Sunday, September 22

Biden describes the situation of Russian opponent Alexei Navalny as “totally unfair”

Navalny has been on a hunger strike for about three weeks. His doctor said that the Russian opponent can die at any moment

Biden califica de “totalmente injusta” la situación del opositor ruso Alexéi Navalny
Alexei Navalny is taken to jail after the ruling that ordered him on his return from Russia in January.

Photo: ALEXANDER NEMENOV / AFP / Getty Images

President Joe Biden denounced Russia on Saturday for his treatment of the prominent opponent of Vladimir Putin, Alexei Navalny, amid reports that his health is deteriorating in prison.

Totally, totally unfair, ”Biden said, according to reports. “Totally inappropriate.”

Navalny was arrested in January after returning to Russia from Germany, where he recovered for several months from a poisoning that he blames on Russia, and which the country has denied. The opponent was quickly sentenced to more than two years in prison after his return to Russia, on charges he considers to be false. He is detained in the famous Matrosskaya Tishina Prison.

Navalny, who has been on a hunger strike for almost three weeks, said in an Instagram post that an official had told him that his health was deteriorating and that he could be fed to the force if he still did not eat.

The opponent has demanded that his doctor be able to see him, after suffering severe back pain and numbness legs in prison. Navalny’s wife has said that he has had trouble speaking.

Navalny’s doctor said on Saturday that he “could die at any moment.”

Biden’s comments Saturday at a golf club in Wilmington, Delaware, comes just days after the president imposed new sanctions on the Kremlin and expelled several Russian diplomats from the US .

The Biden administration is trying to crack down on the Kremlin for its attempts to interfere in the elections of 2020, SolarWinds cyber espionage and the country’s occupation of Crimea, among other actions.

In response, Russia expelled ten American diplomats and expelled several prominent American officials from Russia, including the attorney general Merrick Garland .