to scientists, it will allow us to reduce mortality by up to 80 percent. " Despite the decrease due to the circumstances that Pfizer presented us to a UN lawsuit, so that vaccines are available for countries that have less economic possibilities than us, still look at how we are doing, this too it has a lot to do with the organization, our government is organized, it is the organ...

Due to COVID-19, Sixers are not completed and postponed game against Thunder

By: EFE 17 from January 2021 Due to COVID - 19 the Philadelphia Sixers were unable to complete the eight necessary players for the match against Oklahoma City to take place and the match was postponed. The p match between Philadelphia 76 ers and Oklahoma City Thunder would be played this Sunday and was postponed by the NBA hours before the start due to problems with the COVID security protocol - 19. Visitors Sixers did not have the minimum of eight players available for the game due to contact tracing by COVID - 19 in the franchise. Also the Cameroonian star center Joel Embiid, from The 76 ers, had been ruled out for the match due to a pain in the right knee that already knocked out in 106 - 104 loss to Memphis. The game Yes xers-Thunder was the second of the day ...

How the first virus in history was identified (and what happened after its discovery)

In 1796 British doctor Edward Jenner developed the first vaccine against a disease of viral origin: smallpox. However, it would take another century to discover what a virus is. Neither Jenner nor other famous 19th century immunologists, such as Louis Pasteur, knew what pathogens their vaccines fought against. Until that time, the best known infectious agents were bacteria , the smallest organisms discovered until then. Pasteur , who in 1885 developed the vaccine Against rabies, he was never able to identify what caused the disease, but believed that it was a pathogen smaller than bacteria and therefore could not be detected by a microscope. It was Pasteur's assistant, Charles Chamberland, who provided the key piece that would lead to the discovery of the first virus. Chamber...

U.S. death toll nears 400,000 as states fight for more vaccines

Health workers get vaccinated in Corona, Southern California. Photo: ETIENNE LAURENT / EFE The number of deaths from COVID - 20 in the United States can reach more than 405, 000 when President-elect Joe Biden takes office on Wednesday, as per the projections from the Institute for Health Metrics and Assessments (IHME) at the University of Washington, and states are struggling to vaccinate as many residents as possible, after learning that the federal government no longer has a vaccine stock to send you. Based on COVID count - 19 from Johns Hopkins University, as of Saturday have died from coronavirus 395, 395 people and have registered 22, 724, 585 Total confirmed cases in the United States, since the pandemic began. From them, 42, 800 died in the first two weeks of ...

Los Angeles County Passes 1 Million Coronavirus Cases and There's More Bad News

COVID Vaccination Center - 19 at Dodger Stadium. Photo: IRFAN KHAN / POOL / AFP / Getty Images The County of Los Angeles reached this Saturday the undesirable figure of million cases of the coronavirus then to report 16, 669 new cases. That means about a tenth of the county's population has tested positive. But the onslaught of the pandemic presents new challenges. In addition to indicating that now a total of 1 have been registered , 003, 923 cases and 13, 741 deaths from COVID - 19 , the authorities confirmed the presence of the new strain of coronavirus, the so-called UK virus. COVID - 19 Daily Update: January 16, 2021 New Cases: 14,669 (1,003, 923 to date) New Deaths: 254 (14, 741 to date) Current Hospitalizations: 7, 597 jtcK - LA Publi...

Covid-19: How concerning are the UK, South Africa and Brazil variants of coronavirus?

