Saturday, September 28

Enrique Guzmán reappears on the 'Hoy' program to talk about Frida Sofía's mental health

After the lawsuit he filed against his granddaughter, Alejandra Guzmán’s father claimed to be unaware of the reasons that Frida Sofía had for speak ill of him

Enrique Guzmán reaparece en el programa ‘Hoy’ para hablar de la salud mental de Frida Sofía
Enrique Guzmán.

Photo: Miguel Larrauri / Reforma Agency

Rocío García

The controversy continues in the Guzmán family. Although they have assured that they prefer to solve their problems away from the cameras,

Enrique Guzmán reappeared on the program ‘Hoy’, where he spoke about his granddaughter’s mental health and assured that he would like to get closer to her.

After the statements of Frida Sofia in which she pointed out to her grandfather touching her private parts since was 5 years old, a war of declarations was generated that even already resulted in a criminal lawsuit . However, the father of Alejandra Guzmán returns to face on a television forum to face the accusations of his granddaughter.

It was during an interview with Martha Figueroa and Raúl Araiza for the program ‘Today’, where the interpreter of 78 years he claimed to be unaware of his granddaughter’s reasons for speaking ill of him: “ I am in the best disposition to cooperate with you . Moreover, if you inform me of things that are happening it will help me because I hardly know well at the moment that I am in this matter. It was a total surprise she is my granddaughter and I don’t know what to say. ”

As had happened on other occasions, he assured everything is product of mental instability of Frida Sofía , who changes his mind for no apparent reason.

“I don’t understand when your mind changes gear and it’s different person. I don’t know and we will have to do a series of studies or research on why you have those clicks that turn you back to life without you knowing why, without reason ”, he explained.

The vocalist of the Teen Tops reiterated that after the strong accusations that put him in the eye of the hurricane he does not know what to do, since he has not only one granddaughter, but five, in addition to Apollo the smallest of the family .

The eldest of my granddaughters, she has 29 years (Frida Sofía), I don’t know if she’s okay, if she’s bad, if she’s alone, I don’t know what’s wrong “, he assured.

Although the lawsuit has already reached the legal authorities, claimed to have the concern of approaching the young woman , but it is a complicated process from which there is no way out in the short term.

I would like somehow to go tell you here we are , but it is not easy. Seeing me talking about the health of one of my little girls is terrible. I don’t know where to turn, how to raise my head