Friday, September 20

Biden Asks Senate To Follow Trump's Impeachment Along With The Nation's “Other Urgent Issues”

Biden pide al Senado que siga el juicio político a Trump junto a los “otros asuntos urgentes” de la nación

Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States.

Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images

President-elect Joe Biden on Wednesday urged the Senate to impeach President Donald Trump while simultaneously working on other critical issues, indicating a desire to resolve the legal proceedings against Trump, which will likely remain unresolved when Biden takes office on 20 January, reported CNN.

While Biden said in a statement Wednesday that the House vote “to impeach and hold the president accountable” was “a bipartisan vote cast by members who followed the Constitution and their conscience ”, the president-elect wants to start immediately with a broad spectrum of public health initiatives when I take office next week.

Biden said that e l Senate should be able to d monitoring Trump’s impeachment as he works on the government agenda.

Today, in a bipartisan vote, the House voted to impeach and hold President Trump accountable. Now, the process continues to the Senate — and I hope they’ll deal with their Constitutional responsibilities on impeachment while also working on the other urgent business of this nation.

– Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) January 14, 2021

The Chamber voted 232 against 197 Wednesday to impeach Trump, and 10 Republican lawmakers joined all Democrats in indicting Trump for “incitement to insurrection” exactly one week after the rioters stormed the Capitol, when the House certified Biden’s electoral victory.

Marking the first time a president has been indicted twice, the impeachment process now advances to the Senate.

Biden has left in cla ro who is not particularly enthusiastic about Trump’s impeachment, and remained silent for several hours after the historic House action.

At least four confirmation hearings are already scheduled in the Senate for Biden’s cabinet nominees for the week of 20 January, for the nominee for Secretary of State Antony Blinken , the nominee for Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin , the Treasury Secretary nominee Janet Yellen and the Secretary of Homeland Security nominee Alejandro Mayorkas .

Additionally, Biden could ask senators to draft legislation related to the pandemic and economic relief, as Biden wants to increase ch $ 2 aid eques, 000 dollars.