Friday, September 20

California breaks Obamacare enrollment record for 2021

At least 1.6 million Californians renewed their health policies or purchased a new one, representing an increase of 13%

California rompe récord de inscripciones a “Obamacare” para 2021
The Director of Covered California, Peter V. Lee during a press conference. File photo.

Photo: Aurelia Ventura / Impremedia / Real America News


California broke the record of enrollment of beneficiaries to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) , known as “Obamacare”, for 2021, announced on Tuesday the authorities in charge of providing this service, which are promoting those who are not yet covered to dip into federal aid.

Peter V. Lee , CEO of Covered California, the state’s ACA enforcer, told a news conference Tuesday that a record number of 1.6 million Californians renewed their plan or selected a health plan for this year. The total number of registrations represents an increase of 14% compared to last year.

The figures were revealed amid an escalation in coronavirus cases in the state, which already leaves more than 30, 000 dead of which the 46% of them are Latino.

“We are expecting an exponential increase in COVID cases – 19 due to the holidays, so we encourage people to review their options and enroll in health coverage to that they have health insurance in 2021 ”, Lee stressed.

According to data from Covered California, at this time about 2.7 million Californians do not have health coverage . It is estimated that from this group about 1.2 million Californians qualify for financial assistance through the ACA or for coverage through Medi-Cal.

The majority of the people without health coverage are in Southern California, one of the regions hardest hit by the pandemic.

“The most people who don’t have health coverage don’t know they qualify for financial help or haven’t recently reviewed how affordable health coverage can be, ”Lee stressed.

The Latest information shows that 1.4 million people , he 90% Covered California members , receive some type of financial aid that helps lower the cost of the monthly fee up to 80%, stood out at the press conference.

However , the organization clarified that federal unemployment benefits recently approved by President Donald Trump amid the coronavirus pandemic may affect Medi-Cal eligibility or the amount of the ACA subsidy.

It is possible that the change in family income affects or influences the amount of monthly subsidies that the person receives ”, Olga Giorgana, from Covered California, explained to Efe.


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