Friday, September 20

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20-year-old Hispanic confesses that he knelt his ex-girlfriend before fatally shooting her in Dallas
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20-year-old Hispanic confesses that he knelt his ex-girlfriend before fatally shooting her in Dallas

Police line. Photo: Scott Olson / Getty Images Dallas, Texas authorities claim that a woman called 911 during the afternoon of last Saturday, and she said worried because, she assured, Edgar Ramírez, of 20 years , he confessed that on 27 November had killed his ex-girlfriend, Carmen Galilea Deanda Ramos, from 19 years . The call mobilized agents, who shortly after managed to arrest the suspect in his apartment. As part of the investigation of the events, Ramírez admitted that he had killed his ex-girlfriend, and even led the detectives to the wooded area where he was found the body of the young woman. In his statement, the young Hispanic said that he cited the woman in the area ap agitated, and made her get out of her car with a gun pointed at her. He narrated t...
News, USA News

Liam Husted's father, killed and thrown on a hiking trail in Las Vegas, mourns his son from San Jose, California

Patrols of the Metropolitan Police Department of Las Vegas. This department works with the authorities in San José, California, to clarify the murder of Liam Husted. Photo: Ethan Miller / Getty Images At a vigil in a park in San José, California, the father of 7-year-old Liam Husted, who was allegedly killed by his mother, said that the child did not deserve to die that way . "He didn't deserve any of this," Nicholas Husted said tearfully yesterday on the ceremony in La Colina Park . “And that's what I want him to know ... that he was a good boy and that he did nothing wrong ", added the father as quoted by ABC 7. "And his daddy loves him very much," continued Nicholas. The vigil was held in the park as it was one of the child's favorite places , whose remains were foun...
News, USA News

Mike Pence, former vice president of the United States, buys a luxurious mansion in his native Indiana

The opinion Entertainment Former President Donald Trump's right-hand man fell so in love with his new home that he didn't mind paying more for it than his owners asked for Mike Pence is back in his native Indiana from his stint as vice president. Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images / Google Maps Former Vice President Mike Pence , who was the right hand of Donald Trump during his rule, he just acquired a imposing mansion on the outskirts of the city of Carmel, Indiana . The property went on sale on April 1 of this year for $ 1.8 million dollars, but everything seems to indicate that Mike and Karen, his wife, fell madly in love with him, since the sale was closed, last 25 May, in $ 1. 93 million dollars , a figure ...
News, USA News

Biden and the Pentagon: “There will be other biological threats,” but global warming is the greatest danger to US security.

The opinion News National In initiating his first overseas trip as president, Biden stated that "There is no wall high enough to keep us safe from this pandemic or of the next biological threat we face " Biden visits British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Photo: EPA / Hollie Adams / EFE Upon landing in Europe to meet with your government allies against Russian hackers and possible Chinese link on COVID origins - , President Joe Biden claimed that for years for the United States, President Joe Pentagon global warming is “the greatest threat facing the United States.” On 2004, “When I was chosen Vice President for the first time with President Obama, the military sat us down to inform us what they were the greatest threats facing the United Sta...
Huawei is dedicated to raising pigs while sanctions in the United States cause sales of its smartphones to drop
News, USA News

Huawei is dedicated to raising pigs while sanctions in the United States cause sales of its smartphones to drop

El Diario NY Money After the United States sanctions, the Huawei company would have begun to work on artificial intelligence for facial recognition that would help track pigs Facial recognition technology could help track vital signs, including the weight and diet of the animals. Photo: TOBIAS SCHWARZ / AFP / Getty Images Huawei is changing its business model and focusing its attention on artificial intelligence that can help pig farmers because sales of their smartphones have decreased after the sanctions applied by the United States. On Huawei face recognition could help pig farmers identify each of them . The company's technology could also help track your vital signs, including weight and diet. This new project was announced on Weibo by President Duan ...
What's in the stimulus package presented by lower house Democrats
News, USA News

What's in the stimulus package presented by lower house Democrats

A key committee of the Lower House presented on Friday the massive economic aid package for the coronavirus, that joined the bailout proposal of $ 1.9 billion from President Biden, in a bill of 591 pages . The House Budget Committee is expected to consider this financial aid bill, which is based on measures approved by at least nine committees, on Monday. Most of these, but not all, strictly adhere to what Biden described in his $ 1.9 trillion coronavirus relief proposal last month, reported CNN. The full House may pass the legislation next week, but it could face roadblocks in the Senate, where Democrats can't afford lose a single member of their party, due to division 50-50 in the camera. Two Democrats, Senators Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Joe Manchin of West Vi...
Iran places conditions on the US to resume negotiations on the nuclear deal
News, USA News