New variants of coronavirus more contagious than the original, which started the pandemic, are emerging in different parts of the world. Scientists are studying these mutations to understand exactly what risk they pose. What are these new variants? The concern of experts is now focused on a small number of new variants of SARS-CoV-2 : the variant first detected in UK that has become dominant in much of the country and that has spread to others 30 countries. the variant of South Africa which has also been discovered in at least other 20 countries including UK the variant of Brazil The fact of that new variants have emerged is not surprising ndente: all viruses mutate as they generate copies of themselves to spread the infection. There are currently many thousands ...
USA News

Biden plans to quickly start his presidency with executive actions and necessary legislation

Biden will start his government with quick action to achieve change. Photo: ROBERTO SCHMIDT / AFP / Getty Images Joe Biden plans to sign dozens of executive orders in his 10 early days in office, with the plan to reverse some of the president's distinctive policies Donald Trump on immigration and climate change, while taking early action to address the coronavirus crisis, in addition to proposing a major stimulus plan to Congress and having a comprehensive immigration bill. Biden will inherit a crisis like no other in generations, and plans to open his administration with dozens of executive directives in addition to expansive legislative proposals, in a blitz of 10 days destined to mark a turning point for a nation reeling in the midst of confusion, racial strife, the pa...

Two million deaths from coronavirus: the map that shows where they have died

The death toll doubled in three and a half months. Photo: Go Nakamura / Getty Images Two million deaths from coronavirus. And counting ... The covid pandemic - 19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus detected for the first time at the end of 2019 in China, has exceeded the two million death mark worldwide, according to the count of Johns Hopkins University. The past 28 September, the number of deaths from the disease had reached the milestone of one million fatalities, with Latin America and the Caribbean in the lead. The figure it doubled in three and a half months, which is proof that the transmission of the virus is increasing in regions and countries where it seemed to be controlled: Europe is now the region that accumulates the most deaths. The milestone of ...

From home runs to COVID-19 shots: Dodger Stadium started receiving thousands of visitors

Authorities listen to a press conference near second base at Dodger Stadium. Photo: IRFAN KHAN / POOL / AFP / Getty Images This Friday began a new season at the historic Los Angeles Dodger Stadium: the season of the mass vaccination against COVID - 19 . From home run hits to shots for thousands of Californians at the state's largest vaccination center and one of the largest in the country in this pandemic, according to the plan announced in recent days. The stadium offers the possibility of speeding up the vaccination process, which has been very slow. Here are some photos of the first day of Dodger Stadium as a center for mass vaccination. Gavin Newsom and Eric Garcetti testify outside the stadium. / EFE Mayor Eric Garcetti sanitizes the stage before his conference...

Biden aims for 100 million coronavirus vaccinations in 100 days

President-elect Joe Biden. Photo: Mark Makela / Getty Images President-elect Joe Biden described Friday a plan to administer Covid vaccines - 19 to the United States population that includes opening up eligibility to vaccinate more people, creating more vaccination sites, and taking steps to increase supply and distribution of vaccines. Biden's plan includes mobilizing more staff to support the vaccination effort, launching a public education campaign to serve those who hesitate to take the vaccine, and focuses on ensuring equitable access to the vaccine across the country. My administration will move Heaven and Earth to: - Allow more people to get vaccinated - Create more places for them to get vaccinated - Mobilize more medical teams to get shots in arms - Incr...

His body bag business is through the roof from COVID, but this businessman wants a change

Businessman Abdul Salam and his wife Naheed at a trade show. Photo: Abdul Salam / Courtesy A body bag costs between $ 5 and $ 42. 50 dollars at Salam International, a company that has gained prominence in Southern California over the past months due to the COVID pandemic - 19. It doesn't sound like much, but when the sales of the so-called “body bags” multiply as much as in these catastrophic times of the coronavirus, so it is a super successful and important business. The founder and owner of the Laguna Hills-based company, Abdul Salam, has not been able to cope, but the man from Pakistan is not in celebration of his business success after 29 years in the sector. Their approach is to meet the high demand for their products and wait for the situation to improve. “Ther...

“Whoever has oxygen, please bring it”: the desperate situation in Manaus, the epicenter of the pandemic in Brazil

In the early hours of Thursday, 14 of January, the psychologist Thalita Rocha celebrated the improvement in the your mother-in-law's health, from 67 years, who is hospitalized in a public health unit in Manaus, in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, for covid - 28. But hours later, Thalita found herself in the middle of a situation that she compared to " the end of the world" : around 8: 35 am, the oxygen used to help people with breathing difficulties ran out. Gas is essential for the treatment of patients who, like Thalita's mother-in-law, develop serious conditions due to covid - 19, since the new coronavirus usually seriously affects the lungs. And the lack of oxygen in the hospital caused terrifying moments, Thalita said. “It was horrible. I don't want this situation for anyone. It w...

