Saturday, September 28

“After much meditation”: Marlene Favela shares that she has already received the vaccine against COVID-19

The actress of 43 years he shared with his social media followers that he has already been vaccinated against the Coronavirus, however , was criticized for traveling to the United States to receive the dose

“Después de mucho meditar”: Marlene Favela comparte que ya recibió la vacuna contra el COVID-19
Marlene Favela now He decorated his apartment with Christmas motifs.

Photo: Mezcalent

Rocío García

Marlene Favela joins the list of celebrities who have already received the COVID vaccine – 19, so he made it known with a photograph in which he is seen shortly after receiving the dose in the city of Chicago.

The image was shared through the official Instagram account of the actress of 43 years, who was most smiling while ensuring that after learning about the different theories about the global cure for Coronavirus, made the decision to receive the drug not only for her health, but for all the people around her, especially his little daughter Bella .

After much meditation, inform me, and read r come to the conclusion that I love mine too! For you Bella Seely “, wrote the television star at the bottom of the photograph that was applauded by more than 50 thousand followers.

He also received congratulatory messages from some celebrities such as Lorena Meritano and

Luz Elena González , who expressed their support for the beautiful protagonist of the telenovela “Wild Cat”.

While the exact moment of the application was boasted in the stories of the same social profile, where it shared with its more than 4 and a half million followers a video of the moment the medical staff placed the vaccine on his arm.

However, the Mexican actress was also the target of strong criticism since the application was made in the United States and not in Mexico, the country where she currently lives and where the vaccine is only allowed to the population over 60 years and medical personnel.

Right now they only authorize vaccines for people over 80 and medical personnel… How did you do? According to this very controlled application “,“ In the United States we are all authorized to vaccinate, you think she is stupid, she came here to get the vaccine, it is from here why she does not get the one they are sending to Mexico she came make sure“, “ But if you don’t have 80 years, how did you get access to the vaccine? “,”

If you are not a health worker, you do not have 60 years, how did you have access to the vaccine? “, asked several users.

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