Thursday, November 14

How to use cassava flour to substitute for wheat flour in baking

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Cassava flour can substitute for wheat flour in the preparation of brownies.

Photo: Nikola Čedíková / Pexels

Cassava flour or cassava flour is a good substitute for wheat flour in baking recipes. It is similar in terms of texture , provides more fiber than refined flour, is free of grains, nuts and not It contains gluten. It is an option for people with celiac disease. In addition, it can promote intestinal health.

Cassava flour should not be confused with tapioca flour. Cassava flour comes from the dried and ground root of the cassava plant. Tapioca flour consists only of the starchy part of the root.

Cassava flour has a mild, slightly nutty taste but does not alter the taste of baked goods.

Use cassava flour as a substitute for wheat flour

You can use cassava flour in substitution of wheat flour to make breads, muffins, cookies, brownies and other baking recipes. It is also useful for making pasta, tortillas and thicken sauces.

Cassava flour absorbs more liquid than all-purpose flour . Although the packaging is usually indicated to use a 1: 1 ratio as a replacement for wheat flour recipes (one cup of cassava flour per cup of wheat flour), you may need use a little less cassava flour than you would use wheat flour.

Food 52 indicates that you should treat the cassava flour gently since it is a very dusty flour, “do not drop it in the bowl or you will be consumed by a cloud of dust. ”

Recipes that contain yeast may require adjustments when using cassava flour to make it easier to increase. Using xanthan gum as a yeast replacement helps bind the cassava flour. For most recipes, add 1/2 teaspoon of xanthan gum for each cup of flour. Another option is to add an additional egg to a recipe , this helps to bind the foods that require yeast.

Cassava flour might not work very well to be used in recipes for large loaves that require a lot of flour, such as flatbreads. They may be overcooked on the outside, but undercooked in the center.

More fiber than refined flour

In each 100 grams of cassava flour there are 371 calories, 5.7 grams of fiber and 88 g of carbohydrates. While in 100 g of white flour there is 364 calories, 2.7 g of fiber and 76, 3 g of carbohydrates.

Cassava is rich in potassium. By mixing cassava flour with other nutrient-rich foods, you increase fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Less calories and fat than other gluten-free flours

WebMD notes that compared to other gluten-free flours , like coconut or almond, cassava flour has a low fat content and a lower caloric density than corn, banana, rice, coconut, sorghum and wheat flours.

Supports your intestinal health

The resistant starch in cassava flour feeds beneficial bacteria. microbiota bears and promotes intestinal health . They can also promote colon health and increase insulin sensitivity.

You can buy cassava or cassava flour in the supermarket, convenience stores natural foods or online. You can also make it at home. Opt for pure cassava or madioca flour without artificial additives.

To make cassava flour at home, the cassava root must be grated, dried and grind it into a fine powder.

The flour Yucca should not be eaten raw , it could cause poisoning. Although most commercial cassava flour has been processed to remove harmful glycosides and poisoning risks.

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