Friday, September 20

Four strangers with the same name get together and form a gang

If something good has had the 2020 and everything derived from the coronavirus, is that we have learned to be connected in the distance

Cuatro extraños con el mismo nombre se unen y forman una banda
Listening to music improves your mood.

Photo: Tirachard Kumtanom / Pexels

Have you ever met someone with the exact same name?

Paul O’Sullivan

of Baltimore, Maryland, and his companions, other Paul O’Sullivans, finished becoming good friends.

“One night, I was looking for and indiscriminately adding Paul O ‘ Sullivans on Facebook and a good number of them accepted my friend request, ”O’Sullivan, who has become known as Baltimore Paul, told CBS News.

Over time, it happened. He realized that he shared something more than his name with it: they are all a musician.

“I felt as if the universe was challenging me to do something with this fortuitous scenario.”

Finally, agreed to form a musical group which is aptly called The Paul O’Sullivan Band . Manchester Paul on bass, Pennsylvania Paul on percussion and Baltimore Paul and Rotterdam Paul on guitar and vocals.

“In this world, sometimes you think that everything has already been done,” he said. Manchester Paul from the UK to CBS News during an interview with the four Paul O’Sullivans. “Particularly with the Internet, everything has been covered, everything has been done. Well actually this seems pretty unique to me. ”

The Pauls released a single early in 2020. And when the world was confined due to COVID – 19, they gave realized that they had been working together remotely anyway, so they decided to use the lock to record a full album.

“It feels very good to be able to contact people on the other side of the world when you are locked up because you don’t you feel lonely right now, “said Rotterdam Paul, a native of the Dutch city.

They wrote and recorded their album as an assembly line, said Baltimore Paul. He and Rotterdam Paul first wrote lyrics and then submitted ideas to Manchester Paul for final approval.

For the four Pauls, music has always been an outlet, and was more important than ever during 2020. “If you learn to play an instrument, it can help you through difficult times,” Manchester Paul said.

“I’ve always used music to help me get through the bad times. I think it helped me get through all the confinement. Actually, I think the confinement was better because I was doing this right now, ”many band members explained.