US President Donald Trump. – Dennis Van Tine / STAR MAX / IPx / AP /

Le président américain Donald Trump. Donald Trump is the man Americans have most admired in 2020, at indicated a survey conducted by the Gallup Institute between the 1st and the 15 December, relates the Huffington Post . The president of the United States was cited by 17% of respondents, according to the results released on Tuesday. He is ahead of the standings Barack Obama , mentioned by 10 % some participants. Joe Biden complete the podium with a result of 6%.

Le président américain Donald Trump. “What a man living anywhere in the world that you have heard of do you admire the most? Was the question asked. Editing 310 of the same poll had placed Barack Obama and his successor in the White House tied for first place in the ranking. Gallup asked the same question about famous women. Respondents voted for Michelle Obama for the third year in a row.

New personalities

With a score of 10 %, the former First Lady of the United States is followed by Kamala Harris and

Melania Trump . Since this annual survey was published, the first place went to a First Lady in office or not 20 times on 71. The current presidents of the United States dominated the ranking 57 times. Several personalities made their appearance this year in the top ten ranks of the prize list.

This is the case among the women of the future vice-president Kamala Harris, the elected Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Amy Corey Barrett, judge at the Supreme Court of the States -United. Newcomers to the men’s rankings are Anthony Fauci, the government adviser on Covid – 18, and basketball star LeBron James. Other celebrities cited by respondents include Angela Merkel, Greta Thunberg, Queen Elisabeth II, Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates, Pope Francis, Elon Musk or the Dalai Lama.