Iran places conditions on the US to resume negotiations on the nuclear deal

The United States has agreed to participate in the multilateral talks with Iran sponsored by the European Union (EU), with the aim of resuming the terms of the historic nuclear agreement of 2015. At that moment , Iran promised to limit its nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of international economic sanctions that weighed on the country. A framework of understanding that was suspended when the former US president Donald Trump withdrew from it in 2018 and reincorporated the punitive actions against the Islamic Republic. But the Joe Biden government is now willing to resume the path of the so-called Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA, for its acronym in English). “The E3 (France, the United Kingdom and Germany ) and the United States have affirmed their common goal ...
USA News

They run over an 11-year-old boy who jumped the red light in Miami

Police Patrol Lights. Photo: Edward Kimmel / Wikimedia Commons A child was hit by a car that, according to authorities, ran a red light in Sunny Isles Beach, north of Miami. The police explained that the youngest of 11 years he was in the crosswalk when a red Mercedes-Benz hit him . The events occurred on Wednesday night on the main street of the city, A1A. It may interest you: A man used his hot dog shop to sell undercover drugs in Miami After what happened, the boy He was immediately transferred to the Children's Hospital Joe DiMaggio , where he remains in critical condition with severe head trauma. CHILD HIT BY CAR - According to police, an 11 - year-old boy was hit by a car that ran a red light in Sunny Isles Beach. - WPLG Local 10 News...
USA News

The White House is in favor of giving stimulus checks to American children of undocumented immigrants

Activists defend that the undocumented should also receive help. Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images A controversial vote in which eight Democratic senators opposed including undocumented immigrants in the third round of stimulus checks forced the White House to clarify its position in favor of financial aid reaching the American children of undocumented immigrants . Senators Democrats Maggie Hassan, Mark Kelly, Kyrsten Sinema, Joe Manchin, Gary Peters, Debbie Stabenow, Debbie Stabenow, Jon Tester and John Hickenlooper voted for the amendment by Indiana Republican Todd Young for prevent (again) undocumented immigrants from receiving the stimulus check . Although the purpose The proposed amendment was to block stimulus benefits such as checks or tax breaks for undocumented im...
USA News

3 keys to the second day of the impeachment of Trump and the next steps of this political process

Republican Senator Mitt Romney was one of the legislators who was close to the extremist crowd. Photo: Tasos Katopodis / Getty Images The second impeachment of former President Donald Trump is being deeply emotional as he relives the distressing moments that the country went through in the violent assault on the Capitol on January 6 and because the senators who have to judge him are also witnesses of the brutality of the events. The Democratic impeachment of the House of Representatives has ensured that this emotional bond play a central role in defending your arguments . Already on Tuesday, during the first session of the impeachment in the Senate, they presented a video of 13 minutes that interspersed images of the former president speaking to his followers on January 6 ...
USA News

FBI arrested New York DJ who bragged about smoking marijuana during assault on National Capitol

Greg Rubenacker smoking in Congress Photo: US Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of NY / Courtesy The FBI arrested Greg Rubenacker, a DJ from Long Island (NY), after identifying him as one of the assailants on the National Capitol because he published images of him smoking marijuana in the roundabout of the federal building. The announcement was made by prosecutors yesterday, the same day it began the trial in Congress of former President Donald Trump for his alleged incitement to insurrection on January 6, in opposing Joe Biden's voter certification. Rubenacker, resident of Farmindale , was accused of disorderly conduct, among other charges, pointed out Pix 11. He posted videos of himself storming the Capitol and smoking inside the rotunda, prosecutors said. Ha ...
USA News

Biden Supports Proposal for Third Stimulus Check to Those Earning Up to $ 75,000 a Year

Biden thus distances himself from the conservative Democrats who had asked to modify the eligibility. Photo: Pete Marovich / Getty Images President Joe Biden said Tuesday that he supports the Democratic bill that would send $ 1 stimulus checks, 400 dollars to all people who earn less than $ 75, 000 dollars per year . The president thus distances himself from calls from conservative Democrats to lower the eligibility threshold to $ 50, 000 dollars annually. The differences in this regard between progressive and conservative Democrats became palpable after that Senator Joe Manchin (Democrat of West Virginia) and others bet on lowering the rent threshold , an issue that the White House was open to negotiation. Biden's initial proposal also contemplated a rent threshold of $ 75, 0...
USA News

The Senate will go ahead with the impeachment of Trump. What does that mean?

