Friday, September 20

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USA News

With Biden in power, stimulus and taxes will grow, experts say

The new stimulus plan for $ 1.9 trillion includes increasing aid to citizens and unemployment benefits. Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images Markets expect President-elect Joe Biden to increase stimulus to the economy and aid to families , and redirect trade relations with China, but fear that he will be forced to raise taxes to fund his plans. On Thursday, Biden gave to know the new stimulus plan for $ 1.9 trillion dollars that contemplates increasing aid to citizens and unemployment benefits , raise the minimum wage and allocate additional resources to fight the pandemic. The stimulus plan announced on Thursday and the possible arrival of New investment programs have generated concern in the markets about the possibility that their financing may lead to tax increases. Sergio ...
USA News

Biden will send reform to allow citizenship to undocumented people on the first day of his government

President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images It seems that President-elect Joe Biden will fulfill one of his main campaign promises and, the first day of his government, he will present a reform project for the naturalization of about 11 million undocumented. The project was announced in a meeting with Hispanic leaders and immigrant advocates, who were even surprised by the immediate action that the Democrat would seek carried out The Associated Press. Mistrust about the plan is because in 2008 President Barack Obama promised reform, which he tried to do until the second term, when DACA emerged. On this occasion, the need to protect the undocumented has a special reason, since in the midst of the pandemic of coronavir...
USA News

Migrant caravan seeks to reach the United States; Mexico urges Honduras to contain displacement

By: EFE 17 from January 2021 Mexico made a "respectful exhortation" to the Honduran authorities to "promptly" attend to the irregular flow of migrants "in such a way as to prevent further displacements." “(The government of Mexico) makes a respectful appeal to the Honduran authorities to deal with, in a timely manner, this irregular flow of migrants, in such a way as to prevent new displacements, "said the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Relations (SRE) in a statement. Last January 15 a caravan of migrants from Honduras began their displacement to Mexico, with the aim of reaching the United States. The caravan, made up of more than 9, 000 Hondurans, crossed western Guatemala this Saturday after overcoming several police devices that tried to prevent their passage. The SR...
USA News

The sad sight of a woman who did not want to wear the mask in a Florida store

A woman from Palm Beach County, north of Miami (Florida), was arrested after causing a sad incident at the West Boca Bagels store located on Glades Highway. According to the authorities' version, the woman refused to put on the mask despite the fact that the employees of the premises insistently asked her to put it on. The defendant, after her refusal, began to yell at the employees. That led to the intervention of the police that ended up arresting Cindy Falco-DiCorrado , of 62 years old and a Boynton Beach resident. You may be interested in: A pediatrician from Miami is arrested in a child pornography operation Apparently yelled at customers and employees about his right to remain without a mask and refused to leave the store, so the owners of the store called the p...
USA News

Wilmington 1898: when white supremacists overthrew a United States government

More than a century ago, a violent and frantic mob tore apart a city to overthrow the elected government. After the state elections of 1898, white supremacists mobilized to the US port of Wilmington , North Carolina, then the largest city in the state. They destroyed black-owned businesses, murdered black residents, and forced the elected local government, a coalition of black and white politicians, to resign en masse. Historians have described it as the only coup in U.S. history . Their leaders seized power the same day of the insurrection and quickly enacted laws to strip the black population of the state of civil and electoral rights. They faced no consequences. Wilmington's story has come into the spotlight these days after a violent mob stormed the United States Capitol o...
USA News

Dustin Higgs: The Last Federal Execution of Donald Trump's Presidency in the US

Dustin Higgs, a prisoner on death row in Indiana, died this Saturday in the last federal execution carried out during the government of Donald Trump, a few days after the end of his presidency. Higgs was convicted of ordering the murder of three women young men in the Washington DC area in 1996 , but until the moment of his death he denied his role in the homicides. Higgs passed away at 01: 23 local time (13: 26 GMT) after receiving the lethal injection. This is execution number 13 carried out since July, when the US government ended a interval of 17 years without federal executions. The Trump administration has faced a wave of criticism for its rush to comply with these sentences, an action that breaks a precedent of 130 Years of stopping executions during a presidentia...
USA News

