Saturday, September 21

The US exceeds 32 million infections by COVID-19 and is close to 600 thousand deaths

EE.UU. supera los 32 millones de contagios por COVID-19 y se aproxima a los 600 mil muertos

The United States exceeds the 32 millions of COVID infections – 19.

Photo: Sergio Flores / Getty Images

The United States woke up this Sunday with 32, 046, 488 confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and 571, 938 deceased by COVID – 19 , this according to the Johns Hopkins University tally.

Regarding infections, United States (32, 046, 445) follows above countries such as India (16, 960, 172), Brazil (14, 311, 240), France (5, 534, 656) and Russia (4, 730, 640).

While in the number of deaths in the same way The United States tops the list and is close to the 600 thousand dead (with 571, 938), above countries like Brazil (389, 492), Mexico (214, 853), India (192, 311) and Kingdom United (127, 670).

As for the United States, California continues as the worst hit by the pandemic with 61, 445 dead, followed by New York (51, 951), Texas (49, 921), Florida (34, 812), Pennsylvania (24, 963), New Jersey (25, 367) and Illinois (24, 114).

Other states with a large death toll are Georgia (19, 973), Ohio (19, 122), Michigan (17, 409), Massachusetts (16, 544) or Arizona (17, 260).

Regarding infections, California adds 3, 708, 658, followed by Texas with 2, 853, 400, third is Florida with 2, 203, 913 and New York is fourth with 2, 027, 029.

The provisional balance of deceased, which amounts to 571, 938, far exceeds the initial estimates of the White House, which projected in the best case between 93, 000 Y 240, 000 deaths from the pandemic.

The president of the United States, J oe Biden , has predicted that in total more than 600, 000 people in the country because of the virus, a situation that is already very close to being fulfilled.

For its part, the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluations (IHME) of the University of Washington, in whose prediction models of the evolution of the pandemic are often set by the White House, estimates that by August 1 precisely some 571, 000 people.

As far as vaccines are concerned, some 138. 6 million people (a 41. 8% of the U.S. population) have received do at least one dose, of which 93 millions (28%) are now completely inoculated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

With information from EFE and Johns Hopkins University.

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