Several Republican senators criticized the intervention of Trump's defense. Photo: Win McNamee / Getty Images The second impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump began in the Senate this Tuesday . In the first session, the Upper House voted in favor of prosecuting the former president and defeated the argument of unconstitutionality alleged by his lawyers. The day was marked by the initial video presented by the "prosecutors" of the House of Representatives and by a defense of Trump who hesitated and gave arguments that raised criticism among Republicans. One of them, Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, changed the direction of his vote and joined the Democratic caucus. In total, 56 senators voted in favor and 44 against. The video about the assault on the Capi...
USA News

Democrats reject plan to slash $ 1,400 stimulus checks

Representative Richard E. Neal launched legislation that includes sending the entire amount to annual rents of up to $ 75, 000. Photo: Mark Wilson / Getty Images Representatives Democrats proposed this Monday afternoon to send full payments of $ 1, 400 dollars to Americans with annual income up to $ 75, 000 Dollars. In this way, they reject a previous plan to drastically cut payments. The Chairman of the Ways and Means Commission, Richard E. Neal, (Democrat of Massachusetts ) published legislation that would send the full amount to people who earn $ 75, 000 dollars per year or less and to married couples filing jointly and who have a rent of $ 150, 000 dollars or less. Other Congressional Democrats had explored lowering the rent threshold to $ 50,000 Dollars for individual ...
USA News

The United States returns to the United Nations Human Rights Council

The United States will return as an observer country to the United Nations Human Rights Council. Photo: NICHOLAS ROBERTS / AFP / Getty Images By: EFE 08 February 2021 The United States Government will return as an observer country to the United Nations Human Rights Council, an institution that it left in mid-2018, confirmed today the US delegation at an organizational meeting of that institution based in Geneva . American diplomat Mark J. Cassayre confirmed the return of the United States, which will also be announced today from Washington by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and stressed that "it is the most effective way to reform and improve the Council." “ We recognize flaws in this Council, but we know that the body has the potential to be an important forum in...
USA News

Biden says Trump should no longer receive classified intelligence reports

President Joe Biden does not believe that his predecessor Donald Trump should receive classified intelligence reports , as other former presidents have normally done. Biden says that his position is based on the "irresponsible behavior" of the Republican and assures that it is not related to "the insurrection" of January 6. " I prefer not speculate out loud , "Biden said in an interview on 'CBS Evening News.' “I just think there is no need for him to have the intelligence reports. What is the value of giving an intelligence report? What impact does it have at all, apart from the fact that he could slip and say something? ”He pointed out. But the president's statements did not seem to have an immediate effect on the House's policy White On Saturday, press secretary Jen Psaki sai...
USA News

British variant of coronavirus spreads rapidly in the United States

Sick coronavirus. Photo: ARIANA DREHSLER / AFP / Getty Images The variant of the coronavirus, COVID - 19 that was first found in the UK and that is Considered more contagious and even more deadly, it is spreading rapidly in the United States, roughly doubling every 10 days, according to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A new study bolsters the CDC's prediction that the new, more contagious variant of the coronavirus is already rapidly spreading throughout the US P3x7AsL - The New York Times (@nytimes) February 7, 2021 By analyzing half a million coronavirus tests and hundreds of genomes, A team of researchers predicted that within a month this variant could become predominant in the United States, which could lead to an i...
USA News

Biden suspended the “safe third country” agreement that allowed immigrants to be deported from the Northern Triangle

Biden suspended an agreement that allowed immigrants to be deported to other countries. Photo: John Moore / Getty Images By: EFE 06 February 2021 MIAMI - The United States government suspended the Asylum Cooperation Agreement (ACA) with El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras signed by the Administration of former President Donald Trump, which allowed the deportation of migrants from these countries, reported this Saturday the Secretary of State, Antony Blinken . In this way, Blinken said in a statement, The US government takes the "first concrete steps" to achieve greater "partnership and collaboration" in the region, outlined by President Joe Biden , who since he arrived at the White House is dismantling the immigration policy of his predecessor. "According to In the P...
USA News