What happened to the other US presidents who have faced impeachment

President Donald Trump has become the first president in the history of the United States to be subjected to impeachment twice, and he is one of three who have faced an impeachment process. This is what happened to the others: Andrew Johnson Andrew Johnson was the first president of the United States to face impeachment. What did he do? With the memory of the Civil War still fresh, President Andrew Johnson, Democrat, he often clashed with Congress , then in Republican hands, on how to rebuild America's defeated southern. The “radical republicans” of this period pushed to pass legislation that would punish former Confederate leaders and protect the rights of freed slaves. Meanwhile, the president had granted pardons to these generals. Johnson used his presidential ve...
USA News

Assault on the Capitol: the clues on how the attack was not so spontaneous (and the suspicions that there was help)

The security and intelligence services of the United States are immersed in a demanding and complicated task. On the one hand they have to plan and adopt all possible protective measures to guarantee a smooth investiture ceremony for Joe Biden next 20 from January. At the same time, they are investigating the events of January 6, when hundreds of followers of Donald Trump stormed the Capitol with violence after attending a march in which the president himself encouraged them to fight in protest of the election result. The riots caused five deaths and multiple injuries, and as of this weekend there had been more than 149 arrests. Some of those arrested after the assault on the Capitol are former members of the security forces. Beyond identifying and arresting participants in ...
USA News

Biden plans to quickly start his presidency with executive actions and necessary legislation

Biden will start his government with quick action to achieve change. Photo: ROBERTO SCHMIDT / AFP / Getty Images Joe Biden plans to sign dozens of executive orders in his 10 early days in office, with the plan to reverse some of the president's distinctive policies Donald Trump on immigration and climate change, while taking early action to address the coronavirus crisis, in addition to proposing a major stimulus plan to Congress and having a comprehensive immigration bill. Biden will inherit a crisis like no other in generations, and plans to open his administration with dozens of executive directives in addition to expansive legislative proposals, in a blitz of 10 days destined to mark a turning point for a nation reeling in the midst of confusion, racial strife, the pa...
USA News

A man with guns and ammunition arrested near the Capitol in Washington DC

Members of the National Guard are already in Washington DC, to reinforce security. Photo: Jim Lo Scalzo / EFE United States Capitol Police arrested a man at a security checkpoint in Washington DC on Friday, after he showed an “unauthorized” possession credential, and in a search made in his truck s he also found an unregistered pistol and more than 500 ammunition rounds, authorities said. The arrested man was a contractor and the credential was not false, according to a federal official from the law who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the arrest, The New York Times reported. The arrest comes as law enforcement officials attempt to strengthen Washington ahead of Inauguration Day on Wednesday, fearing that extremists, emboldened by the...
USA News

Los Angeles Street Vendors: Between COVID and the Law

“ Here comes the city! ” This is the alert often heard in Los Angeles street vendor communities, and it only means one thing: stop selling, pack things up, and leave the stall. Almost a year after Los Angeles began officially allowing street vendors as part of the Sidewalk and Park Vending, a landmark project to legalize street vending in Los Angeles, vendors find themselves caught between a complex and costly permitting system and the devastating penalties for those without a license. Undocumented sellers have had protection against misdemeanor charges since 2019, when the Bill came into force 946 of the Senate, which decriminalizes street vending in California. But this April, Los Angeles County resumed misdemeanor charges under Governor Gavin Newsom's emergency health o...
USA News

Biden pushes to raise stimulus checks: 'we can't let people go hungry' “

Joe Biden presented his agenda for the first 100 days of government. Photo: Mark Makela / Getty Images Joe Biden President-elect of States United assured that Americans must act in the face of the crisis that you live in the country due to the pandemic by coronavirus , COVID - 19 . “We not only have an economic imperative to act now, we have an obligation moral ”, he pointed out through his Twitter account. We not only have an economic imperative to act now, we have a moral obligation. In this pandemic, in America, we cannot let people go hungry. We cannot let people get evicted. We cannot watch nurses and educators lose their jobs. We must act. - Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) January 16, 2020 “In this pandemic, in United States United , no we can let pe...
USA News

How different will Biden's inauguration and his massive security device be?

