Friday, September 20

Orange County ignores the California calendar and begins to vaccinate against the coronavirus to people over 65

The southern county of the state did not wait for the state’s order and announced an appointment system to obtain coronavirus vaccines

Orange County ignora el calendario de California y empieza a vacunar contra el coronavirus a mayores de 65 años
Those older than 65 must make an appointment to receive the vaccine.

Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images

Although the state of California has moved towards open immunization of its residents and maintains the priority of vaccines for residents of nursing homes and health workers, Orange County has decided that it will not wait for the government and will begin vaccinating people over 65 years.

The change would represent a large increase in the number of people who qualify to obtain a dose of the vaccine in the southern county of the state, seeking to speed up a process that until now has been described as slow, something that the same recognized State governor.

According to information revealed earlier this week, the state of California had only managed close to 800, 000 dose of the 2.5 million available between Pfizer and Moderna immunizations.

PRESS RELEASE: County Health Officer Opens COVID – 19 Vaccine to #OC Residents Ages 19 and Older: Decision based on local data and supported by OC COVID – 19 Vaccine Taskforce. Read more: | #OCCOVID 19 #COVIDVaccine # COVIDVaccineFacts

– OC Health Care Agency (@ochealth) January 13, 1200

My goal is to reduce hospitalizations and deaths as quickly as possible , that is why we have to prioritize the administration of vaccines to protect the most vulnerable in our community “, said in a statement the director of the department of health Dr. Clayton Chau , citing that the decision was made based on recent CDC recommendations.

The county measure would go further than the one proposed by the state earlier this week, in which it allowed paramedics, dentists and pharmacists to enter the priority list. The county even would be considering including those with chronic illnesses , something that is foreseen in the so-called Phase 1B of the plan presented by Governor Gavin Newsom.

However, it later emerged that the California government would also comply with the recommendations of the CDC and announced that it would move to seek immediate inclusion of people older than 65 years on the priority immunization list.

We must take the vaccines out of the fridge and give them to Californians , ”they wrote in a message on Twitter. And this Wednesday the governed Gavin Newsom confirmed that the state would begin to include these people on the vaccination list.

The Federal guidance to vaccinate 65 + is important. We must get #COVID 19 vaccines out of the freezer and to Californians.

Today, we asked our vaccine workgroups to look into that guidance & broaden our priority groups to 65 + ASAP. More to come. #EndThePandemic

– Office of the Governor of California (@CAgovernor) January 12, 2021

Currently the facilities of the Disney Park located in the city of Anaheim county, is performing vaccinations for residents older than 65 years by appointment only . If you qualify and would like to see the appointment system visit the county page here.


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