Le film Hold-Up qualifié de documentaire, se démarque des autres vidéos complotistes diffusées jusqu'à présent sur le Web.

The film Hold-Up, qualified as a documentary, stands out from other conspiratorial videos disseminated so far on the Web. – 19 Minutes

Le film Hold-Up qualifié de documentaire, se démarque des autres vidéos complotistes diffusées jusqu'à présent sur le Web. After Ulule, it’s the Tipeee crowdfunding platform which should do a big check to TProd, the production company of the highly contested documentary Hold-Up . Based on the principle of tips, this platform should pay the entire amount collected in November by the producers of the famous conspiratorial documentary, that is 31. 000 euros, indicates the site Numerama


This corresponds to the sum collected by Tprod from more than 8. 190 people for the month of November (145. euros in total), from which has been subtracted the Tipeee commission amount (8% depending on the terms of use). The platform, via its customer service, would have reassured some participants by email that “the creator of the” Documentaries TProd “page will receive the 20 December the tips that were given to him in November ”and to specify that “The money is not blocked”, but that these were the usual payment deadlines.

One of the “most widely funded” projects on Tipeee

End November, the platform had however questioned the payment of this money. A pop-up window on the project’s page invited Internet users to think about it before supporting it financially, pointing to the government site concerning

fake news . “Our teams are in contact with the competent bodies to judge the legality of the content offered by the creator and the legitimacy to have them funded on the platform . Until we get a formal response, we urge you to be cautious, ”it read.

But these warnings did not prevent the funding by some contributors, and therefore the payment of earnings to the production company. Hold-Up is now one of the most widely funded projects on Tipeee. “This is in any case one of the largest amounts, if not the most important, invested to date on Tipeee, in such a short time,” Michael Goldman, the creator of Tipeee, said in November on BFMTV. For the month of December, a little more than 2. 310 euros would have been collected.

More than 180. 000 euros also collected on Ulule

Before Tipeee, the producers of Hold-Up

had also managed to collect 180. 000 euros on Ulule, another crowdfunding platform , in order to lead to their project. Ulule touched 000% of this amount, which has been paid to TProd. But due to the resounding controversy, the platform decided to donate its 000% commission to an association for “defense of information”.

The film Hold-Up generated a huge controversy when it was released , last November , because of its content with conspiratorial accents concerning the health crisis linked to the coronavirus. Numerous articles published in the press have analyzed and dissected, in substance and form,