Donald Trump's impeachment will begin next week

WASHINGTON - When a month has passed since the assault on the Capitol by a mob of followers of now former President Donald Trump, the country is preparing for the start next week of the second impeachment trial of the former president, accused of "inciting insurrection" and that he could end up disqualified for life from holding public office. They have only passed 30 days and the political scene in the United States is not the same as that of that fateful day, in which five people died in the assault on the headquarters of the federal Congress, including a policeman. Donald Trump is already out of the White House, secluded in his golf club in Mar-a -Lago (Florida) and isolated to communicate with the general public due to the veto imposed by the main social networks, after those...
USA News

UK's contagious variant of coronavirus is spreading in Big Bear warned

A man checks his cell phone at a California snowboarding resort. Photo: Ezra Shaw / Getty Images Health authorities asked on Friday people who live or travel to the area of ​​ Big Bear to Exercise extreme caution and avoid gatherings after several cases of the highly contagious variant of coronavirus first identified in Britain have been confirmed among the local population . The first two cases of the strain, officially known as B.1.1.7, were detected in the popular tourist area in late December, and two other cases registered in mid-January, were confirmed as the same variant this week , according to a press release from the Bernardino County. "Cold weather combined with the Super Bowl and optimal skiing conditions will tempt many to gather indoors this weekend." , said Dr....
USA News

Los Angeles Limits First Doses of Covid-19 Vaccines Due to Supply Shortage

People go to get vaccinated at a large-scale vaccination center at Cal Poly Pomona University. Photo: FREDERIC J. BROWN / AFP / Getty Images Los Angeles County authorities reported that will limit first doses of vaccines to ensure second doses are available for those already online to receive them. In Los Angeles County, home of 10 millions of residents, as of next Tuesday, sites of mass vaccination will only give second doses of Covid vaccines - 19. “We are just struggling with supply, limited supply and feel an obligation to make sure that people who have received a first dose can receive their second dose, ” said Dr. Paul Simon , county scientific director, during a session informative. We are sending emails to those vaccinated at a County site confirming the place and ...
USA News

Amazon employees will be able to form their first union

Amazon workers will vote whether or not to unionize. Photo: INA FASSBENDER / AFP / Getty Images By: EFE 05 February 2021 SAN FRANCISCO - The agency responsible for enforcing labor legislation rejected a request from Amazon on Friday that asked to stop a vote scheduled for next week in which its workers will decide if they form the first union in the country, so this will proceed normally. The National Labor Relations Board decided that the request of Amazon to stop the procedure based on the fact that it will be held by mail and not in person , was not justified and reaffirmed the start of voting for February 8. Amazon has historically opposed tooth and nail to the formation of any union among its employees, especially in the United States, where there is no rele...
USA News

Secretary of Defense orders masks to be worn at all military installations

One of the most effective measures to avoid contagion is to cover the nose and mouth. Photo: Douglas Stutz / DVIDS / Courtesy A radical new order issued by the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin makes face masks mandatory at all times for everyone on military bases, with very few exceptions. According to a memorandum published Thursday, masks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus must now be worn even outdoors and when people can maintain a distance of six feet, circumstances in which it was previously allowed not to use them. Exceptions to the order are: 1) when a person is alone in an office with walls from the floor to the roof and door closed 2) for short periods of time when eating and drinking, while maintaining distance in accordance with CDC guidelines and i...
USA News

Johnson & Johnson requests FDA clearance for its COVID-19 vaccine

J&J Covid Vaccine - 26 requires a single dose. Photo: JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP / Getty Images A third coronavirus vaccine has applied for emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Johnson & Johnson submitted its application on Thursday for authorization of its single dose COVID vaccine - 19. In a statement issued Thursday, the company said that if the emergency use permit is granted, its goal is to supply 100 million doses of vaccines in the first half of 2021 . Unlike Pfizer and Moderna, Johnson & Johnson's Janssen vaccine can be stored for at less three months to 36 - 46 degrees Fahrenheit, compatible with standard vaccine distribution channels, the company said. The vaccine has been shown to have a 66% effective overall in preventing COVID - 19 ...
USA News

Mysterious film set explosion causes critical injuries to three people in Santa Clarita

Three people suffered serious injuries. File photo. Photo: APU GOMES / AFP / Getty Images A rare accident occurred Tuesday afternoon in Santa Clarita, northwest of Los Angeles, when a explosion occurred on a film set . The explosion then caused a fire on a hill about 50 meters away, presumably when some object or objects with fire were thrown. The rapid appearance of the firefighters prevented the fire from spreading. # BREAKING: Three people have sustained critical burn injuries after a reported explosion on a movie set caused a small brush fire in Santa Clarita g7 - CBS Los Angeles (@CBSLA) February 3, 2021 The authorities reported that three people were injured and are in critical condition . A fourth injured person wa...
USA News

