Friday, September 20

They call not to panic over a pause in the application of J&J vaccines

Llaman a no entrar en pánico por pausa en aplicación de vacunas J&J

The Covid Vaccine – 19 of J&J that requires a single dose was suspended while it is investigated. (Getty Images)

Photo: JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP / Getty Images

Cielo Fernández, a young woman from 23 years that just last week the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was received, said it is not concerned about the suspension in the use of said immunization against COVID –

“At first I didn’t want to wear it because I thought it was not the most effective vaccine and preferred a two-dose one like Moderna or Pfizer, but afterwards I felt very lucky to have been vaccinated no matter what type it was; and above all because the Johnson & Johnson was a single dose and I didn’t have to worry about coming back. ”

Fernández believes that the pause in the application of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine does not take away any sleep or make her regret having put it on. “4 days after being vaccinated, I have not had any discomfort, I only have a little soreness in the area of ​​the arm where I was injected.”

() As a precautionary measure and following the recommendation of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , Los Angeles County s discontinued use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, after receiving reports that 6 women, between the ages of 18 Y 48 years, developed blood clots between 6 and 13 days after receiving the vaccine.

Sanitaria aplicando una vacuna
They ask to be attentive to any reaction provoked by Johnson & Johnson. (Getty Images)

The Department of Los Angeles County Public Health, announced in a statement that the suspension in the administration of this vaccine will last until the FDA and CDC complete a review, which will take several days.

In the meantime, Los Angeles County vaccine providers will contact people who had Johnson & Johnson vaccination appointments to reschedule for Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.

“These reactions are extremely rare, as nearly 7 million people have received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in the United States to date,” reported the County of Public Health Department. Los Angeles.

However, they asked people who received the vaccine in the last 3 weeks, watch for any symptoms such as blood clots, severe headaches, abdominal or leg pain, and shortness of breath.

“If that happens contact your medical provider. People who do not have health services can call 2-1-1 to connect them with a doctor. ”

Governor Gavin Newsom put the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. (Getty Images)

Governor Gavin Newsom, who along with senior state health officials, got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine on April 1 at Crenshaw Plaza in Los Angeles, said at a news conference in Butte County, al Northern California, that of the 6.8 million doses of this vaccine applied in the country, there are only 6 reported cases with severe conditions, one per almost one million.

We have to put this in perspective. They gave me the J&J vaccine and I had no reaction at all. What’s more, someone asked me the next day which arm they had put it on and I honestly didn’t remember, and I tried to press to see if I felt a bruise, but nothing ” .

He reiterated that they will follow the recommendations of the CDC and FDA in relation to the J&J vaccine and to continue with the application of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines so as not to deviate from the commitment to expand eligibility for those older than 16 years from 13 April in California. “The J&J vaccine has been extraordinarily effective,” Newsom said.

On social media, the governor said the J&J vaccine pause will not affect plans to reopen California’s economy in mid-June.

Of the 15 million Californians who have been fully or partially vaccinated, , 01 have received the J&J vaccine. This vaccine represents 4% of the current supply of vaccines available to the state.

Francisco Moreno, director of the Council of Mexican Federations (COFEM), asked not to be alarmed and continue to be vaccinated against COVID. “Any vaccine can cause adverse reactions, but it is not definitive that Johnson & Johnson is permanently discontinued and that it is not safe.”

He called not to be carried away by negative comments or reports that could spread in the Latino community . “It’s about our health and not letting ourselves die from COVID – 19 ”.