Friday, September 20

Loudoun County Statement Regarding White's Ferry Operations

Loudoun County Virginia

Washington Hispanic

The Loudoun County government is aware of published reports implying that White’s Ferry ceased operations due to the lack of an established public landing in Virginia. It is important to note that this legal matter is between the private property owner and the ferry operator and that Loudoun County is not a party to the lawsuit. The county is issuing this statement to clear up misinformation regarding the county’s role in this matter.

On 23 November 2020, the Loudoun County Circuit Court issued a decision in Rockland Farm, LLC, et al. v. White’s Ferry, Inc. Detailed information about the case can be reviewed in the Circuit Court decision. No court order has been filed to order ferry operations.

According to the decision, there is no legally established public or private landing on the Rockland Farm property where White’s Ferry operates . White’s Ferry has been a private ferry between Maryland and Virginia for over 200 years. Since the court’s November decision, Rockland Farm and White’s Ferry have been negotiating the continued use of private property by the ferry. The decision to cease operation of the ferry was a unilateral decision made by White’s Ferry, Inc., which operates the privately owned ferry.

The legal matter between the property owner Virginia and White’s Ferry started more than ten years ago. Information on the ongoing dispute should be obtained from the legal representatives of the parties involved.

While Loudoun County is not a party to the legal dispute, the County remains concerned about the result from a regional transportation perspective. We recognize that any impact on the ferry service may affect our residents and people who work in Loudoun County.