The minimum wage in Texas is $ 7.25 an hour and Democratic lawmakers want to raise it to $ 15

Jhoanna Gómez, owner of a beauty salon in Houston, is not in favor of the increase. Photo: Alicia L. Pérez / EFE By: EFE 02 February 2021 HOUSTON - Despite being a minority, the Democratic congressmen in Texas believe that driving the increase in the state minimum wage through various legislative proposals is a battle that they must face to protect the less favored classes of the state that have been the hardest hit by the health crisis. In the legislative session 87 that began at the beginning of January, several preliminary projects have been presented that intend to increase the minimum wage of $ 7. 25 dollars per hour that remains unchanged since 2009. The HB 731, of Congresswoman Jessica González (D-Dallas ), and the HB 60, by Ron Reynolds (D- Fort Bend), ...
USA News

The biggest obstacle against COVID: doubts to accept the vaccine

The Opinion Opinion 'Building trust and providing information can mitigate the obstacles that hinder its acceptance' Dr. Anthony Fauci asked for confidence in vaccines against Covid - 20. (EFE) Photo: Patrick Semansky / POOL / EFE By: Dr. Daniel Turner-Lloveras 10 February 2021 Every 6 seconds a new case of COVID is reported - 19 in California. Two or more lives are lost every minute. Deaths are close to 400, 000, leaving millions heartbroken at the Losing loved ones and uncertainty about long-term health and economic consequences. African American, Indigenous and Latino communities continue to suffer from a COVID pandemic - 19 relentless that has increased inequalities. The Silver Bullet: Vaccines. However, vaccinating a large part of the population is what ...
USA News

5 controversial Trump policies that have survived Biden's onslaught

Many of your voters probably consider the president of the United States, Joe Biden, and his predecessor in the White House, Donald Trump, as polar opposites. If you judge by the large number of policies of the real estate magnate that the new president has tried to reverse through executive decisions in the first two weeks of his government, that seems to be the case. This Tuesday, Biden re-signed a series of orders aimed at reversing the heavy-handed immigration policy of his predecessor. And only during his first week in the White House, Biden signed 21 executive orders, more than the sum of the issued in the same period by the previous four US presidents, since Bill Clinton in 1200 to Trump in 2016. The objective of a part A substantial part of these decisions has been to...
USA News

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “I am a survivor of sexual assault”

US Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez declared that she is a survivor of sexual assault. Politics revealed her trauma when she accused Republicans who evaded responsibility for last month's Capitol riots of using “abusive tactics.” “I am a survivor of sexual assault,” she said, struggling to hold back the tears. “And this I have not told many people in my life.” Ocasio-Cortez is one of the highest profile Democrats in Congress. The congresswoman, who describes herself as a democratic socialist and represents the district 14 in New York City, is also often a target of conservatives. In a broadcast on Instagram on Monday, the young woman from 31 years revealed little about his experience of sexual assault, but said: “ When we go through a trauma, the trauma accum...
USA News

Trump refuses to be impeached because he is no longer president

By: EFE 02 February 2021 WASHINGTON - The former president of the United States, Donald Trump , rejected this Tuesday as "unconstitutional" the political trial to which he will be subjected in the Senate and where he is accused of committing a “treason of historical proportions ”, arguing that he is already out of his position. In his formal response to the impeachment article presented by the House of Representatives, Trump also denied through his lawyers that he was "In a mistake of fact" when on January 6 he assured the followers who later stormed the Capitol that he had won the elections by a landslide victory. Shortly before, the Democrats presented their case to the Senate in a brief to condemn former President Donald Trump for inciting his followers to carry out...
USA News

Jeff Bezos retires as CEO of Amazon

This Tuesday Amazon surprisingly announced that Andy Jassy , current CEO of AWS , will assume the position of Jeff Bezos as CEO of the company during the third quarter of this year . Bezos will become executive president of Amazon's board and indicated that he will continue to participate in different projects such as Bezos Earth Fund , his spacecraft company Blue Origin , The Washington Post and Amazon Day 1 Fund . The company communicated that Jeff Bezos , will leave the position at the end of this year and will deliver the commanded the company's chief cloud executive, Andy Jassy , who joined Amazon at 1997 and has led Amazon's cloud web services team since its inception. Amazon had kept his succession plans a secret, although experts speculated that J as...
USA News

