Sunday, September 22

How do you know if you are a free-spirited sign, according to astrology?

People who break the routine and are not afraid of adventures, often share astrological traits

¿Cómo saber si eres un signo con espíritu libre, según la astrología?
The signs with the most free spirit have no limits.

Photo: Pexels

There are people who feel comfortable breaking the routine , they seem to have no worries about deciding, from one moment to the next, to undertake a travel aimlessly or go with the flow. They often never have a “no” for an answer when it comes to adventure. If you identify with these characteristics it is because you are a soul with a free spirit.

The reason that leads some people to have a free soul may lie in their astrological traits . According to Bustle astrologers, the modalities of the signs may be a factor that triggers this behavior. Mutable signs tend to be more fluid, open-minded, and can easily adapt to changes, more so than other signs.

Also, those they have in their natal chart some element of fire may be more likely to act impulsively and get carried away by their passions, this because fire signs are characterized by his energy, freedom and is focused on action .

Yes Well we can all have days when we feel freer than others, the following signs are the ones that hardly leave their adventurous streak .


While it is not a mutable sign, Aries possesses a fiery and bold energy that definitely makes it a sign free-spirited. They are ruled by Mars, the planet of action and passion, making him an independent leader who loves to break new ground. He is also impulsive and one of the things that seduces him the most is emotion.


It is a curious sign, quick-thinking, flexible and adaptable to changes. That is why he is part of this list, in addition, he loves to learn new things and rarely follow a plan. They feel comfortable taking it by chance and going with the flow.


It is the free spirit sign par excellence of the Zodiac. He is the most adventurous and most hungry for emotions. As a mutable fire sign, it is not afraid to take risks so it is always looking for new experiences. You tend to be open-minded and overly confident in your optimism.

It may interest you: What is your city in the world, according to your sign