Joe Biden's inauguration as 50 th President of the United States seems to have been destined to be atypical. It has long been known that the plans for this act, planned to he 20 January, they would have to be different for incorporate the health protocols required for the fight against covid - 20. But three additional circumstances have been added to that forecast: The pandemic is at its most severe in the United States , with record numbers of new confirmed infections and deaths. The political crisis unleashed after the assault on the Capitol on January 6 by supporters of President Donald T rump, who now must face impeachment for those events and still refuses to acknowledge the results of the November 3 presidential elections. The alert of the security forces before the ...
USA News

“The challenge of the hour” –– A call to serve

"Everyone can be great because everyone can serve ... You only need a heart full of grace, a soul created by love." When Reverend Martin Luther King Jr He said those words from the pulpit of Ebenezer Baptist Church on February 4, 1968, he had seen a lot in his life. The racist bile of Jim Crow. Bus boycotts, protests and freedom trips. The inside of a Birmingham jail cell. Selma's beatings followed by a glorious bridge crossing. The terror of segregation equaled by the beauty of a march in Washington. And in just two months, the life of this great American healer would be cut off by the bullet of a murderer, by a violent demonstration of millennial hatred. The inability and unwillingness of too many in our country to live up to the meaning of our creed could have weakened anyone...
USA News

Joe Biden Proposes $ 1.9 Billion Stimulus Plan For Economic Bailout

Joe and Jill Biden rent from 2017 a house in Fairfax, Virginia . Photo: Mark Makela / Getty Images President-elect Joe Biden will announce in the next few hours his ambitious economic aid plan for the country, which includes proposing to Congress that it approve a package valued at $ 1.9 billion of dollars ( trillions in English, that is, 11 zeros after nine). Biden is expected to unveil Thursday night a truly radical relief plan that Democrats have been demanding for months and that is the big change to the federal government's response to the coronavirus pandemic and to the economic crisis , as the president-elect prepares to take office. The ambitious plan ensures: More than $ 400 $ 1 billion to fight the pandemic directly, including accelerating vaccine ...
USA News

Joe Biden Grand Opening Events To Feature Jennifer Lopez, Lady Gaga And Tom Hanks

Inauguration events for President-elect Joe Biden and Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris feature movie stars and the music: Jennifer Lopez , Lady Gaga and Tom Hanks. This was announced by the Presidential Inauguration Committee (PIC), which specified that Jennifer Lopez will be the musical star of the inauguration ceremony, where Lady Gaga will interpret the National Anthem. "We are delighted to announce an inspired group of participants… They represent a clear picture of the great diversity of our great nation ," stated Tony Allen, Executive Director of PIC. Other participants include Father Leo J. O'Donovan , Andrea Halla for the Pledge of Allegiance, Amanda Gorman for poetry reading and the blessing of Reverend Dr. Silvester Beaman. In addition to the inaugur...
USA News

Are Joe Biden and Kamala Harris compatible? Astrologers reveal if there will be chemistry in the White House

The Opinion Astrology The fate of the president-elect and vice-president-elect seems to be written in the stars President-elect Joe Biden and the vice president-elect Kamala Harris. Photo: OLIVIER DOULIERY / AFP / Getty Images The planets have a lot to say about the triumphs and challenges that lie ahead for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris from the beginning of his mandate on 20 from January. The stars can reveal how much chemistry there will be in the White House with As the days go by. When analyzing their natal charts, astrologers believe that there is a strong compatibility between both as there are some powerful alignments, however there are also points of tension that could pit them against each other. Joe Biden is Scorpio , a sign characterized by its stren...
What does Joe Biden plan to make the next stimulus package a reality?
USA News

What does Joe Biden plan to make the next stimulus package a reality?

