Friday, September 20

Take the test

Yes, you have to be careful. Don’t claim victory, not yet. But in California and Los Angeles County, signs are multiplying that humanity’s fight against COVID – 19 is resulting in better control of hospitalizations, a decline in deaths and – with the exception of a recent rise – in new infections.

Why not claim victory? Why not acknowledge the enormous effort they make, from the federal, state, county and municipal governments, down to the last of the essential workers such as the guards at the vaccination sites?

Because despite mass vaccination, the pandemic can still return, at any time, if we give it the opportunity.

Because it stalks us.

For what is this?

U.S. Because our behavior can decide between life or death.

So: As Vaccine Eligibility Expands, COVID Testing – 19 become more necessary than ever to stop any further propagation

Why? Because spreading the use of “tests” is the best way to diagnose those who have already been infected, even before they feel any symptoms, and thus stop the wave of contagion.

The coronavirus test is crucial in the fight to protect our families. At least while a significant part of the population is not yet vaccinated.

A supreme effort is therefore necessary to overcome any obstacle along the way. of the universal availability of COVID tests. Such as the reluctance, which still exists, on the part of members of the low-income and colored communities of color. Who doubt the good intentions of the authorities.

These are residents in areas where the incidence of the coronavirus is higher and that at the same time show the lowest vaccination rates.

Yes, for this effort to be successful, joint action is necessary, the joint work of society as a whole.

Consequently, there is a need for an alliance between the authorities – in this case the Los Angeles County health departments, for one side, and community groups (CBOs), on the other. These organizations have direct access to our people and are trusted by the community after many years of serving them.

Community organizations, as well as churches, beauty salons and small medical offices, can confront the natural distrust that the population feels towards the authorities . People will listen to them when it comes to dispelling myths and misinformation.

In addition, they have an additional reach to that of the government when they use social media.

Fortunately, the county Department of Health Services has expanded the availability of tests where our people live, work, rest or do their purchases.

They have been deploying fixed vaccination sites. Others are mobile and go with COVID tests wherever people are. In most cases, an appointment is not required. The personal information that is given is private and of course, essential to notify the person of the test results. You don’t even ask for a driver’s license, or a Social Security number, and of course no one cares about the person’s immigration status.

So: if you have symptoms of the disease, get tested.

If you are not yet vaccinated or if you only received the first dose – get tested.

If a doctor told you to take the test, do so.

If you fear someone infected you with COVID – 19, yes, run to get tested.

If you have shared a crowded workplace with someone who has COVID – 19, in all those cases: take the test.

For more information, call 211 or visit .

Gabriel Lerner is Editor Emeritus of Real America News and co-Editor of HispanicLA.