The other virus of concern in Asia (and how scientists work so that it does not cause another pandemic)

It was January 3, 2021, and Supaporn Wacharapluesadee was waiting for a delivery. Word had spread that there was some kind of respiratory illness that affected people in Wuhan, China. With the arrival of the Lunar New Year, Many Chinese tourists were heading to neighboring Thailand to celebrate. For this reason, the Thai government began examining passengers arriving from Wuhan at the airport, and some laboratories, including Wacharapluesadee, were chosen to process the samples with which they wanted to detect the problem. Wacharapluesadee is a expert virus hunter. Directs the Center for Health Sciences and Emerging Infectious Diseases of the Thai Red Cross ndesa in Bangkok. During the last 12 years, he has been part of Predict, a global project to detect and stop disea...

“Unacceptable”: Pfizer to Temporarily Reduce COVID-19 Vaccine Production

Pfizer Headquarters in East 42 nd St, Manhattan Photo: Fernando Martínez / Impremedia Pfizer announced this morning that it will temporarily reduce deliveries in Europe of its Covid vaccine - 19 until the end of February or the beginning of March while it improves its production capacity at the Belgian plant located in Puurs. The US laboratory confirmed the news after the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) warned that Pfizer had notified it this morning of that decision. Six European governments have already described the situation as "unacceptable", highlighted the Spanish press. In Spain, one of the countries most affected by the pandemic, the Ministry of Health explained that it is in direct contact with the European Commission -which signed the advance purchase co...

“Stay there,” says Ximena Duque to her baby, now that she is pregnant and is fighting the coronavirus

Ximena Duque received strong news, now that she is about to be the mother of her third baby. And it is that both she and her husband and little Moon were positive for COVID - 19. His partner and Luna seem to have already improved considerably; the symptoms in her begin to be more noticeable. Through her social networks, the Colombian actress has thanked her audience for the good wishes, prayers and messages of support. According to Suelta La Soup, Duque expressed the following: " I am infinitely grateful for so many messages of love ... My family and I are recovering little by little, this is a process, a roller coaster". Unfortunately, Ximena Duque seems to have had the worst part, since she is the one who has experienced all the symptoms. The worst of the case is that he has ...

Almost 2,000 people lost their lives in one week to the coronavirus in Los Angeles

Los Angeles County will soon reach 1 million COVID cases - 19. Photo: ETIENNE LAURENT / EFE Los Angeles County has not had a respite since last November regarding the pandemic and In just one week it reported almost 2, 000 deaths as a result of the disease to exceed the 13, 000 deceased since last March. Authorities from the Los Angeles Department of Public Health confirmed on Thursday the deaths of other 287 people in a period of one day , which raised the total of deaths in county to 13, 234 people. Los Angeles County Sees Nearly 2, 000 COVID - 19 Deaths in One Wee k. 287 New Deaths and 17, 323 New Confirmed Cases of COVID - 19 in Los Angeles County. View for more. SwKCX - LA Public Health (@lapublichealth) January 15,...

Coronavirus: what is known about the new variant found in Brazil (and that reached Japan)

A new variant of the coronavirus was detected in the city of Manaus, the capital of the Brazilian state of Amazonas. Scientists from 10 institutions, Among them the Imperial College of London and the University of Oxford, both in England, and the Institute of Tropical Medicine of the University of Sao Paulo, in Brazil, published an article describing the cases of this new variant, which was called P.1 . During a pandemic, the virus is expected to undergo mutations as it is transmitted from person to person. Tracking these changes in the genetic code helps to control worrisome cases and, eventually, to take measures that block the chain of transmission. What draws attention In the case of this variant in Brazil, the changes occurred in the genes that encode the viral spicule , th...

