Thursday, October 3

The development of autism is different in the brains of girls and boys

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), better known as autism, is a condition related to brain development, which affects the way a person perceives and socializes with others.

It is called “spectrum disorder” because people with ASD can have different symptoms. Another factor that could influence the development of autism in the brain, according to a recent study, is sex.

Autism begins in early childhood, and children often have symptoms during their first year. These include:

  • Avoid eye contact.
  • Lack of facial expression.
  • Speaking with an abnormal rhythm and tone.
  • Not understanding questions or simple directions.
  • Not expressing emotions or feelings.
  • Not speaking, having delayed speech development, or losing the ability to say words or sentences.
  • Not being able to hold conversations.
  • Not being aware of the feelings of others.
  • Approach social interactions in an inappropriate, aggressive or disruptive way.
  • Have difficulty recognizing non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions, body postures or tones of voice of other people.

In some cases, children appear to develop normally during the first year and then go through a period of regression, between 18 Y 24 months old.

These s Intomas can cause difficulties to communicate, interact, learn or lead a completely independent life.

Another factor that seems to influence the development of autism in the brain is sex, according to a study published in Brain .

As reported in a HealthDay publication, the authors suggested that research findings on autism with boys may not apply to girls.

“This new study provides us with a map to understand how to best match evidence-based interventions, both current and future, with underlying brain and genetic profiles, so that we can apply the correct treatment the right individual, “said Kevin Pelphrey, an autism expert at the Brain Institute at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, and principal investigator of the new study.

And he added:” This advances our understanding about autism in general, by revealing that it is very possible that it has different causes in boys and girls. ”

ASD is four times more common in children, which could help explain why there is much less research on autism in girls.

Differences between boys and girls

In the new study, the researchers combined brain imaging with genetic research to learn more about ASD in girls.

They used functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine the brain activity of 207 patients (100 girls and 107 boys) during social interactions . They found that girls with ASD use different sections of the brain than girls without ASD.

However, the differences between girls with and without ASD were not the same as the difference between boys with and without ASD, meaning that the brain mechanisms involved in autism could vary by gender.

The researchers also found that girls with ASD had much higher amounts of a rare active genetic variant during early development of a region of the brain called the striatum.

It is believed that a section of the striatum is involved in the interpretation of social and language interaction.

Pelphrey and his team hope to wear these findings to generate new treatment strategies for autism tailored to girls.

Causes of autism

ASD does not have a single known cause. Both genetics and environment can play a role.

Among the possible environmental causes, researchers continue to explore whether factors such as viral infections, complications during pregnancy, or air pollutants play a role in triggering ASD.

It is always appropriate to remember that there is no link between vaccines and ASD. Despite extensive research on the topic, no reliable study has shown a link between autism and vaccines.

In fact, the original study that sparked the debate years ago has withdrawn from the scientific publications because it was conducted with questionable research methods.

Avoiding childhood vaccines can put your child and others at risk of contracting and transmitting serious diseases.

Sources Consulted : American Academy of Pediatrics, US National Library of Medicine, Mayo Clinic , Harvard Medical School, HealthDay.