Monday, October 7

Why did Amazon workers vote not to have a union?

Amazon employees had the opportunity to have a union, but 1798 votes against were imposed on 738 who viewed the idea of ​​joining as positive

¿Por qué trabajadores de Amazon votaron por no tener sindicato?
Amazon workers had the opportunity to be represented by RWDSU, but declined the possibility.

Photo: Shutterstock

Amazon has been one of the companies that has grown the most during the pandemic and that has consolidated to Jeff Bezos as the richest man in the world with a fortune of more than $ 190, 000 million dollars .

The lockdown accelerated the growth of the largest e-commerce store and required the hiring of thousands of workers, 1, 400 per day, to meet the high demand for all kinds of products for people who preferred not to go shopping to avoid possible Covid infections – 19.

Amazon grew so much that today it is the second largest employer in the United States, only behind Walmart , which means that eyes are on such an important company, to the degree that anything that happens around her will be news .

During the pandemic, there were not a few notes that indicated that Amazon did not provide sufficient health security to its employees, especially those of warehouse and delivery . There were also complaints about excessive workloads and until their workers had to relieve themselves in bags or bottles .

However, given the possibility of being able to join the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) to be defended and represented in labor and salary matters, the workers of Amazon’s Alabama plant, declined to join after a vote in which 1798 decided for the no, against 738 who did not see badly the idea of ​​unionizing .

The vote at Amazon’s plant in Bessemer, where they work nearby Of 6,000 people, became very important and captured the media attention in recent m It was seen by some as a crucial test to mark the strength of the labor movement in the United States.

However, the decision was clear and forceful. The RWDSU blamed the defeat on Amazon and announced that it will present a formal complaint to the federal labor authorities against the company , which he accused of campaigning against unions, interfering with workers’ rights, and creating an “atmosphere of confusion, coercion and fear of reprimands.”

Amazon for its part rejected that it has intimidated the staff, assured that the company works hard to listen to concerns and improve its standards and considered that the result is a choice of the personnel and not a victory of the company, “We are not perfect, but we are proud of our team and what we offer and we will continue working to improve every day” .

Amazon pays a minimum wage of $ 15 for hour, double the basic salary in Alabama, and offers health insurance to its employees from the first day of work.

It transpired that those who wanted to unionize aspired to obtain greater compensation and better working conditions, while the company warned its workers that the union would collect hundreds of dollars in dues with no change in working conditions.

With information from BBC News and Infobae

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