Today's weather in Miami for this Tuesday, December 17
By The Opinion Dec 17, 2024, 06:00 AM EST Today's Miami weather forecast for Tuesday, December 17, indicates that the temperature will reach a maximum of 82 degrees Fahrenheit (28ºC) in the Magic City. For its part, the probability of rain will be 88% and more clouds than clear are expected, while wind gusts will reach a maximum of 13.67 mph during the day and 12.43 mph at night. During the night in Miami the temperature will remain at 72 degrees Fahrenheit (22ºC), while the precipitation forecast will be 87 and more clouds than clear are expected. Wind gusts will be 12.43 miles per hour. The wind chill or “real temperature” expected for this day will be around 84ºF (29ºC) maximum and 84ºF (29ºC) minimum. During this period of the ...