Friday, September 20

UK Starts Trials of New Treatment That Could Reduce Severe Covid-19 Cases

Reino Unido inicia los ensayos de un nuevo tratamiento que podría reducir los casos graves de covid-19

There are many tests to know if we are or were infected with coronavirus.

Photo: Attila Balazs / EFE

UK started a large-scale trial of a new treatment that is expected to protect patients with covid – 19 of developing the disease in a severe way.

Treatment involves inhaling a protein called interferon beta that the body produces when it acquires a viral infection.

It is expected that stimulates the immune system , preparing cells to be ready to fight viruses.

The preliminary results of the treatment indicate that it reduces by almost 80% the odds of covid patients – 19 develop the disease seriously, requiring respirators for example.

The drug was developed in Southampton University Hospital and is being produced by the biotechnology company Sy nairgen.

A treatment with the new drug could cost about $ 2, 750 dollars, which is not considered excessive for one of these procedures in a hospital.

“To be viable, it has to be cost-effective,” said Richard Marsden, CEO of Synairgen.

Alexandra Constantin, of 31 years, was the first person to receive treatment as part of these new trials, after being admitted to the hospital with coronavirus on Monday.

In a demonstration of the treatment, the nurse handed her an inhaler that turns the medication into a fine mist, which Alexandra breathed as deep into her lungs as she could.

Alexandra Constantin
Alexandra Constantin was the first patient to receive the new treatment.

How does the treatment work?

Interferon beta is part of the body’s first line of defense against viruses, giving an alert to prepare against a viral attack.

Apparently, the coronavirus suppresses the production of interferon beta as a strategy to evade the response of our immune system.

The new drug is a special formula of interferon beta that is introduced directly into the airways through from an inhaler that turns the protein into an aerosol.

The idea is that a direct dose of the protein in the lungs will generate a stronger antiviral response, even in patients whose immune systems are weakened.

Interferon beta is commonly used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

Previous clinical trials conducted by Synairgen have shown that it can stimulate the immune response and that patients with asthma and other chronic lung conditions can tolerate the treatment comfortably.

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  • Richard Marsden

    Richard Marsden
    “If we can prevent patients from getting worse, that would be great,” Richard Marsden told the BBC, Executive Director of Synairgen.

    Two smaller clinical trials of the treatment conducted last year had results promising.

    Patients had between two and three more chances of recovery to the point where daily activities were not compromised by the disease, Synairgen said.

    It also showed a “very significant” reduction in shortness of breath in patients who received the treatment, as well as a shorter hospital stay.

    Before it is approved for use, a “phase three” of trials that will involve more than 600 patients in 20 countries.

    “Once we have a positive study, we will quickly embark on large-scale production and distribution of the drug for clinical practice,” said Professor Tom Wilkinson, University from Southampton, who oversees the trial.

    He added that he believes the new drug – to prove effective – will serve will complement the vaccines that are currently being distributed.

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