The opinion Money The president-elect not only seeks to increase stimulus checks, he is also already working on other benefits that will be part of the third package of stimulus The incoming president continues to refer to aid approved by Congress at the end of last year as a "preview" of what his administration will propose to launch once he takes office. Photo: Mark Makela / Getty Images The next president of the United States is clear that a third economic stimulus package to address the Covid emergency - 19, will represent “trillions of dollars,” Joe Biden said last Friday about the cost of upcoming stimulus bill. “The price will be high.” Biden assured that the main economists have ensured that to prevent the economy from collapsing this 2020 and get wors...
Will there be chaos in the inauguration of the presidency of Joe Biden?  Astrology warns that it will be difficult
USA News

Will there be chaos in the inauguration of the presidency of Joe Biden? Astrology warns that it will be difficult

The opinion Astrology Astrologers believe Inauguration Day will set an intense stage for Biden's presidency Joe Biden will take over on 20 from January. Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images He got an intense political start after the bewildering assault on the Capitol last January 6, so astrologers wondered if there will be chaos on Opening Day , that is, when Joe Biden is inaugurated as President of the United States and Kamala Harris becomes the first female vice president. To visualize what is written on the stars, the astrologer Maressa Brown takes the day 20 as the 'Natal Chart' of the Biden presidency , as it will mark the birth of his mandate. A natal chart is like a photograph of the sky (position of the stars) of the day a person is born ...
Vice President Mike Pence to attend Joe Biden Inauguration
USA News

Vice President Mike Pence to attend Joe Biden Inauguration

Mike Pence will attend the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden. Photo: Megan Varner / Getty Images Vice President Pence plans to attend the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, told NPR a source familiar with the decision. The decision comes one day after President Trump announced on Twitter that he would not attend the opening. Trump has spent weeks falsely claiming that the elections were tampered with, culminating in a violent mob of his supporters seizing the Capitol on Wednesday and caused the death of five people. The president-elect Joe Biden said Friday that welcomes President Trump deciding not to attend and that Vice President Pence “is welcome. It would be an honor to have him there. ” The decision is Pence's second high-pr...
Extremists vow to return to Washington DC for Joe Biden's inauguration
USA News

Extremists vow to return to Washington DC for Joe Biden's inauguration

Trumpo's followers entered the Capitol with violence. Photo: JIM LO SCALZO / EFE In the wake of Wednesday's violent riots on Capitol Hill, extremist Trump supporters are emboldened and vow to return to Washington DC for the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, the 20 of January, organizing and joining in online platforms. “Many of Us will return on 19 of January of 2021, bearing Our weapons, in support of the determination of Our nation, that the world will never forget! We will go in numbers that no army or police agency can match, ”wrote a popular user of Parler, the new right-wing social network, which frequently posts messages about theories. conspiracy report of QAnon and is being tracked by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Parler, some channels of the T...
Joe Biden celebrates Donald Trump not attending his inauguration
USA News

Joe Biden celebrates Donald Trump not attending his inauguration

The opinion News Biden said he would like Vice President Mike Pence to attend, out of respect for tradition and for the show of unity Biden is focused on what he will do when he is president. Photo: Mark Makela / Getty Images By: EFE 12 from January 2021 WASHINGTON - The president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, celebrated this Friday that the outgoing president, Donald Trump, will not attend his inauguration on 20 from January, but did not go so far as to openly request his immediate dismissal, assuring that this decision "depends on Congress." During a press conference in Wilmington (Delaware), Biden welcomed the announcement of Trump , who this Friday confirmed in a tweet that he will not go to the shoot President-elect's inauguratio...
Los Angeles Lakers Announce Visiting White House When Joe Biden Assumes Presidency
USA News

Los Angeles Lakers Announce Visiting White House When Joe Biden Assumes Presidency

By: EFE 07 from January 2021 The current NBA champions, Los Angeles Lakers, announced this Thursday that they will make the traditional visit to the White House after the president elected, Democrat Joe Biden, takes office on 20 January . The visit to the US capital will take place during the current season, said the Los Angeles entity. Since the Republican Donald Trump assumed the presidency no NBA champion team visited the White House, all in the framework of various protests against racism and police brutality in the United States that has created a gap between the current president and many of the NBA players and managers. The electoral victory of Biden over President Trump was confirmed early this Thursday , a few hours after thousands of followers of th...