Biden frees from financial punishment immigrants who ask for a “green card” for their families

President Biden withdraws financial punishment for immigrants who sponsor their relatives. Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images President Joe Biden will sign three executive orders on Tuesday, one of which withdraws financial punishment imposed by the government of Donald Trump to immigrants who sponsor their relatives for Permanent Residence. “(President Trump's memorandum requiring family sponsors to reimburse the government is rescinded if family members receive public benefits” , says the order. The Democrat also asks immigration agencies to review the processes to “accelerate naturalization.” The financial punishment of immigrants was imposed by the Trump Administration in May of 2019 through the "Memorandum on compliance with the legal responsibilities of sponsors of fo...
USA News

Sunrise shooting with several FBI agents while serving an arrest warrant

FBI agents in a file photo. Photo: ROBYN BECK / AFP / Getty Images FBI agents have been involved in a shooting in the early hours of this Tuesday when they were complying with a judicial order in Sunrise , according to the authorities announced. The events occurred in the area of ​​10100 Reflections Boulevard West, between North Nob Hill and Hiatius Road while FBI agents and officers from the Sunrise Police Department and Davie's raided the neighborhood. You may be interested in: Shooting leaves 3 injured in Miami Beach: police are still looking to the suspect BREAKING NEWS: An FBI agent is shot at while serving a warrant, and a massive police scene shuts down road, Sunrise police say - Miami Herald (@MiamiHerald) February 2, 2021 Otisha Browni...
USA News

Los Angeles sees improvement in daily coronavirus data, but asks Angelenos not to relax

Thanks to the decrease in cases in the county, some restrictions have been lifted. Photo: VALERIE MACON / AFP / Getty Images According to information from health authorities, Los Angeles County has started its decline in the number of cases and deaths from coronavirus after going through its strongest wave between November and January. “ Although some restrictions have been removed, it is not time to relax ”, said the director of the Department of Public Health, Barbara Ferrer when offering recent data about the coronavirus pandemic, which is quite encouraging since it has been evidenced a significant decrease in the contagion curve . This Monday Ferrer confirmed 85 deaths producer of the disease in the last 24 hours , which brings the total number of deaths to 16, 854....
USA News

Bernie Sanders viralized that McDonald's workers in Denmark earn twice as much as those in the United States

On average, an employee of the brand in the United States earns $ 10 dollars. Photo: Vivien Killilea / Getty Images Independent Senator Bernie Sanders announced via Twitter that McDonald's employees have better salaries than workers of the brand in the United States. The politician noted that McDonald's workers in Denmark receive up to 22 dollars per hour along with benefits such as life insurance, pension, annual leave and other social benefits. According to Indeed, many McDonald's employees in the United States earn more than $ 10 dollars per hour . Additionally, many team members can take advantage of various benefits such as a stock purchase plan, special discounts, educational benefits, health insurance, and more. Sanders said: "America must unite with the rest of th...
USA News

What the Republican Stimulus Package Proposal Looks Like

Mitt Romney is one of the Republicans spearheading this stimulus package proposal. Photo: George Frey / Getty Images) Republican congressmen have opposed the stimulus package proposed by President Joe Biden arguing that only should help those who need it . Yesterday, 10 senators presented a stimulus package proposal that is diametrically different from what the Democrats expose both in the White House, as in the House of Representatives and the Senate. In this sense the opponents in Congress propose six points to address the economic emergency that the Covid pandemic has brought with it - 19. This proposal is not as robust as the one proposed by President Biden. Republican senators, including Mitt Romney, explained that their package proposal Stimulus provides “more targe...
USA News

Bernie Sanders Urges Democrats To Pass Stimulus Check Without Waiting For The Republican Party

Sanders proposes to resort to the special budget reconciliation rules. Photo: Graeme Jennings-Pool / Getty Images Bernie Sanders, an independent senator from Vermont, insisted this Sunday that the Democratic Party - which won control of the Senate with the promise to immediately activate an aid package economic aid package for coronavirus - has to "act now" to pass the legislation, even if that means moving forward without the support of Republicans that President Joe Biden "The issue is not bipartisanship," Sanders said in an interview on the ABC program This Week . "The issue is, are we going to address the crisis and the pain and anxiety in this country ?" He asked. Sanders has consistently repeated that he supports passing the bill through the special budget reconciliat...
USA News