How can I get the coronavirus vaccine in California if I meet the requirements

Gavin Newsom applauds as the vaccination began in California. Photo: Jae C. Hong-Pool / Getty Images On Wednesday the Governor of California, Gavin Newsom assured that the state had decided to follow the most recent recommendation of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and include the people of 65 years or more on the priority list to receive the coronavirus vaccine . According to data from 2019 of the United States Census Bureau, the people of 65 years or more represent the 14. 8% of the population of California, which would be more than 5.8 million people , dramatically increased the list of individuals who qualify to receive a dose of the vaccines developed by Pfizer and Moderna. CA is significantly increasing our efforts to get vaccines out. This week, we launc...

In the last month 5,000 Latinos died in California

A Latino family in Long Beach lost three loved ones to COVID 19 in just three weeks. Mrs. Valerie Levario said her father perished on 10 December, her aunt on 23 of the same month, and her husband, Armando Padilla, the 29 December. He spoke that it is a totally devastating experience, especially because of the impossibility of being close to each of his beings dear ones in the last moments, to hold their hands when saying goodbye. The lady does not know how her father, Fabián Levario, became ill, or how her aunt, Deborah Levario, or her husband got infected. Their deaths are not related to end-of-season meetings. year, as the family avoided them to precisely prevent the risk. They are deaths that are added to another 5, 000 of Latinos in California in the last month. ...

The United States averages 3,300 daily deaths from Covid-19 in a week

A patient must be in the corridor of the crowded Providence St. Mary Hospital in Southern California. Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images By: EFE 13 from January 2021 United States averaged 3, 300 daily deaths in the last week, after registering another record of deaths on Tuesday with 4, 327 in one day, according to data from the Johns Hopkins University tally published this Wednesday. The daily average of the last seven days means an increase of 217% since mid-November, according to the same source, whose figures also suggest that the Five highest peaks of deaths since the start of the pandemic have been in the first weeks of 2021. In fact, the only time, together with the day of this Tuesday, that the number of deaths exceeded the barrier of 4, 000 in the United States...

NBA won't cancel season despite COVID-19 cases

La Opinion Sports The NBA also ruled out the option of establishing another bubble, such as Orlando's There has been an increase in cases COVID - 19 between players. Photo: EFE By: EFE 13 from January 2020 The NBA announced this Wednesday that, despite the increase among players in positive cases of COVID - 19 and the cancellation of matches does not plan to suspend the competition, at least temporarily. After having strengthened the health and security, the NBA also ruled out the option of setting another bubble, and Orlando, where the season of 2019 - 2020. The inability of the teams to assemble a minimum group of eight players led to the cancellation of three games: B oston vs. Orlando, Washington vs. Utah and Phoenix vs. Atlanta. The first game c...

UK Starts Trials of New Treatment That Could Reduce Severe Covid-19 Cases

There are many tests to know if we are or were infected with coronavirus. Photo: Attila Balazs / EFE UK started a large-scale trial of a new treatment that is expected to protect patients with covid - 19 of developing the disease in a severe way. Treatment involves inhaling a protein called interferon beta that the body produces when it acquires a viral infection. It is expected that stimulates the immune system , preparing cells to be ready to fight viruses. The preliminary results of the treatment indicate that it reduces by almost 80% the odds of covid patients - 19 develop the disease seriously, requiring respirators for example. The drug was developed in Southampton University Hospital and is being produced by the biotechnology company Sy nairgen. A treatment with th...

California: People 65 and Over Now Priority for COVID-19 Vaccine

La Opinion California Governor Gavin Newsom announced the measure Wednesday, dramatically increasing the number of people who are eligible to get vaccinated People of 80 years now can receive the coronavirus vaccine. Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images On Tuesday the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommended to immediately include people from 65 years or more, and even those minors with chronic health conditions on the priority vaccination list, so that the state of California assured the same Tuesday that it would seek to adapt to the measure. And the decision did not take long, since this Wednesday the governor Gavin Newsom confirmed that everyone over the age of 65 years on the state's priority immunization list, which has about 2.5 million doses between ...

