Thursday, September 19

VIDEO: “Everyone started crying”, this was the reaction of the Adam Toledo family when they saw when they shot him

VIDEO: “Todo el mundo empezó a llorar”, así fue la reacción de la familia Adam Toledo al ver cuando le dispararon

Adam Toledo had 13 years.

Photo: Chicago Police / Courtesy

The reaction was difficult everyone started crying “, he assured Adeena Weiss Ortiz lawyer for the Hispanic boy’s family Adam Toledo , on the reaction of the loved ones of the minor who died at the hands of the authorities despite not being armed and raising his hands when the officer asked him to do so in Chicago , on 29 last March.

This after the Chicago police oversight agency posted images from officers’ body cameras in the case of the death of Adam Toledo , from 13 years.

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“Extremely watching your child die on video, when the last time you saw your child was Sunday night when she put him to bed on Sunday with his little brother, he was there on Tuesday with the mother, the father of Adam , Marcos , his grandparents, his two older brothers, the reaction was difficult, everyone started to cry, the mother was seriously in pain when she saw the son ” noted Adeena Weiss-Ortiz “, in an interview with Telemundo .

The police department of Chicago revealed on Thursday an edition of the videos that shows in real time how the events occurred on the early morning of 29 of March.

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The clip starts in front of a church and you could see Adam Toledo and Rubén Roman walking. Then it changes to images from another camera where in a corner Román allegedly shot at a dark van that was passing through the area, while Toledo backs up a few steps and he approaches the man.

When the shots captured by the system that would have alerted the police stop being heard, Toledo and the young man from 21 years go by.

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Then the body camera of the officer who made the detonations is seen, the moment he leaves the police patrol and begins to chase Adam Toledo in the alley, while I was chasing him you can hear when he yelled show me your hands.

Policeman, stop. Stop right now “, the officer can be heard as Adam seems to stop next to a fence near the end of the alley and turns to the officer with his hands up.

When Adam turned around and with his hands up and unarmed, still the officer shot him.

Fact that demolishes the argument of the police that maintains that Toledo stopped and while turning he raised his arms with a gun in his hands.

Then an audio of the officer requesting an ambulance is heard immediately and then they showed a photo of the weapon recovered at the scene just feet from Toledo . According to the police, everything happened in less than a second.

Given this, the lawyer for the family of Toledo , said that these scenes and other videos “ speak if themselves . ”

“ Adam, for the last second of his life, he didn’t have a gun in the hand. The agent yelled at him: ‘ Show me the hands‘. Adam obeyed ”, said the lawyer.

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