Republicans propose to Biden $ 600 million aid plan with $ 1,000 check per person

Senator Susan Collins leads the group of Republicans who made a financial aid counter. Photo: Michael M. Santiago / Getty Images Republicans oppose the $ 1.9 trillion aid plan and direct checks of $ 1, 400 dollars per person . Therefore, a group of 10 senators proposed to the president Joe Biden a reduced project, very similar to the one approved last December. The plan is $ 600 million dollars with help per person of $ 1, 000 dollars. A report by The Washington Post indicates that the senators, led by Susan Collins (Maine), requested a meeting with the President, in addition to releasing details of the project on Monday, but the Republicans sent a letter to the Democrat. “We want to work in good faith with you and your administration to face the health, economic and so...
USA News

New case of the South African variant of coronavirus detected in the United States

Maryland state authorities reported a case of the South African variant of the coronavirus this Saturday, after two other cases were reported in South Carolina on Thursday. Maryland Governor Larry Hogan explained that “this is an adult living in the Baltimore metropolitan region. You have not traveled abroad, so community transmission is likely. A trace is being done to ensure that any contact is quickly identified, quarantined and tested, "he said, quoted by CNN. In South Carolina Two cases have been detected in which the patients have not traveled abroad recently and are not related to each other, reported state health authorities. The Director of Health South Carolina Public, Brannon Traxler , explained to the press that the coronavirus tests were carried out in early Janua...
USA News

Lawyers for Donald Trump's team resign within weeks of impeachment

Five of the attorneys on former President Donald Trump's impeachment defense team have left, with their Senate impeachment trial just days away, according to people familiar with the case, amid a disagreement on his legal strategy, CNN reported. Trump has struggled to find lawyers willing to take the case to his second impeachment. And now, with legal reports pending for next week and a trial that will begin just days later, Trump is still holding on to his claims of fraud in the elections and is without legal representation. >> Who are the managers of the impeachment of Trump, who will defend the 'impeachment' before the Senate >> 3 questions about the impeachment of Trump for “inciting insurrection” in the Senate >> Trump impeachment will begin in the second week of Februa...
USA News

Boy disguises himself as Bernie Sanders and goes viral

A 5-year-old boy from North Carolina decided to dress up as Bernie Sander s to celebrate Friday the number day 100 of classes. Sanders and his gloves went viral after the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on 20 from January. Harrison Streetman "impersonated" Bernie Sanders at Pinebrook Elementary, so his mother shared the adorable photo with the media. Since then, the meme has raised thousands of dollars for charities through different websites and auctions, including the Bernie Sanders tent.
USA News

Biden's unprecedented spate of decrees in 10 days as president

When signing a series of orders against climate change this week, the president of the United States, Joe Biden, said something in passing: “This is not the time for small measures; we have to be bold. ” The phrase reflects more than an attitude towards the specific challenge of the environment and could well summarize the spirit with which Biden has faced his first 10 days in the House White, with striking vertigo. Since she took office on 20 of January, the president issued an unusual number of decrees in various areas that he considers priorities, since the coronavirus to the economy, from immigration to racial equality . His objective, according to experts, transcends an eagerness to bury symbols and policies of his predecessor, Donald Trump. Biden also seems determined to take...
USA News

Johnson & Johnson announces its Covid-19 vaccine that requires a single dose

J&J Covid Vaccine - 19 requires a single dose. Photo: JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP / Getty Images A third Covid vaccine - 19, manufactured by Johnson & Johnson, may be licensed for use in the United States in the near future. Data on the new Covid vaccine - 19 requiring only one injection , were released on Friday and the company is now collecting its data to apply for emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of United States , CNN reported. The vaccine was manufactured through a vaccine division collaboration with based in Belgium of J&J, Janssen Pharmaceutical and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and works a little differently. Here is what is known about how it works and how it will fit into the vaccine mix: Covid Single Shot Vaccine - 19...
USA News

Biden reaffirms his commitment to reform immigration policy

WASHINGTON - The government of President Joe Biden will seek to implement a "comprehensive and long-term" immigration plan to address the challenges of the Western Hemisphere, including those of their own system, said this Friday Roberta Jacobson, special assistant to the president, who admitted that the changes will not happen "overnight." "The Biden Administration is committed to (implementing) a fair, orderly and humane border procedure, but it will take time to happen," said Jacobson, who is also coordinator of the southwest border in the National Security Council. That immigration plan of the Biden government will have as pillars, according to the official: reduce the causes that force people to migrate expand access to international protection (refuge and asylum) exp...
USA News