Democratic leader pushes for Senate to pass third stimulus check ASAP

The Democratic leader in the Senate, Charles Schumer. Photo: Win McNamee / Getty Images Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (New York), sent a letter to his peers on the bench to support the approval of the third stimulus check as soon as possible. “The emergency relief work against COVID is far from complete ", wrote. “Democrats wanted to do a lot more on the latest bill and promised to do more, if given the opportunity, to increase direct payments to a total of $ 2, 000. We will ”. As of 20 January, Democrats will control the Senate as it is the inauguration date of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris . It should be remembered that the positions are 50 - 50, but Vice President-elect Harris will also be the Speaker of the Senate. Schum...

A mutation in the virus that reduces the effectiveness of the vaccine worries scientists

Virologists around the world are on alert for the appearance of a coronavirus mutation that can reduce the effectiveness of vaccines against COVID - 19. According to CNN, the mutation, called E 484 K, is found in a variant of the coronavirus that was first detected in South Africa two months ago. That variant has now spread to other 12 countries . But that the virus mutes is not the only problem, since the recipe for catastrophe is easy to follow, according to a scientist who published his opinion anonymously on networks. The situation is delicate, he pointed out, with the United Kingdom and other countries taking the controversial decision to delay the second injection of the vaccine to have more doses in the first round and to be able to vaccinate more people at risk. Many e...

More than 200,000 COVID-19 cases for the eighth consecutive day and more than 380,000 deaths in the US.

CDC predicts that the 23 January there will be 424, 000 dead. Photo: Go Nakamura / Getty Images New cases of COVID - 19 and U.S. deaths declined slightly on Monday, but the day's national case count remained above 200, 000 for the eighth consecutive day. According to updated Monday data from Johns Hopkins University, there was 204 , 700 new proven cases of COVID - 19 and a little more than 1, 700 deaths from coronavirus. But on Tuesday cases rose again with a total of 213, 173 and the deaths that occurred on the day were 2, 000. Of the 12 days of January, the daily number of cases has exceeded 200, 000 in 11 of them. Health experts say persistent levels of coronavirus contagion this month are partly due to some Americans ignoring travel advice and attending large famil...

WHO rules out herd immunity against Covid-19 being achieved in 2021

La Opinion News WHO chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan said it will take time to reach the level of vaccination necessary to contain the pandemic WHO chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan asks people to be patient. Photo: Getty Images Despite the fact that several countries are already applying vaccines against the coronavirus, the world will not achieve herd immunity in 2021, as the World Health Organization (WHO) warned this Monday. “We are not going to achieve any level of herd immunity in 2021 ”because vaccine deployment“ takes time, ”said WHO chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan at a virtual press conference from Geneva, "It takes time to scale the production of doses, not only in millions, but here we are talking about billions," he also said, and asked peop...

US requires international travelers to show negative evidence of Covid-19

A man receives a coronavirus test at Los Angeles International Airport. Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images By: EFE 12 from January 2021 The United States government will require a negative covid test from all international travelers - 19 before flying to the country. The official announcement by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that the expansion of this obligation will enter into force on 26 January . CDC's order is that coronavirus testing will be required of all passengers flying from abroad, including returning Americans, and comes at a time when there is concern about the spread of the new variant of the coronavirus registered in the Kingdom United States and of which several cases have already been found in the United States. Since the ...

Currently in Los Angeles one person dies of coronavirus every 8 minutes

The intensive care beds could be filled in mid-December. (Getty Images) Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images The coronavirus does not give truce in Los Angeles and each week seems to be worse than the previous one with more deaths and new cases, according to data from the county Department of Public Health. Only on Monday were reported 12, 617 new infections and 137 deaths , for a total of 12, 387 deceased. The number is even more alarming when authorities state that currently in Los Angeles County one person dies of coronavirus every 8 minutes. A person now dies every 8 minutes from #COVID 19 in LA County. Stay home to save lives, always wear a mask when out for essentials and avoid gathering with people you don't live with. - Los Angel...