Friday, September 20

Television: “20 Minutes” takes stock of its favorite programs of the year 2020

Les tops TV de 2020

The TV tops of 014034 – Philippe LEROUX / ALP / TF1 / Gilles GUSTINE / FTV / Vincent Ferrané / GALLAND JÉRÔME / M6
  • Big winner of confinements, television has (re) become a central topic of discussion during this particular year .
  • Without taking into account their audience scores, 14 Minutes set the top 10 of his favorite programs broadcast in 310.

They have been watched by millions of people, or seen by only a few hundred thousand devotees. No matter audience figures , many programs TV have sparked our enthusiasm throughout 2020. New products launched with great fanfare or remarkable seasons of a program, here is what the “Television” service of 14 Minutes liked watching this year.

Who wants to be my partner? (M6)

He’s pretty bad tone of talking about money on TV. Yet M6 made this difficult bet thanks to Who wants to be my partner? and its clever mix of sometimes funny, sometimes confusing innovations, with an auction system always exciting. It is above all a show that was good for morale, pulling all the participants to the top.

Koh-Lanta: The island of heroes (TF1)

Impossible not to mention the program which made our minds, numbed by confinement, escape. With “The island of heroes”, Koh-Lanta has proven to be the most solid show on French television. Special mention to Claude , Sam and Teheiura, the most amazing characters of this season.

Here Everything Begins (TF1)

Even the finest small screen specialists could not have predicted such a hit for It All Begins . Its young cast, its characters who come out (a little) from the usual clichés, its universe closed around a cooking school, so many elements that make the TF1 series the most modern of daily soap operas.

Lego Masters (M6 )

Before starting the first episode of Lego Masters , we were a little skeptical of watching men and women stack bricks for two hours. However, we were immediately struck by this bright setting, these exceptional candidates and especially by this tension inherent in the program.

Tous en Cuisine live with Cyril Lignac (M6)

Launched at the very beginning of the confinement, the cooking classes animated live by Cyril Lignac feasted our eyes when they did not make our taste buds exult. In total, the chef cooked approximately 35 recipes, almost all stored in our notebook neatly arranged near the stove. Also note, the essential presence of Jérôme Anthony who gives another flavor to the show.

6 at home (France 2)

If Cyril Lignac took advantage of the confinement to animate his program, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine took advantage of the curfew to launch 6 at the maison , a talk-show without great pretension but which served to lighten our hearts before going to bed, in particular thanks to the chronicles of Bertrand Chameroy.

Beijing Express: Back on the mythical road (M6)

Fifteen years after its launch, the adventure game has invited former candidates emblematic to set off on the course of the first season (or almost). Suspense, reversals of situations and unusual encounters with the inhabitants of the countries crossed … the ingredients that make the success of the show were united, accompanied by a touch of nostalgia that kept us in suspense at the beginning of the first confinement.

Karambolage ( Arte)

Here is a discreet program, broadcast on Sundays to 20 h 35. January 4, Karambolage will blow out its seventeen candles, so many years spent explaining to viewers on each side of the Rhine French and German cultural specificities. Historical facts, culinary specialties and surprising etymologies are analyzed. Twelve playful minutes that help fight our Sunday night blues.

We are live (France 2)

After 10 seasons, We are not lying bowed out at the beginning of the summer. Laurent Ruquier kept the Saturday time slot in the second part of the evening but cut ties with the producer Catherine Barma, his historic former ally. With We’re live , he managed to find a new lease of life, leading interviews and discussions alone, in a club setting. A successful bet, avoiding clashes.

) Stars in the nude (TF1)

On paper, The idea that personalities train themselves to perform a striptease act in order to raise awareness of the importance of screening for testicular, prostate and breast cancers, leaves one wondering. It is clear that Stars in the nude leads the public to question their relationship to nudity in order to play down the fact of undressing in front of doctor. The personalities are revealed unvarnished. Moments of truth that also make great TV moments.