Friday, September 20

Tag: Alcohol

After the peak that the pandemic brought, how to reduce daily alcohol consumption without missing it too much

After the peak that the pandemic brought, how to reduce daily alcohol consumption without missing it too much

For many alcohol became a symbol to survive the pandemic . This was demonstrated by the increase in alcohol sales at the beginning of the confinement and specifically online purchases , which during the April to increased by 477% compared with the same period last year. Also during the pandemic it became even easier stock up on alcohol , which is related to various stimuli. In principle various restaurants and bars , offered as a complement to any food order the most attractive cocktail and mixology kits. Also the new ent services alcohol gift , they put at our disposal everything necessary for the "virtual happy hours" with friends and family, at the door of the house. It is well known that one of the industries most affected as a result of the pand...
What is the healthiest option?  A glass of wine or beer

What is the healthiest option? A glass of wine or beer

Discover the pros and cons around the fascinating world of beer and wine. Photo: Image by StockSnap on Pixabay / Pixabay We all enjoy indulging in an occasional treat with our favorite drinks , either for to taste certain foods or for relax from everyday stress. While much has been said about the pros and cons related to alcohol intake, it is worth being informed about the healthier alternatives. There are no doubts, both wine and beer are two of the most popular and consumed alcoholic beverages in the world. In fact few drinks (with the exception of the typical debate between coffee and tea), divide both the common taste and despite the obvious difference in taste matters ; each affects and affects health in subtle and different ways. Probably the mos...
5 best types of alcohol for weight loss

5 best types of alcohol for weight loss

El Diario NY Lifestyle What are the alcoholic beverages that do not ruin your weight loss plan In a tequila drink (50 ml) there are approximately in 100 calories Photo: Denys Gromov / Pexels For lose weight and for health, the ideal is to stop drinking alcohol. Drinking alcohol can hinder weight loss , among several reasons, for its calorie content. But if you occasionally want to have an alcoholic drink, there are better options than others to control your weight and avoid a huge load of sugar and calories. 1. Champagne Photo: Delo / Pixabay Champagne is one of the alcoholic beverages with the least calories. A 4-ounce glass of this sparkling wine of French origin has 100 calories , according to MedlinePlus. 2. Tequila Photo: Shuttersto...
These are the fascinating similarities between whiskey and beer

These are the fascinating similarities between whiskey and beer

El Diario NY Lifestyle These two delicious and famous drinks that gladden the soul, have incredible similarities. However, each one retains its fascinating qualities that fill them with personality Whiskey and beer are based on similar ingredients and manufacturing processes. Find out which are the unique factors that make their main differences. Photo: Shutterstock Believe it or not two of the alcoholic beverages most consumed in the world: beer and whiskey , they have more in common than you might imagine. The first and most important thing is that the inputs in the production of both drinks are the same: malt, yeast and Water. There are also two main factors that separate them: the moment of consumption and the distillation process. The truth is t...
8 things that happen to your body when you stop drinking alcohol

8 things that happen to your body when you stop drinking alcohol

If you intend to abstain from alcohol for a month and do the “Dry January”, this can have effects on your body. The benefits may vary from person to person. Those who drink excessively notice more pronounced effects. From changes in weight to your mind. The positive effects of quitting alcohol can make abstinence well worth it. 1. It will improve your health Some studies reveal that when the moderate drinkers stop consuming alcohol for a month, their body reduces cholesterol, glucose levels, blood pressure and even liver fat by a 40 percent. WebMD also notes a reduced chances of heart failure. Alcohol can destroy cells and eventually organs. The more alcohol you drink, the more you damage your liver. alcoholic fatty liver disease is the earliest stage of liver di...