The Audi e-tron GT is coming down

The brand with the four rings has already set the presentation date for the Audi e-tron GT, its new electric. Known at the 2018 edition of the Los Angeles Hall, the Audi e-tron GT counts the days to disembark officially. Its design conforms to a hexagonal grille, Matrix LED headlights, air intakes and a sporty cut on the front. On the sides, the 22 inch wheels and the absence of door handles stand out. While, in the rear, in addition to a diffuser, there is an optical group that runs the entire width. It is a vehicle that is similar in dimensions to the Audi A7 Sportback, with 4, 96 meters long, 1, 96 meters wide, 1, 38 meters high and a distance between 2 axes, 90 meters. The cargo capacity offered by the trunk is 450 liters and under the front hood it can accommodate 96 more ...
USA News

Renovation for the Tesla Model X

The Tesla Model X is updated with minor touches on its exterior, several changes in the cabin and two versions. Like its sister saloon Model S, the SUV Tesla Model X has been fine-tuned in the same way with a series of modernizations. In the cabin it abandons its now traditional vertical orientation screen for a horizontal one of 17 inches for multimedia functions. In addition, the steering wheel of the Tesla Model X now looks like the command of a ship without its top ring. Its design finds similarities with the well-known Fantastic Car (KITT). As if that were not enough, it has a smaller screen for the rear seats that depending on the version can be five, six or up to seven occupants. More on Tesla Notes The center panel has been reorganized and offers fin...
USA News

Netflix unveiled which is the most successful series it has broadcast so far

And you already saw Bridgerton? Photo: Olivier DOULIERY / AFP / Getty Images The streaming platform Netflix released what is the name of the original series most successful that has broadcast so far . How are the salaries of the employees Netflix The site CNN published that it is about Bridgerton , which has been viewed by approximately 82 millions of people in its first 28 days , beating favorites like Stranger Things , La casa de papel , Lady's Gambit or The Witcher . The drama that takes place in Great Britain at the beginning of the 19th century and is based on the novels of the writer Julia Quinn . Bridgerton has positioned itself as the most viewed series in the United States, United Kingdom, Brazil, France, India and South Africa . For ma...
USA News

They arrest a doctor accused of voluntarily causing the death of coronavirus patients

A nurse rests while caring for a Covid patient - 19 without having been vaccinated. Photo: Gardenia Mendoza / Courtesy A doctor has been arrested on charges of intentionally causing the deaths of two covid patients in Brescia, Italy. The head of the Montichiari hospital emergency room, Carlo Mosca , is charged with a crime of involuntary homocide for presumably administering drugs with anesthetic and neuromuscular blocking effect to patients. The doctor He was arrested by order of the judge who is instructing the case and is under house arrest due to the risk that he will act again if he joins his duties. The facts They date back to March 2020, the date on which Italian hospitals were overwhelmed by the virulence of the pandemic. The Public Ministry and Police launched a in...
USA News

Biden signed executive orders to reopen Obamacare enrollment and strengthen Medicaid

President Biden signed executive orders on Obamacare and Medicaid. Photo: Doug Mills / POOL / EFE President Joe Biden is reopening enrollment in federal exchanges for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), known as Obamacare , as part of two executive actions of health care that he signed on Thursday, taking a step to help uninsured Americans, which former President Donald Trump refused to take despite the coronavirus pandemic. It is Biden's first step in fulfilling his campaign promise to enforce the historic healthcare reform law that he championed as vice president. And it occurs when more Americans could be facing the loss of coverage, due to the economic recession driven by the coronavirus pandemic. “Today, I am about to sign two executive orders that basically, the best way t...
USA News

Border wall construction works stop, but activists call for a definitive cessation

By: EFE 28 from January 2021 After long years of struggle by environmental groups, the construction of the wall on the United States border with Mexico has stopped , At least for the moment. Now the activists hope that the works of a barrier that for many is a symbol of racism and division will cease definitively. At the end of the term established by the executive order signed by President Joe Biden , environmental defenders toured sectors of the border in Arizona and Texas on Thursday and were able to verify that the construction of the barrier has stopped . The noise generated by heavy machinery moving from one side to the other is no longer heard, the trucks transporting materials up and down are no longer visible, nor are the pipes of water that constantly reaches these...