Friday, September 20

VIDEO: Woman is attacked by drunk man in her neighborhood; subject knows where he lives and fears for his safety

“And then men wonder why we are terrified of them”, said the young woman who does not feel safe when walking through the streets of the United States

Woman assaulted by drunk.

Photo: Video capture k4ss4ndr4 / Courtesy

Christian Herrera

In Los Angeles, a woman identified as Kassandra Escandell and who walked his dog was the victim of an assault by a man drunk who hit her and him snatched the cell phone.

Although the subject was arrested after the incident, the woman says she is afraid since the suspicious who was not identified by name, knows where he lives and the authorities did not provide him with a restraining order not to approach him.

Drunk believes p in Los Angeles assaults an innocent woman walking her dog

– Fifty Shades of Whey (@ davenewworld_2) April 24, 2021

Read also : VIDEO: “You came to the wrong neighborhood, son of…”, Army sergeant assaults young African-American

Through the platform TikTok , the young woman explained that she was walking with her dog and that on several occasions the subject and two other men began to speak to her from their car, that she was kind because she felt intimidated but later Everything got out of control.

you’re going to hit ? Are you telling me that you are going to follow me to the next block? Give me my phone, give me my fucking phone. Give it to me, give it to me, get away from me ”, was what the Kassandra Escandell managed to record the incident before he snatched his cell phone.

“I was attacked while I used to take my dog ​​for a walk in my neighborhood. These three drunk guys parked their car next to me and talked to me three times, and I was friendly because I was scared, on the fourth opportunity, the driver got out of the car and tried to grab me so I pulled away and asked him to please stop. to follow me ”, said the Escandell about what happened.

“So he told me that I knew where I lived and that I was going to find . Then I turned around and told him that I would not, then he raised his fist to hit me, it was at that moment that I took the camera from my cell phone and began to record the video, he snatched the cell phone and ran for his car, but I ran after him and dove through his window, grabbed my phone and I ran explained. was arrested and released the same day (since paid a deposit ). He’s out there, he knows where I live and he’s probably mad. The police did not issue a restraining order because to begin with, he said that he has 2 daughters , because cried and said he was sorry because he was drunk and because he thought I was pretty, “he revealed about what happened to the aggressor.

“And then men wonder why we are terrified of them ”, he concluded Kassandra Escandell her complaint on social networks.

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